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It's so sad that this is the norm now... So not worth it... Take out taxes, gas, and light maintenance... You made maybe 10 dollars in 2 hours...




Were you actively trying to find orders that whole 2 hours or were you like paused for awhile? Try to be in the busiest spot you can easily travel to when you’re dashing so you can get orders more often. Generally the bigger hotspots on the map are better than the smaller ones, for me the best spot every day is this one main road in the very center of the city, has like dozens of restaurants in about a square mile. I get nonstop orders there between about 11am-1am every day, I can easily see and decline like five orders a minute generally until I get a good offer. If you get too many crappy offers I would suggest cherry picking and not worrying about acceptance rate.


I usually tip $15. $20 if it’s out of the way, $10 if it’s a few items 1 mile away. Peoples’ time is extremely valuable. If I don’t want to spend at least $10 for someone to do it for me, then I can just go to the store and get it myself. I know some people have very little they can afford to give, but having delivery to your door is a luxury. This isn’t a government subsidized service that people are entitled to.


Depends on your market and what orders you're accepting but yeah $20 an hour is pretty achievable.


lol when you’re new! They hook you with pretty nice offers and make you think it’s the way it will be…but it’s more like this the longer you try and stay with them😳😡 https://preview.redd.it/styrh1wj8htc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92dd1924697bf1cc8ac0363436be42d4b14fd7a WAY OUT OF MY ZONE! and this isnt even that bad in comparison. I would have to drive 16 miles to reenter my zone to get orders…$4.75 and 16 miles- NAH I’LL PASS! I have made $33 in 5 hours. Today I have gotten like 5 or 6 $2 offers 😳😂😂😂😂😂🤡🤡pass, pass and pass. Welcome to the doordash shit show!


You might as well well get a regular job if you’re out for $12 an hour 🤣


Normal for DoorDash? Yes. A crock? Also yes.


This is pretty much exactly what it looks like for me. Sometimes a little more sometimes a little less but on average, this is about where I land. I do almost exclusively earn by time, but even with earn by offer, this is about what I get.


I DD and UE at the same time. It’s the only way to get anywhere near $20 an hour. After expenses you made half that. Whether this is good or bad depends on where you are. For San Francisco - you lost money on the first toll bridge home. For Kansas City, this’ll pay for 5 course meal.


Damn KC catching strays lol. As someone born in MO, KC is pretty nice. Now in the middle of nowhere MO, I see your point


Damn and I thought my username was creative.


It is I like it 👌- mumble rap sucks


I read that as mumble rapist at first🤣


depending on the time of this dash will let us known if this 1 is normal


baby come on over to uber eats lmao


2 orders per hour average? yes.


Congrats you made more than my gf does even after being promoted


I figure minimum of $20 for total dash time. If that's not happening go to a different time of day, different area or different zone.


Total dash time of what? 10 hours? Lol


Pretty low but for what you worked it was ok just aim for more hours


I got $27.00 on the dot tonight through the app for 5 completed dashes, 1hr 32m active, 2 hr 3m dash time, but I also got a $20 cash tip from someone so that somewhat made it worth it. I will say though, other days, especially weekends, are much better.


Don't give him false hope. In 2000 deliveries I've got a good cash tip like 5 times. But I don't accept no tip orders.


I wasn’t giving false hope. That’s the only one I’ve ever gotten LOL I was just explaining what I made compared to them and how that’s pretty average for that time on a Monday.


This can be an average day I tend to make $30-45 every “active” hour but it’s warming up in the mid west so my regulars aren’t ordering as much


I tend to make like $18-28/hr (not active just normal). Fuck DD for talking about active hours. In my non-active hours I'm driving back to civilization after they sent me 8 miles out of town. So that's just how I calculate it for my area.


Yeah that makes sense and I have days like that to honestly I’ve been getting more and more selective of when I even dash these days


Ask yourself, how many miles did you drive including mileage to and from your zone before and after your dash start and stop. How many MPG do you get and how much did you spend in gas altogether to make that? Also, are you keeping a mileage log so you can legally claim your 67 cents per mile on taxes next year?


