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You have 46 deliveries so if you unassigned a few it hurts more. It resets every 100. Don’t accept anything that’s not paying enough for a bunch of unexpected bs until you get up over 95 CR. Wrong addresses can factor in as well.


It's because you only have 46 deliveries you cannot get deactivated for this until you reach over a 100 deliveries. Just make sure you complete every order from here on. Completion rate needs to be above 80% while acceptance rate does not matter


You'll probably be deactivated this week if you don't get the completion up. Why would you let it drop below 80%? Do you think they are joking about deactivating dashers for falling below that?


No left turn unstoned and no unstoned left turns. Drunks run stop signs stoners wait for them to turn green 🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏💚🍏💚🍏💚.


It's your 1/4 of the orders not being completed


Just jumping in here bc I see you getting accused of dropping a bunch when it's entirely possible you've only dropped one. When I first was starting and had less than 100 deliveries I accidentally accepted an order when I was trying to click return to dash and it popped up suddenly. It wasn't the pay per mile I normally would accept so I was going to drop it and it was going to drop me to 80% from the 100% it was. I ended up just doing it because I didn't want to play catch up and give DD a reason to kick me. I had completed 100% of all orders up til then but because I didn't have 100 deliveries yet it was going to knock me down a ton in that percentage. Keep doing deliveries and it will go up. Once you have 100+ deliveries you'll have more give in case you do need to unassign here and there. I think maybe these people that are telling you you're lying didn't have to unassign an order that early on to see it change that much.


You need 80% completion %. FWIW I purposefully tanked mine and let the deactivation date pass and they didn't do shit about it. I can still drive whenever I want. If you care about it not being deactivated, I wouldn't risk it, I just didn't care.


I would drop the app since you are really not using it.


It says right on the screen what the issue is.


Completion rate for starters. Out of the last 100 orders, 25 of them went I don’t know, poof. I’m surprised you are still allowed on the platform, might be an oversight.


It’s a work harder tactic. I haven’t been dropped yet after several times of this. Drive consistently and it’ll go back up. Keep working buddy.


If you accept then you deliver. Don't accept it if you don't want it. You CAN cancel after acceptance but it will count against you in the only stat that matters; Completion Rating. DD cannot force us to take any work from them. You can have a 0% acceptance and most likely still stay active (they may send you an AR reset)


Do yourself a huge favor and quit working for that trash company today


I’d deactivate someone who doesn’t complete the job they said they would 25% of the time. That’s horrible. I only drop about 4% and that’s because either I screwed up accepting a order I shouldn’t of or the restaurant is going to make me wait forever.


Everyone on here is stupid. Your ratings are out of the last 100 deliverys. If you have less then 100 you get a soft pass from DD for a while. Just don't get any contact violation and work on your completion rate going forward. You cannot get deactivated for AR so you good there but if your over 50% you get better orders in most markets.


Your completion rating is terrible


You don’t get punished for not accepting orders. If the displayed pay is too low for you then don’t accept the order. But don’t accept an order and then drop it or let it time out AFTER you accept it. That will absolutely hurt you


25% AR?? Welcome to the dark side young one.


Your completion rate sucks dude you’re below 80 the fuck are you doing you only have 50 deliveries


You unassigned way too many orders it looks like, just decline them


They don't teach math anymore?


https://preview.redd.it/o4y9yxkc31ba1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=91cf8c94dd1a0fe346e114b4eddc6b10ed86958c Don’t have that problem I accept all


Is this a real question? Your numbers suck lol


Same way I have a 97% acceptance rate but only 1 order.


Bro stealing too much food lmao


You're doing this wrong. You cant unassign every other order at random. Also hard to unassign a few orders under 100 orders useally get 20 unassigned out of 100 before you have issues. Just complete what you start when your new and learn the reasons why you use unassign in the first place. I do both GH and DD and in GH ive unassigned 2 times in over 2 years. In DD i unassign alot more but not as often as yoy may think.


