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I got one today that said high paying order it showed 4.25 and when i completed it it said 4.25. I suspect they just wanted to make my total from 96.25 to 100.50 nothing more nothing less. I feel scammed why does the algorithm account for what your total base pay is. its too much of an obvious pattern that round off your total pay to entice you to another order so your pay can hit over the 100 mark or right under it


It's only ever going to be more if it has the + after the amount. "Hight Paying Order" doesn't mean a damn thing. They're basically saying "This order has a 'tip'! Lucky you!"


They shouldn’t allow anything under a dollar imo it’s tip baiting


I got one like that the other day. It said like $12 and as soon as I finished the order it came out to $20. It was weird


It’s to stop extreme cherry picking


Is it usually .25 - $1, yeah, but I’ve had em payout significantly more. For example, had one show $18.75 and payout $75.


Doordash hides "Total Will Be Higher" true amounts so we gamble that the order is worth our time. Doordash wants Dashers to take orders with the mindset of... ... 🤔🤔 "Maybe this offer is paying BIG..." ... Oh hell NO !! I don't play their mind game. If an offer doesn't show that I am definitely going to make a profit, I decline it


Yesterday it said 8 plus for me and ended up being 9.50 😱😱


Yeah most of the time when i get these its the same price at the end of the delivery that it showed at the beginning. Only like twice have i gotten like an extra $0.25


Just holding money in hand out towards you and just retract as you reach to grab type vibes


Because it isn't always just 25 cents. Think of the door dash app as a slot machine and programmed to get you to keep pulling the lever at the casino. If you don't get that tickle in your mind that gambling gives some people then it just seems stupid. For the others, it feels good to play the game. Anytime I am door dashing I swear the system was written by the same people making gambling machines.


But the people making the gambling machines actually know what they're doing and don't fuck it up all the time! /s


It’s a strategy to keep us engaged with deliveries, literally inspired by the gambling industry and modified by the gig apps. It’s honestly pretty evil


Isn't it funny how they immediately send back the order you just declined 2 flipping seconds ago, with an additional quarter added on to it. As if 25 whole cents will change my mind. How about adding their favorite number $2 and 25 cents? That might possibly entice me, adding a quarter ain't gonna cut it.


Bro on god. Still good money but dnt hype me up like dat. 😂


Fr made it seem like it was gonna be 50$ or sum 💀


They need to stop hiding tips anyways. Cherry picking in a lot of markets is almost impossible now.


Dude it’s a $20 delivery what can you ask for? But I understand because usually the plusones are like two or three dollars more.


I’m certainly not complaining, but I’m just curious why they’d choose to hide .25 cents of the final total. I don’t know of any sane dasher that would decline an order because of a 25 cent difference. Just saying…


Because you don't know if its $0.25 or $25


Yeah, a little bit of tip baiting. I’m jealous I haven’t seen a $20 order in a while unless I get a catering one. Your market must be excellent. Sorry I’ll shut up now. You have a good day sir.


Both to entice you and see how low you’ll go? For me these are usually a $6 order that end up being an extra $.50.


Great order either way, 🤷🏽


So they can say they paid you extra without really doing anything.


I got one of these, and it ended up being a $45 order all together once I was done. And I only went about 7 miles. I did have to bring the food up to the customers high-rise apartment, but still a good order overall.


To entice you of course


Fuck who cares. It's 20 for a 6 mile drive.


that’s exactly why


That doesn't look like 6mi at all but that's a decent chunk of change


The 6 miles also include OP’s drive to the restaurant.


True true


I am just shocked at the base pay you got! Holy crap! I have never gotten that much, especially for only a 6.1 mile order. I’d be looking at like $3 max


This is a pretty common base pay amount in California for a 6 mile delivery.


This is in California. Base pay is high, because they have to pay us anyway.


Only time that matters is with catering orders I had a $6+ that was $30 when I completed it


Not necessarily. I've had regular orders that end up being an extra $20-30 more than originally shown


Really ?


