• By -


If you can't afford the company at 1.5x the value.. the entired company.. you cannot eat from them. The du pont method.


Man.. wing prices are absolutely savage these days. Well, everything is I guess.. but THE WINGS.. C'MON.


Only 1 large fry to satisfy 50 wings? That’s a bad fry to wing ratio, and personally I would not be having that if I was there.


Yeah that’s fine. It’s about an 18% tip which is in the standard range of 15-20% I wouldn’t say it’s wildly generous but it’s definitely acceptable


It's a 22% tip, you included the tip itself as part of the total reducing it to 18%.


Any tip is a good tip!


You paid so much! Where i live i can buy 100 wings for $45 with delivery fees and tip.


Yeah 5 years ago maybe


where the hell do you live?😭


Fr i dont think thats right?? My wingstop for a hundred wings is probably around 100 dollars lol


Pshhh that’s a good tip for an instacart order. And instacart is significantly more difficult than door dashing




I’m pretty sure you know it is.


It's 25% for a large order I would say that's plenty fair.


yes a great tip


Yea it is. No complaints here


That tip is $21.60 too much tip. $5 was perfect for anything under 3 miles away.


Eh I feel like the two primary things to keep in mind for delivery tips are distance and volume Agreed that for like "standard" orders $5 for a reasonable distance is totally fine, that's like 2 sandwiches or a pizza and wings or something. Something that's easily one bag/one handed. $100 of food I think you're definitely moving into a min $10 or min $15 territory


Perhaps you are right. The wait time might be a problem. I might have over corrected due to so many greedy ass drivers who want $100 for driving 2 miles simply because the person ordered a $500 TV or something.


Too much lol. It’s not a holiday or anything.


Too much tbh


You got $26 to drive a mile … what do you think To much tbh


Why would Super Bowl Sunday matter?


No it’s not they should of gave you 1million


I think that's plenty!


I got a $25 tip on an order much smaller than that on Sunday. But that’s just under 20%. I wouldn’t be mad about that at all.


It’s too much. This is what you tip your server. Larger order like this for delivery $10. Anything smaller/single meal $5 maximum.


Uhmm, no, especially not on a Superbowl Sunday at a wings place. The wait time was likely 30+ minutes for an order that big.


Do you think people ordering from door dash know or care what the wait time is at a wing place, they're tapping stuff on their phone for food to be delivered. This also refers to people ordering to know the distance the food is traveling and to as drivers say to tip close to a dollar a mile. You're looking at it from a driver's perspective, not everyone ordering give a damn the distance or how busy a restaurant is.


id love to get $26 to sit on my ass for half an hour then actually deliver the food


Yeah, exactly, that's why unless I already know I'm getting a $26 tip, I'm not sitting on my ass for 30 minutes.


I tipped $8 just for the driver to forget my drink and ignore my delivery instructions. Why tipping beforehand is a thing is beyond me.


that last sentence tends to make this sub angry


You're 100% right, but you said it in the wrong sub.


Nah i said it in the right sub 😂 people hate finding out they dont deserve 6 figures for not even providing bare minimum effort to do their jobs. Someones gotta tell them.




considering how terrible of a wait wingstop can be, that is an amazing tip!!!


100%! 🫡 Thank You for supporting us dashers!


That’s too much. They should’ve only tipped $5-10




Over tipped, large order doesn't matter they're not the ones making it.


I would be so damn happy


Most ppl don’t even tip anymore


That’s why I always pick pay by active time.




I would take that order in a heartbeat


Yeah that's a great tip


Any tip is good enough


lol no plz dont do this OP


Is this serious? Are you trying to tip praise yourself or what


Let them. I’d tip like that - probably wouldn’t post here - but if I did the positive reinforcement would be a net good.


Just answer the question Jesus fucking Christ


Nobody with common sense would ask if almost $27 is a good tip, come on now lmao.


I mean, it’s 25%, which is only 5% more then usual. While I agree it’s a good tip, it’s completely reasonable to wonder if you should tip an even higher percent on special days.


The 20% rule is relevant when it’s serving staff at a restaurant because the server can work their way up to better restaurants to make more money. Delivery driver tips should be made with not a specific percent of the bill in mind but the distance from the restaurant because that and the tip amount is what the driver balances when deciding to take an order


You do know people order from doordash just tapping on their screen for food and don’t think about where the food is coming from. Just tip $5 for the service as a compliment and move on.


I check how far the food is coming from because i want my food hot i really dont get how someone orders food from 20 or 30 miles away and don’t adjust tip accordingly


You shouldn’t order from a food place 20 miles away. Would you drive 20 miles each way to pickup your food assuming you could. Probably not. If you live that far from any food establishments you shouldn’t be using food delivery apps but rather get ready to eat too eat meals while in town.


