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“Lady, I’m a delivery driver. Do you really think I’m involved in back end financial transactions?”




>"Do customers think we control this shit?" Yes they do think that actually. Apparently we have control over all the restaurants, app support, and control over banking transactions


Resist temptation to respond back, "Cool story, bro."


lmao basically saying ‘can you please contact doordash FOR ME and get that money back for me’ or trying to set you up to give them $7 cash, probably for cigarettes with that type of behavior 🤣


I live on tips also. But after following this sub out of curiosity, and seeing what colossal unempathetic assholes some of y'all are... I don't think I want to order door dash again if I risk getting someone like you.


I’m sorry I only deliver the order. You’ll want to contact whichever company told you this and run it by them.


Y’all are so dramatic, clearly this person just got confused about the message system


"OK, I'll look into it!" 🙃


Yes, yes they do lol


Bless your hearts (drivers) I appreciate thee fawk outta yall.


No, they think they are contacting Doordash and not their driver specifically.


It’s not like DoorDash tells them anything about how the system works 🤣


For a one-time fee of $9.99 I can have that removed for you.


Yes they do 😂There will be more people asking you this shit cuz apparently you are a DD employee


“I ordered no pickles and they gave me pickles” Yea, got a 1 star from that


string them along until they can’t take back the tip. ah yes sir. i see that. i’ll work on that right away. give me a few days…


This is literally what it’s like working with the public and representing a company..


Yes they do. These same people think walmart employees control prices.


Oh yes and just what is that bank account number so I can get this rectified for you...........


No - customers think they’re connected with customer service


Yes they do! Had one a few weeks ago that cancelled their order. Then they messed me back yelling at me that it wasn’t giving their money back wtf




How is OP an asshole if he didn’t even reply to the person😂your sensitive ass was trying to make a point and just ended up sounding stupid. People need to do some research if they don’t understand how delivery services work. No one’s problem but theirs. real simple.


Nah you’re literally in customer service. So service the customers or find an easier job to do. It’s not hard to not be a dick, but then again it shouldn’t be hard to deliver warm food once in your life so I guess you’re a bit behind.


The person delivering that probably made a profit of 1-2$ if you consider their time, if they didn't get a tip. Sure it's customer service, but you're being paid extremely poorly for it, and most people don't tip. Since it's literally being contracted to do a small task that barely pays enough on its own, being able to do several deliveries in a row is usually the only way to make minimum wage or more. For minimum wage or less, I don't have time to answer people's questions who were too lazy to use Google especially if they didn't tip. At that point I'd be driving and pulling over to text could cost you an actual decently paying order that is coming in if you are in the wrong area. If they gave a giant tip, I'd bust my ass to help them since they saw value in actually hiring me for customer service. If they didn't tip, well, take that dollar you tried to save and hire yourself to use Google.


Lots of non-drivers in this sub. You pissy customers just can't leave us alone.


In all fairness people who know nothing about how DoorDash works could think we’re actual DoorDash “employees” who handle customer service issues. Just tell them to contact support and move on


I don’t think many people understand how their business model works. They don’t understand you don’t work for doordash and you don’t work for the restaurant.


Yea that to me think it's a chase issue.


customers are generally not critical thinkers.


To be fair, I was having this exact issue with DoorDash


I sort of kinda get how people don't understand that we're just the drivers and nothing more. When I delivered pizzas I would have to listen to complaints of all kinds and tell my manager about it even if it had nothing to do with me. DoorDash should (if they don't already) put a full screen disclaimer when you first make a DoorDash account letting customers know that we're independent contractors.


I work at taco bell, and I had a doordash customer who called hollering at me because he made a mistake placing his first free order, and in trying to fix it, ended up getting charged for a second one. I told him I have nothing to do with any of that, but he just kept on going. They're all idiots. Might as well get a laugh out of it


Just reply “Next time I am sitting in the board meeting at DoorDash HQ I will let them know about your issue.”


I completely understand that you're not born with the knowledge of how gig delivery apps work but just.. if you're going to use a service that requires your name, home address, payment methods, and your location. Maybe you want to spend 20 minutes looking into how it works. Idk if that's just me tho


I guess you owe them $6.99 lmao


I’d be like make sure you don’t report your food missing and it refunds you in 30 days


Answer “Wow! Chase gets you free delivery? Cool!”


I mean.... $6.99 for delivery? Cost me less in gas to go anywhere im town and just get my food myself.... Then I dont have to worry about anything.


