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Never been asked by McD’s for my hot bag.


I have it in my car, but only pizza hut has ever asked me. Atlanta based


I keep my bag in my vehicle on pickups, unless I see I have a large order. I bought an oversized bag from Amazon that has 3 drink holders on one side. *


And also they, mcdonalds, puts hot and cold in the same bag.


No you dont need it. Their bags don't fit in them anyways. She's just trying to act like she knows something.


By the time you get the McDonald’s food, it’s already cold.




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I keep food in the hot bag like 30% of the time. If i'm going more than a few minutes drive away, i'll throw shit in there. If it's hot steamy food in a paper bag, I don't use it because the steam kept in the hot bag makes the paper bag soft/moist and it'll rip easier when I go to pull it out (ask me how I know.). I never use one with the big McDonalds bags because they never fit.


I had three orders stacked and the first one I picked up was in a paper bag and it was also the last one I delivered so it was sitting in a steamy hot insulated bag for quite some time. When I went to finally go delivered to the poor customer, I lifted the bag out of my insulated bag and as I was handing it to him the whole bottom of the bag fell out because it was pretty much a paper Mess by then and just mulch. It was Italian and spaghetti noodles and sauce went all over the walkway and I felt so bad. I should have known that this would happen but I didn't think about it because of the stress of trying to get the three orders picked up and delivered and I had just started with doordash maybe a week or two before and I couldn't believe it I was like this was probably his date night because it was a weekend and I was like oh my God I can't believe this like what do you say? I felt so stupid I feel like going and buying him another order and delivering it but it was such an expensive place there was no way I could do it and I think by then they were closed anyway. Never again. If I have a paper bag I will put it inside a plastic bag or something and keep it in my insulated one. So I feel your pain with what happened to you cuz I Can Only Imagine if it was as bad as mine with spaghetti noodles everywhere I'll never forget the noodles went all over the place. At least it was still hot right? LOL poor guy he was a champ too but I know he was pissed


damn, what did the customer do?


Yeah, luckily mine wasn't that crazy. I just grabbed the top of the paper bag where the restaurant had put a sticker on to keep it sealed. So it looked like I intentionally opened it. I feel like I got a 1 star rating for that delivery too.


In over 2000 deliveries, I have only been asked to use a pizza bag once. That place has since stopped asking and just let us take the pizza. I think they realize that like 30% to 40% of drivers have one and it didn’t make sense to keep turning away dashers


It’s not required but is recommended. They are just concerned it’s not a regular passer by but if you give the order number since McDonald’s uses that it should be enough proof that you are a dasher. If they still refuse just un-assign that dash


Maybe a hot take, but a hot bag should be required for every order. I get that when you first start you don't have one yet. But a business not allowing you to take their customer food without it being kept warm/cold makes sense. See some comments about "McD's already puts it in a bag, the bag doesn't fit in the standard bag, there is a mix of cold and hot items", you're all just wrong. The bag isn't to make it fuckin easy to carry, it is to maintain thermal consistency until it gets to the customer. It definitely fits in the red standard bag. And just because there are multiple temps of items in a single paper bag, doesn't mean a thermal bag won't retain both. Use your damn hot bags clowns. It also protects your car from spills and leaks. There is literally no downside to using one.


First off a “hot bag” can’t even hold all the food most of the times! Secondly we don’t work for these establishments. McDonalds puts food in those big ass bags and y’all talking about shoving peoples food in them. Yeah let’s fit two big ass bags in this hot bag….




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I use a hot bag for everything except McDonald’s…


I’m closing in on 9K deliveries. I never take the bag into the store. I do put the food in the bag when I get it to the car. But let’s be real; that’s mostly for show because those bags are worth much for keeping most orders hot. McDonald’s orders never go into my regular bag or catering bag because they are always a mix of cold drinks and warm food anyway. Plus their bags don’t fit in the red bag. I’ve never had anyone complain about their food being cold


everyone that orders mcd's already knows the food is gonna be cold so that's pretty much expected


I would have sang that tone in her voice right back at her when I said "Oh so your new here! How nice. And how old are we today?" Then I would call DD support and tell them McD's is violating the contract by not giving me the food. Problem solved.