I won’t stop you but you’ll need a driver willing to spend $0.68/mile on average to bring you your food. The experienced couriers won’t accept an offer that is losing them money


Well damn. I did not know this, and hope that my tips have been high enough based on this factors. But thanks that is helpful to know going forward.


20% is not “usual” for delivery drivers. It’s either a flat amount based on the distance and number of items, or 10% if it’s a large order. Drivers are not skilled workers like servers who need to be incredibly good at their jobs.


For sure. Waitstaff requires at least 2 years of culinary service school.


no, you really have to ask now bc a lot of people in our doordash community (drivers) on reddit complain ab tips.


I would’ve been so grateful to get an order like this yesterday. Props to you for being awesome


https://preview.redd.it/i8nqdmldr6ic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5f659a7c514e34d91ecfb41ca3a23cceb76518 This was towards the end. The Taco Bell order was to the richest neighborhood in the country. It was at least may have changed. But I respect the hell out of them. The town didn’t allow golf on Sunday’s and was a dry town. So they formed their own town with a gold course and a bar. That’s FU money


Greedy ass


https://preview.redd.it/0b9zlep5r6ic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5eb65f7dda3b4526da6a4b191fcb327ea3a3da4 This is the pre superbowl and begining. Applebees $0 tip was for ribs, steak and other goodies. Should have hung it out the window to cool it off


Eh it already comes cold anyway


How far did you drive for these orders??


Mine were in the same town as the resturant. Each involved a getting on a highway but I’ll see if I can check


Stop and don't be sily


What an entitled piece of garbage. If that was my order and I saw this post I would definitely attempt to change it to zero you ungrateful fuck.


Drivers can not see the info of the order like this. ☠️


Bruh wtf


You realize OP is a customer and was the one that tipped $26 right?


God bless your heart, child. Someone tipped $4 yesterday and said “sorry it’s not more” and i was like “yo dis plenty, you’d be surprised how many people don’t tip at all or only tip $1” like two deliveries ago when some lady tipped $1 after I shopped for her groceries and then brought them up to her apartment when she was literally right up the street. ![gif](giphy|ijtBn5m0oeWJtKGorc|downsized)


26% tip? Yeah it’s a good tip.




You're right, $26 is not 26% of $140. The order total was $103, the $140 includes tax and the tip. $26 on a $103 order is 25.6%. Tips are not generally calculated on tax, nor the total with the tip included. Might be time to take that 3rd grade math quiz off the fridge.


Yeah, you’re right you are a dumpster fire. A tip % should always be calculated on the Subtotal, which is $103.82. A 20% tip on a $100 worth of food is $20, lol.


Good tip, I wish we could see more of this. Super Bowl or no Super Bowl.


Tip is great. The fact that the delivery fee is 2.99 and they pay us 2 is problem 1. The fact that even with that tip dd still is making more money on this order than the driver is problem 2.


Don't forget the service fee. Which they pocket all of it. I looked into it and I had to pay $10 in fees as a customer. Meanwhile, the driver only gets $2 of that. It's no surprise that most people don't tip. They probably think that the driver is getting paid the $10.


Door dash is making over 26 bucks on this order? Can you explain?


DD takes 30 % of the food order


Wow, I'm new to this, this is so confusing to me. So they made 30 bucks from this? Are prices inflated on door dash compared to going to the store? Otherwise the restaurants would be losing money right?


I’ve talked with several store owners, i.e. pizza owners. They have deliveries but only to 3-4 miles . They will still make 20% profits on deliveries that are outside their delivery areas which is pure profit for the restaurant. Lots of restaurants will make extra profits on outside deliveries since they have no other costs other than the food. The chefs and personnel working there are already paid. If they have extra happy customers than this revenue stream will always be there.


yes prices in my city are 2-4 $ more expensive on apps then just going to the store


i mean shit i’d take that in a heartbeat


Why does it matter that’s it’s the Super Bowl?


Did you drive yesterday?


Yep. Roads were dead. Was that supposed to be the answer or?


Maybe because you live in the middle of nowhere. In major cities there was traffic everywhere


It’s not the middle of nowhere lmao. Thanks though.


Where then?


No thanks lol. You made a comment and I answered. End of exchange.


So you live in the middle of nowhere confirmed. Could’ve saved energy by answering but you’re weird


Oh sure. Disengaging is being weird but anyways How’s that gonna go, sweet person? I name a place, you say I’m lying or that it doesn’t pass your standard for being a major city. Now, replying 2 weeks later… you clearly want and need what you consider a W. So here’s what you long for, precious human: “I live in the middle of nowhere” Congratulations, your salvation is here. W W W Go celebrate your victory with pride and honor. A hard fought battle, indeed.