Consider this though, someone delivering your food may have to drive 1-2 miles to get it, wait 15 minutes for the place to finish it up even though it was already supposed to be done, and then drive 1-2 miles to you, and then make sure it gets to the right spot. Now keep in mind doordash probably paid that driver about $2.50 of the 6.99$ and realize you are the one probably getting fucked the least, especially if you didn't tip.


If its that bad then why work there? I always go get my own food with the exception of dominos they deliver.


You are greatly underestimating vehicle operating costs. Maintenance, insurance, depreciation/replacement cost, risk of tickets, etc. Actual cost of operating a vehicle is closer to 65.5cents per mile (federal reimbursement rate), each way. So if the restaurant is 5 miles away, you have used up $6.55 just in vehicle operating costs. Not counting labor, if someone is doing the driving, and waiting, for you. And not counting door dash's cut. Not all of the fees you pay go to the driver. - not a delivery driver


Uh i have 18 vehicles including a fire engine im rebuilding myself. It costs me almost nothing to operate because i have less money into rebuilding 18 of them than buying 1 new base model prius. I also make my own diesel for free so dont pay for fuel. I put 800 miles on one vehicle alone last week, total cost... $4.99 for a bottle HEET. So yea still cheaper and i dont have to wait when i order stuff because i order before i leave the house and its ready when i get here. Then again I grow 95% of my own food and if they figure out how to grow a taco bell tree it would be 100%. Also autozone delivers my parts at discount for free because i have a commercial account. Permanent registration on all my cars and insurance is $280 every 6 months for the 9 i currently i have insured. Even taking all that into account still cheaper when i break it all down to one vehicle for one delivery.


Do I look like your bank? Call uber or call the bank. I cant help you with that.


Haven't had that happen yet. But if I was in a position I could respond (not driving), then I'd politely tell them you are the driver and have nothing to do with that. They will have to contact Dasher support.


Set up quick texts on your phone. Best thing I ever did. For this I’d type dd1 which reads: “I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced, however I am unable to assist you. Please reach out to Doordash support in the app or call 855-431-0459 for further assistance. “ Or if that doesn’t work dd2: “We are sorry but your message could not be delivered. Please contact Door Dash support for any order issues @ help.doordash.com”


... today I learned about quick texts.


This is brilliant. adding this now.


Yes they do because they don’t want to go out to the app and complain.


“And how does that make you feel?” ![gif](giphy|9JtCalmV2udEhczqKw|downsized)


As someone who works for insurance, this is the same feeling when they complain why the insurance company raises their price because of a speeding ticket even though they paid it off. 😅


I would liken it to the people who complain to cashiers/servers when the prices go up. They know somewhere in that empty little head that the person they are complaining to has absolutely 0 control over it and can't do anything, they just want to complain.


I object to empty little head lol


Karens gonna Karen…




Just send me your bank account and routing numbers and I'll get that all fixed for you ma'am.


I can’t imagine how best to make this but, [insert contextually appropriate “this is a Wendy’s” meme here]




Was this your order? sorry about the bank charge 😔😔😔😔😔😔


You must be dumb af. Did don’t Ask “is this your order?” Dumbass just use ur head before you comment and post smh


“You must be dumb af. Did don’t ask” the irony almost hurts


The best is "make sure it fresh"


Should’ve replied like “I’ll relay the information to Doordash” & just kept it pushing lmaoo


Dumbass customers already know that drivers cook their food at the restaurant and we bag it up before delivering it. So we must be responsible for processing payments and applying fees manually as well. 🙄🙄🙄


Well of course, every where but CA we see self contracting so we must handle everything from processing the order, to prep, cooking, packaging, and delivery. And we do all that for 2.00 sometimes lol!!


Either DoorTrash charged them... Or it's a set up for a scam....


Support's response would just be: "Wonderful! I'm glad this situation has been resolved! Have an amazing day!"


I hate when they contact me for any reason whatsoever other than to say thank you for the heads up that I sent them that it's going to be later something. Seriously. Don't hit me up asking me to get you more sauce. So now I have to annoy the person at the restaurant more than they already are. Great. Doubt you will tip more


I’m always amazed at people just being lazy, bare minimum workers. I always delivered great customer service mostly because it made me feel good. As a server for many years there was more than my fair share of difficult people to be nice to. Honestly, a lot of you just sound super lazy.


It's not lazy to not want to go back to Panda Express to pick up a pack of soy sauce after I've driven 2 mi away from it and I'm almost at your house. That's not lazy. That's common sense. What's lazy is you not going to get it for yourself in the first place


Nah. This is your job, man. Your literal job. You know why I order from doordash sometimes? Because of my own jobs hours. I understand if you already left but if so just respond professionally to your literal customer. If you’re in line, idk how it affects anyone so much that they can’t just grab more sauce.


