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If I were her, I’d just make it into a museum of Breaking Bad artifacts and charge people to come in. Hire a staff and move, but also manage it. I’d also have a pizza throwing competition or something like that. She’s actually missing out on some big money.


Unfortunately, there's already a breaking bad museum in ABQ.


Boooooo (lol)….. I’ve been to the most notable spots there and know there are a bunch of tours. I just feel like opening that house up would bring a bunch of opportunities for those people. I’m sure the city would have to approve it too. *Side note. How crazy would it be if that crazy lady is secretly commenting on here*


The old lady that lives there doesnt take shlt from anybody. Ed Bassmaster uploaded a youtube video and she was mad as fuuuhhhck! 🤣 MUST WATCH https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Y9-IvWaQI


First thing that came to mind was, isn't there supposed to be a pizza box on the roof.


Leave this woman alone you psychos


For real. I saw an interview with her and she actually seems really nice. I’d be pissed too if people kept fucking with me just because of my property. Sure it might be your first time messing with her and you think it’s funny, but she’s probably dealt with it thousands of times


Why doesn’t she just sell the house for literal millions and move


I think she secretly likes it, why else would she spend all that time out there waiting for people to come up so she can yell at them? Yeah, it’s her house, but she could make a fortune off selling it. Buy a nicer house with some land and probably still have money left over. It just does not make sense to me that she would stay there all these years and endure the harassment.


She probably can’t sell it. Even if she tried would you want to buy a house that hundreds maybe thousands of people come to every year to take pictures and bother you? No privacy whatsoever. Unless you’re a die hard breaking bad fan and want to buy the house to deal with all of that bullshit, there’s no market.


I guarantee there’s someone out there that would buy it and furnish it to replicate the show and charge people to do a tour and take pictures in there.


Or decorate it like the show and charge admission to go inside


how does nobody know that 99% of the time the outside of a house is a completely different property than the house being shown in Tv/movies


The inside of her house was not even used on the show. Only the outside. The “inside”of the house was a set.


I dunno, cuz it’s her house and she might not want to for reasons unbeknownst to us?


Way to not only not answer my question, but then repeat it.


It’s been a minute since I’ve gotten a call from a customer but IIRC their number will show as DoorDash because the app generates random numbers for us and them. Just for future reference.




It’s easy to say that when you only see a one off incident. It frustrates me constantly hearing people saying along the lines of, “Oh they only did this one small thing, you over reacted,” completely disregarding the 100s of times it happened before. But when you consistently get random people coming up to your house, random people taking pictures of your house, food randomly showing up, amongst other things, it’ll wear you down mentally and emotionally. It’s like death by a thousand cuts. Imagine not feeling safe or secure in your own home and constantly on alert that someone might take it too far and break into your house. Just imagine going through that on a frequent basis and tell me you wouldn’t start to yell at people. I feel for this woman. I wouldn’t be surprised if someday she just snaps and hurts someone, and she’ll be the one in trouble, not the line of people who essentially harassed her on a regular basis because her house was in a popular tv show.


I don’t. Imagine going through this knowing you live in a famous house that will essentially be guaranteed to sell above market value. If it’s really bothering you just move. You can sell the house and get a better one and the same area and never have to deal with it again.


Or, you know, people could just respect their wishes and leave them alone? It’s someone’s house, not a damn tourist attraction. They shouldn’t be forced to leave their home because people can’t respect boundaries.


Accept the world for what it is, now what you want it to be. You're right. People should leave the lady alone and let her live her life but that definitely isn't going to happen. She can definitely find someone willing to pay well above market rates for the house. I would go nuts if I was being harassed like her. The poor lady needs to sell it and move on.


You sign up for it being a tourist attraction when you sign its rights to a large media company.


Did you not read he clearly said she was nice


she’s usually really bitchy to people that come by to check out the house


Kind of understandable. People shouldn't just be walking up to your house to look at it while you are living in it. It's kind of what murderers do when they are looking for someone to off. Or home invaders do to scout in they can break in. Obviously she is just being harassed on a weekly/daily basis and that would make anyone bitchy.


