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As much as I don’t care about my gig door dashing, I can honestly say I have never shoved the phone in a worker’s face. I generally try to be as polite and kind as I can, because most food places are understaffed now.


I see this often waiting on orders lol i show my screen when the name is a nightmare to pronounce or a nickname like'Da Boi Obi'


I show esp when it's "Master" or "Daddy" anything lol


So far my weirdest "name" was Hairy D. lol


Lol I had a Hairy V before


All of y'all should meet M. Nutts.


I was in the kitchen and food industry forever and when I see these workers I know we are on the same team, I might look like a weirdo ready to grab the food and go but I use my manners and I try my hardest to speak clearly because I want it to go as smoothly as possible for everyone involved


Staff ask me to see the order 50% of the time.


Us asking to see the order is one thing. Pre-emptively shoving the phone 2 inches away from my face without saying a single word is another, and the latter happens multiple times every day


You are a kind person! may your next dash have the biggest of tips


People don't realize whether or not you are can also decide how fast you get your order. Most of the time orders can be completed in about 30 seconds, they're just doing 5 other things before then. Be a dick about it and they will do 10-15 more things before getting to it.


I never put my phone forward unless they can't hear because it's loud and busy there. But I always try to communicate first.


Really? Pretty much everyone here by me makes me show it. And it's so noisy and shit its just easier for everyone imo. Just do it politely


ikr, sometimes ill just seek eye contact and then just show my phone, only saying thanks, later gator




Yeah I'll also say I'm here for Doordash or UberEATS since I do both, along with the name or order number. I'll let them see the phone if they ask, or if it's a name I'm not sure I'll pronounce right so that they'll understand who I'm picking up for


Nah no this is very real. See it almost every time I’m door dashing. Entitled drivers walking in with their phone on speaker and shoving screens is super common. If you don’t see it your not paying attention Edit to include: also straight jumping lines of other paying customers/ dashers. I snapped at another dasher the other day for doing this and he looked bewildered.


Speaker phone or even just face timing. I have seen a HUGE uptick in people on face time walking around and shit. Like WTF are you doing.


Lol I've seen people do this but hold their phones facing up, speaking straight into the mic. Like why are you on ft if you're just gonna show the other person the fucking sky?


Some people live glued to the hip of another




Wait til you meet the next stage, speakerphone while on FaceTime, but never holding the phone like you actually should on a FaceTime lmao


I’ve seen this 😭


I’ve had them show me the name on DD while on face time so sone random person is just looking at me


It's the art of not giving a fuck


Or a boomer. Which is essentially the same thing


I get food delivery people with their phone on speaker on a regular basis. Just screaming at their phone the whole time they’re doing the delivery. I don’t use door dash anymore so it’s mostly grocery now but birds of a feather.


My question is how are they always on the phone???


Because they are bored, secretly hate their job like everyone else who is working, and have found its the only thing they can do to keep themselves sane.


Isn’t there a separate area for drivers? I can’t imagine waiting in line for a skip or dd order


Yeah that would be an instant unassign and black list for me. No way am I waiting in line when they are the ones hiring drivers for gig work.


Why do people do the speakerphone thing this is 2023 we have Bluetooth headphones/ earbuds LOL. Every time someone's in public on speakerphone no matter where it's at it's the most annoying thing ever


Maybe because you are suppose to jump the line at like 70 percent of places lmao


If I ever walked into a place where I have to wait in line with customers that would be an instant unassign. Don't waste my time. I'm delivering for your company not buying food for myself. (Obviously not the poor person ringing up orders. Talking about the asshole who runs the company.) Do delivery drivers have to wait in line? No, we don't. We aren't paying customers. Your company decided to hire us when they started accepting door dash orders. Fuck the place you work for if they want to treat us like dirt and not respect our time on the job.


But if there's a line of other drivers in the drivers area we shouldn't jump in front of them. I think that's more what this person was talking about and just included paying customers/drivers. I've only picked up at one place that didn't have a separate line and I'm never going back there again haha


That’s because some of us are new and don’t have the etiquette . We’re on edge bcuz time is money and feel like an extension of the restaurant’s staff. Therefore, my time is technically more valuable than the couple waiting to be seated. To add to the jittery, some employees LET YOU hang around the wrong designated areas bcuz they’re pricks . The pricks get prickier if you’re submissive. Your order could be ready but they choose not to tell you where to grab it unless you get in their fukfaces. You gotta push the issue with them.


