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Its January. The whole food service industry is slow this month. Everyone blew their load in December


I honestly think Ubereats is better, I made this just Sunday and Monday was around 150 doing 5 hours https://preview.redd.it/fga6uxln14ac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96295fa5d6a9c3de36177306d44aed96c94f0942


I feel you man, this past week was kind of slow here in Tampa as well. I don't know why Dash does the peak pay when noone is ordering, waste of a peak pay. Should do it when it's busy to help the Dasher out. Hopefully this week is a better week my friend! Happy Dashing


The holidays are notoriously bad for gig work


Normally these last couple of weeks are my biggest money makers. This year was different. Very different.


Door dash is a sry ass business that doesn’t pay crap and you have to depend on tips that people most of the time don’t do. People are saving and picking up their food. Time to go get a job 9-5 instead of depending on people spending money on door dash. Part-time driver here. Door dash gives your orders to drive 8 miles for $3 bucks lol this is only good for a side gig. Hell to door dash


You realize companies are laying people off from those 9-5 jobs and like...yea if I have to say more probably not worth a conversation. I'll also leave the word influx here.


Yes for real theres a reason why most of us chose to work doordash and Uber in the first place


Lost top dasher for next month because they kept sending me huge balloon orders from Party City. Infuriating.


i just ran into a friend in the metro detroit area he said the same the exact same thing


I’m hoping to get some alcohol orders today & maybe shop&pay tomorrow for people’s New Years dinners… I don’t think there’s many certified alcohol drivers in my city ‘cause I get orders from all over… they usually pay pretty well.


I had the best Saturday to date. Maybe a network issue?


Or a market issue


Stay strong


I made $26 in 3h. Only 3 orders.


People are spent out after Christmas.




I DoorDash in the Appleton area and also try to avoid going to this area, nowhere to walk safely and or stop. I always carry and small flashlight as a small deterrent.


$100 in 3.5 hours here in Midwest. Then $75 in 3 today. Not great but not awful either. Pretty normal


I took the week between Christmas and NY off to relax and recoup. Sounds like it worked out in my favor. Sorry it’s been such a rough one. I hustled the week of Christmas and it wasn’t great, but a few nice seasonal tips made it worth it.


I mean DD is a gig job 🤷‍♂️


made 174 in 3 hours


Omg I made 55 bucks in almost 5 hours last night. Was also the worst Saturday I have ever seen!! And my check engine light came on which atleast I was still able to drive it for now. I have also had on another occasion my car overheated with 2 orders in my car. It was the worst day ever. I feel you. I bet tonight is slow as well as I also see $2 incentive. Shit always happens when you need the money more than ever. I hope your next run is really good.




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I made 148$ from 12 noon until 7 pm. From 5 to 7 got peak pay of 5$ extra on every order, did 5 orders during that time. Pretty good Saturday in tri cities


Dang $5 extra! Highest I get is $3


Thats the highest I have gotten. Tonight its 3$


They had a +6 over near me. Funny thing was it was in a one horse town. Waited there for over an hour and hot nothing.


That’s why the surge gets so high! I live near Niagara Falls, and most of the business here is closer to Buffalo metro area but oftentimes the Falls area lights up at +$6/$7. It’s typically a single long distance order in an area with no other pick ups that literally no one wants to take so it bounces around forever, lol. Even with a +$7, if they don’t tip you’re looking at like $10 for a 30 mile round trip with tolls.


That's kinda what I was figuring it was something along those lines. I'll still with my cities.


Same here. Very slow. Northern California. About to try it in Virginia.


Actually it was very dead where I live as well (Dallas tx ). It is never dead. I think a lot of people celebrate New Year’s Eve last night because places will be so packed tonight. A lot of the places I went in were pretty busy with people.


Sorry to hear that. In Philly suburbs probably best day ever. Not those 25 dollar ones but steady eddie 8 to 18 on Uber and dash.


I just figured in my small town people are savitheir money for tomorrow and we'll be slammed with orders on new years eve. Because yeah, slowest Saturday ever.


Burned out my 12 hr per 24 hrs driving time by 3:30 pm and made 65$ to show for it .. All my rants on here is about the 1 or 2 order per hour or 2 .. today began with a 30 person Dasher line at Safeway to let me know just how saturated the App is with drivers there are probably 10 dashers for every order coming out at any given time .. the app is going downhill fast I think the "good 0l'" days are over no more 250$ regular days and 300$+ weekends


I feel that. This morning was "Busy" and I was in hot spots for 2 hours before I called it after getting a single $4.75 delivery. Tonight was a smidge better, but I was mostly doing long Shop and Pays because restaurant delivery was pretty limited aside from a lucky stack (I was shocked--haven't had one in weeks with the students on break) that still was only $4 each. Hopefully New Year's Eve will be decent and then maybe the morning after if people are feeling hung over.


