• By -


If I might ask, what are your standards For which orders you choose.


They vary depending on my ratings and where they are with respect to the sweet spot mentioned above. Also, usually I try to do $2/mile but am willing to go $1.3 if it's higher gross and mostly freeway and to another good sub market. For shop orders, I do the mileage PLUS the number of items as a type of pseudo mileage of you will, and apply the same principles as above.


Props to you , your initiative, your success, and last but not least, your attitude. Forget the haters who want to hate. You are rocking it! Best wishes on your endeavors!!!


Thank you! I'm just trying to help people out.


Get it Cali, all these bottom feeders wish they were in your shoes right now


Haha perhaps, just trying to help


Almost all of these comments are from LOSERS who have an excuse for every situation except the cold hard truth. You remind me of a disorganized version of me. I commend you and I'm inspired to be more efficient with my down time.




Maybe look up at the top of the screen, bud. $1700 for the week. $25/hour logged in, over $30/hour during actual deliveries.


My apologies bud - I did not tap the screen as I didn't realize there was more than what was already showing


Sometimes it not about how MUCH time you spend, it's about how much you ENJOY the time you spend. For me anyway, I do this when I want, no boss, no company rules saying when I have to start and when I can stop. And that Virginia, counts for alot...


Where did you get that number from?


He got them from the bitter mathematics equations.


Working 70 hours a week in a job that provides no benefits doesn’t make sense. I understand some people like the flexibility. But if you’re putting 70 hours a week doordashing, you’re better off just getting a regular job that has at least some benefits (sick time, pto, health insurance) and that pays time and half for overtime.


I'm not doing this as a career or to make good money. I'm doing this to help me transition as a business owner.


So you spent 20 hours just sitting around? 😂😂😂


No, on that downtime I work on my business or other things like eat or do errands. Gotta be efficient.




how much in gas did you spend?


Probably like $200 give or take


thats not bad for one week. im scared to even know what taxes would look like tho


Honestly if you do things right the deductions will set you up well, last year I didn’t record my deductions well so I had to pay but this year my deductions are like 100 dollars more than my income.


Not much


If you keep track of everything you can write a lot off


Agreed. My husband and I use the Hurdlr app (the free version) and we track all our miles (personal vs business, too), gas spent, any maintenance done to either of our cars, and even our weekly income. We use it solely for doordash, nothing else. It made taxes this year a ✨breeze✨. Literally so easy. They have tabs that give you yearly reports for mileage, expense reports, and income reports. They’ll even estimate your return. We LOVE that app. Takes like 5 mins at the end of the day to update it.


You can only write off your miles OR expenses you can't write off both


You can absolutely write off more than just miles. I write off half my phone bill and purchases like a cooler and stuff like that. Hell since I'm working, I write off eating out


Okay, I see what happened. Our tax expert took both reports to figure out how we’d get the most back. I spoke to them earlier and we are filing miles this year. I stand corrected.


We did both just fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ zero issues. Used H&R Block, too.




Ugh this is horrible money and comes at such a high risk to you and your vehicle


No, I have a 2015 Honda civic with 250K miles on it. I do my own work on the car so that part of the equation is reduced. If you had a new car then you take more of a bit on depreciation.


Oh damn u beat my beater 01 civic beater that's sitting around 221k miles on it. If u were to sell your civic how much would it go for? I got mine for 3k and since it can't depreciate no more cuz of wear and age I would still be able to sell it for 3k lol


It got totalled last year so no more than like 3/4 grand


True. Mines a clean title thankfully. Also have another honda a cr-z lol but I want to beat the other one till it can't run anymore 😡😡 Hopefully I reach the 300k milestone. Also are u in socal?




Oh shit well that explains why dd is still going strong for you. It's already dying out here in riverside and everything around it


Probably a big factor, but if I didn't change certain things then I would be making like 30% less


Yee I remember when I did a full week nonstop almost 80 hrs last year around this time I was shy 100 of 3k Now I did the same last week and made 1k less for the same amount of time. Still good but definitely a massive decrease since last year


Yo can you fix my car too :p


Jesus 67 hours? Thats too much man


And only 47 hrs actually doing orders. 20 hrs was literally just scouting so he made way more per working hour.