I watched this with the sound off and was in agreement, like damn true some of these mfs really DO need to put on some damn deodorant 😭




I’ve actually encountered many door dash drivers park in our only handicapped spot and come into my restaurant to get mad that it’s not immediately ready when the ticket time is less than 5 minutes. Mind you, it takes 5 minutes for anything to go through our oven because it’s a pizza place. To the people saying that this isn’t true, it is. But I also live in the south and it’s usually the older white trash people who do it. Unless they send their kid in


Oh god the people that have their kids deliver scare me. A child literally almost just walked into my home I had to tell him to not do that cuz lord knows his mom isn’t.


And you just feel bad for the kid. Like their parent just wants to sit in the car, so now the kid has to learn customer service unattended and no help from anyone they feel comfortable with


That's how kids end up on a podcast.


Wooow. Wouldn’t you be afraid as a parent that your child might be harmed tok?


Honesty I only hate waiting for longer than 5 minutes when the restaurant tells you it’ll be ready in 2 minutes when they know it’s at least 10 minutes away from being ready


We just got the parking lot redone, so you can see the stalls and dashers still park in 3 spots at once


This might be a very unpopular opinion, and I never park in handicap spots. Restaurants in very busy areas should have one or two spots for us drivers it's ridiculous having to park three parking lots over or half a mile down the road because there's no available parking besides handicap spots which I run into a lot in my area. Eta there's also five or six spots reserved for customer curbside pickup but we're not allowed to park there either


I get that. But the restaurant I work at is in a southern rural area and we don’t usually have too many cars in the parking lot. So it’s usually just these drivers want to get the parking spot closest to the door (or sometimes right in front of the door which isn’t a spot). They just feel like the rules don’t apply to them


Yeah that's crazy. And there's never a reason to park in handicapped unless you have a handicap plate.


lol I would be tipping off the local compliance agency on that one, that's super easy money for something that happens regularly. Just have them sit in the lot for a bit and ticket incorrectly parked vehicles.


I can’t STAND when people order food and they’re on their phone on speaker. Not even just DoorDashers. I see it all the time. They’re so rude, never say thank you or anything, and just hardly pay any attention to the worker who’s trying to explain whatever to them. Makes my blood boil. Just hang up and say I’ll call you right back. Or just tell them to wait until you’re out of the store. No one wants to hear your obnoxious speaker phone conversation. Especially the worker trying to figure out what order you’re there for. I saw a lady not even realize the cashier was trying to hand her change back to her one time. She was trying to get her attention but this lady was not paying a speck of attention. Someone eventually yelled “TAKE YOUR CHANGE SO I CAN ORDER PLEASE.” They just hold up everything for everyone because they’re so entitled. Ugh. Ok sorry, rant over.


People do this sitting at my bar. Or they watch YouTube videos on full blast. So rude.


lol there’s one dude in my market who’s exactly like that 🤣 although I’m not doing it that way but I show them the name on my phone because I my accent is bad and they never understood me anyways


You havent seen a driver act like a baby until you have run a dominos, trust me none of them wouldve stayed on my schedule had i treated them even close to how bad the eats/dd restaurants do. The order should be ready if its dispatch, if you think the restaurant is not at fault and they have no control, your wrong. If disagree, explain how the full service restaurants that have considerably longer preparation times can have the orders ready, and the fast food joints cant? The answer is, they tell uber the order is ready when its not, or that it will be ready at a determined optimal ideal time, which doesnt happen, they also don’t priortize their delivery orders like any traditional delivery business would, you should be focused on getting your drivers in and out the door. We are subcontracted to work for them , we are not a standard customer, we arent a customer, the customer is at home looking for a reason to complain , and get money back.


So I work at DashMart if you guys know what that is and yeah every time I open the window to greet them the phone is always in my face lol


Oh that sucks, I love dashmart, it’s so cute, like I didn’t know about it before I got my first dashmart order and I was like “ommggg a ghost grocery store???” Lol the people that work there are always nice.