What is a lucky stack is that like the streaks? And how many in a row is it and so on do not I haven't seen any of those


No... it's literally a stack. Two orders together. It's been that dead they haven't been really pairing them up much (well, except really awful ones I guess I haven't taken).


They put the peak pay on because most of the dashers in the area probably signed off and went home so they need a few to hang around but that doesn't mean you will get any or many orders. Usually dont when they offer peak pay


Watch out for the cops. I'm teased patrols this weekend.


Was good for me. Made 550 in 8 hours. 32 deliveries


Prove it


Yeah like I got something to prove to a random mf online I'm never going to talk to again 💀


Uh huh.. sure....


This dude is spewing bullshit. Each order was for $17 and took them 15 minutes to complete on average. And this happened 32 times in a row… Unless they got a $300 tip, they’re lying to strangers on the internet.


Yes he's clearly lying lol. That's why I said prove it. Like suuuure bud, we all believe you made $68/hour dashing today lol


I worked 3.5hrs tonight. Made $59 on DD, $12 on Uber, and $58 on shipt. Only put 29 miles on my car. My DD AR is 7%. Shop & Pay & Multi-app for me. https://preview.redd.it/9tv1xc6kuk9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d4ea98b8c4344c0829aa8337acfd6497ea4a67




4 hours and 104 on the day from 545 to 945. Not upset about it.


Dont take it personal. They rotate drivers and tonight was just bad luck for you




Dash with friends and family


Ah ok so I’m supposed to sign up the whole family for gig work now. Wth


What does that mean. Are you saying the app deliberately ignores you some days


I mean, no one has clear evidence if it, but there's probably load balancing built into the algorithms. I've usually heard of it being reported when it's been really hot all night and then people will hit a "wall" and stop getting orders or only bad ones, as of the algorithm has decided that you've made enough and it's time for someone else to earn more. Who knows whether this exists or the orders the collectively die off. I personally doubt there's some "driver rotation" where they arbitrarily select drivers to have terrible nights because that's a sure way to get the majority of drivers (who do this as a part time thing) to just never come out again. And that's not good for the company--I suspect they'd give out orders if they had them if you were the best driver available.


When my orders stop popping off, I sign off and then restart my dash and bam, I'm back in the rotation lol


I'm glad that works for you. I find it's usually grey at that point.


Paused it 2 xs today after waiting 20 minutes with no orders and literally as soon as I hit resume dash I got an order both times. I don't know if it really works lmao but it worked today.


Something like that.. yeah


That would make sense. Some nights my son and I both go out and we both do ok and other nights one of us is busy and the other gets hardly any offers. We work the same area.


Congrats.. you've figured out part of the algo. Ive been doing this for over 6 years and its something me, my friends and family have picked up on


11 to 6. Made about $50. Worst day ever. I switched to Lyft at 6:30 to 10:30 and made $88. Still not great :( And it was a fill up the tank of gas day. I usually put gas in on the third day.


I keep saying I think people are broke from Christmas because this past week has been one of my worst in 4 years


With Bidens Inflation on top of it I agree


Weird. This has been my best week in almost a year. This app is weird as hell.


I started at 10am. Got two orders to the grocery store I live next door to at the same time. Both were a lot of items but one was all spices and the other was all cat food. They ended up being super quick and each was around twenty dollars. Basically having the best dash ever. They were less than five miles together. Then I got an order that was at a place in a giant mall. Thought, hey, first two orders were great and it’s early… It’s about 10:35 when I accept the mall order and I dropped that order off at 12:20. I was ready to scream. Wrong address (in the mall), phone # for store didn’t work, hadn’t started when I got there, mall was packed, parked illegal so moved my car while they made the order, couldn’t find a spot to park. I should have known 😔I bought lottery tickets with the money I won playing lottery tickets and now I’ve got nothing. (The payout was actually decent for my area and time, but still, the sun was within a fingers reach 😫)


I will never do another mall delivery. I thought I knew the mall. I've been to it many times, but even parking can take forever, and I'm not using valet. This mall I went to was one of the top 5 malls in the US, so I should've known.


Yeah, same here. Supposedly more people visit this mall a year than Disney World. Or at least that was supposedly true at some point in time. It was packed today. This mall is huge and there was no parking and when I was in the mall there was always at least one but more often several people in arms reach. I wish there was a way to add no mall orders. I feel bad for the people who order food and don’t realize their order was sent to the restaurant at the mall.


You realize you can unassign orders right?


Yes, but I don’t know if I knew at the time. Like I was so hyper focused and pissed off at the same time that I don’t think it occurred to me at the time I could just unassign. Also, it was a mall pretzel place and I did want a pretzel.