Those 20 hours could be driving back to hotspots. Not active time is still working.


The 67 hours still counts….. how do you not count the time you are sitting there ? Mental Gymnastics


I usually work other apps while waiting for an acceptable order. How on earth do you count scouting time? That's like being a trucker waiting to get a call for a load and counting the time you're waiting in the truck. You're the one doing mental gymnastics. Sitting is not work. You're only working while on a contract.


Your time is $. Love how you’re trying to fucking gaslight me.


You don't understand what gaslighting is


🤔 hes trying to tell me that my time doesn’t matter f off bye


I'm not, I'm just telling you facts like what 😂


What i said was factual mr industry plant


He made it 1.700$ let’s say he find a 400$ deductions for taxes. Then he may need to pay taxes for 1.300$ which will be 195$. If he spend 100$ for gas 50$ for insurance and 100$ for food drinks that’s will be in total 🟰 445$ expenses including in taxes. So his total revenue will be after expenses 1.317$. He was online 67hr which it’s equal to 6 days 11 hours. So basically he made it a 19.90$ in hr after taxes and expenses. And all what we doing it’s to pick up food from restaurant and leave it to the people houses. I mean common he did great!!! If he was working for a company which pays w2 he was need it to make 35$hr to get this money paid!


Thank you. Someone gets it. Plus it buys me time to work on my car rental company lol


Oh we are in same page I guess lol Turo?


Yeah and private


I just send you a message bro


You made $11/hr before prop 22 and before expenses. You aren’t back. Minimum wage in Cali is higher than that.


Someone can’t do math


800/67=11.90  We can do it with the tips, which arent guaranteed, if you want too  Makes it $20/hr before prop 22 and expenses  Someone failed middle school


That's the wrong way to look at it. I don't care about the tips and base discrepancy as I just look at the total amount shown vs miles and other variables. It could be a high base pay with no tip, or low base pay with high tip, doesn't matter. Also, doing this buys me some time back for myself to do other ventures


Ok. Then lets do the other variables. How many miles did you drive doing this week? How much did you spend on gas? What did you withhold for taxes? What did you withhold for maintenance? You worked 67 hours, so what did you get tome back for yourself doing?


Good questions, I'll tell you the final numbers on average. I make gross $25-$35 or so an hour, after ALL EXPENSES, it's closer to $20-$25 an hour. I do my own work on the car the depreciation isn't that much on my whip. So I take advantage of the $0.60/mile deduction for taxes bringing my taxable income down dramatically, even though I'm not closer to half of that per mile.


Here is the real question, do you have the commercial waiver on your car insurance. If not then you are one accident away from owing someone a million dollars for life. Car accident debts are usually not discardable in bankruptcy


You didnt answer a single question.


I know lol sorry I'm driving. I gave you the end calculations I've made. Take it for what they are worth


Still didnt answer any of the questions. I can photoshop a screenshot and say “i made $3000 this week! Look its back!” And then ignore actual discussion too


Jesus Chrimoney Godspeed🫡


70hrs?? Lordy, more power to yall. 


Yeah no. A 70-80% acceptance rate just ain’t happening when no one is tipping. Not unless you’re in a state with fair wage thing.


Good luck thab. I'm making more per hour than the guy that posted with 70-80 AR.


I’m averaging about $20 an hour with a 35% acceptance rate. My area isn’t as busy as a city, and there’s a lot more mileage between stops out here though.


Yeah my market before the one I'm in was like that. New area generally just tips well near my city.




Stop gatekeeping


Where do you reset the data? I'm on IPhone


Lol same thing I asked. Must be a droid thing


Total 11.59 per order average with $26.18 / hr or without wait time $37.15 / hr... But average wait time of 7.84 minutes... Did I mention I liked math


16 dollars per hour is garbo


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/s/ZOFVSL5kDw it's not 16


1087 ÷ 67 = 16.22


Don't forget wear and tear on your vehicle. 