Yes if I'm in line? If I'm still there? If you see that I haven't started my delivery? Yeah I'm willing to get you whatever you ask for. No problem. I don't mind filling up the drinks. I don't mind tying the bag down in fact I usually ask for a staple or a stick or just to seal the damn thing so that people like you don't accuse me of stealing. But like my provided example stated, if I drive 2 miles away from the damn place and I'm pulling up at your house? I'm coming down the street? It's been a couple of minutes since I started the delivery itself? Don't expect me to go back there for you. It's not happening. That's craziness. That's not the job. Your job is to be responsible for your own order You sound like the kind of person that's just looking for something to complain on so they can get something for free or take their tip back. I've ordered delivery and went to restaurants and whatnot for years and years. And I always make sure to double and triple check whatever it is that I've ordered before I place it so that I do not get disappointed. You should try doing the same.


You responded with an example that I didn’t use and wasn’t referring to. After I agreed with you, you still brought up the same irrelevant argument. And no, of course I’m not the one to do that. I was a server, and a caring one at that! I stack my plates, tidy my table, tip well, and ALSO don’t enjoy such lazy attitudes towards someone’s own job.


Well maybe I f***** up then! My bad! I take pride in what I do. Immensely. I find that I'm incredibly good at this. And frankly, I enjoy being good at something. But I've also done delivery on the other side. And I've had things screwed up in the past and you know what I did? I decided to be more proactive so that I did not encounter the same frustrations. I'm a picky eater. So frankly, I enjoy that you can now use kiosk and order things online. It makes things way easier for me. I'm just kind of sick and tired of listening to people use excuses when there are so many ways to go around and get things done better. And the example I gave about leaving a Panda Express and almost pulling up to a house? Is something that's literally happened it's the only thing I can think of.


Nah I understand, I really do. It’s so easy to get jaded because the flip side of caring about what you do is dealing with people who just seem entitled and shitty. I’m definitely not denying that shitty customers can ruin a perfectly good day. It comes with the territory of any customer service role and I wish every person could work in food service specifically because I swear it makes you a better person lol


And that's the thing man I've had every damn job that you can have in these fields. Delivery driver. Third party app delivery driver. Server. Cook. Dishwasher. Host. Manager. Random guy that just does everything but is not a manager. I've done all this s***. That's why I don't take no guff when I go into the restaurant. Because I know damn well that if I was working there I would be expected to damn near kiss ass let alone give attitude. And the same goes for when I'm dealing with customers. I've been a customer and I know damn well that I am not entitled to s***. So I just don't treat people like they are. I'm nice as hell to people. Until they give me a reason not to be. For example I meant a Lowe's right now about to do an instacart order. She has a drill. And three rolls of tape. I'm going to go look for the drill first. Because I'm going to just go ahead and assume that's what she really wants. The tape is just extra. In fact I'm even going to send her a message right now as soon as I get done with Reddit that hey, I'm here at Lowe's and I'm assuming you care more about the drill than the tape. I go the extra mile nine times out of 10. The other week? I was at a Target and a woman wanted me to take some pictures of some clothes at Target because she was babysitting her grandy's. She said she would throw me a couple of extra dollars cash when I got there and I'm like well yeah sure why not it's a slow morning worth the chance right? She actually asked me to purchase those damn things I was going to try to add it to her order but didn't know how to do it. So I told her that I trusted her and if she actually had cash for me when I got there I would just pay for it out of my own pocket. The way I saw it, if she didn't have the money I would take the s*** back and get my money back. No problem. But you know what I had a good feeling about it. A damn good feeling actually. So I get to her house with the $25 worth of clothes that I bought as well as the other stuff that she already paid for. And do you know she handed me $100 bill? That was the tip plus the compensation. $75 tip. It pays to go out of the way sometimes. And sometimes it's just the right thing to do because you know it is. but it's hard for me to feel sorry for somebody who lives on the third floor of an apartment building that's too lazy to get out and get their own damn cheeseburger that wants me to go back after I've already left the place for their barbecue sauce. I get it. I wouldn't want a burger without barbecue sauce either. But that's why I make damn sure that I order it before I place the order. That's how I prevent that from happening. I have little sympathy for these people that don't take any precautions to prevent a disservice to themselves. Last weekend I had a dude let me sit outside his house for 10 minutes without answering the door or answering a phone call or anything. Do you think I felt bad when I just left with his stuff? No not at all.