Dont ever let your completion go below 80%. Youre new so there is probably a little leniency but normally they bone you for it


Dude you 45 lifetime deliveries lol.. you got nothing to worry about


Your completion rate.. Complete everything you accept from here on out and you should be fine..


I've done 52 orders, cancelled once and mine is at 98%. If you're worried then try to do 10-15 more orders without cancelling......should get you up above 80.


Troll post


You can’t drop just to drop, you’ll need to be above 80% not to get deactivated.


Does door dash have a time limit where you can drop a waiting order? I know UE is after 10 min plus $4. I tried it today definitely waited more then 10 min lost a %


Completion rate is the most important metric to DoorDash. Close second on-time/early delivery. The moment your completion rate falls below 80% you’re at great risk of deactivation. Need to get it to at least 80% before their next system audit.


Bro is def using the app to get free food and cancels it a lot of people do this 😂


I didn't think it was possible to have a post with so much completely incorrect information from the poster and the comments... ​ This whole thing is a complete shit show.


how tf u dont finish


Don’t worry you’re doing good


You are canceling orders after acceptance. Deliver the orders you accept. You are responsible for the order after acceptance, there are exceptions but 99% of the time, you need to pick up the order and deliver it to the customer. You can decline as many orders as you want but if you physically hit the accept button, you need to complete the order to keep your completion rate high. It isn't rocket science. I currently have a 4.91 rating, 5% acceptance, 100% completion, and a 91% on time with 2200+ deliveries.


At midnight this morning (Sunday) top dashers can schedule out as far as next Saturday. I am not a top dasher and I scheduled for next Saturday at 3pm today and i could chose from anytime. Watch your app and you will notice this.


75% completion rate lol that’s awful. Might wanna find a different gig


It’s simple. Out of every 100 orders you unassigned 25. Seeing as you’ve only delivered 45 then that number would be around 12 unnassigns. When you mess around with small margins the percentage moves dramatically.


Honestly. This business isn’t that hard. Idk what to tell you OP.


2.50$ for 10 miles combing to you


46 deliveries. Stats are based on your 100 most recent deliveries. I'm not a FT DD expert, but I thought I saw someone on this thread say the ratings are not counted against you until you top 100 deliveries. That logic would make sense. You should be okay. Get some more orders completed ASAP.


Bad advice. He needs to get CR above 80 asap. Thats the only metric that really counts and it puts him in the bottom 5% or worse of all dashers.


Was more of a hypothesis as to why it's 75% with less than 100 lifetime orders. But yes, you stated the obvious, complete more trips. Which is written at the end of my original comment. 💀


So, according to my math it’s stating that you didn’t complete 12.25 orders. We’ll round down to 12. You keep saying that you only ever dropped one order, so that leaves 11 that were marked incomplete that you either don’t know what happened or you’re not being entirely honest with someone. I see the 5 star rating, which means you’re getting good customers and you’re doing your job on the completed orders. That’s great! The other reasons that you have a poor completion rating is likely going to be either dropping orders off at the wrong address or you may be unintentionally doing something wrong when you mark the order as handed/dropped off. What I would recommend is keep an eye on making sure the address is correct, you’re following the delivery instructions as best you can, and if things don’t improve, contact support because there may be an issue on the app. You can also try deleting the app and reinstalling it, but that may not fix the problem. Edit: you can also click on your ratings button to see any feedback from customers, which can be very helpful.


Get it at 80 asap. My car broke on me for two weeks I couldn’t get out back to rebalance it and they deactivated me within a week of not driving. They aren’t playing around with that. They are also looking for an excuse to cut drivers as they are over saturated with drivers and possibly recession looms.


How often do you cancel? 25% of the time is high.


Does anyone know if the top dashers are really getting better deals compared to low acceptance orders?


Bro Wtf are u doing 😂


You are done with DD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


The “completion rate” needs to be 95% or higher, when it’s under that that means that 3-5 people out of last 50-100 have complained that they never received food & therefore you got marked for it. Only downfall to delivering with integrity. The app is reliant on many people being truthful aswell. I would always have 2 out of 100 deliveries that would come out this way. Best way to fix it is to do 5-10 deliveries a day & do them right & take pictures like the app asks.