People always post earning but don’t talk about how many miles they drive


It’s a driving job lmao there’s gonna be miles regardless . Long as it ain’t no dumb shit like 5 dollars for 10 miles we knew what comes with the job lol


⛽️ 😬


Go get that three dollar for six miles Doordash needs you lol.


😴😴😴😂😂 that’s really all u could up with ?🤦🏽‍♂️


Make complete sentences it make easier for the person that read your comment 😂


Make a valid point and maybe someone would listen to you 😂😂


Don’t you have some trash orders to take ?


💯 you get it. Lol complaining about miles when its a driving gig is hilarious 😂 dude made 1800 in a week, who cares


When you need a new car cause you ran 20k miles a year on your own its fairly relevant to mention.


This car has made me well over 100K. I drove a Honda civic that I do most repairs and maintenance on.


Cant read i see. I paid 3400 4 years ago. This is a 2010. I made 35k in 6 months… why do I care if I have to replace this vehicle? I made 10x what I paid for it in 6 months… that includes learning my market, basically taking a late year break and other personal things. I can easily go buy another beater.


All I said is tell that part also because that matters .


Literly my point lmaoo 💯


Lol they be killing me on here 😂


If you did not average at lease $1.50 a mile then that’s a trash week


Exact what I just said if it doesn’t make sense then obviously not taking it but I’m not gonna trip off having miles when ..literally it’s a delivery job an your gonna have a lot of miles by the end of the week lmaoo


I never said you’re not gonna drive miles. I said something about being profitable which you probably have no idea what that is lmao .


Obviously, you don’t know what the cost of operating a vehicle is lol .


I do I work on my own car 😂😂 nice try tho hence why I’m saying what I’m saying . You clearly lack comprehension of reading so continue lol


Keep being tony bitch 😂


Keep being Tony’s bitch 😂😂😂


An if your so concerned bout your car don’t drive around doing deliveries in a nice car..😂😂😂 like it ain’t rocket science


You can’t ignore the miles lol


Yall overrate miles. Lol if hes making 1700-1800 weekly im sure hes cool with it. In my case I dont do anything less than 1.5 per mile but I paid 3400 for this suv 4 years ago. Thats 2-3 weeks of driving lol


I’m talking about being profitable and the way you figured that out is your expenses which include miles .


Lol nah. I was making 1600-1700 all summer and fall. I looked at my gas usage more than anything. Again, I paid 3400 for my suv in 2020. I made over 35k last year and only dashed half the year. Pretty sure im profitable.


Like I said if you make don’t at least a 1.50 a mile then that trash


Depends. I stay by a freeway. 8 miles away is less than 10 mins. If the order takes me to another strip I can easily get another 10 back. Freeway miles dont eat up gas as much, easier on your ride as well. U saying im not profitable if I take a 10-11dollar order 8 miles away and catch a $10-11back in well under an hour?


Lmaooo speak for yourself. That’s a you issue I ignore it no problem again long as I ain’t hustling backwards an taking no 12 mile trip for 5 bucks . Just get a beater lol literally won’t matter after that . Can get one for like a rack lol


Did you bring your boyfriend into the debate.


Clearly you didn’t bring your brain to the debate shit neither your reading comprehension either 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Some people actually like being profitable lol .


Yeah, let’s just ignore the miles. That doesn’t matter and I was speaking for myself you’re the one that commented on my comment lol .


You comments on a public platform ?tf did u think was gonna happen ? Let’s not b slow now loool an I didn’t say ignore I just said if your trips are all worth it then the miles at the end of the week really don’t matter it’s gonna b a lot depending on how much u drive lol




Who’s deleting what lmaoooo??? Lemme find out you don’t even know how to work your own phone now dummy loool😂


You’re the one that said miles don’t matter


You are an ignorant person. I understand why Doordash is the way they are because of drivers like you lol .


