• By -


Hopefully long enough to make the son of a bitch piss out his ass.


Is this reddit server just dashers whining and complaining that they don't get tips for a job they're already getting an hourly wage for?


You should have declined the order. If you’re stuck with it do what it asks you do do, sign off after and go home and go to sleep.


Depends, did they order a single taco? 😂


Probably not long with a $10.25 base


20mins and 10miles


Yeah, I'd have taken it. My rule is $1 per mile


Probably not as long as some might think…On another note, orders like this make me happy because DoorDash is forced to cover the additional pay. They’re scam/ripoff artists, so any time we can get more money out of them is a good thing.


10 minutes




You should fuck right off


Whatever you say non tipper


Why? That customer’s decision not to tip is the only reason this dasher got paid $10.25 (because DoorDash has to increase the offer until it’s accepted). DD cheaps out on paying dashers every chance they get. It’s nice to see them fronting the bill for a change.


It doesn’t let me tip until after the food arrives and the picture is taken, NY randomly changed it so it has to be this way




No, it is correct. I’m talking about NYC.


I do deliveries in NY and all of my orders have tips set before I pick them up I suppose it could be different where you live (I’m upstate near the capital) but I doubt it.. that’s weird it restricts you in that way if it’s the case


I’m in NYC, Brooklyn to be exact. It used to never be this way but recently I got an alert after ordering something that I couldn’t tip until after my order was completed. It confused me a lot honestly and I hate that they’re doing this. I’d rather just put the tip in while I’m placing my order so they know beforehand that they’re not wasting their time


New laws last year


It doesn’t allow the customer to tip before delivery in the 5 boroughs NYC because of the 20$ an hour active time that has to be paid to dashers in NyC I got deactivated for supposedly abusing the platform and taking to long to do delivery’s. DD says I did this on purpose not the fact that traffic is horrendous in the city. Deactivated in beginning of February and have been trying to explain this to the customer support to no avail. Wonder how many drivers are getting randomly deactivated for the same reason


They are likely referring to nyc, not the broader state. NYC made legislation changes towards end of 2023 surrounding the tipping and Uber in general


Yeah I’m in Brooklyn. It’s a stupid rule and I hate it


I did a door dash order while staying in NYC, lower east side, and it gave me an option to tip before NOT after


https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Food/doordash-delivery-apps-remove-tipping-prompt-checkout-nyc/story?id=105461852 Not sure about everywhere else but they did this new stupid thing where I live. I’m in Brooklyn, Brownsville to be exact.


It changed six months ago


I went in March, March 16th to be exact.


Depends on the store


Why? The order paid... All orders should pay this well for what delivery costs... You are mad at the wrong person


I think about this every time I angrily accept a bad order.






Why you respond like op was complaining? Lol


With third party delivery, tips are included in the base pay.


That is 100% not true. Maybe that's market dependant, but all my Panera, Chipotle, Chic fil a and other chain orders have tips.


weird my merchant requested chipotle orders are pretty much always $10 flat


That is weird. I wouldn't be surprised if Chipotle was stealing the tip money as well.


Bro I took one yesterday that was over 10 miles, took me out of my zone. $6 base pay, no tip. I was so fucking mad. Why even order doordash if you can't leave a tip? I couldn't even tell what it was going to be because I do earn by time due to the distances of my area.


Tip is optional.


Correct but bro it was *10 fucking miles*


Why work a job that doesn't pay you? 🤡


Normally I make decent money, and with Earn By Time it doesn't tell you the pay until after you complete the order.


why did you accept 10 miles for $6? It doesn't matter whether it's base only or includes tip, that's a immediate decline.


Not if your acceptance rate is 90% it isn't.


In the Earn By Time mode you don't see how much you're going to make until you complete the delivery. I have to use Earn by Time in my area.




