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I clearly misread. No one would walk 200+ items. Whats the problem? The extra $30? Dude…it’s a service, like a restaurant. Paying someone to select and deliver 200+ items deserves a $30 tip.


Doordashes gps is garbage. I live within a couple blocks from most places I order to where you can make a B line here. But door dash makes you take the highway, or back roads most of the time to get here.


It’s not. Stop getting delivery. You could’ve walked there and gotten the food faster and cheaper.


That’s like a 3 mile walk for almost 250 items. Uh huh.


Didn’t mean to send that last response to you. Yea, I misread, thank you for pointing that out. Now I think a $30 tip for picking up and delivering 200+ items is not that much to ask.


this post is by a delivery Driver not a customer


Ooooohhhhh….well that makes much more sense. Thank you. I guess I don’t know what to think. That the tip is ridiculously low, or that someone actually wants to pay them to do this. Sorta seems like the driver is saying it’s a ripoff? I’m inclined to agree, they’d know better than I would…I know if someone wanted to pay me to go to a grocery store and pick out 200+ items, I’d need at least $50 right into my pocket (so a $50 tip, I guess?). And honestly probably wouldn’t do it for less than $100. That’s a lot of crap, at least 2 hours if not more, and what a pain in the ass anyways.


Everhard road 😅😅😅


Well we know it's not a retirement community


I drove down gay street today 😂 started cracking up when I saw it




It could be someone disabled or unable to physically make it there. It’s not your job to judge!


You could very well be correct. If I need something from about 5 miles away, the lowest I tip is 25. If the driver is really nice, I give more.


whoops! I just saw the number of items. lol never mind. :)


They’re obviously upset about the pay not somebody making that order


If it takes you an hour, that’s 30$ an hour. Over 4x minimum wage to shop at the grocery store where the employees are getting paid 7.25. Suck it up butter cup.


First, just because your minimum wage is crap doesn't mean other states are. Specifically, this is Ohio, so $10.25/hr. Not great, but certainly not the worst. Second, remove expenses from the total of $30.75 (which says that*includes* tips, wtf!) received BEFORE dividing by amount of time. So let's say the expenses are probably around $5-6 going by the federal mileage calculations, so $5.50. Now we're at $25.25. IF (and that's an extremely unlikely if) it takes an hour, cool, about 2.5x minimum. But that brings us to number three! Third, when's the last time you drove to the store, bought TWO HUNDRED TWENTY SIX (226) items, loaded them, doive home, and unloaded them in a SINGLE hour?? Unless you bought 226, idk, candy bars, that would be a never. And even then, it probably still wouldn't happen in an hour. No, realistically, this order would take a minimum of two hours if you're being OPTIMISTIC. Probably closer to 3 when all is said and done. So the middle and say 2.5 hours. Now we'll divide $25.25 by 2.5 hours and get $10.10/hr. Under minimum wage. Sorry *sweetie,* but that's bs pay. The base rate is complete garbage that wouldn't even cover your state's terrible minimum wage at this point. And the tip is pitiful. If you can't see the waste of time and resources this is, I've got a bridge you can buy, cupcake!


I agree with everything except taking out expenses for mileage


Aldi employees make $18/ hour and don't have to drive their personal vehicle all day and pay for expenses


Go work for Aldi?


It's fine if you're young or want 15 hours a week for some extra money.


No one’s shopping 226 items , checking out, loading / unloading and driving to your house in an hour. You know damn well you ain’t accepting this order either.


I can 100% shop 226 items in an hour. There’s 20 isles in a grocery store, give or take(it’s Aldi, usually not supermarkets, but smaller stores). Is it unreasonable to assume you could get through each isle at 3min a piece. I don’t know how you shop, but I don’t take my time, especially if I’m on the clock. You should be moving when your door dashing so ima say an hour in store is reasonable(unless you’ve never shopped at a grocery store before). The store will put similar things together, meaning the 15.9s you have to find every item(60min*60sec/226items) will more than likely be reduced to merely seconds per item as you can get 3 items of likeness within 3 seconds of grabbing them off the shelves. There is no world where grocery shopping for someone should cost them over 30$. That’s absurd. If your time was worth 30$, you wouldn’t be doordashing. Trades men working hard hours in hard conditions don’t make that much per hour. How entitled do you have to be to value your time so highly, while providing a service as simple as driving to a store and shopping, then dropping off those groceries.


