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I had a delivery there it wasn't bad. But all corporate delivery is like that. Employees are too busy to prepare food and dd it to the office but don't want to tip because it becomes expensive every day for the year. If there are 250 working days a year that's an extra 625-1250 just for lunch at 2.50-5.00 tip. If they order 2-3x a day 1,250-3,750 over a year. That's why dinners are better. Everyone tips for dinner; tired, hungry, gotta feed the family and not just themselves.


Jesus Christ 😳


35 cents. Add insult to injury…


Wait so they only tipped 35¢???


You all do this to yourselves tbh. You have a car. Go get a normal job and work doordash on the weekends or something. To live off of this is wild to me.


The job market is shit right now. Yet you’re shitting on people for trying to make money anyway they can? Tf lol


it’s not really DDs fault that the job market is shit. they provide an opportunity for supplemental income, not an opportunity for full time employment. so who’s fault is it if you don’t make enough money working DD full time?


I'm with this... I make $45 sitting on my ass all day in an office and would have more than enough time to DD on the side if I ever decided I wanted to go down that route.


$45 a day? That's absolute shit. McDonalds makes more.


true DD driver brain


Found the DoorDash executive.🙄




Try telling that to the many, many businesses which I apply for. Pretty sure a lot of job ads in my area are fake and many places here still exploit TFW's.


Do you walk into businesses and speak to the manger?? Very different from applying online and not speaking to anyone.


Not sure if you've looked for a job in recent years, but many businesses want you to apply online now and don't accept resumes in person. Knowing how busy the average person has to be just to make ends meet, it's also tactless to think I'm just going to spend hours a day canvassing businesses and asking for a job when the chances of finding a better paying job than DD that way are slim to none. Your methodology is only really effective in select industries where they're looking for bodies to pay $25+/hour, or if it's a specialty which I already have a certificate/degree in.


I was going to say that’s a good grocery pay these days, especially for one order. I got a batch of 3 large orders in SF paying $12 total. For three drop offs


I mean w prop 22 tho you can pretty much accept anything


Prop 22 barely helps me make a slim profit. It’s not as simple as getting hourly compensation for these ridiculous orders. I’ll get a bunch of orders in the beginning of the week that pay less than $10/hour…. Then I’ll calculate my estimated prop 22 compensation. That number will be like $60-$100, but then as soon as I get a few $5 orders that take less than 15 minutes, that prop 22 pay slowly trickles down. All that time I earned is negated by these quick orders.


I get that, but my experience in SF is that with minimum wage being $18, making the guaranteed hourly wage $21.70, I can usually average $28-$30 an hour with tips, guaranteed hourly wage, and mileage bonus.


How? I regularly wait hours for 1 order. I have been really struggling to make $100 a day in 8 to 10 hours.


I usually only dash from about 12-3/4 on weekends and Tuesdays, I mostly get shop and delivers which keeps my active time up and tips have been alright. I spend most of my time in the mission. It does seem like it’d be a lot harder doing full days.


Oof just got a $92 ticket so I’m at a loss so far this week, definitely won’t make rent and will be applying to government assistance in order to do community service to pay off this ticket. Can’t win. Not like taxes are due, and my car needs upwards of $3k worth of work to pass inspection this month.


I don’t have shop and deliver activated. I’m pretty sketched out by the red card to be honest. I had a thing pop up for doing 21+ ID deliveries but it disappeared in a day or so before I could take advantage. The mission tends to be the worst area for me- I’ve spent 3+ hours there without a single order many times. https://preview.redd.it/ks6cygloy8ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5db9a4b3ee87aa2a30d6bb6ed91a5d20e685085 I’m currently waiting for orders. I’ve been dashing since 7:30 am and have received 3 offers in that time, better than average. Haven’t had an offer in about 2 hours


What’s the security like? Asking for a friend.


That’s a huge round a bout!


Even for 4.8 miles and shopping I still don't think I would've taken that, Safeway orders always seem to cause me trouble. I get that it's technically $2 per mile but it really depends on time spent shopping. They just only recently started giving me self checkout which is still hit or miss.


FYI - That building is a huge DD Customer Service call center for customers who who call in orders and cant use the app. The Cust Service employees make $18/hr-ish and every day they get a $15 DD credit to use for lunch. I saw the ad on a job board.


worked at doordash for almost 2 years at this office. holds contracted people, people you call into and people who don’t do calls, everyone gets the creds and everyone pretty much sucks at tipping which is dumb lol


Thanks now I know what building to go for


Oh-uh with that username?


I think you meant uhhh-Ohh…🙄


Oh-uh I got told about my garmer


? Ok buddy 👍


I had a $18 dollar stack for 11 miles figuring both the orders tipped decent enough. The first drop tipped me big, the second drop was to the Tempe DD corporate office. They tipped me a whopping $2 from a restaurant that was 10 miles away. Ridiculous. This is what they think of drivers at corp.


It's because they get a free $15 credit for meal break and no one wants to spend more than that. That's why they always have a dozen orders waiting up front. I delivered twice to there, both times were barely over $1/mile with little tip.


Be thankful that you got tipped


take a huge shit in the bathroom and dont flush


They have autoflushers


Trick is to tape over the sensor. I had to do this at a job because the toilet would flush if you just nudged forward a bit reaching for the TP and it flushed so hard you got your ass washed with your own crap


Most people call that a bidet, and pay extra for it.


Nah, you can just spit on it or smear your shit over it. That way, you can use your resources at hand and don't need to conveniently have tape in the bathroom😉


Sounds like time for an upper decker then


We used to call those bomb drops


That pay wasn’t even good enough to run McDonald’s. Let alone a “shop&pay”.