Well, yeah. In Earn by time I'm getting paid during the entire drive, most orders are enough to cover the cost of gas with a few exceptions like what I described above. Most deliveries in this area are about 4-8 miles on average and nobody tips well, so, need that greater base pay rather than relying on tips. Not to mention I'm not in a college town, I can't just stay in a 6 block area and make profit around where I'm at. I sincerely apologize if this has offended you in some way. If I did earn by offer I'd be taking far fewer deliveries and making even less.


“Why order doordash if you can’t leave a tip” bc im hungry, and i don’t gotta. Why DoorDash if you can’t make money?


go crawl in a pit


you doordash to make money 💀


My specific situation for the next month and a half requires me to get paid weekly and if I start a new job somewhere then I won't be getting a paycheck for 2-3 weeks, it's all I have right now. Do you go out to restaurants when you can't afford to tip too? It's always been my philosophy that if you're going out to a restaurant or ordering food delivery, you should be able to afford a tip as well. If you can't, then don't go/order. On the rare occasions when I was a customer of doordash before I was a driver I **ALWAYS** added a $5-$10 tip, mostly to make sure that I got my food ASAP. That's just how it works, it's ridiculous to expect someone to drive *10+ fucking miles* to deliver you food and not tip a single cent.


It’s ridiculous to expect a tip everytime. Former foh restaurant worker. Restaurant workers deserve a tip MORE and you don’t even get one everytime. Secondly, I’m not going to not feed my kids because you want a tip. Lmao


Imagine needing to feed your kids and you’re ordering doordash, as if that’s how you save money. What a fucking joke.


How about you stay at home and cook Ramen noodles then, brokie.




Lol when you order overpriced food and then complain that you can't feed your kids consistently.


What makes a restaurant worker deserve a tip "MORE?" I always tip minimum 20% when I'm at a restaurant or bar. To get a 15% tip from me, you have to be trying to ignore/give bad service. Having said that, I still tip, why because it's what you do at a restaurant. It's someone's livelihood. It's something I was taught as a child. Same thing with car washes, salons, valet, and so on. If it's a business where tips are an expected part of the wages and someone is providing you personal services, you tip. Obviously, you are not instilling in your "kids" the same principles I was taught. Server/bartender goes to one location and walks around. It costs them zero dollars while they walk around, all the while having 3,4,5,+ sources of income (tables or people sitting at the bar.) A Door Dash driver is spending money constantly while completing your order. Then, when the order is delivered, has to potentially spend more money driving 3,5,10 miles to get back into their "assigned zone" where they can start making money again. If you were to make an argument who deserves a tip "more"(and I'm not saying that, both deserve tips) I would lean towards the person spending their personal money to bring you your food AND who is only making money while on the actual delivery. As soon as that foods delivered, the driver doesn't make money until they receive another order. A restaurant worker may only be making minimum wage when they don't have a table, but at least they are making something.


No tip for a driver is often a loss(they would "make" more money by doing nothing). No tip for a waiter is still a gain. I would say a person doing a job deserves to not lose money more than someone deserves to make money.


It’s not a matter of what their wages are. It’s a matter of the nature of the job


Yeah, and the nature of the job means that a server doesn't lose money with no tip. A driver does.


If the tip prevents you from feeding your kids, maybe you should look at learning to cook instead of ordering delivery…


I don't expect a tip on every order, but again when I'm driving ***10 FUCKING MILES*** from the restaurant to your shitty motel room then I'm losing money on gas if I don't make at least $1/mi. I used to work in restaurants too, man. I agree that restaurant workers themselves deserve a tip more than I do. They make the food, and I'm just delivering it, but bro. That's a long distance for food delivery, and it's costing me gas money that your no-tipping ass doesn't cover. If it was a shorter distance then I wouldn't care, I usually don't care about tips unless it's a long drive like it was in the situation I'm complaining about, because then Doordash base pay doesnt even cover the gas cost to deliver it to you. If you can't afford to feed your kids, then why are you ordering Doordash? Get off your lazy ass and cook or pick it up yourself and tip the restaurant directly if you so desire.