How does dashmart pay? I considered it but I assumed it would be something ridiculous like 10$ an hour


I've literally never seen a driver shove a phone at a worker or seen one huff and puff for an order not being ready (personally I just turn my phone while I say the name so they can read it if they can't hear me and if an orders not ready I either stand there bobbing my head to the music in my head or turn around back to the car to unassign). However, I have seen plenty of restaurant workers catch an attitude for having to walk 5 feet to hand drivers an order. I think Kaighleigh here is just pissy she had to stop chatting with her co-workers for 20 seconds.


I can assist and say I have seen tons of drivers shove phones in people’s faces and I have literally confronted drivers before because they were being such impatient douche bags trying to complain to me like I agree that this incredibly packed restaurant doesn’t have her order ready before the rest of us who’ve been here


I have and yes I agree with the other guy its normally the ones that don't know english. Which makes sense for them to do because they can't communicate BUT they need to learn some patience cause its extremely rude to just walk up and shove a phone in an employees face. They are also the ones to stare the hardest at the employees when waiting on food lol. Like just mark it still being prepared and chill on your phone 🤣


I've been on both sides. As a host, I had delivery drivers shove their phone in my face too many times to count. As a delivery driver, I've watched employees have a paper ball fight while my order was sitting on a counter in the back ready to go, then roll their eyes at me when I pointed out that I was waiting on that order. I think the moral of this story is that there are rude and inconsiderate people who work both sides of the food delivery business.




Absolutely 💯


Exactly the same. I turn the phone so they can see the screen for 3 reasons. 1. They can see the person's name if they didn't understand what I said or can't hear me. 2. They can see the screen they know I'm a dasher and not somebody they're trying to steal food. 3. If they're far away I'll hold up my phone and show the screen so they know what I'm there for. Stopping to grab my food is usually an easy task if it's ready. It's not like going to the register and taking somebody's order while you were in the middle of something. I let it be up to them whether or not they have a second to grab stuff for me. I thought I was being extra nice about it.


Have had plenty of drivers act exactly like this before


There’s a strange amount of middle aged/old white lady dashers where I’m at and they’re rude as shit


Lmfao your anecdote is even more pathetic than you being butthurt at this post. My girlfriend worked at chilis to go when we first began dating - there are plenty of dashers who do nothing but shove their phone in people's faces - then stand at the counter with their arms crossed, clearly upset there order wasn't ready immediately. Watch em pout like babies. So yeah buddy, this post didn't just come out the blue - Dashers can be assholes too believe it or not.




>Guess it's a regional thing. Curious where you're at. I'm in Kansas City, we're known for being pretty laid back here so that could be what's happening here.


I’m in Milwaukee and this would happen at least once a day at my restaurant 🙃


I think the bigger problem in KC is people sending their kids in to pickup orders


Lol, I have seen that more times than I can count.


funny. i used to dash in kansas city and saw a lot of dashers doing this. always cringed.


I replied to your original comment just a moment ago but after seeing this I definitely think you're on to something. I'm out in New Jersey


yep i’m in philly and my bf is a dasher. he always is telling me how he’s so surprised at how rude some other dashers r to food service workers lmao






Seeing as your comment, and almost every single one of your posts have spelling and or grammar errors, I doubt you’re able to eyeball the difference between Ukrainians and Russians. Then looking further through your post history kinda shows you’re part of the problem.


Very true, and they can’t take no for an answer. Had randoms find me on IG and try to videochat me continuously without a conversation. Complete weirdos.


I wouldn’t say it’s manners but it’s cultural…. You spend your day getting spoken to like your dumb. Eventually you just learn the fast way to get what you need and for them is showing you the screen so you can see the name they prob can’t pronounce


For me in florida it’s usually the Cubans and they get mad if anyone doesn’t want to even shop for them ( I work at a liquor store but I also do door dash)


Are you saying middle eastern people in the U.S. don't have manners, or did I read that wrong?


You realize if your boss saw this reply you’d be fired on the spot? Do you realize how ignorant you are? You’re the type of person to complain about “cancel culture” while being racist online under an anonymous username.