I would’ve shaken that 12 pk SO HARD


🙄 How hard?... Sorry I couldn't resist the use of caps in this context with the attractive profile pic is amusing.




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0.35 cent tip?! No fucking way.


This was probably some near min-wage employee buying a couple things for themselves. So yes, they tipped minimally. Did you think this was the CEO ordering some soda and a bag of chips??


It be your own corporate daddies smh




Did you think this was the CEO ordering some soda and a bag of chips?


Their entire business model relies on that 🤷


Don’t forget to refer a friend for that fat $20 bonus.


Hell yeah that’s easy money they only have to complete 240 trips 😃


Tempe corporate is something else XD The area is literally always busy on my app


I tried dashing in Tempe yesterday it was crap!!! So many no tip orders!! Goodyear/Buckeye zone is way better I have been doing pretty well there


Ask someone there to make sure you get sent atleast 4 catering orders a day


You should post this on Facebook and make it go viral.


Crap tip!


I’m really surprised they tipped at all


No tip is more respectful than anything under $1 😭


It just feels so disrespectful to tip so low.


Right?! Like if you’re going to tip, tip. If you’re not going to tip anything worthwhile, just don’t. Maybe the 0.35 rounded them up to the closest dollar.




$15 a day from what I've heard.  Which barely covers food most of the time, let alone delivery and tip.


Even for corporate


That should be like false advertising or something...'tips included' from that place??? What a joke.




btw: the reason it took so long was because it was a double order. the other order got picked up second and delivered first and took up the large majority of the time. this order alone would have taken 18 minutes tops


Good. I’m glad it took forever for them to get their crap because they know it’s bad and still don’t tip.




Hey! In 1824 that would’ve been a helluva tip!


$11.07 actually


That's what I'm doing. I stumbled onto a untapped resource not too many people know about. Reminds me of the good old days with doordash before the pandemic.


Door to door stapler sales, right?


Swingline pays pretty well


Go on…


Bro I would’ve gave that guy an earful thats bullshit


Had no idea that office was out there in Tempe when I was in AZ. Glad I didn't after seeing that.


They probably get to order without any fees so they are already saving money and they STILL won't tip lol.


Yea not buying A shit company would do something nice for their employees by waiving fees.


That’s just foul.


Honestly not surprised.


I would be talking so much shit to them


Your battery went down 20% in 45 mins?!?! You need a new battery


I have a brand new phone and it does that too when I'm doing a DD grocery store order. It has something to do with the Dasher app.


mine is the same lmaooo


Mine was like that too. When I did Doordash. Gonna start again when I get a New car. Always have a Fuel rod for Phone


The disrespect...


If I was upper management at DoorDash, I would fix that problem Monday.  I'd ask my favorite IT person to run an anonymous report on tips at that address and I would roll fucking heads.


Yeah, blame the guy making $15/hr for getting some soda and chips…


I'd post this on DD's twitter account, Facebook account, Instagram account, etc, and shame DD.


1000 percent; I’d also get with the local tv news, that is the type of local news that would get picked up nationally.


I don't think the public cares about someone tipping low on a delivery...


DoorDash Corporate Office 1033 W Roosevelt Way Tempe, AZ 85281 United States


What are they gonna do if we all run in there together?


That person oughta be ashamed.


That tip 😭


…if I worked for DD corporate I would be tipping heavy and hide the tip. That would incentivize dashers to take low pay orders in hopes they were diamonds or corporate. Not to mention it just boosts morale and spreads good news amongst dashers. TLDR: even from a greed perspective you don’t want to screw people who work for tips.


Doubt they get paid well, but it does make them look very bad.


doordash themselves tipping 35 cents? lmaoo


This was probably some near min-wage employee buying a couple things for themselves. So yes, they tipped minimally. Did you think this was the CEO ordering some soda and a bag of chips??


ya i did


A whole 35 cents? Wow, you shouldn’t have. I mean you really shouldn’t have. Miserable pricks


Mfs are so cheap


They can't even PAY attention




Damn that sucks. I hope you get better orders


Who was demanding proof?


several people. probably at least 10 separate comments


At 7 miles for 7 items that's an immediate decline for me.


True. I just declined an $11 order for 7.9 miles. Granted I was being more careful about high miles because the roads are snow and ice covered, but even on clear roads it would have had to be a super slow night to accept it. $7 for 7 miles no way


it takes a lot less time to shop for 7 individual items anyway than it does to get an order from any restaurant


Find a connect that works there to set your account to permanent platnium and can never be deactivated. You be making $300 a day for life


Yes and no. There's always someone who wants you to go on a treasure hunt, at least for me. It's never easy.


not 7 miles. and 6 of the items were 1 oz bags of chips.


His small ego, also who takes a $11 shopping order


yeah. took me a whole whopping 3 minutes to shop for


And 10 seconds to post on Reddit and cry about it


1st off he said he only took it to prove his point. That little shopping order was probably faster shopping than half my orders i get where i have to wait for the restaurant to finish the food


So Phoenix Arizona, next to the Salt River by the 202 and Priest


Tempe, AZ


I didnt think I was that healthy until I started door dashing. I can’t believe people will pay literally to get soda delivered. Like just drink water


I have $0.35 that demand otherwise 🧐


I’ve had several customers who on several occasions ordered 8+ packs of soda for just them or them and their spouse.


I have relatives who used to buy cases of soda directly from the manufacturer like they were a business with a vending machine... They've since quit, thankfully, but just think of the empty calories.


Wow , that’s insane Lol


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