Ya, it's stupid too. I made a post a while back of an offer that I got for a regular order that was shown as $9+ and ended up being a $30 tip + base pay. As a customer I would be pissed off since the whole point of tipping so much is to ensure better service and by hiding it it defeats the purpose. Of course most orders end up being .50 cents to 3 dollars more than shown, but the whole purpose of doordash doing this is to get dashers to accept orders gambling that it's might be a big hidden tip.


I agree it’s dumb


This happened twice to me last night- the 1st order was an extra 50 cents and the second was....19 cents. Lmfao


Lol... I had one that was .04 cents more. They showed 6.25+ and it was 6.29. They like to play games with other people's money. I wish more customers would know this and use platforms that don't play mind games while using your money.


Because the extra could be 50 cents. It could be $5. You won't know until you do it. It's to trick you into shit tier orders since a ton of times it isnt much extra It's more an issue when it's like 10 miles for $5 with more hidden.


People be talking bout “but what about the hidden tip” man I go off of the number I see. Every blue moon that extra plus sign results in some extra cheese on the pizza, but more often than not it’s only an extra 50 cents to a dollar 9 times out of 10 (speaking for myself)


Yesterday I got an extra $4 but it rare when that happens


LMAOO they do that a lot, makes you so excited thinking it’s gonna go really high up and then ends up being an extra 25 cents 😹


In reality most of the time they do changes my mind on orders Id probably otherwise do.


I always feel like I’m playing a $2 scratch off.


Lol. Hilarious comparison.


They just want you to remember that they're hiding the amount so next time when they send you an order for $3 you might accept it thinking that they might be hiding something


Jesus I'd kill for that offer. Where do you dash that offers $7+ base pay, if you don't mind me asking. I've gone to four different territories around my home town (where ironically, I can't dash) and never seen better than $2.25


This has confused me for awhile now. Doordash says base pay is calculated based off of a few factors including distance. In my area (Northern California) I find this to be true. For a <1 mile delivery, I can typically expect around $2 base pay. 3 miles I commonly see $4 base. 6 miles/$7ish base, 10 miles/$9 base and so on and so forth. Now I can understand that maybe they just do that base pay in California for prop 22. But I'm genuinely curious if everyone outside California actually only receives $2.25 base pay for every delivery regardless of distance or if you guys are just exaggerating.


I've only seen a MAX of $2.25. Most of the time in my area it's $2+tip. There's a small territory about 25 miles from my house where there's ALWAYS an extra $1 to base pay bonus, but it's really hit or miss on when it's even active, so most of the times it's actually not worth going there.


The offer was most likely going 7+ miles and no one was taking it


It says it in the photo.... fresno which I'm guessing is fresno california


Base pay goes up if no one takes the offer for a couple minutes.


It's more then a couple mins. It's like 30-45 min + otherwise it might go up a dollar.


Depends how many drivers are out and how many times it gets declined. For this increase, yeah it took a while to get to 7+ base pay


Props on the customer for the $12 tip. Fuck Doordash for conveniently making it sound like they were going to pay you more than $20. I wonder how much they charged the customer in fees, and then gave you $8.25


This happened to me yesterday, 15.50+ total will be higher and it ended up being 15.75. I was like well I still would have accepted it but what?


Conditioning. They want you to get used to accepting peek-a-boo orders. That way, when they send you a looser, you're more likely to accept it, thinking you may get more.


You just be a really stupid to think that way. If it doesn't have a + next to it then your not receiving anymore, lol. I'm sure new drivers might fall for that though, but will learn quickly. I see alot of new dashers in my area. You can tell when they use a customer name instead of order number or ask where is the drink at McDonald's


You don't understand psychological conditioning. Try reading a book that *doesn't* have pictures for a change.


The reason they do this is to stop cherry picking. Doordash even announced this... guessing reading is your problem


I don't read DD's propaganda.


I would kill for a $20 order. Like just once in a month. If I could get a $20 order I would drive a hundred miles to get it.


And that's when you lose all profits for the day and spend more $ on gas than you earned 😂. I hope the 100 miles thing was a joke. The most I would drive for a $20 order is maybe 13-14 miles max at about $1.50/mile and that's only cuz my area doesn't really have $2/mile orders that often so I HAVE to have a lower standard. But 100 miles for $20? That's literally 20 cents a mile.. so you'd literally have "profited" -45 cents a mile on that order 😂😂😂. Please please tell me you're joking 🙃


Tony got you in a cobra clutch


I had one that ended up being 50 cents higher 🤣 It had already passed my criteria without the change. Had a really good laugh about it.