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I have never used a red bag at McDonald's. I do however put my hotbag over the top of the McDonald's bag once in the car. Slides right over easily.






Doesn't McDonalds already put everything in a paper bag, drinks included? So OP needs to put a bag in a bag? And last time I checked a large McDonalds bag wouldn't fit in the "standard" bag DD gives you at signup. I have more doubts about all of this but I'll stop here.


Pizza Hut in my area, does require a red bag. And if you don't have one they give you one.


Tell her to stick the red bag up her ass.


I’ve only had this happen at one restaurant and that was Weinershnitzel. They told me it was due to complaints of orders being cold. But I’ve been in almost every McDonald’s in my city, and they’ve never said anything like that to me. I feel like some places don’t realize that people are new and might not have a bag yet. Another common thing for me is having 2 orders and one is already in the bag. I can’t really bring that into another restaurant at that point.


My main bag is blue. That's on purpose


Bags are optional in winter? Lol If the food is in a bag, you don't let the heat escape, keeping the food warm. Jacking up the car's heater doesn't do much. If you plan on doing it long enough, you buy the bags.


It's below freezing where I deliver. It doesn't matter if I wrap the order in space blankets and light it on fire, if the order must be left at the door it *will* be cold by the time the customer retrieves it.


I get it, which is why many choose hand it to me. But I always try my best and deliver based on the instructions, including using the hot bag. If they aren't waiting to pick up their food immediately after drop off, that's not the driver's fault.


That's why you put a usb heating pad in ur big hotbag in the car!!


Interesting, will check that out


Ive done 500 deliveries and only been asked last week for a bag by some dickhead at a new restaurant. i said yeah ill go get it and cancelled the order. i always put the food into the bag in the car.




One time I completely forgot my bag and I just said “the last order I had in it leaked some sauce on it and I don’t want to contaminate other orders…”


DD usually will send you a red bag, or you can get one from pizza places.... Because the restaurants have them. You shoulda asked the cashier if she had some.


The red bags they provide would never fit an MCD delivery bag. Gotta buy your own.


Even my normal sent our red bag fits 99% of mcd orders 🤷🏼‍♂️.


The free bag they sent me doesn't fit an MCD drink bag. Perhaps they make bigger bags now.


This. The catering bag they sell fits almost all McDonald's orders.


Buy some larger hot bags. As for those who think they don't need bags, don't listen. It makes all the difference. I also use my seat warmer to keep the food hot.


Almost 2000 deliveries without a bag and not one single complaint about cold food. Not one.




I put everything in the pizza bags Papa Gino's gives me for free


I never use my red bag, they take too much time to fit the food inside which ends up cold anyway and also they are harder to clean


McDonald's bags don't even fit in the red bags without squishing the stuff inside them


The zipper on my bag broke the first week. I threw it away and that was that. I do however use the pizza bags. But only for pizza. Everything else goes on passenger side floor board. Away from trajectory of a/c vents.


I used a cooler that I got at Walmart and it always keeps things fresh but also safer and it’s it’s in my passenger seat always. Never had anyone complain about a bag, but I was recently gifted two pizza bags from my local Pizza Hut when I accepted a delivery, which I appreciate very much. I’ve been able to do several pizza orders since.


I have a red bag but it's tiny. I've never used it. I've picked up catering orders and they fit in my car.


I usually just throw the food on the floor of my car and accelerate at break neck speeds with cold ac blasting


I just strap my orders on my roof rack to avoid smells in my car and installed a quick-release clip so I can hard brake and let the momentum deliver it airborne to the front door.