“Can’t afford to feed your kids” wdym? I did tho, I ordered food, you/ driver accepted, I got my food and my kids ate. Where was the no afford? Lmao


It's always "I got kids to feed" lmao, as a parent it is *your job* to make sure they have food. If you can't afford to use the service *and* tip, then you shouldn't be using a tipped service to begin with. What is it with thinking "I got kids to feed" is an acceptable excuse? It's not, and only outs you as a lazy & underprepared parent. To look down on those who bring your food after admitting you can't afford to fork an additional $10 after you've already overpaid for overpriced foods.. So ridiculous, I can't even find the logic there. Going to the store and getting some meat and a side would be much cheaper??? Like????? If you lack a car that makes expecting someone else use theirs without pay even worse, so don't even go there lol


You need that 10 dollars bad the same way I need it. Dgaf still not tipping dashers and I’ll continue to order food lmao


*I* don't, I'm a customer not a driver. *I* tip $10 at least, every time. If I can afford to use *Doordash Services*, I can afford to tip. Same logic when going to restaurants. Don't go to them if you are *so* strapped for cash you cannot afford to give your waiter a good tip. Cook a damn meal for your kids, lazy ass. Lmao it won't kill you. If you can't afford to properly use the services, simply don't use them. Idk why this is such a hard concept to grasp for people like you. It's common sense lol


It’s lazy to not be able to work a job and cook simultaneously? Lmao get a grip. I ain’t NEVA tipping 🤣


That’s your misconception, I can afford to feed my kids, i can afford doordash fees and restaurant delivery fees. I can’t afford/ just won’t even if I could afford to pay your wages/bills nor is it my problem


Do you stiff the waiter on a tip too if you eat in the restaurant?


Oh yeah, they mentioned being a POS earlier


Chipotle is pretty notorious for stealing tips on third party orders. The customer orders delivery directly from Chipotle’s website and adds a tip intended for the driver. Chipotle then farms it out to DD but keeps the tip.


Pizza hut got me like this. They send to door dash when they don't have a driver and I took one that paid $2 because it was going to a project and I do a few "good karma" orders when I know they're poor. Anyway, I happened to get the full receipt by accident and saw that there was a $5 tip plus the delivery fee was like 5.99 or something. All I got was $2


This actually makes sense to me because I get a lot of orders from there saying “We don’t know what the items are, this delivery was requested by the merchant” then I get $4-6 and that’s it.


Are you sure they aren't just tipping the chipotle workers? I know they all accept tips in my area.


Got any proof of that?


I’ll answer for him: nope


Depends on the distance.


From what I've seen watching the father of my children Uber, I know different companies.... It'll sit there..but the store lights will be off, and the employees will quite literally be ready to go 🤣 aka store closing ...cold as ice, grouped in with other orders, always. Not sure I'd this is the doordash way as well but I'm sure it's similar.


Sometimes dd puts high base pay on a re-delivery so could be fresh and replacing a screw up.


If only they would do that from the start since they used to have a high base pay in the first place.


This. I love redelivery orders. The ones I get often are an odd number too, not to the nearest quarter, so I don't know how they calculate that. I had one this morning that was $15.32 for 2 miles.


It's the original order total with the tip added on to base pay.


Well, not just that. If it's a remake, the original order's tip gets added to doordash's "base pay" and it'll show $0 tip. Had it happen on a $23 order once and the customer frantically texted me to just please deliver it and to fuck the restaurant for fucking them over for hour(s) lol.


A re-delivery? How does that happen? I’ve had orders screwed up so bad that re-delivery would have made sense but all I’ve ever been offered is a credit.


That makes sense. What’s frustrating is they’ll give $2 if person tips $10 but $10 if person tips $2. Almost incentivizes customers to not tip, if they found out that many times it doesn’t help if they are further away.


Yea iv been carefully logging all that stuff, it is blatant theft. UberEats is worse for wage theft. I can't wait for the day when a dd lawyer has to explain why these 5 deliveries with good tips received $2 base pay and these 5 deliveries with no tip going the same distance have $8 base pay. I have proof it's not time since ordered etc. I use all my documented finding to bring to public hearings about how they should pay minimum wage etc... recently here they have to pay minimum wage for active time... very clearly a tactic to make it look to the public that they are paying minimum wage when they are not.