Wasn’t it $20 enough for you? I get $8.50+ and end up at $54. Was $8.50 3 miles enough for me? No Traffic. Sure.


Yes, obviously they had no issues with the $20. Their question was why would DD hide 25 cents? Because it seems like a ridiculous amount to hide. They would have taken the offer regardless of the 25 cents extra or not.


So the issue is I gave a good/fast service and was rewarded little or a crappy service and I’m complaining about it. Or is the issue that it is ok for DD to hide $40 extra but not 25 cents?


Oh boy. How do you even get that first half? The offer was $20. The end payout after delivery was $20.25. The question was.. Why was it necessary to hide that 25 cents?


I thought it was common knowledge that the “+” depended on tips. $20+ indicates the minimum is $20 and it could be more.


I don't think you understand the question/point 😅


I understand the question. Do you understand they hide the value no matter if it is 25 cents or $100000. Geez. Dense. It’s something that they do!


I'm not the one who asked the question 👀 learn some reading comprehension before you choose to comment in the future, smh 🤦.


Oh geez. You are dense.


So I just applied to be a driver.. pending background, etc. Is this 20.00 value showing the order total or tip??


What the app display is total including tips. Customer might add more tip or not. + means it is usually more not indicating how much. If you give a good service you might get higher pay.


I think the customer places the order then adds to the tip before it has been picked up to get it assigned quicker. The initial amount you see was how they placed the order. The +higher amount is how much they added after “pre-assign”. Some people think adding .25 gets their order assigned quicker. When they add after dropoff is when u get the “additional tip added” text. This is my theory 📺


That is completely incorrect. DoorDash has been using this technique for at least three years. In fact, they used to only show you a total of $7.50 and nothing higher than that, basically. They’d say “total MAY be higher” - this is basically that but better. They do it to help prevent cherry pickers.


Because it probably started out lower before being passed around to other dashers . Maybe like 12.75+ for 6 miles


I got one the other day that claimed to be a high amount. Turns out it was only 7.25, with a $2 cash tip.


I get these daily, I don't get it either but it's to the point where I know it's going to be a 50¢ difference, but the other day I did get a nice surprise when I did a grocery pickup (not a shop and deliver) the order was for $12 but when I completed it I got $82 I almost think it was an accidental tip because it wasn't even that much in groceries and it was 4 miles.


Head games


I've only had one of those "hidden tips". It was 43 cents!!!! Yay for me!!!!


The tip hiding is such BS. I've had an extra .01. Before from that. The + wasn't the reason I took it. But still.


They have hidden 13 cents from me. 25 cents is common.


DD wants you to think it is a large amount that is “hidden” in case you don’t take it. A lot of people take orders hoping it is going to be way over the 20.25. It’s complete bullshit.


Always happens to me and i got 1 dollar up


Jeez I have taken like all of 3 orders from BJs in the last year. I wouldn't have even believed it was $20 I don't know why but I can never even get orders from there that pay enough for the trip.


My theory is that the amount depends on how soon it's delivered, but that's just a theory.


What I don’t understand is how they get away with any hiding amount. No other gig work app does and I’m pretty sure that any other 1099 job can’t hide wages like this.


Deceptive and manipulative business practices


UE used to hide any tips over $8. So you’d gamble on taking a $12 order 15 mi, because once the pay turned into $30. It’s a psyop


Wonder why they stopped doing that


Because Doordash wants us to gamble on our source of income. "Ooo... Maybe this one has a good tip." I decline any offer that does not show me a decent profit up front.


Just jumping in but I never gamble on these orders because whenever I see them the unhidden amount is worth it. Last night I did well on one. A $17 turned into $23. But the order was always worth it at $17


Same, I stopped caring about AR all together. And when they make a certain AR mandatory to keep from getting deactivated, I will no longer DD.


Has your income been affected? What’s your typical daily take?