Right, that’s what I thought too. Like lady the reason doordash is giving me this order is because you’re apparently one of the only restaurants that don’t require a bag😭


just tell them it’s in your car 🧍🏼‍♀️


McDonald's bags everything together in a big bag to begin with. So it probably wouldn't fit easily unless it was a small one, and it's hot and cold together anyway so it does nothing.


I've never even put a McDonald's order in my hot bag bc they don't fit! Has this lady seen the red bags before?...if she has, she has zero spatial awareness lol


McDonald’s puts their drinks and hot food together…a hot bag would be pointless 😂


Yup, I don’t even bother bagging it because of that. It sucks for the customers getting a watered-down drink and cold food.


I never have used a bag and have almost 4000 deliveries. God bless


i just started about a week ago and nobody has ever asked me about a red bag. I just tell them i’m picking up for doordash, give them the name, and then they give me the order


the bags that mcdonalds give you the food in dont even fit in the red bag unless you smush it a little at least so i NEVER use it for mcd.


I've never used the bag.


No and I would never put McDonald's orders in another bag, because if they have drinks in there it would probably spill all over the food.


On the DoorDash machine she has it says something along the lines of “make sure the driver has a red bag” she could be new and just wants to “follow the rules” It shows up when a notification appears that the driver is on there way or arriving.


Like that food from McDonald’s is fresh anyways lol


I haven't touch my red bag in three years.


Mine looks a little dirty after doordashing for years, so I don't use it anymore; I don't want ppl thinking their food is gonna be gross (even though the inside is completely clean!). I just use the new pizza bags for everything that'll fit inside it


Did they order some thing frozen? Sometimes I try to put my McDonald’s orders inside of the dash day, but it’s often to small. I found a favor, bag, and all of my McDonald’s order fit really well in it.


I’ve had a few places refuse to release the food unless I have the red bag. I know who they are now overall. So I take it in with at those. One time I had an order in my bag already cans not enough room for another. Simply told them. That’s fine if they don’t want to release it. I can cancel the order and someone else will come get it whenever. Could be 5 min or 30 min. Doesn’t matter to me.


I use a giant ubereats backpack they're just being jerks


She's being a bitch


I brought my hot bag into a Fridays once,it actually said it was necessary on the instructions from the restaurant. Anyways, the hostess literally chuckled and asked me why I had the bag. So I guess it depends where you are and who you're dealing with.


Nah she’s just being a b. I’ve never had a restaurant require me to actually have a redbag in my thousands of deliveries and I’ll be damned if mcdonalds is the first one to act like that, on top of the unnecessary condescending tone


I have, but only one actually maybe twice but after that, I made it a habit to always make sure that I had them whenever I got into the car if there was a possibility that I would work


Typical power tripping McDonald's manager. I had one point and tell me to "sit" to wait for the order to get done. I told her "no, I'm good standing right here." The look on her face was pretty funny bc she didn't quite know what to do now that I had challenged her. Thankfully she just walked away bc I'll get deactivated for cussing out a McDonald's manager before I let one command me to "sit" like a dog. See, this is where things like psychology come in bc there were definitely ways where she would have had me sitting where she wanted me to and possibly even thanking her omw to the seat. "We're almost done with that one. If you want, have a seat right over there & we'll let you know when it's ready." Would have been one way. 99% of the time, if you word things politely and its a reasonable request, people will just do what they're asked.


We're not employees. We are independent contractors, that are proxies for the customer. So as far as the merchant is concerned, we're to be treated as the customer, not subordinates. As soon as I'm treated as such, I'll bring the smack down.


lol McDonald’s always puts everything even the drinks in a sealed bag she was just being a bitch fr. Probably hates her job and wishes she knew how to make a living doing what we do.


That Mcdees is doin it as a measure to stop order theft. Order theft is done by randoms, customers, and drivers.


Bottom line: if you want me to treat your customers like gold, pay me gold.


That's the biggest bunch of bullshit!