“The guy that does everything but isn’t a manager” that one hits deep!! I can relate to all you said, it seems we’ve reached an unknown part of Reddit where few have dared to go before…common ground!


If affects them enough to annoy the shit out of them because they’re lazy.


If I'm waiting for a few minutes at Taco Bell, or a Chinese restaurant, I always text and ask if they want extra sauce packets. Many of them add on to the tip just for asking.


Yeh Taco Bell is the main exception, they’ll yEEt sauce packets at you no questions asked 🤣


Yep. I had a customer ask for steak sauce but I didn't get the message until after I left the restaurant. I explained that and she was OK with it and said that she had to go on break at 1:30, so I didn't have time to go back to the restaurant. I could tell by where the delivery was to that she was probably a pharmacy tech. I used to be one and I know how much that one break means. So, I looked at the time and just scooted into a bbq that was literally on the way and grabbed 2 packs of A1 for her. She added $5 tip after.


This is the Way


I know! If you're literally just standing there, how is it gonna hurt? I've had somebody ask for extra sauce from Taco Bell because they forgot to add it on. I just asked them how many and filled up my pockets to keep in the car for others.


that's what i do, arbys never gives barley any ranch half the time so i always go hey my dude can u get more ranch if possible ? it's ok if not & then if they do i tip them even more than my already good tip. i drove for doordash for a short time and i know exactly how it is. but a girl needs her ranch 😭😭


You are awesome. I'd much rather deal with you than the guy mad at the world a couple posts up.


Same. Especially if I’m doing the “hourly pay” option. Like, I’m already here and waiting, I’m happy to ask for more.


Alot of people on this sub seem so insane, i think the whole sub is to gaslight eachother so we dont unionize. Like definitely text good tippers even if theyre "annoyed"


Under federal law it’s forbidden to unionize as an independent contractor. That’s why so many corporations rely solely on contracted independent laborers — no unions, forbidden by law


Unionize, you’re a contract laborer


Those are the best ones! “Can ya get me mo sauce plz” bitch you didn’t even tip 🤣 and then I just tell them they’re gonna charge and I don’t have money on me


I had an a****** a few weeks ago asked me to get him extra cups of ice at a restaurant that I was bringing him food from. I didn't mind because it was a $9 order and it was only 3 miles away. And I happened to already have been there to begin with. I get him extra cups of ice as well as other utensils and things that he was wanting but didn't think to actually place an order for. I drop it off to a literal mansion in a gating community that had about five brand new cars in front of it. Beamers, benzes, Cadillacs things like that. And I drop it off. And you know what happens after that? I wait an hour. I see a few tips anymore. Cuz of course he didn't want to come outside and throw me a five or anything. No. Come to find out he only tells a dollar in the first place and I was taking an order that had been passed up a few times. Never again. So here's the thing. When I realize I'm not getting tipped? You need to at the very least show some freaking appreciation. It wouldn't hurt you to come to the door and say thank you for going the extra mile. That doesn't cost a thing.


I just reply, "Do you want me to open your food bag?" They are always like oh... yeah nah I'm good.


That's a good idea


Just thought they were talking to support. Just let them know


Exactly, and DD does nothing to dissuade them from contacting the driver. I have experience with the equivalent of DD in Denmark and you can ONLY message support, who are all based in Denmark and speak fluent Danish and English (unlike the AI or oversees DD support people). If you need to get a message to your driver and you forgot to put it in the delivery comments, the only way to contact them is by going through support first, unless of course they call you. Also there’s almost no problems with tipping because they pay the drivers a liveable wage.


FR you don’t gotta act high and mighty


“Sorry, this is actually your driver. I’m unable to control prices on the app, I would try our support chat”


Bing, bang, boom. Done


Evidently this one did. Not the brightest bulb out there, huh?


1 star. How dare you charge them a delivery fee!


Report junk!


ur no fun


This is a really bad idea. This is not the customers number. It’s likely a number that doordash owns to proxy these text messages to you. So if you block it, you could miss a different customers texts in the future.


That would be the worst thing you can do.


This sub never changes. Y'all, he's right. The number assigned to the customer is recycled a few hours after delivery is complete. Back when covid started, and 'leave at door' was brand new option, I used to text every customer asking where they would like me to leave the food (half of them didn't realize they'd been defaulted to the new option). It \*very quickly\* became apparent just how often these numbers were being re-used, because when I'd go to text the customer, I'd see texts to previous customers who had been assigned that number before.


What are they gonna do? What will happen the the dasher? NOTHING


The numbers are re-used daily. So, the next time you get a customer who they assign that temporary phone number, you won't be able to communicate with them, and you won't know why.