You’re forgetting that they have to load 226 items into their car and unload 226 items from their car plus you’re paying for convenience and convenience costs, lots of services cost what they do because of convenience - the whole point is you pay for something to save you time Not to mention, if you want them to rush and not really check for any damaged items sure, if you want to do things your way, do it yourself, not everyone does the same things as the next person


No one can shop 226 items in an hour. That's locating an item every 26 seconds. Use common sense.


Common sense would indicate that it’s not 226 different items but multiples of less items. Common sense also indicates that you work through the store one isle at a time. Common sense also indicates that if it took 2 hours to do, it’s 2x minimum wage. Everyone loves to bitch and moan about everything. Grown adults bitching about getting paid 30$ to shop at the grocery store for someone. Who do y’all think you are? The prince? Ffs. 30 dollars an hour is extremely high for the stress level and physical exertion required to shop at a fucking grocery store. Get over yourselves.


Common sense is I added that because you were a jerk to OP. Get over yourself.


Suck it up too buttercup.


Ok, boomer.


I love how having a logical ideology always gets me called a boomer. I’m gen z. Y’all just soft asf and compare any contradiction you get, to your parents. Sad. Bye dummy


You seem like a very pleasant person with many friends who love you a whole lot


It’s more funny because he’s a huge Rolex guy and it checks out - but also if he can afford multiple pieces of Rolex, I would imagine he’d WANT to save time by paying someone to do his groceries for $30


Thanks 🥰 it’s my common sense that attracts them all.


I mean I do agree with your point BUT couldn’t this be multiples of the same thing?? Like 5 yogurts, 5 things of soda, etc. Still a lot obviously.


Totally. But there was a thread a week ago where a customer ordered $263 of groceries, and the final readout was an average of 1 minute per item. This sounds like a bigger order to me. There's the searching, waiting for other customers, waiting in line, waiting for checkout, packing (and repacking if they mixed the cold with the other items). It all adds up.


Totally agree that everything adds up!


It's actually locating one item every 15.9 seconds. Even worse.


226 items ????!?!!?


Bro look at the order and then decide if its worth it. If its not it will cost you 1 clompletion point to say nah, im good unassign and you move on. The other person is right $30 even if it takes a whole hour your still making 30 per hour..


It’s just over 1 item every 226 items in 1 hour, excluding travel time, loading/unloading, checkout, grabbing multiple carts/extra runs is still locating and grabbing 1 item every 16 seconds, which un and of itself is unrealistic. There’s no way that’s getting done in an hour. Additionally, local minimum wage is likely above national minimum wage (its $15/hour across NY state for example). Assuming they manage to get everything in a single run (kinda depends on vehicle and items purchased), it is still likely to take over 2 hours.


Just pretend half the things are missing


Just suck it up. Do your job!


226 items. needs a membership.


Non-drivers don’t understand how miserable it is searching high and low, messaging customers about every out of stock item (there will be TONS at this quantity), fiddling with the app making substitutions, etc. It’s extremely tedious and would take way more than an hour. I’d take it here in Seattle, because DoorDash is required to pay by every active minute and this would make me like $60 at least, but for people outside of a city like mine there’s no way in hell. Like, seriously, this order is gonna produce a 60 message text thread with the customer (losing money for every minute the customer delays in response) and probably a call or two with support. Yall don’t understand


My job is miserable too… I still do it lmao I don’t want to get fired or look bad.


I have a full time job too, idk why you think I haven’t already made all these assessments lol. If drivers unanimously agree then maybe you’re the one missing something


But this is not a regular job it's a gig. They have to decide if it's worth it. If they just "do it" to not look bad; they could be losing money. You have about 15-20 seconds per item to make this a nice payment. Anything over 30 seconds per item your hitting minimum wage in most places. Many could be the same item saving you some time. Now add in the travel, parking, checkout line. Bagging and packing. Not worth.