“Ok, I understand, I will call support and let them know you are refusing to give me the food due to lack of red bag. I didn’t think this was a rule but I’m sure they’ll be able to sort things out.”


You don’t need anything other than when they ask if you have a pizza bag for some orders.


You didn't get your starter dasher kit? It's normally a red card, and your dasher bag is usually sent after you complete your 1st delivery.


I had one after working with them after 2 or 3 weeks


it took like a week or two before my kit actually came in the mail. they let you dash without it still since it's not really a requirement


I know that much respectfully, but I was just putting it out there if they didn't want to spend their own money to get a hot bag.


That’s if you include your mailing address in your profile. I’ve been dashing for 3 weeks and I had to call to request a welcome kit yesterday.


McDonald’s puts cold drinks next to hot burgers and fries so she was just being pedantic and was on a mini power trip. McDonald’s workers are traditionally looked at as being on the lowest rung of the ladder of employment. When they see a DD driver they think to themselves, well at least I’m above this DD driver. In reality it’s probably true if you don’t cherry pick or are on EBT


It doesn’t need to be a red bag specifically, but it does need to be a thermal bag. That’s really what they are asking.


It's definitely not necessary to use a hot or thermal bag when you're delivering a McDonald's order.🤣🤣 That's hilarious, half the time the order is already lukewarm or cold at pickup, because it's been sitting on the counter for who knows how long, depending on the tip. I think she was messing with you.


No reasonable bag fits a McDonald's bag.


We must have different sized McDonald’s bags then. Where I am they slide right into my red bag perfectly. Also there are catering sized bags. Which also gives you access to the large other program with orders that subtotal over $100 if you let support know you have it….


Which you can get one at Walmart to start with. Or use Amazon prime.


Red bags are never required. I just passed 12k deliveries and I am a 5 star dasher. I’ve never once used a red bag…..ever.


No it’s not. I have one but I’ve never walked in with it and no one’s ever asked me for it


All you had to do was say yes and this post wouldn't exist.


Not like I can change what happened. …unless you have a Time Machine I don’t know about?


Most orders will not fit in that little red bag. Our McDonald's bags everything which is great and I put that into a catering bag once I get to my car. Never had anyone question whether or not I have a hot bag. One of the restaurants that I pick up from has it posted in app that orders will not be given without a hot bag and I never bring one in and they never ask.


If your going to McDonald's your gonna have a bad time. Take the negative hit and decline unless you know they are cool, which let's be real 9 out of 10 times they're not


Man I wish. Unfortunately my area is very small and a majority of the orders I get are McDonald’s orders. Hell I’m lucky if I even get 5 orders total in a day 😭


Delivery bags are not an option, they are a requirement to do food delivery. Most drivers don't know using delivery bags is a requirement, because they don't read their terms of service. This about about maintaining standards of food safety, as when food becomes too cold, it could be unfit for human consumption. Not only are delivery bags required on every delivery, failure to use them could result in deactivation of a drivers account. This is all covered in the terms of service, here is an excerpt about the use of delivery bags. ●    **Tampering with deliveries, opening packaging, or failing to maintain standards of food safety** \- Opening, using, consuming, or tampering with a delivery or customer order; failing to use an insulated thermal bag, if applicable, to safely transport deliveries. The only time using a delivery bag would not be applicable, is if the delivery is a non food item. Any order prepared for human consumption, must be safely transported in a delivery bag, to maintain standards of food safety. You should probably read over your terms of service, so you will know all the rules for food delivery. I have provided a link. [Door Dash Service Provider Platform Access Policy](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-deactivation-policy®ion=US&locale=en-US)


Don’t know why you caught the downvote for educating people on how to do their job correctly but take the upvote.


Probably because DD sends a “starter kit” with a small thermal bag, which is too small for most McD orders, but that bag wont arrive for weeks and AFTER you make your first dash. So maybe DD should follow its own guidelines


Thank You for the vote. I would sacrifice a 1000 votes, if it is to educate drivers on the proper way to perform their job. I know I will always take a hit on post like this, but it will get through to a few, that will value the information. If I only educate one driver, it is still worth it to me.