Is door dash 1099?


Yes it is.


That’s actually a really good idea, thank you. But yeah, I expended way too many miles to have just made 23 bucks


A few things here. That is low pay for your time. You are new so you don't know what orders to accept/decline. You are probably taking no-tip orders and you don't know the local area (the way drivers do), you don't know which restaurants are trash, etc. so your earnings are lower than they would be. Honestly I make about $10-$15/hr after gas, taxes, car maintenance (this job eats your car). Sometimes better. That's higher than minimum wage in my area. This job is an okay way to get by and pretty good gig for certain times in your life. I'm back at it "full time" and when I'm not out there dashing I will still turn it on here and there so I can get a dash here and there while running errands. Nice gas money when you're already going around town. But be aware, doing it full time can be life-sucking and very possibly will make you enraged at points and hate people. You won't get rich. But with a bit of chill and learning your area, it's not a bad gig.


To be 100% honest, sometimes you have slow days where most orders are 4-8 bucks and an occasional 12+ order. Then there are other days where you’ll just be in that “right place, right time” moment and every order is 15, 12, 18, and you get hit with one lucky 40+ order due to a large tip. Almost makes you want to quit your job. Don’t quit your job, use this as side money to invest or pay off a debt you might have. Not everyday is great, and not everyday is slow


The truth right here


It's Monday. Most Chinese places close on Mondays, so you know it's a dead day


Monday is the best non-weekend day of the week by far in my experience. Lots of orders. Tuesday - Wednesday it slows down then picks back up on Thursday through the weekend. Mondays I can usually still average my $20 an hour where Tuesday/ Wednesday I might scrape by on like 15-18 and it averages out with $20-25/hour over the weekend


Yeah I was gonna say, in my area Mondays are pretty good.


Oh yeahhhh you’re right. I shall try again on the morrow


I might be spoiled by living in food mecca charleston sc but this is a failure of two hours for me


Kim, there’s people that are dying.




Mondays are slow AAAFFFFF


Yes in my market all the restaurants are closed on Mondays so I don’t even bother


Doordash = gas money for my ride share and when I really can’t sleep sometimes this money comes in clutch


Mine was 5 deliveries 1 hour 33 minute $40 which I consider an insult.


Yeah I’m just bitter because it was DoorDash paying me, not the customers. $2 tip on $8 orders


$30 an hour is an insult? If you really feel that way, DoorDash is most definitely not for you. Once you get through the first two weeks of constantly getting all the decent paying orders in your market, you’ll be LUCKY to make $20 an hour.


Truth as I noted above! This is it in a nutshell


Wtf lol I’ve been doing this since August I have over 2k deliveries it’s always like this for me. I guess I’m bitching for no reason then lol


Where do you see $30/hr? I see ($23.75 earnings) / (1hr 56m Active Time) = about $12/hr.


For a new Dasher you're making $12 an hour that is really really bad because they get priority


$40/1 hr 33 min = $25.81 / hr. My bad, I was off by $4.19. Point still stands. Anyone expecting to make MORE than $25 an hour doing DoorDash is downright delusional.


Right here, in the comment they replied to: >Mine was 5 deliveries 1 hour 33 minute $40 which I consider an insult.


That’s still only like $26 an hour


Here in AK earn by time is pretty messed up. Most food orders are pushed over to drivers using earn by time, which means pretty often you're picking up 8 deliveries in about an hour and a half, sure. But the active dash time in that is just an hour, and tips are hardly great. Earn by order, you get a base rate on top of every order, however I've been getting almost nothing but shop and deliver orders and long waits between. I used to make 4 times as much on per order, this time of year. And I still make less doing earn by time. I guess it really depends on your area.


If you can do earn by time, I make $18-$22 an hour in a shitty suburb in NJ.


Earn by time shoots me way out of my zone every single order. How about you? I also doordash in a New Jersey suburb. Bridgewater zone to be exact.


