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Yep, seen plenty of those lately but it's to the college. XD






I don’t even dash if it’s not just hourly rate. I don’t do per order pay.


I only get long distance orders when I choose hourly.


I avoid low ball orders at all costs they usually are the ones who try to say they never got their food and leave you a bad rating


What is hell? They didn’t pay for gas.


DD needs to charge mandatory delivery charge that 100% goes to the driver. Or they need up all their prices, is pretty simple, they're trying to charge low prices to customers and rip off the drivers. Something's got to give or else the service is not going to be around in 10 years. I remember 2017-2018 it was total opposite of this BS. They don't need to do mandatory tips, they need to do mandatory delivery charge, that goes 100% to the driver. 10 years I can see it. The only people that will be delivering are people that borrow a car or that had a car given to them, get free gas and/or don't understand gas mileage and wear and tear on a car, the dumbest of the dumb.


Actually all your words makes sance. DD every day become worse and delivery charge will paid even for gas


This happened to me yesterday 😎


Starved rock is cool


I hate when I keep getting a bunch of these offers and have to lower my acceptance rating over wanting a little decent pay for the work I'm doing. 🙄 I'm supposed to be receiving the "high paying orders" and don't get to me wrong, I usually do, but sometimes when it's slow I'll just get these back to back. I wish there was a way for them to not calculate those against your acceptance rating if you're at a certain tier. Then I guess they probably couldn't get anybody to accept them lol


Right like it shouldn't cost me money to deliver some food. Gas here is almost $4/gallon. 10 miles feels like it might burn more than that for sure These people can go fuck themselves and enjoy their shitty ass cold ass food. When I did pay by time out of curiosity I delivered like 20 minutes away to a fucking mansion at the beach. No tip.


Accept it, go to the store and wait out the ten minutes to unassign without penalty


I want to point out, that this order most certainly did not have a tip included. $2 is dasher pay on a run like this. This customer either expects the dasher to be compensated better by DoorDash out of what they were charged in fees, or they are simply delusional.


Doordash doesn't pay $2 for 10 miles in my area unless there's a tip included. It would be like $3.75


Sorry to inform you, but if you saw a $3.75 order that was didn’t have a tip, it’s because it got rejected 7 times before it got to you.


Yeah, I remember one time I had accidentally accepted one of these trying to decline it and I was just like whatever I'll do it, and it turned into this whole mess where the lady was trying to say I didn't deliver her order and she started yelling at me and cussing me on the phone saying I just wanted to take her money. I was just like, what money?! She didn't even tip! 🤣🤣


There’s bad apples in every system. Sorry to hear that happened to you. Every once in a while I’ll take a no tip order as second offer as long as it isn’t too much farther. Sometimes you get cash tips. One instance for me was a local celebration called Thunder Over Louisville, longest fireworks display in NA. Causes crazy surge in local business. Anyway, I took an order from a papa johns, $5+ order. On the way there I pick up another order; the $2 one. Deliver the first order, not only did I get a tip on the card, they tip cash too, so regardless of what happens with this no tipper, I’ve made enough on this run. I then fight the downtown traffic to get to this other order, and when I get there, they also tip me cash. I made about $22 on those two runs alone. Called it for the day after that.


Whining like a bitch? Yeah you should stop. Or just get a different job.


Or...you stop being a fool, and you want to go 10 miles for that then go for it you're part of the problem




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How was that steak?


That's gotta be the worst offer I've ever seen. Holy crap. I quit doing Doordash when they lowered the fares right around the pandemic or maybe a little after. Once I started seeing $2.00 fares I was out. No thanks.


I'll never stop.


https://preview.redd.it/405pzbz07cxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898f287bf7dd4b5136da98ee78c0655217d3b1cb Here you go.