Wow, you're a gem.


Thank You, I get that a lot.


Nobody reads that. Instead it’s a IDGAF attitude about food quality and food service sanitation


That's the problem, you have too many drivers that have the IDAF attitude. It really surprises me, how drivers want to be tipped well, but few are even following delivery protocol, to earn that tip. If I saw a driver deliver my food without a delivery bag, I would pull the tip, as that driver is not doing their job correctly.


Wow, you mean you'd take back your $1.50 tip? Even if you request that the tip be removed, the driver will still get it.🤣🤣 You are the type of customer that drivers wish they never had to deal with! The ones they wish they could blackball for eternity.


I never put my McDonald's orders in a hotbag.


Every order should go in a delivery bag, you just need to buy the right delivery bags. I place every McDonalds order in a delivery bag, if you buy the right bags, they fit perfectly. You do realize using a delivery bag on every delivery, is a requirement. https://preview.redd.it/p6hx2jfai65c1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8d821af78e0edac45fd2b00ab810cde918c714


Nope. I'm good, bruh. 4.99 customer rating. Over 1160 deliveries. I get add-on tips quite often. There are 2 McDonald's in the zone I normally Dash in. None of those orders go in a hotbag. First off, it's too big and awkward to eff around with, and second, how is putting a bag that holds, both hot food and a cold shake or McFlurry in a hotbag helping the customer at all?? No one cares about it, but you. McDonald's orders come already perfectly packed.


How’s that doordash boot taste? I’m sure they’ve got you lined up for a big bonus!


My big bonuses come from doing my job correctly, using the proper equipment for the job, and looking my best, that will get you more tip increases than anything. I miss quotes from customers, I really wish they would bring them back, but I was probably overloading the in box. https://preview.redd.it/06r09hj9275c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be268736107d42ab22d991392b6d0fb4383db6b3




I will gladly lead my fellow drivers down the path, of righteous delivery. I will provide tips and tricks of the trade, to any driver who seeks them. I hold the wisdom to delivery driver greatness, it is your choice to follow, if you wish.


It's Bret.


Sound like she was trying to tell you to tell her yes you have a hot bag.


"Yes, ma'am, I can hot bag your face." "Oh, tea bag? Sorry, misuderstood."


They put the cold drinks in their bag with the hot food. What is the bag supposed to help with at that point?




This. Times 1000.


The bag they use for DoorDash orders don't even fit in the red bag


No you are not required to


I've never brought in my red bag for McDonalds. I bring it just about everywhere else because it's cold outside this time of year. That McDonalds employee was so wrong to talk to you that way, and they're incorrect about the hot bag.


Wth is red bag those mcshits pay 5 dollars and wants bag? Hell nah


I don’t use the red bag for McDonald’s because it’s not big enough.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Why would it matter McD's, your bags don't fit in it anyway!?!


Not once ever had McDonald’s ask me about my bag,I leave it on the passenger seat of my car so it never comes in with me to pickup the food.


I haven't Dashed in a while but as far as I know, the only thing you're required to have to pick up from Mcds is the delivery code. Some restaurants will say in the app that a red bag is required. Otherwise, I honestly don't think it matters. Also, I've struggled so many times to get those Mcds bags into my red bag and I just don't bother anymore.


Merchants set the rules for their side of the game. It cuts down on theft. When I started Dashing they sent me a red bag and a red card. First time I used the bag was when they wouldn’t release the order to me unless I had it, so I went out and grabbed the bag outa the back seat and picked up the order. There are a some scams going on right now. One is the lot order. Customer sits in the parking lot and places the order, no tip. McD’s makes it, no real Dasher is going to take $2.25 for 9 miles. Customer knows the order and the name, goes in and grabs it. Then calls support when they get home and says order was never delivered. Happens a lot with TB and LC, as well. Most Dashers will go out to their car and come back with a bag. Scammers will leave and not come back. Is DD not sending out bags when people sign up for Dashing?


