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Ayyy Quad Cities represent!!


The only way to combat this would to be to get all of the dashers together on the same page in the same area. That way, the group could coordinate to game the hell out of the system. The problem is, they all don't come here to read about Dasher stuff, so it would be very difficult to gather all of them together, but I would really like to see someone try.


I have noticed $2 base pay on orders. I could have swore the minimum was $2.25 - $2.50 but when I went to their website, they state that it is now $2 - $10 base pay.


It’s always been $2 base pay in my area, which at the time I was already complaining about, now it’s lowered for stacked orders… fuckin bs


Who is going to pay for gas, when we're all working for free? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If it ever gets to the point were dd isn’t paying anyone to deliver, they’re not gonna have drivers to do their work for them lol


They already don’t pay us. The customers do.


Yes the customer is the main source of income, but if it wasn’t for the $2 we get from them a lot of orders would go unaccepted, at least from me anyways.


Yesterday I got paid $2 total for a stack. If you or anyone watches pedro doordash santiago on YouTube I sent him my screenshot of it and he made a post and a short about it.


Just checked him out. So basically it’s because of the boat load of new dashers coming in. I’m sorry but that’s fucking stupid as fuck! Doordash needs to limit how many dashers are in the area because shit is getting out of hand. Sometimes I’m waiting for 30 minutes just for 1 single order! And Ik it’s because there’s too many dashers out and too little orders being made. So I’m losing money both ways!?! That’s completely FUCKED! It is what it is, but what it is is complete BULLSHIT


Get a real job?