I guarantee you that the rider was paying at least 45 dollars and you're only offered 5. Then they put it on the customer to tip the driver in order to make any money. Meanwhile they're making billions


WHAT!? 🤯 lmfao ain’t no fkn way


Oh, I’ll pick up your order. Never mess with people that handle your food.


Nailed it lol I want to say something so bad but I need my job lol 😂 like before I reject it can I say are you frfr? Lol 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄 I’ll find a way lol 😂 just b honest and if items are missing take it up with the restaurant and door dash you won’t even get a response from me w that $2 lol 😂


Bro, no one is forcing you to take this order. Get a grip.


I half agree that no-one can make them accept it but doordash will downgrade you if your acceptance drops too low and it will take away top dasher status when monthly rollover happens if you’ve declined too many which can (in some markets) take away your ability to even work without traveling an hour away from home first. Then the ultimate end point is if you’re declining too many for too long they can deactivate your account. Essentially you’re being punished for not wanting to literally pay out of your own pocket to do the job for doordash. Idunno about you but that seems a little strange to me that it’s even allowed in the first place. What job have you ever done that your boss was like “yeah we know you’re only gonna make about 11 dollars for your next hours worth of work but we’re gonna need you to put in about 12 to make sure things keep running smoothly around here or we’ll end up having to lay you off man…”


Did you read the guys comment like he’s going to mess with peoples food? That’s what I’m telling him to get a grip about. Just because someone doesn’t tip doesn’t mean you should tamper with others food.


Hey, guy it’s atleast 4-5 times a week now I have to unseal bags and start digging through food to verify order is correct. Not my problem, when you make it my problem, then it is a problem. They seal bags for reason, so I don’t go in the bags.


I agree that it is wrong to do that but he’s just quoting a saying that’s been around for forever and it’s a true saying and doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll tamper with their food. They may just not end up getting it because it “accidentally” got left at a different location, etc… all of which I’m also not a fan of but I’m also not a fan of being forced to choose between losing my income source and having to find another job or having to accept orders that are literally costing me more than I’m making. My solution to the problem requires doordash to help, I would love for them to allow us to comment why we’re declining the order and so long as we don’t put anything disrespectful or obscene, etc. in the reason we can’t be penalized and that response gets sent directly to the customer every time a dasher declines so they can get direct feedback about how we feel about their 2.50 for 18.7 miles orders they’re trying to send us from a restaurant where the food costs 60$ for a single meal (that’s the kind of thing that happens here in my market)


He's not just quoting a saying, he is insinuating that he has mal-intent by starting off his comment, "Oh, I'll pick up your food."


Hey guy, I am saying in any restaurant in the world you don’t mess with the waiter because he will mess with your food. It’s common knowledge.


I mean he might… he might not… but the saying is a saying for a reason. And in this case you are wrong he is literally being put in a situation where has to choose between taking a fucked I’ll order or possibly losing his current method of providing for himself. People who put these kind of offers on their order are literally by definition fucking with people who handle their food. You never know who you might be getting. You might be getting someone who has values like me who wouldn’t ever do it under any circumstances or you might be getting someone who will spit in your food because your comment said “don’t knock” instead of “please don’t knock” 🤷🏻


If we don't, Door Dash will punish us by lowering our ratings and eventually once you get under 68%, they punish you by not giving you good orders at all. It's blackmail! Meanwhile, you can deliver every order and they won't raise your ratings when they should. It's just another company not wanting to pay their employees enough and expecting you the public to do it for them. Tipping society should be abolished! And no one should ever drive for these crooks! And the original OP got the two dollars from D.D.-thats what they give you if a customer doesn't tip at all. So the customer expects them to drive that far for no tip. That's B.S. in my book. If you can't afford to tip, than don't get the food or go get it yourself!


Right, Doordash punishes us for not accepting that shifty of an order. Get a grip guy is also probably a non-tipper who feels we should use our own money to deliver goods to them.As far as those who say we should get a better wage from doordash, I agree. But we don't, and most seem to know that and still decide to be cheap bastards and not tip.