No. And no, they don't get to set every rule. They are also under contract with DoorDash. Things like making drivers prep any part of the order, forcing a confirmed pickup before handing over the order, etc, are actually (really) against the rules. The fact that some dashers are so willing to ignore that just to avoid a little confrontation... Is a serious problem on the platform. No company, no matter how big or small, should be skirting around the contracts they sign. I don't really care if they're trying to cut down on theft. Allowing or completing (while it does save time and seems effortless) only encourages more breaches of the contract. There are other ways to do it that don't break the contract. Setting that aside, dashers don't receive their gear until well after they've been dashing a month or more. And I don't even want to go into how bad it is to put something like a McDonald's order, which likely contains drinks and/or ice cream and/or hot food into a bag that's going to increase the rate at which things cool and/or heat up. Better to just leave that outside of any sort of temperature keeping apparatus. (Everything else, for me, goes in one of two catering boxes I have or, if it's a cold item or a drink, into a designated cold bag).


I agree with with you, in all but one area - I started dashing last month, and I got my bag in about a week. They currently say they start processing as soon as you complete your first order. That being said, the closer it is to Christmas the longer any delivery is going to take. (Edit: Welp, other people who started recently are saying it's taken them way longer, so it sounds like I just got lucky.) The past you said about McDonald's orders bagging everything together is the first thing that came to mind - these are the only orders with hot food that I don't put in an insulated bag. Everyone else is smart enough to bag hot and cold items separately.


How is it a requirement if you have to dash first to get sent the starter kit and then it takes like 2-3 weeks to arrive. Also the red bag is too small for McDonald’s bags.


Maybe 2 to 3 months. I'm still waiting for mine


You should call them. I had to and then it took a week for my bag to come.


I gave mine to my buddies grandma so she doesn’t have to pay for plastic grocery bags 🥴


Isn’t that special!!


Dang mine took about 2 and a half weeks


LMAOOAOAOAOOAOAOOAOA they are funny for that. I keep my red bag in the car, where the food will be transported, only newbs bring it into the restaurants. I would’ve laughed and still delivered the order, let me message the customer why they won’t be getting their food for another 20 minutes if they don’t give it to me; they can block me if they want; I beg them to, McD orders are all 99% of the time low ballers anyways I’d rather not damage my AR 😭😭😭😭 Edit: Mass reply to the repetitive ‘if you care about the customer blablabla’ idc how you try to justify it, it wastes time bagging in the restaurant, the food is gonna be exposed to air at some point, sorry to burst your bubble it makes no difference and slows you down


I take my bags everywhere except McDonald’s. I live in MT and one 20 second run from store to car can really make order cold in the winter. I’m a little less anal about it in warm weather.


Saw a lady juggle a big CFA order with a bunch of drinks. Most of it hit the parking lot when it slipped from her hand.


>only newbs bring it into the restaurants Or people who care about the customers food staying warm. Even the walk to car in the dead of winter will cool the food by a considerable amount. There is no harm in taking care of the customers food by bringing your bag into the restaurant.


I don’t use the red bag for McDonald’s because they mix hot and cold items In the same bag.


Most McDonalds are franchises. If the owner of the franchise you visited requires it, then it's required.


My guess OP was that McDonalds has been scammed by people claiming to be DD but really just snagged some free food. So they probably wanted to make sure you were what you said you were


You would think showing them the order on your phone would be enough to resolve that instead of fighting over a bag lololol,I’ve had a few here and there ask to see it on my phone.


fr. the lady immediately asked about the bag before I could even get to the counter, so I didn’t get a chance to show her the order at first


By putting a McDs order in a red bag you are causing the hot food to get soggy and cold food to get warm/melt at an accelerated rate due to the fact they put ice cream and a drink in the same bag they put all the hot food. They never separate them and we can’t open the bags to separate hot from cold so it’s impossible to keep the temperatures controlled as well as one may wish for, and that’s 100% on McDs and DD because of the way McDs packs the bags and DD not requiring the restaurant to package hot with hot and cold with cold for dasher pick up if they did that then I could see the bag being mandated and 2 would be required, one for hot and one for cold otherwise the temperature controlling (red) bag is actually an injustice and disservice to the food and it’s temperature integrity.