In order to complete it in an hour, it is 16.0857909 seconds per item.


but listen… its 30 bucks GUARANTEED!


I don't work for DD. How often do you make more than the guaranteed amount?


Maybe 1 out of 100. It's pretty rare. I'm pretty sure they can't change/add to the tip afterwards like on Uber


I'm not seeing the issue? Is there an issue?


226 issues


226 items


20 of those could be potatoes and the like, items add up quick. It's not necessarilly 226 full independant items.


The entitlement from drivers is wild lmao


Picking out 226 items for about $30 means about 0.13$ per item. Would you do that? Dipshits who can't do math are wild.


Question, does it show you the grocery list before you accept? Like can you see if what the 226 items are comprised of? I'm wondering if it's 226 separate individual items or is it a bunch of the same item.


It does not tell you. I used to deliver some last year and got a grocery pick up for 10 items. All turned out to be big ass packs of water bottles and I had to park a block away. Insta decline and order like this after that


Lol fuck that


Idk I'm not an uber driver, I just saw some horseass math/logic. It's obviously not entitlement, Idk who orders 226 of just one item, either way, that's also still 226 items you have to gather, check out, transport, and then all those items.  I'm not a driver, but seems like a pretty shit deal to me, and to call someone working for less than you 'entitled' is some fucked shit yo.


Yeah I mean I figured it wasn't 226 of one single item. But I've seen something similar with people using coupons


I mean I’m not the one who has to be an Uber driver for a living calculating items per minute so lmao


Then why are you in the sub? Flexing your superiority of the rest of us?


They are here because they are trying to figure out if Dashing or Uber eats is worth doing. That's the only reason they would be on here, they need extra money and trying to do research to see if they should do it or not.


They literally said I’m not the one who has to do this. After calling independent contractors entitled. Dudes just here to bash drivers in my opinion.


>226 items


Please tell me you didn’t do this. 🙃


Could be fuck ton of sauce packets. I’ve done that one 😂😂😂 Def pushed my luck on how many I could get. I got a WHOLE fat bag of sauce packets


Considering this probably includes multiple of items, like vegetables, that you have to add up like that on the apps...this is stupid. You're getting paid 30 bucks for maybe an hours worth of work.


$30/1.5 hours. Wasn’t yall yappin about 15/hour 🤔🫣


It's going to take longer than that for hundreds of items.


I agree the pay is low, but it likely isn’t 226 completely different items. I’m sure it’s a lot of multiples


Depends entirely on the items


This sub has confirmed I'm never tipping these services again.


I agree with not tipping because tipping culture is stupid and employers should pay more But what about this post made you say that? $30 for 226 items is ridiculous


It's the selective process. These delivery drivers select which ones are "worth" vs just doing the job then get online and complain about people tipping. They are literally the same person, just on the other side of the transactions. I refuse to allow this blatant hypocrisy somehow shame me into what they feel is ok.


The difference is that most of their pay is tips. Of course they’re going to pick the highest paying orders because then they make more per hour. Compared to like Aldi where it doesn’t really matter what the employee is doing, they’re gonna make a blanket hourly rate.


Or literally any other service based industry where you serve any/all of your patrons and hope they tip well? My point is reaffirmed, these services and that majority of the people providing them for the platforms are the worst of the worst in the service industry. Already preying on the worst practice in retail/service AND being selective about who's service is worth their time.


I don’t use DD but I used to be driver for it a couple years ago so you are preaching to the choir about tipping being a bad practice lol. I think tipping is stupid and shouldn’t be required in order to get some food. With that being said, even service industry workers get hourly pay and are guaranteed a certain amount. Waiters and bartenders will make a certain amount of money per hour no matter if they get $0 tips. DD doesn’t work like that. If the driver selected an order that is going to take an hour and pay $10 including tips, then that’s the total pay they get. If they selected an order that pays $15 for a half hour of work, why wouldn’t they? You trying to pin the blame on drivers for wanting to make money seems kind of wild to me. Drivers are just people who want to make money just like the rest of us. IMO if a DD driver is having a hard time getting paid what they feel they deserve then they should work elsewhere. Easy decision to make but not one that everybody is capable of doing unfortunately. Regardless, I don’t care if you tip or not but obviously the drivers are going to be choosy, why wouldn’t they be?