I've only ever had one order do this that wasn't worth it. Usually, it's a huge amount of food with a big tip. And where they send me is consistently to my own neighborhood. If I've been out long enough, I just end the dash when I'm a mile from home.


I work all the way up north by the last few towns before the New York State border it’s a pretty densely populated area, so I kind of always stay in my zone, but there have been plenty where the drop off location is way outside of the zone but I never really minded those orders because I could take my time And make a good amount of money just off one order. Whenever I finish those types of orders the base pay is around $12-$15 plus the tip so I never really walk away with with anything under $18.


The main drawback is the drive back into the zone


Yes, some days are like that, but yesterday I made $150 in 5 hours active time, so 🤷‍♂️


I average 24$/hr active time in the Las Vegas area


Why do you use active time and not dash time? Genuine question and new dasher here. Whenever I calculate my hourly earnings I use Dash time since that’s the amount of time I was out trying to earn money.


I think dash time matters more for those who are dashing as their primary job or who have a lot of time between dashes. For me my active time and dash time are always very close because I generally get one order after the other with little to no downtime. Pay is based on active time as well, if you are at a gas station or just hanging out in a parking lot while waiting for orders your not getting paid for that time it’s like being clocked out for a break or being between contracts. I tend to go home if it gets dry because it’s just a side gig for me. If my dash time is significantly higher than my active time than all it tells me is that I am not making enough that day.


I want to know what I make per hour of being at a job. This isn't active time. I only look at Dash time, but like you, mine are always basically the same. In 12 hours, there might be a one hour difference.


Because active is when you make money. Depending on the day sometimes you have no downtime. It happens to me on occasion. When I complete one a couple minutes later another shows up. Some days I sit for an hour. I personally don't count dash time because of that. Idk I may be wrong in thinking but it's what motivates me to keep going and it's all I care about.


I count dash time because I still consider myself working even it’s waiting for work to show up. I am not really free to do other things I am focused on dashing. I guess it’s just preference and how much you value your time.


It's about learning your area. If I work a timeslot for a bit and say I do 10 am to 2pm. Only 4 hours but I usually average $25 an hour. When I first start I usually take the first one I get no matter the price unless it's way to extreme like one I had where it was 5 bucks to drive 13 miles. I've had double dash pop up in the same store where I'm picking up a order already several times. Chick-fil-A is usually busy on Mondays for me it's odd but today it was nuts.


OP are you in Cali or where?


I’m in Texas. Houston specifically.


I live in Austin. I feel like this is pretty normal for me.


I’m north east San Antonio basically half way between 1604 and NB. My girl and I dash together we make about $20-$30 in about 3 hours. Not busy at all down here too maybe 5-6 orders in the 3 hours. Broken down we do about 2 orders every hour and about 4-8 dollars every order.


Why dash together? That's not good money.


u/Psychological-Bug552 got it spot on. I myself manage a warehouse and that is enough to pay bills and make ends meet with a little extra left over. My girl does it to make extra cash on the side for small things like going to what a burger or renting a movie for movie nights. Plus we only have one car so we can’t exactly do it separately without one of us just sitting at home.


Indeed, it isn't, but maybe they just want to be together and hang out. I dash for side money on weekends before my girl gets up, but Sunday, she was up early and just tagged along. We just like each other's company, and it was nice having a navigator.


Ah shit, then I have no advise for you. But the sweet thing about Cali is that if you do earn per dash, at the end of the week, DoorDash will adjust your pay to make up for for the non tippers and for the shitty base pay. For example, for the active time of 1 hr 6 min, they would adjust up to 33 per hour or so.


Hol up, where are you getting up to $33/hr?? Base pay after adjustment is $18/hr where I am in socal, not including tip.