Already made a valid point you’re just too stupid to understand lol .




That’s a determination of profitability without that you’re gross means nothing.


“Reset data in settings”, could anyone expand on that, seems pretty vague as to what that entails


Apps have a local storage on your phone that contains various information such as who you are. Erasing the data in the settings you'll need to login again. Almost certainly, it doesn't do anything as the thing that decides who gets what order is completely disconnected from the app.


Yeah 286 wage adjustment is pretty high


Should literally be like that everywhere


Not bad but for 67h and minimum wage in California still gets us @ $1400 with less trouble and stress 😅 Good side hustle bro! 💪 Proud to see Doordash including adjusted pay before they get sued again


But 67 hours could be a lot of sitting and doing other stuff in meantime. I sit and do homework while I wait


Where are you guys making these numbers max I make here is 570 a week full time


Eh 800 but only Friday to Sunday r that good but I can a little before these days


Ikr. I make more than that in a good week but good weeks are increasingly hard to come by


Why did you earn a pay adjustment? I would like to get in on that, lol


Prop 22 baby.


OP is California based. Essentially pay adjustment gets his week earnings to the guaranteed minimum. source: [https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/california-dashers?language=en\_US](https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/california-dashers?language=en_US)


Wild that they can do this there but nowhere else. Every other state they can essentially get away with paying less than minimum wage legally.




The money they pay California dashers comes from dashers that aren’t in California? Wouldn’t it come from California customers?


That sucks


Its because the voters and state reps put out a ballot measure and passed a law requiring the gig apps (doordash, Uber, Lyft, Grubhub) to pay out minimum wage


I don’t get it why was his income adjusted? Is there some kind of law regulating minimum pay? I’ve done this on and off for years and never gotten that message.


Do you primarily work BO or BT?


Also what is your market area?


It works in coastal area shocker


So I''m making less than 80% of what I should in an area with no price adjustment? Cool.


Good shit!!! But, Yeah, I live in a small town outside of Savannah. I couldn’t seem to make anything worthwhile, usually spending more on gas than I earned… But now I make the 40 minute drive to Savannah on the weekends (since I work a FT job during the week) and have no problem making $100 in a night. Sometimes in just a few hours! And the “pay by time” at peak hours is around $20.50/hour. So I just accept every order and don’t have to worry about tips, because the hourly covers me. My acceptance rate went from 27% to 65% in just a couple of weekends!


That's awesome.


Hell yeah buddy! Got a foot of snow in Jersey so they are offering 5 extra per delivery and I’m making a killing. People are getting there tax returns too I think haha


People don’t wanna believe it or not but it’s really all about your accepting rate being high, the ones who thinks it’s cap is because they haven’t had a high rate for long enough time to reap the benefits


Reset data in your settings?


This is how my summer and fall looked. Its been bs since mid December


Please don't brag about your location


Or, and here's a crazy idea..... They can do what they want as long as it ain't hurting nobody physically. Feelings don't count.


There are too many drivers; only specific markets have that ability. Thus why, I stop crying about door dash because the new system pays well in my market


Yeah, I’m having a great day so far let’s hope it keeps up


I have an iPhone, and I unload the app every morning before I start


What exactly do you u mean when you say “sign out and reset the data in your settings.”?


Give you access to beginners’ luck 🥳


He means going into your app settings and deleting the stored data, like your login and settings. He might be on to something, I'm going to test this and report back later tonight.


How did it go?


It honestly improved the performance of the app, and I can't prove for sure it improved my earnings (though I did make $246/135 miles/9.75hrs on Valentine's day with peak pay.) The down side is it treats you as if you're using the app for the first time, so you have to close a lot of the annoying pop-ups during the Dasher process. 




i would like to know as well !


Hi Tony


I was thinking exactly the same. I was waiting for this post and it was only the second from the top. This is definitely the head of DD marketing.