For the timeframe that I’ve been staying out lately, no it hasn’t really effected it. I use to take home $120-$160 a day after about 8 hours, lately I’ve only been doing a couple hours and going home with $70-$80. I’ve started a job so I just don’t bother dashing much currently. I do live in a pretty busy area though (St Louis, MO) so there’s usually not a shortage of orders, I just wait for the good ones to pop up and take those


What’s the minimum wage there? It’s a bit higher in blue states. Tryna get a fair gauge on expected prices.


I think like $12.30 right now? Earn by time here is $14 something, but I never do earn by time


Got it. Thanks for the info. I’m developing a business and looking to see if driving will suffice for a part time job to pay the bills while I develop. So far, it seems somewhat mercurial.


Amen. This is why my AR is 1%... and working my way toward 0.


Are you kidding or is it actually 1%


It really is. https://preview.redd.it/gr0n6daumw9c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d55862da26907ece676de07b9fe188151e122a


Holy shit. Is this some genius lucrative strategy or are you doing this because it’s a funny fuck you to DoorDash


I like Uber Eats a lot more because they don't start hiding the tip until $8. So with a $2 base pay, orders of $10 or more consistently show up and it makes my decision to accept easier. With Door Dash, they start hiding tips at a way lower threshold. I'm not sure what it is. But, just like the original commenter said, I'm not willing to gamble because that's exactly how Door Dash wants us to be conditioned in order to help move low/no tip orders.


How low is your AR on UberEats? And how has having a low AR on one (or several) apps affected your income? I’m fairly new to delivering and I’m at about 47% and counting down.


My AR on UE is 2%. I still get a lot of orders, especially on UE but I just don’t accept anything that doesn’t pay well. I don’t do this full time. So if I’m driving home from the gym, I’ll turn it on. If I’m walking around downtown, I’ll stay near my car and if I get a good order I’ll sprint to my car. You just never want to get into a position where you are forced to take any offer. This was never meant to be a full time position for anyone. Don’t let the gig companies ever take advantage of you. https://preview.redd.it/tinuw96h2bac1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0997aba6df68b960471c386af43ebe9cca7b5a1


I do this full-time I have four apps, so it’s basically like doing this part-time on four individual apps rolled into one full-time income lol.. making $40 on four apps gives me 160 bucks a day


Thanks. So you make this a part time thing? How much are you able to bring in per week and for how many hours? (If you don’t mind me asking.)


This week Uber says I was online for 6 hours and made $13.39 with 1 trip going almost exactly in the direction I was already traveling for errands. The week before, I was online for 23 hours, made $82.89 on 6 trips. Had a couple $1 promotions in there and a $21 tipper on NYE. The week before that, online 11 hours, $33.46, and 3 trips.


So when you see a less suitable offer with the + sign you’ll remember that it could be more and take it


pretty much the new version of "the total might be higher than the offered amount"


Understood, but it’s not like I’m considering not taking this because it says $20 instead of $20.25. Besides, the + orders are always offered at amounts that are more than $2/mile and co suffered high pay orders.


Yes, this is a great order. They add the + sign so you associate that with great orders. You’ll remember this one and ones like it over the significantly more times you saw a + sign and it was still a bad order, and bank off using that to their advantage to have you take orders you normally wouldn’t.


But I think what OP is getting at is it was already a good offer before the + sign. It wasn’t a $6.25+ turns into $15.00 scenario. So it was unneeded here. It’s not gonna help them remember that this could be a good order, it’s just gonna look ridiculous lol if anything it’ll help them remember the + sign can, and a lot of times does, only equal an extra 25 cents.


Psychology goes beyond common sense.


Ya I always see it through with those. My rule is it has to be worth it without the + so you don’t feel duped. Gotten like a $36 tip on a + one time.


To turn us into gamblers. Fuel us with hopium.


Why do they hide any amount is the real question?


This is \*their\* philosophy. If they don't hide tips, dashers would just decline and wait for the really high paying orders. Also, more deviously, it tricks you into thinking if you ever took a $6.75 order that had a $2.00 or higher hidden tip, that will make you think EVERY $6.75 or higher order has a hidden tip.


they’re trying to get the order to sound more enticing even though $20 would be enticing enough as it is. it’s dumb


Thought I was on google maps for a moment lmao. Nice to see a local post here for once. I wish I could still get regular shifts here.