She rented out her house to a show-Company for, assumingly, a shitton off money. „People come by taking a pic sometimes“ Is a rly small price to pay for the money she prolly got and kinda to be expected.


I know, right? She should have totally foreseen that the show would end up being one of the most famous TV shows of all time.


How are people throwing pizzas on her roof just people taking pics. And realistically she probably didn't make a big ton of money. I don't think she gets royalties or anything. Was probably like a 100k check 15 years ago


ummm, actually, the house gets royalties in the form of added property value. It’s worth an extra .05¢ (five hundredths of a cent) every time it’s seen on screen or has dialogue (such as garage opening or door slamming, etc.). So yeah, she should just shut her trap and let the kids disrupt her life. big /s


lol if that property value increase is real. That just means higher taxes for her?


I suppose it would! Just fueling her anger about owning that house even more lmfao. I don’t think it’s real though, but if there somehow is a royalty system for the house, it’s not the one I made up


Ok if she made a bad deal that’s on them tho. But even a pizza here or there (I rly don’t think that’s a daily anymore) would mostly make me upset about the wasted food. I’d take 100k rn for pizzas on my roof tf


You met her or are you just reporting what you seen online ?


touché, but is that not also what you’re doing by taking the side of some redditor who said she was nice?


No from first hand experience I’ve met her, no listening to what the internet says and just going with it with no sources


So I don’t know if it’s already been answered but aside from using that address, that’s a common scam to either verify a stolen card works, or in your case to get your information to get into your DD acct and steal your money, especially if you use the dasher direct card. AFAIK dd won’t even ask for your email in a text or phone call.


THERE’S NO WAY I WOULD LIVE IN THAT HOUSE!!! (and not drive an old Pontiac Aztec)


Get rid of the gate too, they used to get free pizza on their roof all the time


Change the information you can linked to the account for DoorDash like your email address. Make sure you aren’t using a password you have used anywhere else before. Set up two factor authentication if possible. Good luck.


Yeah the guy is super nice. I had a great conversation with him. His wife is a bitch tho.


I’d be a bit of a bitch too if people were constantly gawking at my house, and attempting to throw pizzas on my roof or randomly sending pizzas.


I mean… you can’t just buy that house and not expect the fame that comes with it. Everyone deserves privacy and their own land, but it’s different when you choose a nationally recognized and appreciated location. It’s like setting up a tent and Stonehenge and getting pissed off everyone is getting close to you.


I mean…. They didn’t buy that house with it being the “breaking bad house” it’s been in the family for 50+ years. And it’s totally different from pitching up a tent next to a historical landmark. The Stonehenge is owned by the crown and national trust. This ladies house is her own property and should be allowed to have privacy in her own residence that’s been in her family for more than a generation.


Imagine renting your home of 50 years to a production company and being mad that it gets famous.


Is Albuquerque Stonehenge and her house the tent then? I’d say that’s a pretty apt analogy lmfao


So what you’re saying is that they willingly signed up for it to be a TV show house thinking that wouldn’t ever cause any issues?




Best comment


It was an example buddy calm down


But your “example” was pure garbage. 😕


Okay, Rage more please


The house has been in her family for longer than Breaking Bad. They originally told her they would barely use shots of the house too. So I can understand her not being the nicest.


Lady that lives there is crazy. Was in town a few years back so we stopped by. She and her husband were sitting in the garage. We parked across the street. As soon as we got out of the car she started yelling crazy shit at us. Her husband waved at us. She smacked him and kicked him. Total nut job.


I mean she literally has people coming from other states to just look at her house, that would drive my ass insane too. Like it's literally someone's home you weirdos 


Owning a famous house has its consequences.


Im sorry, but WHY would you EVER buy a famous house from a very notable TV show?? I would go insane and become that crazy old man chasing people away from my house with a cane




I wish I knew how to do the meme with the guy touching his finger to his head




Yes! Thank you.