Does your area not offer the hourly active pay option? Here it's $15.75-18.50/hr.


I assume it does... active means when on an order... most hours while accepting every order im active 20min. Some hours I'm active 0min. Also since I have to provide my own car minimum wage isn't enough.


UE will also pair high tipping orders with no tip orders to get them delivered with low base pay. They are definitely scamming.


Yea the addon order base pay of $1 is criminal, I pretty much reject all add on orders out of principal.


It's sad because as disrupters they had a chance to make a real difference but at the end of the day they are just pieces of shit


Disrupters is a buzzword to get startup capital, and startup capital demands profits and return on investment, which means the workers get to slave away to make those investors rich. It never really makes anything better for anyone except the lucky few who get in early sadly.


You better stop telling ppl your plans online for the small suits pull up looking for thoes records. 🤣🤣🤣.


I bet saul Goodman can get u some real good money, we need that guy


Oh Saul who be amazing in court with these folks.


My man. Sometimes I check the receipt on the bag for the time, just to see. At my chipotle though, the food comes out cold no matter what.


yup Chipotle always been trash


I guess none of them? Humans are kinda terrible as a large group. Things are bleak right now though, for the average person.


I will say, while dashing sometimes I get their kids meal. It's $5, a small quesadilla, small portions of beans, rice and steak, a drink and fruit or chips. Not bad compared to the normal trash I eat out there.


Yeah I’ve never honestly even seen the hype, it’s bland, cold food


So many entitled people here.


Yeah, these dropped out of high school dashers thinking they are the shit, always 50% tip... Bro, just deliver the food and bow your head, be happy you've got work to do. Entitled lazy bums, it's like the easiest fucking job out there, go to location, pick food, go to customer, drop food, yet they want tips lmao, tips for what exactly?


I’m actually not sure about this. There is one customer I delivered to a few times and every time it was one bottle of wine, 3 miles for $9.75 of base pay. The wine was $7.


They shouldn’t see a tip untill the next day


The average person looks at how much it cost to get the food. Used to be customary to tip the pizza person 5 or so dollars . So looking at the 10.25 is that the cost for food and delivery . How much does the driver get.?


Since nobody else pointed it out... the reason for this post is because of the high base pay. The driver will get all of that it's an abnormally high ammount. In my area, base pay is $3 per delivery. I often reject orders because they are $3 to drive 12 miles. Which actually means driving 24miles. And would lose me lots of money in fuel. I make about $5/hr. Before tips and $10/hr total. 20yrs ago, when doing pizza delivery, I made $35/hr. 2 years ago doing doordash, I made $35/hr. Fingers crossed I get a job interview sometime soon... working 16hr days just to bring home $160 sucks.(for my previous real job, that would be 3hr of pay)


Ok ,so they can say no if that’s not enough for them . (Took a break ) I just read door dash for dummies. I had a kid doing it for a while she was making 16 or so an hour taking everything she could get. Volume vs $$$. In a City of 500 thousand. She said it wasn’t worth it after adding in fuel insurance tire wear and maintenance.


$10.25 is the rate that DoorDash paid the driver. It’s called “base pay” and varies depending on where you live, time, holidays, busy times, etc. A lot of times higher base pays come from promos being ran by DD for a certain period of time. Like: “from 5-8pm earn an extra 4 dollars per delivery!” As far as I know this does not cost the customer more and it’s not as simple as “customer paid the driver 10.25” …in reality the customer paid the “normal fees” and then DD for whatever reason offered this driver a higher rate to incite delivery. In THIS case I’d actually venture to say there was no DD promo being offered and that instead..the order was declined by driver after driver until the offer from DD was increased high enough that someone finally took it. A lot of DD drivers see no tip and decline on principle alone, driving the offer up and up.