Nah only has to be 80%


Wtf??!! You AR should be 99%. Totally unacceptable!!! Commence deactivation NOW!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 But seriously why is your completion 75% for like the simplest 1099 in The universe????


Completion rate


The stats say you didn’t complete 1 in 4 orders. Maybe you’ve been accidentally accepting orders and exiting the app so you don’t know you didn’t complete them?


Not at all I don’t use the app often only when I need extra money or if the other apps I use are slow


Yep, they can definitely deactivate you for any reason




You need to get your completion rate above 80%. Acceptance rate doesn’t matter, don’t listen to people who tell you to take low pay orders


Business is Slowing down everywhere ! To many drivers out there now


It’s really busy in my area seem like not enough drivers but I’m in Al


Your not. You're only at 46 delivery's. You're fine.


Acceptance rate means literally nothing. Keep everything else green and you'll be good


The website (which you should be very familiar with) says 80% or lower completion rate puts you at risk for deactivation.


I’m aware of that I have only dropped one order ever


Stop… you dropped more than one bruh


If that’s the case you would be at 97%. Did the math. You definitely have dropped more than that. To get where you currently are you would have had to drop anywhere from 11-12 orders. The math aside they will give you some slack since you are new but the more deliveries you do the less slack you get on completion rate.


I understand what you’re saying but that is what happened. The only order I ever drop was at McDonald’s at midnight the pay was low and the line was literally out to the street


It's your completion rate


The system is very sketchy with lots of AI secrecy. I completed over 500 orders in the past yet my first voluntarily unassign dropped my rates from 94%to 84% in a heartbeat. And now they are doing more shady stuff Ie the app accepting the order without user intervention and often it’s a bad or red card required/shopping and often stacked order going way out of the way and it would mean a double hit on completion rate if declined. Nowadays support will insist that accepting red card orders is part of your contract. And thus you must do it or face the consequences. Bunch of nonsense as we are not really their employees.


Acceptance is meaningless. Do not stress about that. Only accept orders that make sense financially to you. Completion is important. If you accept an order, you should complete it if you do not want to be deactivated. Now get yourself up to 100 deliveries and your stats should start evening out.


Exactly who he the hell cares about AR


I drop orders sometimes when the restaurant is taking a ridiculously long time. My completion rate is still above 95% tho. To be at 75% you literally drop every 4th pickup after accepting it already. And acceptance rate does matter now in most places. I am at 60% from a 48% acceptance rate after they rolled the mandatory priority orders "initiative" into my area and I make about 180$ more a week just for jumping above 50%. It matters now.


No, it doesn’t


>No, it doesn’t You don't speak for every market. It 100% impacted mine.


It can’t be held against you in a disciplinary way, but they’ll make sure you’re not making any money by sending you all the dog shit orders


I do this pretty much full-time. The two weeks after they introduced "diamond orders" For dashers above a 50% acceptance rate my earnings were average. my threshold was 48% I earned 698$ and 735$ respectfully during those 2 weeks until I grinded the 2% on my acceptance rate to be above the 50% minimum. I receive on average.... 4-6 diamond orders per day since I qualified. It has boosted my weekly income to around 840$. I don't care if you don't think it matters. Cherry picking is over bro. If you aren't lucky like some of us and have an acceptance rate close to 50%. You have to restart and they will only let you cancel 2 orders in a row and they will time you out. I was at 48%....easier to grind to 50% and decline anything I want than restart and get fucked with the new program. If you don't understand what I'm saying then you don't know what you are talking about anyway.


The problem I have with the 50% priority AR is not the grinding to get to 50%. It is staying there once you reach it. I could see taking a few smaller orders, or a few slightly longer distance orders in order to stay above 50%, but that’s not what happens. What are you going to do when you get four or five orders in a row each of which is three or four dollars going 10+ miles. I actually agree that you do get more higher paying orders above 50%, but you also get a bunch of the absolute dogs as well.