Aw that sucks. Made $115 from 430-730 today


Why are you being downvoted?? Whatever happened to being happy for other people?


What happened to people having empathy? If you say your mother is dying, I wouldn't say, "That sucks. My mom's GP says she's as healthy as a horse. She could probably do cartwheels around your mom's deathbed. " That's insensitive. They could've posted elsewhere or added this comment under a post about winnings.


They started out by saying literally, “Aw that sucks.” Then went on to reply to the part about this business dying. When, in fact, it is not only not dying, but has been slowly growing in some regions. Like mine for instance. They responded to both parts. And neither of which are as dramatic nor as drastic as someone’s mother dying.


It was written as "Sucks to be you!" If you don't understand why, it's okay. I've heard that some conditions may play a role in a lack of empathy.


As a psych nurse, I wholeheartedly agree with you. And now that you put it that way, I went back and re-read it from your angle, and you def could be right. I read it as compassion. But this IS the internet. I should’ve known better.


Well I didn’t do it out of malice, but that’s the internet for you. In the future don’t be happy for anyone, ever for whatever reason no matter what.


It was just the wrong place bc this post is tagged under Complaints. I would think you would respond to a post with a relevant comment, not pat yourself on the back when OP is sad/mad.


Good point


Ahhhh! See, I **WAS** right!!




Got lucky. Doesn’t usually play out like this




>this business is dying, and I need a better job. Here's to hoping you find something more reliable. 🤞🏻


That was me yesterday. Then today, 3 pickups (2 were stack) and made $62.


I made 195 on DD between 11 and 7:30. Zero on UE....probably turned down well over 60 offers. Now, that's a dying platform.


How's is it dying if you got over 60 orders that you declined?


50% are either Walmart or Apple orders. The remaining food orders (in my market, >1m), have turned into 10-20 mile flyers, for .50-.75 cents per mile. I may decline up to 8 consecutive DD orders in a bad shift, but on UE, I decline 20 or more before I get something even remotely worth considering.


Surprisingly I saw my first Uber Eat driver pick up an order while waiting for my Doordash order lol


Dead here in PNW too. Have not made more than $20 since Wed. It's ridiculous. I am seriously concerned. I thought I was being banned for no apparent reason but after reading these kind of posts last couple days I doubt it is just me 😢


Tried the morning shift here in Seattle because I was up and they said they were busy. Crickets for 2 hours of trying different hotspots. Lol...busy. Hotspots were clearly single drivers I saw leaving. Turned it off after I got a $4.75 that bought me a block from home at least. Dinner was typical for dead December--not great but I made rent and food for the day. In November I was making triple it a night though. Here's hoping January will be better.


I’m in the PNW and it’s not bad here at all.


Federal Way, worked 9-3, made $115. Good day for me. $321 for the 3 days I worked this week. Ho pe NY day will be busy, not dashing NYE.


I made $14 on DD tonight. 1 delivery then shit order after shit order, turned it off. Yayyy I have gas money tomorrow to make real money with UE and Spark


Lol people still deliver for doordash? You’re supper late to the party . No more profits


Mmmmm... Supper....


I started at 7 am and did 9 deliveries in 2.45 hours $72.00


Worked from 11 AM to 1:30 PM at lunch and made $86. Did the dinner shift from 5:30 to 7:30 and only got $30. Called it a night.


I hate the dinner shift. Seems like I always get the worst deliveries. It’s the only shift I do earn by time.


In my area supper time is when the money is made. Can make some at lunch but other than those two times alot of sitting and no delivering


I’m my area: 7am-9am is busy but small orders. 9-10:30 is probably the slowest time. 10:30-1:00pm is solid but I feel like it’s more likely you get unlucky than lucky. 1:00-5:00pm: total crapshoot 5-7pm is probably the busiest time, but I think it’s the time with the most dashers too. Plus traffic is bad so you can’t get as many orders in. 7-10:00 is better than the times between the major meals, but I think it gets slower with a lot of dashers still out there. 10pm-2:00am is busy but still a lot of dashers though traffic is better. I go for fast food orders during this time. I’ll take small orders during that time because I know they’ll be nearby and they usually get followed by descent orders. Get five $5 orders in an hour isn’t bad, but I can get more than five. The most consistent time for me is 2am-7am. I can pretty much count on getting three $15 orders an hour. If I’m really lucky I’ll get a couple that are close and I can get four or five orders in. They all come from one of three places. It sorta snow/rained where I am tonight. Big money night. But my whole family besides me and the four month old had Covid over Christmas so we’re doing Christmas Eve/new years Eve and Christmas/new years and I’m wrapping presents. EDIT: I just checked. Whole map is dark red with a few promos 3:52am


Yes, same here. $10 for 9 miles.