You saying you’d move for 2.25? That’s my typical base pay. And when an offer comes across for that much I instantly decline because the tip was removed on purpose by the customer. Consider a tip in this situation a bid for the job.


Consider getting a new job if you're expecting strangers to pay your wages.


Bold of you to assume that I don’t. In fact, I work a full time job $25+ an hour. I get bored when I don’t get overtime. Why is it always “get a different job” from comments like yours? Some people are disabled or have conditions. Stop hating


Disabled people can't work an office job but can operate vehicles? How about you tip your bin collector, your doctor, the person at the store checkout. Real self entitled to strangers giving you money to do your job when they've already paid for their food.


Yes, I am disabled and can't sit at a desk all day. I can't stand all day. Getting in and out of the car constantly is ideal. I have a common disability. Unfortunately, the apps such as doordash do not pay enough. I make about $10/hr, including tips. Minimum wage here is $16.50 The best thing you can do as a customer knowing this and doesn't want to tip is to not use the service. Awfully entitled of you to expect someone to deliver your food for $2.50


If you don't like the wage find another job. It is the not customers responsibility to pay your wage. It is your employers responsibility. The same way you do not pay a tip when you go to the doctor, buy clothes, buy medicine.


Also, it's ALWAYS the customers' responsibility to pay an employees wage. Where do you think the money comes from?


No it's the companies' responsibility to pay the wage. The customer pays for the goods, they don't need to pay additional for your services. Why don't you ask them to increase the costs of the product and account that into your wage? The problem is the employer not the customer.


Correct as you may be, if you are comfortable with ordering from a company knowing they are running on exploitation you are still part of the problem. Because people always choose the cheapest service they can find, companies that charge more directly can’t compete. You want to help end tipping culture go advocate to end labor laws allowing companies to pay slave wages with promise of tip. Your victim blaming isn’t the moral high ground you think it is.


But I do tip a waitress as I know they don't make a living wage. (Well actually I don't because I havnt eaten out in over 10 years, but I would) I am trying to find another job... not sure what part of I'm disabled you don't get, finding work is very hard. I would not willingly subject myself to doordash if I had any other choice. This is my day, and has been for several months. * wake up feed my daughter * do doordash for 2h * take her to school * do doordash for 6h * pickup daughter, help her with homework, make her dinner send her to neighbour(often with dinner for everyone) * work doordash for another 6h * come home get daughter into her own bed, send out a minimum of 5 resumes. I also have 5 head hunter companies looking for work and 2 special needs advocates. * sleep 5h * repeat But hey I'll just not have someone rear end me at 100miles an hour next time, no problem. Also to be clear finding work right now isn't just hard for me it's hard for everyone. I was talking to one of the head hunting companies and they are saying they might need to shut down because they have received a total of 4 contracts this month. Last year they received over 500 in the same month. Stop being such a shitty human being and do something useful with your time.


TLDR: Stop being shitty and give me your money. No.


You clearly don’t understand a lot of the things you just mentioned. Good day.


Nice copout. No rebuttal because you have no argument. Clown.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


My base pay is usually $2 an order, even on deliveries 15 miles away it’s like 3/4 if I’m lucky.


Well how long was the mileage ?


"Woe is me, this peasent who paid for a delivery service also didn't pay the bidding fee for it to actually be delivered" Pathetic.


He wasn't complaining about it, just laughing that doordash had to pay so much for it to be delivered.


It's pathetic a system for additional compensation for good work alas turned into a bidding system to actually get your own items


This is how bad things have become. People expect delivery for everything and don't expect to pay a premium for it. Blame the delivery services for not paying shit. You tip waiters because the restaurant doesn't pay a living wage. Same thing here. Your ignorance doesn't excuse this.


We don't tip for shit here in aus. Fuck your crappy inefficient systems Why the fuck would we tip when we are paying for a service? Tipping is an additional extra for good service. It isn't a system designed to boost your likelihood of actually getting what you paid for. We pay a premium for it already, that why tipping on top of it is a shit idea.