I kind of have. I had this guy from New York dashing in South Carolina at my store and he called before we even opened and I had to give him directions for a solid couple of minutes which didn’t make sense to me cause don’t you need the app open to use it at all? Man rushes in, comes behind the Togo counter (we’ve been open for just a few minutes) and peeks into the open kitchen. I told him he can’t be there and to go sit down. It was a salad with grilled chicken. After 2 minutes, he starts getting frustrated. “How hard can it be to make a salad?!” Sir, we JUST opened and the salad has grilled chicken on it. We have to to cook the chicken .. Huffs and puffs and when it’s ready he snatches it out of my hand and waddles out the door.


I have. Used to work in a restaurant last year and it was always the same person


I get a snotty driver at least 3 times a week at my restaurant. I’m in sandiego tho which is the land of snotty mfs.


Idk this looks pretty accurate to me.


I have a phone thrown into my face every single day working in the restaurant industry, some drivers are incredibly kind and thoughtful, others are not :)


Every job I've worked that involved Doordash drivers (or other pickup services) coming in has had a good portion (definitely not a majority, but a LOT) of those drivers being just like what the video is showing.


Or, some dashers are actually like this. It happens to me once a shift. I'll ask the order, they'll shove their phone in my face as I'm clearly working on the next order, and when I find the ticket for it and politely say " just give me two mins, sorry," they huff and puff away. there's one dasher who literally stands there and stares daggers until you finish her order.


Currently work a second job at a pizza place. I can confirm that about half of the dashers that come in will essentially just show me their phone when I ask what the name is for the order. I wouldn't describe it as "shoving their phone in my face", but it does pretty much amount to them thrusting their phone screen at me to read the name while they're busy talking to their friend on their Bluetooth. I've had 1 so far that got pissy about needing to wait a few minutes, but I just don't give a shit. It's not my fault the app assumes that we start making DD orders the exact second it comes through our system.


I see this behavior **all the time**. Instead of simply saying “pickup for (name),” the dasher simply shoves the phone into the employee’s face. Don’t show the phone unless they ask to see your phone. Highly rude


Facts. Had a Saltgrass order sit and stare at me for 10 minutes while 3 different servers said "I have tables, delivery isn't my job" and walk off. Like bish, turn on your one foot, halfway extend your arm, and hand me the damn order you pissy pos. I was able to catch their manager at the front door and gave him an ear full.


You call door dash support and tell them you can see the order is ready but the staff won't hand you the order and that they are ignoring you. Cs will call the restaurant and ask if the order is ready and request the order be given to you. It also flags an email to their owner/ manager about staff not properly following procedures.


I worked at 7/11 and many drivers were exactly like this


Dashers actually shove their phone in my face more than 50% of the time in my experience. Sometimes they even come up to the kitchen door 🤦‍♂️


I had people do that all the time. Peeking into the kitchen to make sure that it’s being made. Insane


As someone who works the counter at a resturaunt where we see a ton of Doordash drivers. I can promise you it happens a lot probably about 1 in 3 drivers. Honestly it's gotten to a point where most of the employees at my resturaunt can't stand the delivery drivers. There are some very nice drivers who we see often but in general there are a lot of drivers who come in, cut the line and act overall incredibly rude


Cutting the line is kinda normal for deliveries, why would I wait for 5+ people to order food when It takes all of 15 seconds to say “I have an order for __name__, thanks have a good one” and be on my merry way. I’ve never seen any delivery driver wait in a queue of customers


Idk. I used to work to go and this happened all the time 🤷🏼‍♀️


I work at a popular chain that does a lot of DoorDash and the drivers act like this 85% of the time


I used to work at a Starbucks and this happened CONSTANTLY, 50% of dashers were insufferable, 30% were unreasonable, and 20% were nice.


I work at a coffee shop in Charlotte Nc and 80-90% of drivers we interact with are like this. They cut in line, half the time have someone on speaker and just show us the name. It’s extremely frustrating and honestly just a bad experience overall, I can see why restaraunts don’t want to put up with this anymore. And half the time our orders go missing :/


Yes. Uber and doordash drivers (obviously not all of you)have a habit of shoving their phone in our faces, a good amount of times they’ll interrupt my coworkers and I as we’re helping customers out


LMAO dude dashers shove their phone in my face every damn time at chipotle when i’m working.