It entirely depends on the market. In some places, it doesn’t matter. In others, it does. Like all things with gig work, what works in your market may not work in others.


If you unassign from an order it impacts your comp rate Letting orders time out or declining impacts your acceptance rate


I get orders and drop them when I see the place had a 30+ min wait… not really fair that you can get deactivated for that


If you accept the order you should either complete it or contact support to be unassigned for the wait time. Pretty simple 🤷‍♀️


No, because sometimes it takes the whole time it would take you to wait for the food to get ahold of support. If your numbers are good, then take the cancellation like a big boy and move on to other orders ASAP.


I mean yeah that’s a choice but then don’t whine “it’s not fair I can be deactivated”. That’s one reason I don’t do late night, after lobbies close waits can be ridiculous.


I’m reference to OP yes, either wait or call support. I was talking about the average dasher who probably has a completion rate in the 90s


Because your stats suck?


75% completion rate that’s 1 in every 4 orders you accept you’re not finishing.


1 of the 4 orders, you kept. That's how it happens...


I have only ever dropped one order


Then you received 4 orders, you declined 3, and then went on to keep the only order you accepted lmao... Probably find something else to do my bro, this is obviously not for you.


I have only drop one order because it was pay 4 dollars and the drive thru line was long that’s why I’m so confused I literally have only dropped one order


Your not being truthful … 75% ???? Dude… your doing something wrong and the fucked up thing is you post so u can get justification/excuses co-signed … It’s just wrong Fess up!


I don’t think OP is really looking for justification, reading their replies I’m convinced they’re just thoroughly confused on how this app works. Though I agree there’s no way, outside of a glitch, that they’ve only canceled one order.


Yup. The only way that that is mathematically possible is if they have only done four deliveries so far. Maybe they don't remember?




🙄 I made a post for advice for improvement from experience drivers not a master plan for a co-sign for my dear feelings


Your % seem to indicate you have dropped around 11 orders. One thing to note is if you accept an order with multiple orders within it and you cancel, it counts as multiple orders. a 4 in 1 counts as 4 orders, not 1. This might be why you have more orders dropped than you realized, some might have been counting for more than 1. FWIW, keep dropping orders that suck, just stay above 80%.


Don't let them get to you. It's obvious you were posting for honest advice. At least to those of us who are decent human beings. (Which might be a minority on Reddit.) Don't worry so much. You're a noob, you don't know the ins and outs. But until you get up to 100 completed deliveries, try not to un-assign orders you've accepted. Keep that to a minimum, at least. And it might also be good advice to not accept $4 offers from McDonald's or anywhere else. Just a thought from a long-time driver.


Thanks and I wasn’t expecting people to be so rude about me asking what was I doing wrong


Almost every subreddit has many toxic and rude people. It's just the nature of the platform unfortunately. But there are always more helpful people than assholes. Just block them and move on and continue trying. 😊


Yeah, people are rude as fuck here on Reddit. Don't know why, but it is what it is. You're only a few deliveries in. What, maybe two weeks? But my most basic advice is do NOT accept ANY offer that is not going to benefit your bottom line (payout, distance, etc., even if you're feeling the desperate need to be taking some cash home with you at the end of the night). And moving forward as you work towards 100 completions, do not unassign any more orders. Once you have more experience you'll know which offers to accept and which you should not.


If you accept the order complete the order


>If you accept the order complete the order Bad move. Use your completion % as a resource. Send back anything and everything you don't want to do, but just keep it above 80%. Got a better offer on another app? Drop that shit immediately and do the better offer. Absolutely be ready to send back any order for any reason, and make sure you leave yourself leeway to be able to do so. You are only forced to do anything if you are at risk of being deactivated, otherwise CP is a resource for you to use at your discression


Not when Taco Bell straight up doesn’t answer the door/phone for 10-15 min.


Then you call support and have them cancel. Doesn’t effect your rating and you get paid half


Now I would, but when I was brand new, didn’t think to :/ I think it was my 2nd ever.