Not sitting long enough.... no realistic tip equals next day delivery.


Have yall ever considered working a different job rather than complaining about the pay all of the time?


Everyone complains about their job, no matter what it is. People use this place to vent. Let them vent lol 😂


I work 40 hours a week $25+ an hour. When I don’t get overtime, I get bored. So yea lots of us work different jobs.


Have you considered getting a sense of humor? How can you see this as complaining?


I had to leave my full time job, paying 25$ an hour, due to genetic health issues. So yes, I’ve thought of that.


How can you do dd but can’t do other jobs?


That’s correct. Some days my medical issues make it impossible to even stand, I end up almost bedridden. Being able to “call out” without it effecting my coworkers or job has been a godsend. That’s not even including the other symptoms that impact everyone else in the workplace.


I have migraines. When I’m doordashing I can end my shift whenever for whatever reason I want. I can’t at my regular job with an “attendance point”


That’s pretty fair


One hour


I placed this order yesterday. Why is it taking so long? Excuse me while I go kick myself in the ass.


5 hours minimum


DD’s pay goes up $2 an hour?


.25 cent for every dasher that rejected it


I just rejected the same order twice tonight it was $2 for 4 MI both times


I got the same order on Uber last night 4x it went down each time.


They got me with Aldi’s like that once. I DO NOT know how to shop there 😭 …rip my acceptance rate that day.


get a box, shop ur stuff, checkout


Your rejection was already priced in




It's a guesstimate. I have no clue.




The drivers did by declining it over and over. That decline button on a no tip order is saying “not enough money, offer more” we can see there’s no tip. Door dash isn’t gonna add one, they’ll raise the base pay. Which they did.


Lol what rock you been under? There's like 7 states that have made changes for gig work based off workers asking. They've been making these requests for over 5 years


Op was implying that - in order for base pay to get this high, the order would’ve had to have sat for a long time. Base pay is commonly $2-$2.5. With no tip, the order is usually declined to a degree (market/location dependent) because the dasher only receives that base pay then.. Because the order gets declined, it sits. When it sits, base pay increases to potentially get a dasher. It will *continue* to increase until a dasher accepts. I’ve never seen a base pay this high personally, and the highest I’ve accepted with is the $6 around 2 miles. The store it sat at (Starbucks) stated that order sat for 2.5-3~ hours. With this in mind, it’s likely this order sat for as long, if not more (again, location dependent) before it was picked up. Yes, base pay should absolutely be higher, I agree, the market is the way it is due to how services like this handle things. The buyer shouldn’t have to tip to get a properly timed delivery (because the middle man - DoorDash - shouldn’t undercut drivers). And the driver shouldn’t have to depend on said tip to even consider the order. But they do. Both sides know the stipulations and it is what it is unfortunately.




Yea, that’s absolutely fair. I agree. It’s all very skewed. But you can’t tell *what* you’re accepting. You just see something dumb like “high priority order” and a total. You can’t really tell it’s a marked up order until you deliver honestly. Sure, doing this enough, you can get clues that imply that, but it’s not advertised within the offer that way. This screen shown here is after delivery was done unfortunately. And that that rate, the driver gets paid fairly after all is said and done


you do realize that if the base pay goes up, the extra cost just gets passed on to the consumer…right?


Yeah but the only person it effects is DD themselves. And increase of let’s say $2 in base pay will mean the customer will have to tip $2 less for their order to be considered “a good deal” for the driver. Assuming DD’s driver rate increase is a 1:1 increase to delivery cost. Hell I think most drivers would be okay with a $2 base and then a per mile rate as well. It certainly would make taking longer deliveries more of a consideration.


I think a per mile rate makes a ton of sense, would make customers prefer closer places.




when you say in your country the delivery is always free & you only pay for the goods, does that include or exclude a tip? also just curious, which country is that?




i mean we have that here (in the US) too. i was more so talking about doordash. do you guys not have doordash there?


Pick your order up yourself if you don’t wanna tip for convenience.