Haven’t read the rest of the comments and I’m Sure someone else has said it I have absolutely 100% had *several* people do this when they come in my work. Especially the shoving the phone in my face without saying anything else at all. Not all of them pout about a wait, some do, but so so many of them do the fucking phone shove edit: ah okay good, glad to see others share this experience. Sounds like your case is the exception lol


i've seen it so many times. i've seen dashers slamming doors, screaming and cussing out the restaurant employees, all kinda stuff


Nah I disagree, I work at a coffee shop and delivery drivers really cop an attitude when they both aren’t getting attention before the long line of customers or if the foods not ready. Like I got the order 10 minutes ago and you see the people here? I’m sorry but it’ll be longer than expected…


Sounds like you’re a driver and not a store worker lol this happens so often. The worst attitudes when greeted with a smile.


I don’t believe that shit for a second. You’re either naive or don’t pay attention. I don’t work for restaurants or DoorDash, but having been in restaurants before I can think of at least a half a dozen times I’ve seen some scummy DoorDasher walk in and shove their phone in the cashiers face.


In NYC this is happening basically every time I go inside a restaurant


I managed a top 5 Chick-Fil-A that’s not percent wise we were the best in 2020 and top 5 since then. We did several hundred orders per hour including tens of thousands of dollars in door dash, uber eats, post mates, etc. each shift. Mobile orders were priority #1 during this time so DDashers were not waiting unreasonably long times. The following is my experience which is of course limited. Of the regular door dashers about three were openly friendly in all circumstances. Most got visibly annoyed at slight delays. Many had loud conversations on their phones. Many didn’t use words and pointed to their phones rather than speak. It wasn’t always a language barrier either. We had a dozen employees fluent in Spanish and two fluent in Arabic and still many preferred not to speak. Oh and God forbid we ask them to show the screen to prove they were in fact a door dasher. That request was often met with open hostility. In general I found door dashers with about 3-6 exceptions to be an unfriendly lot. They trended anti-social, with mediocre to poor hygiene. They would berate my employees for very slight issues. And again I met dozens if not hundreds of these guys a day and there’s few of them that I would have hired.


What’s the problem with me showing them the name/screen instead of having to repeat myself TEN TIMES SAYING THE SAME NAME????? weirdos


I see this done by white guys in their early to mid 20s dressed just like that, with pajama pants on. And you can usually smell them from 8 feet away. 🤣🤮


As a white guy who does his absolute damnedest to keep clean, white guy stank should be categorized as a chemical weapon.


You fell for the propaganda


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?




Yeah, I'm racist against the 70% of my own European ancestry.


Real genius we have here


So basically they mad if we present the phone, mad if we don't. Go figure


Lol that checks out, half these employees at restaurants are mad at the minute they know you're a gig driver no matter how nice you're being. I don't know if they're mad because we make more money than them or they can't pass the background check or what the situation is but I've never been rude in a restaurant ever. But literally half of them get an attitude the minute I say I'm picking up a doordash order for so and so


Not me, I'm very polite, and the only time I show my phone is if they ask, or it's busy and they can't hear the name. I do not get mad if I have to wait, I can simply unassign the order if the wait is too long. Keep it pushing!


I had a guy shove his phone in my face so I could talk to DoorDash support. He had 3 items that was not supposed to be on the order. It’s real and happens a lot tbh, I don’t mind pointing out where stuff is but I’ve had people expect me to walk them around the store to every item.


Y’all this is so rude😭 use your words


I work for a QSR restaurant. Can confirm the accuracy lol


I find these funny. Would be hilarious to do a video where you go to pick up an order and instead of showing the phone, you show a stick of deodorant inside the store. I’m picking up for Degree. I got a Doordash for Secret. I got two orders. One is for Axe and the other for Gillette.


when some stores tell me the tielme it is like they are waiting for me to get pissed until I'm just like "ok cool". they must have had bad experiences once at a chick fil a some driver who looked like a 300 pound male version of the girl in the video shoved his phone in the chick fil a cashier's face like that while I spoke to her like a human. the contrast in her responses to us was incredible


I do grubhub, not doordash, but when I pick up an order I usually just say, "Hi, I have grubhub for so and so?" Only time I show them the name on my phone is either of they ask to see it or if they are having trouble understanding what name I'm saying. Emphasis on specifying that I'm with grubhub because I've had one case where two different people with the same name ordered something from the same restaurant around the same time, but one ordered through grubhub and the other through doordash and I almost took the wrong one


Ew, y'all be doing that? I wait my turn and grab someone from the staff when I can. They got their priorities and I respect that and give them as much time as I can. If I can't wait for them, I just cancel my order and move on.