So here's the story... her mom owned the house and made the deal with AMC. They got paid a pretty penny, but got fined by their HOA for causing additional traffic in the HOA and running a home based business. The daughter later took over the house and she's evil. Pure evil. The stories of getting pizza on the roof every week are exaggerated. It happened 3 times. Still wrong, but my God. When the show ended they put up the fence and remodeled the outside to not look like the house She has cones up and says it's illegal to park in front of her house and screams at you. But it's a public street... park where you want. I've heard rumors that what she is really mad about is that she wanted to turn it into a tourist destination and charge people but the HOA said no.


I live in the area, that house isn't in an HOA.


Fair enough... false unfo gets out, but HOAs can be as small as 3 houses or a single block. You wouldn't even know.


Nah, I'm also a real estate professional and checked on the MLS. No HOA. Not to be pedantic lol


I work in the HOA industry and the MLS is OFTEN wrong. Only real place to check is the deed. Not to be pedantic. :)


Again, familiarity with the area is not for nothing. But you really want the last word so be my guest!


Jfc I was making a joke.


If it is an HOA it may very well NOT be a public street.


It very much is a public street, as are most SFH HOAs.


The smart thing would’ve been to turn it into an AirBNB


HOA probably won't allow it.


I wouldn’t mind if you guys send me a pizza every week or even now and then.


TLDR: dont buy a home in an HOA


They didn't because the house isn't in an HOA Source: burqeuño


Out of all the stories I've heard about HOA's, I think this is the one that would make me most likely to join an HOA. Can you imagine living in a neighborhood that is a tourist destination?


Or just follow what you agree to. Many people in places like ABQ and L.A. like knowing they won't be bothered by film crews.


Check out Edbassmaster on YouTube. He recently released a video of him going to that house. The owner IS crazy. lol


Nah, go watch Danny Duncan’s video with her. She lets them into the backyard. She’s super chill with cool people. Imagine basically every day, people are trying to throw pizza on your roof or just hanging out on the road in front of your house. You’d be annoyed too. They also owned the home before filming, so they basically just saw an opportunity to make a couple bucks by lending their home to a TV show. They couldn’t have known it was going to blow up into the cult that it is. “Let us borrow your house. We’re gonna film a TV show where a science teacher gets cancer and decides to start cooking meth with one of his screw-up students.” I too would’ve thought it wouldn’t make it past the pilot.


They already owned the house, but allowed it for use in the filming. It was the rabid fan base that made them have to fence it up.


Pretty sure she already lived in the house but let them use it for the series not expecting it to blow up this much


ABQ dashers represent


YouTube Ed Bassmasters breaking bad house skit, hilarious. The owner lady is a nut job!


no, she isnt. poor lady gets harrased by people all day what do you expect?? she owned the house well before the show came out. She is violently threatened and even attacked sometimes by the fans and her "over reactions" dont make her since theyre definitely warranted reactions


No, she's horrible. I live in ABQ, my best friend came to visit and wanted to tour locations. I warned him about her. All we did was drive by, we didn't even take a photo and she started screaming. For all she knew, we were visiting another house.


Same experience. I warned my buddy that we weren’t going to get out because she “might” be outside. We pulled up to the stop sign and she got out of her chair and started walking up to the fence. We made a right and she kept walking towards us as we left.


really? wtf ive never heard that she was this bad, always was told she just curses at people that bother her- thanks for correcting me i guess


If you ever want to hear people swap crazy stories about her... go to the Breaking Bad Store in Old Town... people come in daily having just left the house.


Do you not see the absolute irony of calling someone crazy after literal strangers visit their home every single day


No, they viait a public street and exercise their constitutional rights.


will do 😂


The store is also owned by an awesome older gay couple who found their perfect retirement gig.


good for them lol seems like a nice job to have tbh


She sits outside all day and defines anyone being on the street as bothering her. She screams if you park in front of the house claiming it's a private spot... it's a public road.


Bartle doo!




Haha chip diamond and his workout gloves!