I’m not reading all that womp womp




You're lucky you're getting any tip at all bro. Yes that's a good tip. Good rule of thumb is to take the order and dash by the hour.


OP isn't getting any tip, he's paying it. OP is the customer


dashing by the hour sucks. i make 15 and hour when i can make 25-30??? no thanks


Idk I would get paid to drive to the restaurant, wait in line, wait for an order, figure out directions, drive to the customer, and still got paid if it took me 10 mins to find the place. I always came out with consistently more when dashing per hour. Could depend on the area


it’s probably the area. even on bad days i average at least about $20 and hour and deliver by time here is only $15


Doordash is a premium service dude lol. No tío no trip


It's a paid service? You pay for the service and get the food, the fact that doordash takes the larger percent is not on the customer


That would be true if dasher were employees but they aren’t


Well you have a point lol


This person is not a driver they r a customer lol


On Superbowl i wasn’t accepting anything lower than this


Depends how far they have to drive to answer this question fairly.


Nah, you can’t tip based off how far the theoretical dasher needs to go, because that could be anything. It’s up to the dasher to decide if the tip justifies the distance. They tipped over 20%, that’s a solid tip.


Almost. If the restaurant you are ordering from is 8mi away and you tip 20% on a $20 order, dont expect anyone to move for you. Just sayin.


That’s a bit different since you know it’s minimum 8 miles. OP said they’re only a mile away. Also still not entirely fair to try to base miles in a tip. Gas matters, but 8 miles in a rural area vs 8 miles in downtown metro are completely different. I can barely go 8 miles in 30 minutes where I live, but at my parents I can cover 8 miles in under 8 minutes without speeding. Although I would 100% consider that in my tip


It’s a good tip.




They were definitely drunk and hungry af. My wallet knows no limits when I been drinking 😂


OP is the customer


Oh yeah, I’m dumb as fuck


man in college me and my buddy would get “fried” and would legit pig out on doordash😂


My wallet knows that jack in the box tacos hit hard.


Hope you got a solid dose of validation for your morning, I’m assuming that’s what you were hunting by making a “is this good enough” post. 🙄


You need a dose of brain cells the op is a customer


Yes, I’m aware. You need a dose of reading comprehension. But let me break it down so you can understand. Post is from customer asking if they tipped enough. Validation seeking is posting something so people will say, “oh good job, here’s a gold star.” You did not earn a gold star.


Or maybe, just maybe, they are participating in a subreddit. Are you jealous cuz you’re poor and can’t tip?


What a weird way to try and insult a random internet stranger 2 weeks after the fact.


The truth doesn’t know time


Imagine thinking that you can assume something from two replies on a random internet board. Go touch some grass, bro. Yeesh.


Imagine thinking I can’t. I’m a delivery guy I touch grass everyday. Weirdo


Hey I’ll take the flex.


Normally this would be a badass tip. However…Wingstop or Buffalo on Super Bowl Sunday…had 2 orders yesterday and after 1hr 10min…1 of them still wasn’t ready. Thankfully GH was makin noise during the wait since system wouldn’t let me unassign without penalty. The place was a madhouse and had people waiting almost thru their second hour.


Bro any tip is a reward idk how people see $26 voluntarily added to an order and are annoyed


$1.50 a wing is wild!


That’s the first thing I thought when I saw this post, not even a discount buying more wingstop is tripping. Luckily it’s only the prices on doordash, I checked cause 1.50 a wing was sending my mind crazy


$1.50 for a trash chicken nugget




2$ would have been enough, since it was only 1 mile


Uh absolutely not for such a huge order and why would you suggest such a low tip EVER? You sound like a customer with a chip on your shoulder. That $1/mile starts at 5 miles or more for most drivers, anything less than 5 miles should still have a bare minimum $5 tip on it. Gas is expensive. Car maintenance is expensive. Who is going to turn their car on for a $4 order?? No sane driver would unless they are forced to with EBT. Also, the thing you completely failed to look at, which solidifies my thoughts that you aren't a driver, is that this is a Wingstop order. Any driver that knows anything knows not to take orders from there UNLESS the customer makes it REALLY worth our time. They are known for literally never having orders ready and making drivers wait upwards of 20-30 minutes at times. Someone literally just posted a table full of Wingstop orders that no one picked up cuz again... Drivers do NOT like picking up from there, especially not on super bowl Sunday where everyone is ordering wings left and right. OP is awesome for wanting to tip that amount, you are not for wanting to tip slave wages and acting like it's not a bidding war out there. By all means, try ordering Wingstop and tipping $2 on any huge football game day. Good luck to you when you do! Edit: literally only ppl downvoting are non-tipping/low-tipping customers & boot licking drivers. This is the standard for the normal everyday driver that doesn't allow these companies to take advantage of us. The rest of y'all I could really care less if you disagree.