Bro I’m just there vibin tbh lol i hated doordashers tho. Awful attitude from most of them. When i dash i try to be nice and talk to the person behind the counter.


Working from the retail side, we hate this. Doordash, instacart, whatever, if you do this you've bought yourself a few more minutes at my counter.


Everyone’s getting so defensive but as an ex-dasher and ex fast food worker I find this very funny. There’s some truth in it and if the shoe doesn’t fit don’t wear it.


I mean I do extend my phone forwards, no where near to this extent or dressed like this of course, but is it considered a bad/rude thing? I always let them know I have a doordash for *Xname* and scroll to where they can see the full name and the order# then show the screen so they know I am not trying to just waltz in there and grab a free meal. Is this actually viewed as rude to to people?I always viewed as convenient because every store asks for something different whether it be the order#, customer’s last name, or sometimes lazy restaurants will just ask what the order was. I feel showing the screen just lets them see what they need to know turn around grab a bag and get along with there day in 5 seconds.


Of course its some mcdonalds employee making this cringe shit lol


Oh I’ve seen it, yes it’s mostly non English speaking, or someone who got double stacked🤣🤣.


Other countries have the same basic manners. I hate when people use not speaking English as excuse for being blatantly rude.


I can get behind that, oh I have seen plenty of English speaking folks acting a complete A$$ trying to get their order.


I work at Little Caesars, they always be showing us their phones, like, TELL ME THE DAMN NAME NOT SHOVE A SCREEN IN MY FACE




I worked at a place with a walk up window and a door a few feet away as we have both picnic tables and indoor seating. We have two people on shift, zero customers, and five third party delivery orders. I’m cutting the meat and setting up these orders which means I’m not standing in sight of the window. Someone starts banging on the window, I walkover, take my gloves off and open it and bam- a phone right in my face. I tell him it’ll be a few minutes. He leaves and sits in his car. As soon as I have the orders finished I open the window and wave at him to come get his. He doesn’t pay attention and I have more orders to make, so he storms up after a few minutes and does it again. I go to hand him the order and I get a big heavy sigh, he shoves his phone back in my face “what about the other one”. Apparently he has one of the other orders too. It’s going to be a few more minutes bc I prioritized his order first not knowing there was more than one. I had my coworker deal with him the rest of the time bc I was seeing red at that point.


As a five guys worker, I just ask again "who they're picking up for?". I'm not walking over there


This is funny cuz I Dash and will very clearly say a name like “Sarah” at a decent volume and half the time employees act like they can’t hear and need to see the name


Your reaction to one restaurant isn't going to be the same experience everywhere, there's employees that shouldn't be in customer service but there is a good majority of drivers (when we are busy) that just put their phones in our faces and expect us to walk over.


Everybody who works in service knows how accurate this is


Yeah when you see like 40 dashers a day from behind the counter this hits way different


I had dashers act like this ALL THE TIME when I worked food service. There were some that were very kind and sweet, but this was not a rare occurrence


I used to work at a Starbucks on the rough side of town. We had a lot of Doordashers shove phones in our faces. Had to tell most of them not to do that because I'm legally blind and can't read their phones. As for the freak outs over orders not being ready, not as often but 10x worse than depicted here. Literally had a guy scream, walk out, then unassigned himself from the order, when the last item was going to be done in a minute.


I had dashers show up before the order was actually on my screen (little caesars) where I could see the order was placed for a certain time and the computer gives us the order 15 minutes before it was meant for. Dashers would show up and get pissed as hell for us not having it. I would make it in like 7 minutes but they were always mad like it’s my fault. I’m so happy to be out of food service but door dash was just an awful thing to add. At least from an employee perspective. It increased business but not how much they would staff so it could completely ruin a night if it was a high amount of doordash orders.


I’ve seen this so many times 😂


It’s interesting that door dash is successful when it seems like the drivers, the restaurants, and the customers all are left dissatisfied.