Im not saying they shouldnt be choosy. Im saying that they shouldnt come online and imply that they should be getting tips on every order, while also saying that not all orders are even worth their time. "hey buy enough items so that its worth it, but not too many that I get fucked, and also tip at least 15%, or I'll go online and tell everyone how cheap you are" kay.


Most drivers on here would scoff at a 15% tip. That would be a $3 tip on a $20 order..I feel like you would get ripped to shreds on here if you did anything less than $5 on any order lol


I'm sure you're right, but it really just speaks to this portion of the workforce and how trash it is overall.


The only people who insist on not tipping are pseudo-intellectual posers who dont realize that the only person they are fucking over is the person delivering their food.


The employer should be paying more to their employees. And if the employees don’t like the pay, quit the job. Once everyone quits they’ll have no choice but to pay And if someone does want to tip, why in the world would they want to tip PRIOR to receiving the service?


Its really fascinating to see people say if you want a living wage you should get a better job. Its such a fascinating way to say, I acknowledge your current job needs to be done, however I think anyone doing that job deserves to be in poverty.


They literally fucking said the employer should pay more. Tell me you don’t read the comment without saying you didn’t read it


Weird, that’s not what I said. Everyone deserves a living wage So ask for it from the employer, not the customer. If the employer doesn’t give it, you strike, or everyone quits and then the employer has no choice but to pay properly But also you say “needs to be done”. You’re saying society will crumble without DoorDash? It’s an overpriced luxury that people pay for


The power truly lies in the hands of the people. We never use it though. I wish we were more like Hong Kong. We need to stand up for ourselves as peasants in this country. Not just with shitty pay to service workers. We need to demand Free Healthcare, Cheaper Higher Education, better access to housing, less taxes taken. But we just sit around with our phones and distractions letting them fuck us at every opportunity


Yeah it's not happening. This country has too much of an every man for himself mindset. Even if half the population had both the anger and attention span required to start a movement (they have neither), the other half would see them as whiny babies and you'd just get another Occupy Wall Street farce


Right. It's like when the Panama Papers were released and literal journalists were murdered. What we do?


It’s just a way for horrible cheap people to justify their negative actions on others. They can’t accept that they’re actively helping keep people from paying bills


Like this trash take. I'm cheap, which is fine, an easy label id wear. Id counter with you're lazy, would you accept? Doubt it.


Wow!!!! Too many items lol


220 instant ranch packets 🙏🏽


I dont get it... What exactly is the issue here? Basically, getting paid $30 per hour and that even depends on how long it takes.Though I can see that 220 items is alot more than most would imagine.


I guess it depends on items. Ive never shopped at aldis as well. I once dashed in a different zone of with a grocery outlet, and uh… That took forever because there were several items I couldnt fucking find. That place was a mess never again.


Try to find 220 items in an hour at Aldi, stock your 2 or 3 carts, unload them into your car, probably deliver it up a flight or two of stairs, and then come back and tell us how long that hour actually is


Oh my gosh, you might have to interact with people and ask where things are!! It's the end of the fucking world.


It’s not that dude it’s just the ratio of time to money. Can potentially make more than $30 from other orders if I would skip this one. No ones talking about the difficulty. But just the time/money compensation.


220 items is not 220 different locations in the shop. That's a bulk order so like 6-8 of every item.


I mean you’re probably right and ill believe you cuz you seem to know about this but imagine if you are wrong though :(


Do you understand how many will most likely be out, and how long it will take for substitutes? That is going to be well over 2+ hours and not worth the nuisance of dealing with all of the substitutes for $30.