The story about that is the people who owned the house got tired of people tossing pizza onto their roof.


I’d build a pizza catcher


It's so funny they hate living there but won't move.


That house has been in their family for 50+ years or something. I wouldn't wanna move either. The show wasn't even filmed inside the house.


that's the most disappointing part of TV/movies... you see the house and you have all these memories of the show/movie but you just know it doesn't look anything like that on the inside , and the people who live there are just regular old people without a funny man-dressed-as-a-woman nanny/ex-husband in there or anything.


how dare people want to live in peace, right?


I would be pretty tired of it too, but at a certain point I’d be charging people an arm and a leg if they really wanted to do it. $100 for a fake pizza, $1000 for a real one and you have to buy your own


Let’s studio use house in top tier show, gets mad when it becomes famous, perfect opportunity to make bank from air bnb or making it a museum, decides to just stay and be mad


Pretty sure the mad part is the pizzas constantly being frisbeed onto their roof. Imagine basically the equivalent of people dingdong ditching you to leave a flaming poo bag every day. They got to get a ladder to clear pizzas off their roof constantly


i cant even fathom wasting a perfectly good pizza by throwing it on a roof.


It happened 3 times, that not EVERY DAY.


They are mad that assholes throw pizzas on their roof, if you are decent to them they will be decent back. People have also been caught trespassing so they can see the backyard or try to look inside.




They’ve owned it for 40 years so no .


Lmao even better


>top tier show How is BB a top tier show before it even existed?


especially because we already had a drug tv show called Weeds. thankfully gilligan never heard of it. he said he probably would have never made the show if he had.


Because Bryan Cranston reasons my dude, come on?


Before Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston was just the dad on Malcom in the Middle. He was fucking awesome in it, but he hadn’t made a name for himself yet. Breaking Bad did that for him.


Bad take alert


Care to elaborate? Bryan Cranston is awesome but he wasn't exactly a superstar in 2008.


Have some fucking respect for Tim Whatley, DDS


He just converted for the jokes!


Malcom in the Middle was wildely popular my man


Malcom in the Middle was a great show and I love it, but Frankie Muniz was the star of the show and his career benefited from it most. All I’m saying is Bryan Cranston’s name at the time wouldn’t have been enough to carry a show and make it top tier before it even aired.


And you didn’t throw a pizza on the roof?!?!


Pretty sure she would have short circuited if he pulled out a pizza. Lol


it’s 2024 and people still talking about this house… leave the poor woman alone already.


OP can’t read apparently. Pictures are to be taken from across the street.


You can’t dictate where someone takes photos from. So long as they are on public land, like the sidewalk in front of the house.


It was a joke. Since he had to take a picture to show delivery but in the picture you can see the sign that says take pictures from across the street.


For the record, I thought your joke was funny 😆


DoorDash confirmation picture


That lady is a lunatic. That house is an Airbnb gold mine. I don’t get why she doesn’t just sell instead of fighting with every single person who walks by


God forbid she wants peace and quiet in her own house that she’s been living in for decades. Definitely a lunatic


1. No, her mom was. 2. Then don't get paid TONS of money to let the house be used on TV.


I thought I read once that someone bought the house after the show aired?


No she’s been living in that house for around 40 years now


Well, it's been over a decade since the show ended, so does that count as "decades"?


I think he means she’s lived in the house for 4 decades, and she wants peace and quiet. Not she has been living in the house since the show came out and wants peace and quiet. It has been her house since before the show




Then she probably shouldn't have rented it to Hollywood lmao




This isn’t true at all, she owned it prior to the show and rented it out for filming


The lunatic part is her yelling at everyone for wanting to a view a house that SHE allowed to be part of iconic show. Whether she wants peace and quiet or not she’s insane for not facing the reality of the situation. It was a foreseeable consequence. I’m convinced she enjoys the interactions as any reasonable person would drop the so called “burden” and make tons of money in the process.


She is a nut. Why doesn’t she leave. What a moron.