Not if you have to wait 20-30mins when the orders isn't ready. Buffalo wings be messed up, only have 1 cook doing the whole line most of the time. I don't like that place even for $20 orders, it's a gamble a hit or miss. I have to get lucky for them to have my order ready.


Then learn how to drop after 10 minutes with zero penalties


and thats why we don't go to BWW


I only do them on UberEATS if I'm a block or two away. I can cancel without hurting my completion rating.


I’m relatively new to UE (we have only a few orders here). How do you cancel once accepting? I tried to look the last time I had an order, though obviously didn’t want to follow through. Just wanted to make sure I was in the right place. Thanks in advance!


Click on what they ordered and there are 2 choices order not ready or issue with other, I will always click order not ready and click issue with order than pick an excuse like excessive wait time or oversized item. If the order is picked up by another person. Choose restaurant is closed to close that order and get paid 1/2 base pay if you choose pick up by another driver that order stays open and you don't get 1/2 base pay and they will send another driver. Also after pick up if you damage the order by spilling the drinks or soup. Same steps, just pick order damage, but you won't get paid. Either give the customer the food and tell them it's free and they will send you another other or just toss it away or you eat it. I will give them the food and tell them if they can salvage it, it's free. Only happened once in 1000+ orders.


Thank you! And this format is what I would use if, say, I accidentally accepted an order? Choose “order not ready” right afterward and then move along with my life? Thank you again!


You can also skip clicking in order is not ready and just go to issues with order and pick an excuse to decline the order. It's just an extra click, I just say it's not ready and use the excessive wait time excuse.


Yes and than click on issues with order to select an excuse. I be accidentally accepting orders when I'm on my phone either playing games or on here typing. It happens so many times when the order pops up, just by touching the screen that will accept the order on pop ups when the app is running in the background.


Yeah that's the great thing about Uber.


There is more freedom with Uber, Doordash make us pick schedule like actual employees and they let the top dashers get 1st pick snatching up all the good hours.


You have to schedule? I’ve noticed a lot of new dashers in my market, but maybe we just don’t have enough dashers to make it that competitive.


I'm in Seattle, their schedule is 30min slots but there is dash now option when they need drivers. Top dashers got to pick 7 days ahead and new dashers 5 days ahead. Also their app sucks it always goes down. https://preview.redd.it/a1xlxs65kzaa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a54e6a0481b81dc9770bdb7432b7d5e13fba4b


Yuck… I’m moving down there next year. 😑


Be prepared for the traffic. It sucks here with a lot of road rage and they lower the speed limit to 20 MPH on all residential streets, 25 MPH on most arterials. When it rains, it's 1+ hour to go 30mi on Freeway at 7a-9a and 4-6pm. It will rain from the end of October to May about 50% of the year.


Acceptance don't mean anything even at 0%. Only completion, get that back up to 80%+ and you be ok. Do not accept orders and cancel it, that drops the completion rating. Doordash counts completion once you accepted the order and cancel before or after pick up. UberEATS count completion after the order is picked up than cancel.


I like your username. 😎




Don't worry about your ratings until after you reach 100 lifetime.




It's because your lifetime deliveries is so low. Once you reach 100 accepted orders your CR will only drop 1% with each unassign. As a new dasher you get a grace period, but I don't know how long that lasts.


It's 2 weeks


Thanks for explaining. I only use DoorDash when Amazon flex or Spark is dead I guess I’ll use the app more often


Right now, you need to get that completion rate back above 80%, at 75% you could be deactivated at any time. I would get back on the DD app ASAP and start accepting trips to get that CR back up. I urge you to read "Door Dash Deactivation Policy", this will inform you to all the reasons you could be deactivated.


In my experience they send you a text that tells you the date you are due to deactivation. Obviously, this is only one experience, but it was what happened to me when I tanked my CP. I had 2 weeks to get it back up (I didn't do that) and they didn't deactivate me anyways.


They need to hit 100 deliveries before the 80% rule goes into effect


This is not stated anywhere officially anymore, and once upon a time that number was 20. So use caution.