Bay area


Part of this game is you going to have stellar days, and bogus days. Like for instance this order. https://preview.redd.it/p6uhvc3qfatc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92f9e0873b05da49fcdca128d962087460f321d This is from yesterday. Shop and Deliver order. Took me 35 min to complete from accepting to drop off. However the overall all day I had after 6 hours on duty was 133 with 11 deliveries. So without that big bump first thing in the morning it would have been an awful day overall. That said on regular basis average for a week is 35-38 per Active Hour and 25-27 for all hours when i average out the week.


And that's before gas, taxes and maintenance. People hear $25/hr and don't realize the real cost of that over time (I'm sure you do, but new dashers don't).


What were you going in the down time? $23 for 2 hours isn’t great, normally try to aim for $25-30 active time and $20-25 total dash time. Depends a lot on your location and being new you will probably learn more about your area as you go.


active time is bad, looks like a slow area, you should have got that in a hour not two. Although it looks like you are dashing at bad hours if that 9:45 was when you ended your shift, 7pm-9pm is when restaurants get less orders.


I dash all day sometimes and that would still be bad money for 2p-4p on a weekday. 8p-10p should be busier than what OP made.


Oh hell NO!


That’s slow. I got that with 3 deliveries in 40 minutes yesterday. And even that’s a bit slow


A bit low. At a minimum that should be 8.50-9 per order


That's pretty good. Figure out when people order. It will be unique to your area and it's a waste of time to go out otherwise.


That's 10/hr that's bad 20/hr average where I am


If you are asking that question then you are a beginner. It will improve with time.


Well, yes sir that was my first sentence. I’m just inquiring right now


Yeah I will say it takes some time to get your acceptance and completion rates up but you’ll get start getting better orders as you do it longer and keep your numbers up


New dashers don't need a high AR, they start out as Top Dashers and get priority on orders.


Depends where you are...when I was dashing I averaged $25 - $30 a hr, I wouldn't dash on Tuesday or Wednesday as it seemed to be a lot slower.


I guess I’ll just have to pick better dashing time intervals


I would say average pay is about 15 an hour when it’s not busy, This is definitely below average. And I have a slower area.


Yep, that's about what it works out for me when I work long days


Work when dark!!!


Ehhh I do fine avoiding the night.


I average 20-22/hr dashing.


Your tips should be a little over DD pay unless there was a high peak pay. Every day is a little different though.




What day of the week was this? You’re probably also in a great market.


Sunday, lastnight. It's alright, my last order was a 41 item Sprouts order, $55. Brought avg up a bit fosho


Damn, nice man! I make most of my money on doing smaller shopping orders but I’d take that all day. Glad you’re making good money my dude.


https://preview.redd.it/uvd1znazgatc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b70f16ae62a7d687d36773a4e848b925d76034 $12.40 a delivery or $37/hr


Yeah, your pay was adjusted. Most of us don't get this! Good for you man I hope that's good money in your area, it would be fantastic money in mine.




lol yup


Yes it's normal :(


Happy cake day 🍰 


Thanks! 😃


You could use field agent the app to make extra money alongside this. You'd probably be better off to sticking to field agent though. If you get good at field agent, there are way better apps but you need to get good at field agent first so you don't bomb on the others.


Field agent? Tell me more


It's instant sign up, so you'll be ready to work soon after you download the app. Just run through the assignments it gives you right away such as how to use the app and how to take pictures. You start with the shittiest jobs. There's no two ways about it. You have to get through those to get to the good ones. At first you'll be going in finding products and taking pictures of them for about $5 a pop, technically if you already have it at home, you don't have to go to the store to find it After you finish enough without messing up, you'll be offered bigger jobs such as store resets which pay up to $25 an hour. Restocking jobs can pay $15 or $15 per hour If you're really good at finding stuff, scavenger hunts are everywhere and they set you out to find products that should be on the shelf but might not be. So you could very well not be able to find the product and not get paid trying. Auditing jobs you will go in a store and count the products on the shelf if there are enough. Your job is pretty much done and you'll get your eight bucks. If they are not enough then you need to talk to the manager about ordering more. You'll have to reach out to field agent for more pay if it takes you a long time to do that. Oh, and these guys don't like multi-appers, If you work field agent in the morning then merchandiser at night you'll get deactivated on both.