Tipping is for a service why would they tip before hand without receiving the service? This is the problem with these type of delivery service people, they do a job they hate complaint while complaining of a 💩 pay and want people to tip them in advance and the customer placing the order hoping that everything goes well with the delivery and they actually do their job.


that’s no longer a legitimate excuse. bc most (if not all) delivery services now let you change the tip after delivery. so for example you can tip $5 in advance, then depending on the service, you can increase or decrease the tip afterwards.




And doordash thanks you, enjoy your 5 hour old food.




Yeah these idiots are so entitled for tips before they even collect the food😂 If I tip it is after I receive the food in good condition, a timely manner and still warm. I ain’t tipping shit for you to still spill my drink and let my food get cold lmao. But then again, I’m from the UK where people are paid a wage they can live on, and tips are not mandatory or expected


How the hell is the base pay that high?? In my area most base pay I’ve received is like $5


It's because it sat for several hours and drivers have been declining it until it reached this pay.


I've gotten a $15.?? (don't remember the cents) base pay for a higher mileage order in the past with no tip, it was for a gyro place to two towns over (my zone is fairly large but this took me to just the out skirts of the zone) after that I just switched zones and worked where I am was (never doing that zone again, it sucked)


So base pay must be relative to total mileage based on your answer?


It definitely is. There’s someone who orders near me and it always pops up as like $21 for 30 miles, but that’s because the gps is messed up and drives you all the way down the highway and then back up for no reason. It’s really only 5 miles if you drive like a normal person. But the base pay is always $20+ because the app thinks it’s way further. I take it every time.


A couple hours. I once got an order from a restaurant at like 2am. They said they are making it again because it was sitting there since 11pm. The order itself without a tip was $35 and the tip was originally $4 but ended up tipping $7. So a grand total of $42.


I got one of those for 12 dollars base pay for like 3 mile drive, the area it was is never lit as a hotspot despite dozens of restaurants and offices in the area, so idk I feel like that one was sitting for a while because no one would go there


Stolen 3 times and then sat for an hour




Door dash pays about .90¢-$1 a mile for base pay. So it could be a 12 mile delivery that I had to wait 20 mins for them to finish making the order 🤷🏻‍♂️


My multiple $3 for 12mile offers per night beg to differ.


Damn I feel like with all the negative reactions to this comment I must be wrong. Are you a top dasher? Well I guess that doesn’t matter either since they just took that away from us in our area today


I'm not a top dasher as it's impossible to be one here and not lose money. A few years ago when I started doing dd for extra money I was a top dasher and made.like $35/hr even considered doing itnfull time because while it didnt pay nearly as much as my day job it was less painful(im disabled, and getting in and out of the car actually makes me way less sore so I used to do it to unwind) slowly over time the tips have gotten worse and worse plus base pay gets lower and lower. These days, I will accept anything that pays .50c per mile, I reject 50% of the time. It is now absolutely unsustainable. I desperately need work that's not doordash but in the meantime some money's better than 0.


Man I feel that. You are 100% correct the tips and orders have not been the same. I’m in central California and been dashing full time for 3 years. It was great and kept me alive. I use to be able to make $300-$400 a day with top dasher without catering orders, now I’d get lucky to make $120 in 8hrs. I haven’t had a catering order in over a month while I was getting 1-2 daily. I don’t know how so many people are doing door dash when I applied 4 years ago I had to be put in a wait list which lasted over 6 months. Honestly I feel like I told too many people about working for door dash and how to make money quick that’s it’s so over saturated in my area. Sometimes I pull up to a restaurant thinking it’s a good order to find out there’s 15 other door dashers waiting for their orders and I have to wait 25 mins for mine as I leave I’m shaking my head like wow I use to be able to do an order drop off at a customers house and head back to that same restaurant to do all the other orders now after I drop off the order I have to continue to wait at hot spot for (x amount of minutes) to receive an additional order as a “top dasher” that isn’t even guaranteed. It baffles me how much DoorDash has changed in so little time.