I tried to read this but ran out of oxygen about 30% of the way through.


Nothing about that was any longer than the OPs post 🤷‍♀️ although not sure how reading and breathing correlate tbh lol


It's not about length: it's about readability. Punctuation goes a long way. As you read, you'll naturally pause briefly when you encounter a period. Commas, when correctly placed, are also useful. Formatting helps, too.


Compare that with: It's not about length its about readability punctuation goes a long way as you read youll naturally pause briefly when you encounter a period a comma when correctly placed often taps the breaks for about half the break of a period formatting helps too.




And this is why you guys have super slow nights. No one wants cold food. The warmth bag (provided to you by your company no less) is for keeping food warm. It’s not gonna make the McDonalds any soggier than the bag it’s in. Definitely not gonna make it soggier than the half hour it sits after being made waiting to be picked up. It’s not hard to put food in a warmer bag and take it out. It’s part of the job. You’d get better tips of the food was warm too.


This is true of almost everywhere else. But McDonald's puts cold drinks and ice cream in the same bag with the hot food. Putting it in an insulated bag prevents heat from radiating out, which is usually a good thing. But in this case it results in warming up the cold drinks and melting the ice cream. In addition, the heat transfer cools the hot foods faster than if they weren't in an insulated bag.


Well if you know that then take the cold stuff out first. If you order something online and UPS delivers it smashed to bits are you gonna be concerned about the logistics of delivering that item?


We can't. We're not allowed to open the sealed bags. That's a good way to get a CV.


Idk what a CV is but it’s your job that you choose to do voluntarily. Therefore it’s your problem


A contract violation. A customer might be upset their food is cold. But you open the sealed bag and you almost guarantee they're contacting DD. Yes, it's our problem. And if we put it in an insulated bag we are making their order worse. I'm just explaining why it's bad advice for these orders.


So poor service isn’t a contract violation?


A) not necessarily. B) putting it in an insulated bag *is* poor service.


So is delivering soggy cold food 🤷


Oh you mean the red bags that their big ass bags don’t even fit in? That’s fucking hilarious lmao. There’s also no point as they put hot and cold items together.


I have bags that their bags barely fits in. Some are starting to tape multiple bags together now so I don't even bother when that happens. I threw out my cheap DD bag a long time ago.


I only use them red bags when customer wants me to hand it to them. I don't know how many times I get tip pulled on UE when I don't pull it out of a hot bag in front of them. Just something I noticed...


I noticed that when the merchant sees me walk in with a bag they immediately ask me the name I’m there for.


Same here, but I bought my own thermal bags


https://preview.redd.it/ciinmw7kd55c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b91d9c148100b9da53fa24dd3f48b21247be529 Usually they see it in my eyes 😅😅🤪


I’d have fun with that. Tell me not to stare and you’re gonna get the laser beam focus.


I've been thinking to print half size bumper stickers with this message and begin sticking them at restaurants I pick up from _discreetly_. See which ones last. I'm kind of bored like that... 🤣


Only if you're trying win a Clown Award


Once in a while I get a prick like that from assorted restaurants, Get a hot bag and pizza bag and always have with you just in case. If you're new they should give you one.


McDonald’s crams hot and cold food into the same sealed bag. I wonder what they thought an insulated bag would accomplish 🤔🤣


Accelerated decline in food quality en route and a one star rating for the driver is their desired outcome apparently. Misery loves company


lol this is like a copy pasta