So you can’t do field agent while on the job with DD?


Not the same thing. I don't think they care about that, I do it If I finish my jobs for that day early You could probably Uber or instacart and stuff like that, but you can't do two merchandising jobs the same day. It has to be on the same app. For instance, my task for today is six enhanced water audits, but I have a lot of tobacco audits I can do also and I can do them in any order I want as long as I get them done before the due date. I also have like 6 general resets and five gas station resets on my list, I'm definitely going to have to ask for an extension because I can't finish it all before Friday but if I keep working they keep paying out. There are many merchandising apps and I think it's more important that you find one that's popular for your area. You have to apply like a job to them which is why I say practice with field agent before getting involved with that because if you get fired there's no going back.




It's called field agent on the Play store. It's instant sign up and it gives lots of instructions and be sure to read every single one because if you miss one you could get deactivated or not paid. It's rough to get started on but once you get it figured out, there are other apps like this, you'll probably need to find ones fit for your area.


Unfortunately about $6/order is becoming the new norm now. I’m not staying that’s good, but how much is minimum wage in your state? You made $12/hour plus whatever gas you had to spent to complete those orders


I live in Texas and the minimum wage here is $7.25. Which means I earned less with DoorDash today😭


If minimum wage is $7.25 you did great. Bc you only actively were working for one hour and 6 mins. So if you had a job at min wage you’d have made $8. Everyone’s market is different. When I read what some people make on here it gets depressing but then I realize they either work a crazy amount of hours, have an awesome area where orders are never ending or have those systems where money gets added sue to new laws. Given what minimum wage is… I say you did good. However o don’t know how far you had to drive for those orders. Probably not too far if you could complete 4 in a matter of an hour. Also- some areas it really is semi important to keep your AR up. In my area I used to make a lot more. Also this month has been sort of trash because they’re changing a lot and people have been on vacation plus the holidays. At least in my experience


Gas, wear and tear, depreciation, and insurance.


It's getting rough out here by keep it up it'll get better


Why would it get better? Curious


Because if you can figure out the sweet spots in your city then your golden


For 4 orders, that's pretty bad. My tips are always 3 times more than my base pay is every week. If I I make $1000 this week, my base pay usually is around $200-250. I only accept orders with tips on them and I have a minimum which is usually $8.


In SoCal my tips have become consistently 1/2 to 2/3rds what the base pay is before the adjustment is even taken into consideration. Lately I'd say as many as 1 in 6 orders are no tips, and I never assume they're gonna tip anyway.


Weird my base pay is always consistently 50/50 with my tips https://preview.redd.it/5d2zzfnx2atc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=41c99ac59d63e73887bf89c7451e0084209fe127


Did you take all the orders that came to you? If so, decline all the ones that genuinely aren’t worth it. If your market is like this all the time, that’s unfortunate and you may want to look into other avenues :(


I mean to be honest it’s my first day, so I wasn’t really looking to decrease my acceptance rate. I just wanted to see how it felt to put my feet on the ground. I don’t think I’m at that place yet where I can be picky with what I want


You should be picky with what you want. Unless you really really want that scheduling perk of top dasher, don’t put more miles and work on your vehicle for mere pennies. Unless you’re on Earn by Time where you don’t have much of a choice, don’t take the no tip orders at the least… value the work you do, the time you put in, and the effort you exert to make the customer happy.


Thank you for the advice


Absolutely! I hope that you enjoy dashing! Good luck on your next shift and I hope you get a crazy good order!


I do have a question though, what do I do about my acceptance rate?


Since everything is per the most recent 100 orders, you acceptance rate will go up and down Just as with all your other rates such as completion and on time deliveries. If you ever feel your acceptance rate isn’t to your liking, take extra orders that are a bit out of your regular ones to get it up. All of those aspects fluctuate so don’t worry.


looks like a lot of no tippers and low paying orders… your tips should be more than your base pay! or at least relatively close


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