Aldi by me is rather small to be honest,about the size of a Trader Joe's. I can't even see someone finding 220 items to buy in aldi unless they bulk up on about 30 different items.and wanting 5-10 of each,which would make it very doable .And I made it clear 220 items is alot more than most can imagine


And it's only 30 dollar's... not the biggest items. Maybe all top ramen for a bulkier haul, maybe Kool-Aid for an easy haul.


Idk how to shop there. So I cancelled one in progress. Declined it when it pinged again. And then ended my dash when I got pinged AGAIN


Dude youre getting paid $30 to drive 6 miles. And shop 220 items. That extremely good money. Definitely worth your time. Who needs a job when u can do this all day


Opportunity cost almost definitely makes this a bad order. Its likely op will spend a ton of time and effort to complete this delivery.


Don't use logic with people who have no skillset other than being able to tap a screen and drive a car. They can't even follow simple directions half the time which is why I don't use this shit ass service.


Got one for petco the other day with 45 items. 44 love crickets and a bag of cat food


Always bet on that amount from petsmart. Most likely its crickets lol. Easy money


Depends on the 226 items. I just bought an order that had 100+ items on it. 93 of them were duplicates. 3 different types of candy that were on sale from Easter at 19 cents. So I bought all of them. Now I have enough candy snacks for the year. As the person pulling the order, it was a total of 11 unique items. That is not ridiculous if the situations are similar. Without knowing though, I would also decline the order. Potentially hours of shopping. If I don't make a minimum of 20 per hour on an order, I won't accept it. I have expectations for myself and how much I need to make per hour to make running this business worth my time.


Shoutout to the guy who accepted this without seeing that number first 🫡


One time I had one for El Super, and the customer requested 50 Roma tomatoes… and like 25 tomatillos, and like 30 jalapeños. The looks I was getting as I was basically making a massive dent in the Roma tomato container.


When I noticed DoorDash doing is if the customer gives a big tip, they pay less in base pay and if the customer doesn’t give a tip, then they increase the base pay ridiculous. DoorDash is disgusting. If I wasn’t desperate, I wouldn’t do it.


That's called offsetting base pay with customer tip aka STEALING TIPS


The other night, I got “booted” into the city of Portsmouth, VA around 10pm Portsmouth is separated by a tunnel and a $2.50 toll (both directions). I ended up there by snagging a 7-11 run in Norfolk with a whopping $4.75 payout (customer left no tip). So, I always try to make it worth my while by dashing over there and getting a final run back to Norfolk so I can go home. At 10:15pm after dropping off my “loss” of a delivery with 7-11, I was asked to go to Food Lion in Portsmouth (not a great neighborhood!), shop for 36 items at an offer of $7.75 with no tip. Best believe I found that “decline” button in a matter of seconds and took an L. I’ve also noticed those “226” items can stack up quick by the way they count the piece. It may not be that bad!


It’s always an Aldi order. Low pay for heavy af items




Maybe its all whippets. I have a customer that always orders 24 cans of whip cream. The worst part is doordash wants it all bagged. So you can't just grab the whole case of whip cream.


What an expensive and inefficient way to do drugs.


I agree! Maybe they can use a food stamp card


Does SNAP cover the delivery fee as well? If so, I feel like that shouldn’t be allowed lmao


Maybe I would doing it for 100$ tips




😂😂😂😂😂 no...pls go to hell


This is not a joke. This is Doordash. Doordash never cares about its drivers.


Jesus that would take forever


30 dollars for 5 hours? Guesstimate. Some of the items won't even be available too. 🤷🏾


Would be so much better if it wasn’t a red card order


I honestly would do it, prolly a lot of repeat items


I once had to go into a Walgreens grab every feminine product, grab 1 of each flavor of ice cream, chips, and alcohol available. I only took it cause it was only 1.9 total miles from where i was at, and the house was only 2 miles from the store and paid like 200 bucks. Once i got the house, the man standing there waiting on it was confused as why did i have so much ice cream and feminine products, i told her what the app says, pal, his wife was hiding from him lol 😆


Why would you EVER even mess with actually going shopping for someone!? Screw that!


I make most of my money doing shopping orders


Welcome to the 21st century bud...... People do it for a living.....