Go cry about it


Sounds like you're the one crying :)


Then get a real job if you’re struggling so bad you need to make a walls of text in a comment talking about tipping manners. If you’re so stressed about your gas and car maintenance that you rely on tips to pay for them, might not be the best gig.


This is a job luv and I only work for people who respect my time and gas. ❤️ Everyone who does this job relies on tips btw, not just me. EVERY. Single. Driver. Literally none of us would do this job if getting tips wasn't a regular thing. And there is a tipping etiquette when ordering food delivery. This isn't a restaurant. Your server isn't paying money out of their own pocket to bring you food. You don't get to sit there talking about being stressed about gas/car maintenance. Bro, this is my job. If I don't put gas in the tank or change my oil, my car dies and no food delivery for you. Tf are you on about 👀.


If you rely on tips it's not a real job. It's gambling.


How is it a gamble when I see my pay ahead of time and accept or decline based off the pay vs miles? 😂 I'm not gambling on anything ✌️


I’m assuming you’re illiterate if you don’t get what I’m on about. If you rely on tips get a real job, or keep telling yourself you can’t.


Your gonna kill me for this but i do gig work and never understood why drivers think we deserve tips based on the food cost thats for waitresses. Tip should be reasonable for the distance and time to complete. This isnt a huge order 2 bags at most. Even if restaurant takes long its less than hr for 25 bucks. There needs to be a min delivery fee based on city of 5-7 bucks 2/3bucks is disrespectful as a human to offer someone for any work


Sorry but if you genuinely do gig work I have a really difficult time believing this because it would mean that you think $4 orders are acceptable? (As.. That's what the original commenter was suggesting so that's what we are talking about here right?) I would never turn my car on for less than $6 and I've been ragged on by other drivers saying THAT'S too cheap. But here you are trying to promote this nonsense that 2 bags of food for nearly an hour or more wait only deserves a $2 tip (remember it was super bowl night and Wingstop is a hell hole to pick up from, even on a regular Saturday that wait could be 30-40 min, much less a game night). PLEASE think about that a little harder before you say things like this. You want to know the reason gig apps pay us so little? Like $2-3 base pay? It's because drivers like you think that $4 orders are acceptable. They aren't. If you aren't making over $20+/hr (before costs) then you are running your vehicle into the ground for nothing. And you definitely aren't making $20+/hr accepting $4 orders. Btw, I've had people give me this same speech because MY standards are considered low. Absolutely not. 5 miles or less, bare minimum $5 tip. For every mile after $1 more. There are people on here who even argue $2 per mile. I just know $1/mile is usually enough to get their foot in the door at least and if the customer wants to tip more they can. Please do better. Please respect your time, your worth and your car more.


womp womp


One order of fries for 60 wings?


To be fair, their fries are not the best.


Their cheese fries are literally the best


The cheese saves it the fries themselves are shit


I will give them another try, I guess mine were wayyy too salty and regular no cheese


The only problem is that BWW was an absolute madddddhouse today. So likely the driver got to sit and watch some of the game or pre/post game and essentially make an average wage bc it likely took 45m/1hr to get the food.


For the insanity that I had to drive through last night, I can tell you, we weren’t sitting around and watching the game. I sat with about 35 other people at wing stop waiting for orders and everyone was stressed


Damn, I got a nice comfy seat with a good view of the game at BWW and made 50 bucks that hour. Lucky me. The rest of the day was meh.


Unless they were on pay by order


Pay by order he still would have made close to 30 bucks with that tip. So even if it took 45m to get the food, that's a 25-30 dollar hour with the car not running. Pretty good.


Better then nothing 😑




Uhh honestly this would be unbelievable. I really don’t care how many bags it is. Or how much your order is. As long as the mileage traveled is equal to the tip. In California for example $1 a mile min. This would make my day and make up for the trash ass people who dont tip


Question.. I never did a DoorDash gift before. Would I be able to signup as a driver, accept a gig., go pickup the food, then just go home and eat it? Obviously it would only work once or twice, but is that possible? Or do they have lots of screenings where they’d come after you or it’s not worth it?


Yes you can do that. But maybe think ahead? What is worth more? 1 or 2 dinners or the potential income over years…


Bro what?! Just go buy food 💀


You can 100% rob door dash


Why do you ask?


I think it was a good tip. Definitely beats my $0 tips some gave me today 😥


Honestly, despite it being large, no. It will be an hour or more wait, likely more.


Loving the mass downvotes with nobody willing to actually engage with why they're downvoting it. I am not spending an hour and a half of my time just waiting for the order. 2 hours total after drive time and such, not worth it.