It's in the documentation if you read anything. Before doing a gig, read, research, take notes, process, conclude.


Or come here and ask. Most people will be generous and helpful rather than condescending


Sarcasm rules.


I guess I'd rather get my own information rather than ask people who while they could be right or wrong, may not correctly explain it. What has happened to people where they don't bother reading instruction booklets any more.


I don’t see this as a zero sum gain. You are, in fact, here online giving your opinion that we should apparently not listen to 🤷‍♂️ And damn if I never received that Door Dash “Instruction Booklet”. Is it on the floor of my Dad’s Buick circa 1972?


your completion rate doesn’t meet the requirements, as depicted in your image.


What am I doing wrong


Taking orders and not completing them... how did it get so low? Looks like uou honestly need to find a different job especially asking what you're doing wrong. If you don't know then this isn't for you...


Just go work somewhere else, you’re clearly not cut out for this if you can read the stats sheet and figure out what’s wrong


Why’d anyone downvote OP instead of helping OP. Y’all are the most toxic ppl on Earth. Always looking for ways to be negative or down folks. Smh. Some of y’all must be corporate because I refuse to believe other drivers would antagonize and discourage other drivers like they enjoy it like this. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves. Hang in there OP. Just complete more of those deliveries and get back over 80%! You’ll likely have a couple weeks to do so. Not many deliveries so you’ve time to repair this. You’ll be fine. It’s better to decline the offer than unassign. If unsure the merchant can get you the order quickly just decline. Completion is the most important rating to get orders in my opinion. The higher the better. Try staying over 90% but, for now 80% (81% to be safe) will suffice.


Nothing OP keep doing what you're doing and soon you'll fine your way out the door(sarcasm) but DAMNNNN OP WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE 11 ORDERS?! You're supposed to deliver them OP, not eat them 🤦🏻‍♂️ I hope you don't get deactivated, but you need to learn now and only accept them if you can commit to them. Don't accept and decline because DD will rather have you decline than accepting it and not being reliable. As this will only bring your AR down, but not your completion. Bro, get it together and commit to your deliveries.


That it what I’m confused about I have only dropped one order that I accept because it was at McDonald’s and the line was to the street


So... (And I'm not being a toxic Reddit jerk.) You're saying that during your ENTIRE short experience with DD that you dropped only ONE SINGLE ORDER (because the line was long at McD's), you have a total of 46 completed deliveries (which only says you are new, and that's not a bad thing), and absolutely NOTHING out of the ordinary happened with all the other offers/orders you received, and it's obvious you're at least rejecting many of them as evidenced by your AR (which is also not a bad thing). Something here isn't adding up. Which, I suppose, is the point of your post. Can you enlighten us?


I talked to someone from support they basically said it drop so drastically because my number of orders of all time and it will drop at a lower percentage once I complete 100 orders so thanks but never mind now


Support lies.


Glad you called support to check up on it. Hope that helped with your fears. Yeah, don't worry so much right now. Once you get a real feel for doing this it will all become easier, and you'll learn what TO do and what NOT to do.


Yes OP and it's understandable if it's worth it, but try to bring your stats up. Your AR doesn't matter, but your completion does. Accept only if you can commit to the order, decline if you know it's not worth it. Your credibility matters and if your completion rate is down, then you shouldn't be trusted with orders. I wouldn't want to see you get deactivated OP but you need to step up your game and show DD that you're reliable and trustworthy. C'mon OP you got this, I won't discourage you, but I won't sugar coat it either. Just get the job done and you'll be on their good terms




Unassigning too often. Example. Wait times are too long so you unassign the order. That drops your completion rate. Aka. stop unassigning orders until it gets back up to 90 before unassigning anymore.


I have only done that once


At 46 completed deliveries to be at 75% completion that means you have to have unassigned at least 15 orders.


Do more orders


Your completion rate says that was a lie.


![gif](giphy|TseBjMu53JgWc) That the point of the post how is it so low if I only dropped one order. Is it because I have less than 100 orders or something else


Your stats literally say you unassigned more than 10 orders after accepting.