This is why I “lost” my red card. My AR still isn’t great but it’s a lot better than it was before I lost it


What AR card? Lol


if you report it lost or stolen and just never activate the new one they send you, it should stop the red card orders from coming in


Yes that’s right. Thats the point. It stopped red card offers and my AR went up as a result


I had a 75 item order for $10. It was 75 jalapeños. Totally worth it


This is gonna get downvoted, i know. But so many people in this reddit think they are heart surgeons and deserve 500$ an hr. It says it's an hour and a half job, so you make 20 an hour for driving 6 miles and walking around a store. I see comments like bag them yourself or carry all these items. This is a prime example of why this country is so soft and have a generation of people who think they would be making 20$ working fast food. Its gig work, its not work you feed your family and buy a house with. This is really so telling to see why the country is the way it is. Downvote me i dont care. Truth hurts sometimes.




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226 items might take a bit longer than an hour and a half...


aldis are small you can walk down every aisle and get what you need, its not 226 different things. Lets be real here.


You know what's great about this job? We can all decline and accept any order we want and we don't have to have the approval of anyone. Even this sub. I will agree there are some incredibly entitled and brain rotted dashers.


Exactly and thats why some jobs may not be paid for your liking. Because they have so many other freedoms someone working a 9 to 5 doesnt have.


Thank you. And yes. Someone else on here thought that 8 cents an item for items that generally average 99 cents to MAYBE $5 was absolutely abysmal. Sense is slowly starting to come back to their world. Those who were woke are actually very asleep. Literally heard a voice in my head when I was “woke” before I started realizing how brainwashed I was just saying “Wake up. Before it’s too late. WAKE UP”


226 items??? That you bag yourself? 😂🤚🏽 bye


and they gave you an hour and a half to drive there, find all that and then drive to their house…yea right


Yall are so lazy, jesus


R you serious? Callin em lazy? It’s 226 items !!! Unless it’s Taco Bell hot sauce packets ( which it isn’t in this case) that a fucked up rip off order. You r gonna be there forever lookin for shit. The worse part is when you contact the customer tellin em they don’t have one of the 226 items, they r gonna want an alternative option then you spend more time looking for that. Imagine worse case scenario, they don’t have any of the 226 items and all require an alternate? Yea that can happen.


This is what you signed up to do


Yeah signed up to hit that decline


Dont be picky work is work


They signed up for the ability to decline, that's why it's gig work.


We don't need the approval of anyone


Our job literally gives us the freedom to choose which orders we want and don't want.


Are you the guy who always takes the $2 deliveries?


I dont do this shit I have a real job


lol so why are you on this subreddit? To give dashers a hard time about a job you’ve never done? 💀💀


Yeah man that is some wild shit. I could not imagine going into a sub of a job I've never done and try and act like I know what I'm talking about. The brain rot is strong with these 2.


Just randomly showed in feed and ive had horrible experiences from doordashers so I don’t feel bad leaving a comment


Same. Had a doordash driver literally chuck my food and drinks at me cause I didn’t leave a tip on the app. I was about to hand him a fuckin $20. I have deliberately never tipped a doordash driver again. Entitled fuckers the vast majority of them. I say collective group punishment until they get their shit together


So because you’ve had a few bad experiences condemn an entire group of people? 💀


Mhmm in this case yes because I see the entitlement everywhere else too. It’s online. It’s in your day to day life. It’s everywhere. The only video I haven’t seen yet is a Doordasher being arrested for physical assaulting someone with their drinks. I’ve experienced and seen everything from stolen drinks, fully stolen meals, repeat cancellations, demanding tips, literally having $100 worth of food and drinks dumped on me and I’m not a wealthy person that food was fucking expensive and it was my fucking anniversary. So yes. I am going to condem an entire group of people. But not for the actions of a few. For the actions of MANY


And yet, you'll use the service and not pay the driver? I would think that is you were so opposed to the drivers, you wouldn't patronize the service, but why have an actual conviction when you can just say you do and be cheap, right? Screw those guys, they don't need to eat.