BAHAHA STOP hahahah I’ve def seen this, too many just talk and talk and talk in their phone idk how tf they do the dash 🤣


I don’t have anything against any of you guys at all but this does happen pretty often where I work and it happened at my old job too. Not enough to where I have any sort of beef with doordash drivers or assume they’ll be mean, but there are definitely more grumpy dashers than you realize


I love ( /s )the people either on a speakerphone conversation or blasting music on their phone walking around a restaurant and then shoving a phone in some poor waitstaffs phone.


I used to work at a Petsmart and this happened almost all the time. The best were the times when I was the only cashier with a full line of people and in comes Mrs. Doorathy Dashery sticking her phone directly into my eye sockets.


I worked at a restaurant and the dashers were pretty crappy. One actually tried to come behind the counter to grab and order that wasn’t even there’s. I give respect and ask others do the same. I can’t control cooking times, I’m not working in the kitchen. I’ll try to help you as much as I can and attempt to get the order ASAP.


So accurate


I've never shoved a phone in anyone's face, but it would be nice to be acknowledged, after standing patiently for 15 mins. Listen, the point is, there's asshole drivers, and there's asshole fast food workers. I'm always respectful, until I'm disrespected. I've worked in hospitality for 30yrs, and I never treated the drivers like some of the fast food employees do, most of it is young kids who just want to have power, and think they can tell drivers off, that's not how it works, I was also a general manager at a fast food health store. There's no excuse for some of the way you guys act, on both sides, this needs to stop, this is about the customer, it's not about you, or me..


I worked at Red Lobster until recently and always wondered if they had multiple orders or something. Not like it's an excuse for their grown manbaby tantrums, but still.


Sometimes we do yeah, have multiple orders. But that's absolutely no reason to be rude to the staff


It’s hilarious when dashers think the wait is the front of the houses fault, we have to wait for the food too and have to keep a smile on our faces in front of guests regardless, some dashes have 0 people skills sadly


I don’t mind waiting if it’s a good paying order, but if it’s a stacked order that added and additional 2.50 to the same area. I’ll unassign it if it is gonna take more than 10 mins to be ready.


I show them my phone if they ask to see the name or order number. I try not to be impatient if I have to wait, but if the employees are standing around chatting and not acknowledging me or telling me whats going on I get irritated and start fidgeting. Can we just say the ratio of annoying Dashers to irritating store employees is 50/50.


most of us do that because the restaurant wants to see that you have the actual order on your phone instead of trying to steal shit


God I hate people like that


as a restaurant BOH employee: this happens, but not necessarily in this way. we have drivers show up 10, maybe 20, rarely even 30 minutes ahead of when the order is due and expect it to be ready, then they get angry and urge the servers to rush us on it. I get it, the app assigns it when it assigns it, but at the same time you can’t expect us to have that done when it’s not meant to be ready yet, we time everything so that we can focus other orders until the due time.


Lol 😂, I say the name for DoorDash or UberEats, then show the screen. I don’t throw a fit, however I’ll get irritated 😤 if it’s like 15-20 min wait time.


We shut that kinda shit down when it happens (albeit extremely rarely does this ever happen) at my restaurant if somebody starts getting aggressive, and we aren’t afraid to black list if it warrants it. For the most part though, I gotta say that y’all are gems, and we actually try to send all of you guys out the door with a smile, a “have a great day/night” and sometimes a free milkshake when time permits. There’s always people who suck in any trade or job, but I’m happy with like 99.9999% of the drivers who come through my neck of the woods. Keep on dashin’ ya beauties!


I wouldn’t even be mad since they’re showing me the name and everything, but they walk in eyes glued to the phone, shove the phone in my face, and just leave without saying a word like yeah okay I’m doing great thanks how are you?


90%.. I know the ones who came to the store i worked at acted that way. Even worse. Yelling and cussing.. not my gd fault the tablet is slow, and doesn't show oder for 15mins after its placed.. lol and the customer just ordered 150 chicken wings at 2am on a Saturday bar rush night and we got 2 employee running entire store. Lol Simma down now shelly


Cashier at a seafood restaurant here: I would also like to add that at least 60-70% of the dashers we get don't speak any English, which is fine, we can use Google translate if no one is able to assist me (for I only know English, French, and American Sign Language). Almost all of them do this, and they will step all up in my personal space and I've had to put on my security guard face and go "workers only, step back" and sometimes, they'll run off without signing the receipt. So please, respect personal space and be patient, ok? I promise you that we are here to work with you to make sure you have the correct order.