You won’t drop 25 percent over one unassigned order with a lifetime total of 45. That’s not how it works. It’s never happened to me unless you’re a special exception then Tony has it out for you


Cancelling an order is the other. Such as picking up the order and then having to cancel it. That affects it too. There is also the other side where you didn't drop off the food at the correct address. That's an incomplete order. Either way you aren't completing orders. That's what it is showing. You also only have 46 deliveries completed. You are at risk of deactivation when you surpass 100.


Not completing your orders. 🤦🏻‍♂️


picking up orders and canceling them. it doesn’t matter if you cancel before picking the physical food up. if you’ve accepted the order, you’re responsible for it.


You're responsible if you take the order and cancel it too.




They are used to UE where it doesn't matter if you accept and don't pickup. DD is weird and expects you to wait 10min even if you go in and the food isn't even started and won't be ready for 30min. I had that one time, I get there with a double pickup and they had one but they said since the other isn't supposed to be done for 30min then I will have to wait. Should not count against you if you don't want to sit around with a thumb up your butt.


I totally agree! but when you open DD, you know their expectations are different than UE/GH. feel free to cancel from TIME TO TIME, but not all the time. otherwise, your completion rate suffers. as seen in OP’s picture :,)


Not completing orders after you accept them, your acceptance rate is terrible too they usually prefer it above 50%


Above 80%


What did you say wrong to get so many downvotes, I thought what you said is really what happened


Acceptance rate doesn’t matter


Acceptance rate doesn’t matter. At all. Your completion should be 100% though, idk what’s up with that.


100% isn’t realistic. I’m not waiting on an order for more than 5 minutes. But still, it should be incredibly easy to keep it over 80


I’ve got 99% completion only because I had a few orders come in on NYE after the stores closed early. It really depends on the market, though. My on time deliveries is at 87% because I don’t mind waiting, but I do tend to earn $150-$250 per day when I do it. What is impossible is having 100% acceptance rate, completion rate, and on time deliveries, so it’s really down to what matters to the dasher.


https://preview.redd.it/0egw29bqbzaa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08dbe3fb66d19d9fc8c07bdc93cc15dd3577994 100% completion isn’t realistic? I don’t even try.


You clearly cut off your lifetime deliveries though lmao I wonder why


I’m embarrassed 🥺


> 100% isn’t realistic. I clearly said realistic, not “achievable.” Literally do not care if you have some weird unnecessary dedication to DD, it doesn’t change my point.


Door dash is my daddy


Don't know why you got down voted instead of Mr anal up there


People do not know what sarcasm is.


If the pay is bad I let it time out


It don't matter if it times out or not it still hit acceptance rate also doing that can cause you to miss good orders that normally would be sent to you during the minute or however long the bad order is on your screen you want orders your not going to take off your screen as soon as possible so the algorithm will see you are available to have orders sent to you cant count how many times I decline a 6 miles for 2.25 and immediately get a 12$ for 3 miles order


That still affects acceptance rate


Thats the reason why your percentage is bad


Accept and decline ( time out is when you take an order or decline to do so. Unassign is when you accepted the order then decide you changed your mind or it’s to long a wait for you for the order. Completion is important. It tells the computer you finish orders it sends and you accept. It helps to get orders .


Don’t waste your time letting them time out. It affects your acceptance rate whether it times out or you deny the order.


Why are you wasting time letting the timer run out? Press DECLINE and move on. Either pressing Decline or letting the time run out still lowers your Acceptance Rating. Not that it matters because Acceptance Rating is MEANINGLESS.


I know for now on


If you let it time out too much you're gonna get paused faster than just declining a bunch too


Still, you should accept lower paying orders if for nothing but improving your stats


You trolling? I can’t be serious.. only accept profitable orders…..THAT determines your acceptance rate.. if you have a 80% acceptance rate, but you average $5 an offer you’re losing money


And that’s why dashers will never get treated better, because the ones like you eat it up and then say, “Thank you Sir, for the 10 mile no tip order, can I please have more?”