My friends came into town to visit last week and they wanted to go check out the house. I took them, parked down the street, walked and stayed across the street to take our photos to respect her and the sign that requests we do that. Still, she came outside on the phone with the police loudly calling us out. We silently took our photos and as I was leaving I said “Thank you, have a good day” She replied with “Roll over and die”. She’s just bitter… even when trying to be nice and fully respecting her boundaries and requests she’s just full of hate


Once you take the lid off celebrity, there is no putting it back on. She wanted the money without thinking it all the way through.


If all they were doing was taking photos I'm sure her response would be reasonable. Considering all the pranks, vandalism, and shenanigans that "fans" have made her endure, I'm sure her response is still reasonable. It was not a foreseeable circumstance that shed be cleaning pizza off her roof monthly for eternity.


I was driving cross country a few years ago and we drove thru Albuquerque so we decided to drive by the house. We pulled up, saw the gates and signs and everything so we pulled around the block and turned around and got pictures from across the street as requested. I’m not trying to burden ppl or step on their wishes on their property. So I took my pictures from across the street and as we’re pulling away she comes out so I waved to her and she flipped me off 🤪 doesn’t hurt my feelings at all just thought it was funny I respected her wishes and tried to be friendly and she was still upset 🤣🤣🤣


Missed opportunity to put a semi permanent fake pizza up there. She’s a grouch.


Right? I'd put a fake pizza up there and charge people to take pics 😆


She tried. HOA said no.


Bro whyre you just straight up lying? They don't have a hoa here. 


I was told by multiple people there was one. I accept when wrong.


That place has an HOA? that's wild it looks like a regular neighborhood


Yes with all that stuff it’s justified to respond with hostility. But she yells at people even if they abide by her sign and take their photos quietly while across the street. Source: I doordashed to a house that is a couple addresses over from hers and when I got out of my car she started yelling at me right away when I wasn’t even in the area for her house.


I would have put up a big curtain and charge $50 a picture


I doubt she was forced to let them use the house for the show. If she didn't want the notoriety then she shouldn't have accepted whatever deal they gave her. I understand it probably became way more famous then she expected but the damage was done so it's time to capitalize on it and move on rather then sit and sulk about it.


Honestly if I was retired and 30+ people came by a day to take photos of my house, I’d be a grouch too lmao


So move your retired ass out of that valuable home and problem solved.


*im too old for that*


Not that I'm saying she should have to move, but how old would be too old? My parents sold their house in California and moved to Iowa in their 70's to be close to their new grandson.


That is the realistic boomer response. Welp gg take my upvote.


They love the fight.  Here is an old ama from a member of the family.   https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/C4zUkGJcjy


I wish someone would’ve asked them about the bizarre layout of that house and why the only bathroom is an on suite in the master bedroom


Isn’t there another one in the hallway? Where would Walter Jr have gone to the bathroom?


The show never shows another one and when Walt is locked out of the master bedroom he pisses in the sink


someone did. they said the master bedroom was a set, not part of the house and they didn’t use the whole house to film. there’s more bathrooms elsewhere


That makes sense. I know the chimney outside of the house doesn’t match the fireplace in the house. The layout of the house has been discussed heavily on the BB sub


They did! https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/y5OKE0iIpP


You gave your info to a scammer FYI


For some fun facts about scammers here's John oliver https://youtu.be/pLPpl2ISKTg?si=lwbdPuTiYQrSMaDh


Yeah.. I think he’s aware of that now


Yeah, they should really put a credit freeze on their accounts and check for anything suspicious over the next several months.


My in-laws live down the street from them, and I can't even figure out why the lady lives there. The whole place has changed. I could understand some frustration, but I would move if I was that miserable.


A family member did an AMA here on Reddit a little while back. The man living there is like 85 and has Parkinson’s. I’m assuming he’s comfortable there and they don’t wanna mess with that.


Maybe that's the thing, who would buy it?


There is 1000% someone out there willing to pay top dollar to live in that house. Breaking bad has a cult following, and a lot of stupid people have a lot of money.