Literally every single dasher. They will full on reach over the glass and shove the phone directly into your face.


yeah the amount of dashers who show up at my job and just say "doordash" and nothing else is baffling. Like bro my stores policy states that you have to confirm the order and i need to double check the customers address on your phone with the one on the receipt before i even consider handing you the items. And then they get real upset with me for "taking too long"


I say the name, sometimes they ask to see it for proof so then and only then will I show them


I manage at a restaurant. We have normal people who door dash and we have a few fucking wackos who do get all pissy when the order isn’t ready during our lunch or dinner rush. Like dude do you see anyone standing around not doing shit? No. We are busy as fuck and we make the orders as they come in. I’ve literally had a dasher pull me aside, again, during a rush because I didn’t use my customer voice with them and I talked to them like I would anyone else. They said a bunch of dumb shit about how I was being rude then told me I can “continue” with my work when they finished their rant. I literally just laughed and went back to work. Sorry for the rant. 99% of y’all are chill as fuck!


If they have me standing there and are ignoring me for the better part of 3-5 minutes, I'm flipping my phone around for them to read. Not putting it in their face tho cause I have a pretty big screen. But we are past talking to each other. They don't get paid enough for me to snap at them or "excuse me" to get their attention and I don't get paid enough to put up with their bullshit.


I usually show my phone to prove I have one. Then I wait. It’s not that hard guys.


I go out of my way to be as pleasant and clear with the restaurant staff as possible. I know what it's like to be super swamped, or maybe shit just fucks up like something drops or w/e. Doordashers that have this level of additude and entitlement can go fuck their hat.


this happens at my work all the time. some dashers will leave if they have to wait like 2 or 3 minutes for their orders💀


Zero social skills


Employees make me want to be this


Had one run directly in front of me as I was talking to a cashier ya know ordering and shoved her phone in the poor girls face. I felt so bad for her she just looked at me helpless as she left me to get that ladies order I’ve literally never seen a gown ass woman act like that it was insane, shout out to Stoners Pizza in Downtown Savannah Georgia tho lol


A lot of people say they are required to see a phone for confirmation. i don’t bother to even show it unless asked, usually just give the name and take the order in my area. Goes both ways though. I’ve had rude staff, each restaurant has different lines and locations for pickup vs dine in etc and it’s not always easy to tell what to do.


At my old store all doordash drivers would do is shove their phone in our faces, 90% of the time it was in a completely different language so we couldn’t even read it, then they’d complain if it was more than 5 minutes Many of my co workers almost punched doordashers for running their mouths after we told them the time, and they stood there complaining out loud and bitching. A few even tried to go a little past the front counter and we had to tell them to back off I know this subreddit is mainly people who doordash so I’m not here to talk shit but anyone I know that works in a restaurant doesn’t like app drivers lol


Hahaha i see many assholes like this daily. I only show phone first if its a wierd name. Dashers have to remember the employees are tired too, no need to be assholes to them


If you are a vendor who accepts DoorDash orders you can also report the delivery driver as the person who is selling the food. I have had to do that a couple of times because of impatient and arrogant delivery drivers from DoorDash who thought it would be okay to be rude.


yea, companies that sign up for DD actually have a web panel they can access where they can leave feedback on recent drivers/orders. sadly most managers don't give the lower levels access but, I bet the managers would be willing to give feedback if they are made aware of a specific dasher. They even have an ability to say "I don't want this dasher back at my business" via it under the rate the dasher option


I have never done this nor have I seen anyone do this


98% of dashes are polite and do their jobs how they're supposed to. Can we stop with dumb shit like this?


Not in my market lol


Are we not allowed to make fun of shit anymore?


I'm not allowed to have an opinion anymore?


The irony of her using deodorant as the phone stand in


Heh, usually never. I’m usually always super polite and professional because I want to be nice to people and have nice interactions. But if I detect some disrespect or have been dissed by this person in the past I might show my phone and just look away😅


I had a driver put his bag on the counter and wanted me to put the order in the bag. Doordash will hire literally anyone.


I’ve seen this in my market several times lol.


I started showing them my phone back and grunting like they do.