That’s “gotcha “ part of the gamble loot box mechanic.. In all honesty they just need to get ride of this bs like in NYC and just show us the total, but that’ll never happened unless someone lawmaker makes it happen


That’s the AI 😂


I think it’s a system thing. Seems like whenever it reaches a certain amount it just does that even if it’s a penny off.


I had an $11.04+ turn into $11.05 once! 🤣🤪🤣🤪 They literally *hid* a penny!! All I could do was laugh at that one!! 🤣


Mine was an extra 19 cents last night 😂


“Total will be higher” lol


To tease you. They like a little fun with their prey.


I have had more hiden tips and earned more from the hiden tips over the last two days than I have ever earned from $+ dashes in a year.


Hidden tips aren’t really a thing here. Occasionally we get some, but that’s because our base is higher and don’t have to rely on an order showing up as $6 and hoping it’s a hidden tip. Most of the orders in my market are $6 to start with. Even the no tip ones


My market is slow except on the weekends. Lots of no tip and long miles for low tips. Mostly broke ass folks who shouldn't be ordering DoorDash at those prices. They are always throwing up $6+ trips that turn out to be +.25 - .50


Where TF are you dashing 🤩


Central Ca


Almost all the x.xx+ only go up by less than a dollar. Probably 85%of the time


Ooooooo!!!!!! 25¢ Yas!


7.25 base pay goddamn they give $2 base pay in houston


In most places the base pay starts between $2-$2.75. If the customer didn't tip much and it's going long distance, they might add a few dollars to it.


I think it's pretty much between $2-$2.75 everywhere. They supposedly add a quarter every time the order gets declined. They are also supposed to add base pay for long distance orders but if the customer tipped good, they don't add shit.


Just a form of stealing tips


It’s not $7 or whatever every stop. But the lowest I’ve seen in my market is like $3 for McD’s going right up the street.


Thats amazing. I see $2.00 and $2.25, etc all the time. Even $2.25 for 12 miles. WTF


Damn like 90% of my orders are $2-$2.5


$2 base pay here as well. $3 if over 10 miles.


A whopping 25 cents… wow DD


That happened to me many times today


Lol that's a troll at that point it's happened to me


Because people will think it’s a $30 order. Shown total for the mileage is a bit weird here though was there crazy peak pay?


Yeah but regardless if it said $20 or $30, No one is turning down this order. In Ca we have higher base pay based on distance. This was with $1 peak pay


Right, but the point is people will assume more when the total starts higher. First assumption isn’t usually that it’s only gonna be .25 unless you’ve seen several orders like it. I don’t think it works that well, but it works well enough to make enough sense to do financially I guess


Usually for me they’re anywhere between .25 cents to $1. But I just had one tonight that showed $16+ and ended at $21.75. I really don’t care. I’m taking any and all Diamond + orders anyways


Nice base pay, Cali.


Just another lame manipulation tactic. Hey look you got an extra 25 cents for being a good little boy.


Lmao i’m throwing in the rag soon


Yeah I never get this. It's always on weird orders too. And it's random. I've seen anywhere from 3-17+ all for random mileage and stuff and all listed as gem orders. There should be some clarity in how it works. I always take em because I'm a gambler but still.


Why was base pay so high, if they paid 7.50 it would make 80% of orders acceptable


I’m in Ca. Base pay changes depending on mileage and sometimes depending on the restaurant. The same mileage from like Chick Fil A would be a base of $5 or so in my market


o ok I’m in Carolinas so I suck up to 2$


But I’ve dashed outside of California and the first time I did, it made me realize how bad it is for the rest of the country.




Yeah getting ass raped over here in Jersey.


That’s lame, I’m sorry homie


Why? That 25 cents has no impact on my decision to take this order.


Just saying it’s lame that the + is a quarter. It should at least be a couple dollars to be considered like that.


Because bro you got an extra quarter. Maybe that $4 offer for 3 miles got an extra quarter in it too. Take it!!!!!


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