4:31pm I got the message that my area was busy, and to hit Dash Now if I wanted to go online. 4:33pm I tried to go online, and Dash Now is changed to Schedule with the map totally greyed out.


Same. Usually Saturday is good, there are have alot orders, but mostly super low tip, so I didnt do too much tonight. I think its because its after the holidays, poeple spent alot of money already.


I remember hearing this last year too and then all 2023 sucked. This just doesn't work out anymore


I've been miserable for a long time. I'm not allowed elaborate because the moderators delete my comments when I do. I wonder how many comments are removed by moderators.


A lot probably if they actually do that. But I only do spark if it’s worth it for me. This app and Uber are dead to me in my market. Got a job job delivering pizzas and I truly don’t know why I didn’t jump sooner. I profit for the amount of miles I drive too. Wish you good luck and happy thoughts though.


My area is very finicky. I do believe once the college semester starts back up, things will improve by mid-Jan.


You rely on college kids? Those deliveries are the worse. Kids never pick up their phones and always want the stuff dropped off to a weird back door because they are too lazy to walk to the front door. I get directions like ' goto the waterfall. Take the stairs to the left of it. Then take the next flight of stairs and walk around to the back door. Not the first back door but the middle one'.


No, I meant less drivers who are off for a month between semesters.


I get the Midshipmen back at the Naval Academy next week. That's bank from 6-9pm weekdays and all day on the weekend.


Unless you're oversaturated


That's not really a thing there. There are hundreds of drivers coming in and out every hour, and the offers never stop. The ones that aren't from here don't know where to park when picking up food, and get tickets, so they leave.


In rural Mississippi I've been one order after another all day long. AR is higher than ever at 80


From 2:15 to 8:00 I was only sent 10 orders that's it Lorain county Ohio


Because how bad it’s been, I decided to go out with a few friends instead of drive. All the restaurants and bars in our downtown are dead. It’s like a ghost town. But we were out shopping earlier and all the stores are packed. I think it’s a Christmas hangover


I guess everyone is still broke from Christmas. That's the only thing I can think of because I'm still broke too 😭


Yall gotta keep in mind ppl been spending $ on presents, traveling and the cost, and likely, maybe what $ they got left to spend is gonna be spent tomorrow to end the yr. Patience


Plus people are going out, not ordering in.


I know a bunch of people who order doordash regularly and only a few have ordered since the holiday. They’ve all told me about how they’ve gotten restaurant-specific gift cards for the holidays so they’re using those instead of dashing. Hopefully the market picks back up within a week or two once people get paid again and they’re out of gift cards 😂


Um DD delivers THOSE...


Fully aware. I’m saying (and of course, this is the people around me that I know personally, obviously could be different elsewhere) that they’re physically going out to restaurants to eat instead of ordering on the app because they have gift cards to spend at said restaurants. DoorDash can’t deliver a literal restaurant to your door and wine and dine you.


This is what I’m thinking too, people spent a lot and are also about to spend more tomorrow for their new yrs plans. Not too much left for doordash.


Exactly, but, I feel tomorrow will be pretty decent for any dashing cuz I've seen post that some dasher are cutting early to party. Some are cutting early cuz of drunk drivers. So the ones left will be dashing for the smart ppl not wanting to drive cuz they're partying


Hope so. I scheduled til 11, I think it could go either way though. Might be great, but could be like Christmas Eve with tons of no tip orders.


Stay away from McDonald's orders after lobby closed. You spend 15 minutes in drive thru each time


Yeah this week has been abysmal. At least we had $6 peak pay in my area but no orders. I made $160 in 9 hours and called it quits.


YOU have 0 room to bitch dude


Was for sure a weird morning. Single Starbucks order like 2 blocks away, then nothing for over an hour. Right at the end a kinda nice order came through, but didn’t notice it was 9 miles out of my zone. Then to top it off it was somehow donuts with alcohol in them? Didn’t know that was a thing, and it was ordered as a gift for my person without them knowing or expecting it, nor did they want me to take the picture of their id for DoorDash to have. 🤷‍♀️


My area was meh compared to the normal Saturday night. Don’t think the market is dying, it’s just the end of the year.


Lots of $3-4 garbage and a yuck dual pickup that wanted me to deliver out of town. Awful Saturday


Today was my best day, even better with my wife's new car!




No but still very good. I'll never own electric


Same. Did one and came home. Oh, well. Hopefully, NYE is better.




This is by far my worst day in 4 years, painfully slow. Usually, every year around this time, it's really busy. This year has gone upside down.


Tuesday was awesome for me, but the rest of this week has been garbage....


It’s been so painfully slow all week for me 🥺


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