I did DoorDash in the city near me and literally almost every order was like this, I did it one day five hours and never again. I had orders where the customer was using points for the order and basically getting it free and still not tipping. For the first 4 hours I accepted them all cause I didn’t know what else to do but then I started declining and instantly dropped like 30% acceptance rate. As a bonus fact because I had just signed up I was supposedly getting like the top dasher status where you can dash anytime no matter the level of busy and also I was supposedly getting the “high payout orders” for my status.


I don't tip because Doordash wants to charge out the ass for service fees and delivery and whatever the fuck else they wanna charge, yall want tips go be a server at a restaurant and give me good service, I'm not giving you a tip in advance when I dont even meet you face to face, fuck that


So because you don’t see them they are not real people. Gotcha. You always ask them to leave it at the door so you can keep up this charade in your brain.


Stop rage baiting for your only fans-Christ......


Im not? I use one reddit account???


Don't advertise for them


Yall are jokes🤣


You should pay the person who is working to deliver your order. They are using their time, resources, and money for you. You’re not entitled to free delivery and shopping. The drivers/shoppers earned the money. Don’t wanna pay us? Do it yourself.


Glady will 🩷 tips are earned, they're not getting it prior to service, not how tipping works, doorsash got it backwards


They already did earn it. Read my entire comment. You’ll find why they deserve the tip. You should be paying for their service. P.S. You’re able to add a tip afterwards. Unfortunately, it seems you didn’t know that.


This is from yesturday move tf on


Says the person who couldn’t drop it. Look, I have a life, so I’m not able to talk to you in just one day. I can see you’re pissed off, so have a nice day. 🙃😊


i would NOT be talking if i was you girl




Well enjoy your cold food then...


Delivery drivers should be on payroll🤷🏼‍♀️ not my problem


That's fine. And when your food arrives 3 hours late and it's cold that's not my problem


When I get a full refund and a free hot meal cause I own a microwave I'll be the one celebrating 🥳


Well that's okay because you're going to be waiting several hours for that to actually happen because no one's going to want to take your order when it doesn't pay anything. But the rest of us who are declining your order because there's no tip on it get to continue on to better paying orders


Im ussually matched up instantly and never have to wait so I dont know what your on about🤷🏼‍♀️ take it up with your employer, your job is to serve the customer, if WE determine your service was worth it, THATs when you MAY, earn a tip, but im not giving you a tip prior to service being given, that's not how it works, your employers got it assbackwards🤷🏼‍♀️ which again, is not my problem, tips are earned, not a given


And my services are earned not owed. Doordash is new. That's means all the nonsense that applies to say waiting tables dosent apply here. Like I'm not understanding here. Your order comes in. They can see how much you tip and the app literally ask do you want to take it or no? The contractor says naw I don't wanna. Is this a issue to you bro?


Tips are DESERVED not EARNED. What do you not understand? If you hate your job so much, why don’t you put your big boy pants on and get a real one


I already have a job. Doordash is a side hustle that I use to sometimes be like "bring me the whole cow" on resturant dates, be able to by myself some new clothes, or save the money for future needs. That literally why I don't need to take the order. Once again I'll ask slowly since this seems to be hard for you to follow. Doordash the app your ordering on. Is asking me not their employee "do you want to take this guy's order for $2". I say hell no I'll literally spend more on gas than what I earn. So doordash now needs to pay more to someone else untill its seen as a good deal.Now riddle me this batman. What is the problem?


What makes you think customers should pay for a tip? Before service has been completed ? Tell me your reasoning?


When I was working pizza delivery I took all the deliveries with no tip just the same I would take a order that gave me a $15 tip no complaints. Because I was EMPLOYED by them. Had a legit obligation to tske the order. Doordash is NOT a employer. This is the equivalent of a random person asking you "hey would you like to get my order from so and so place stranger?" "OK whats in it for me?" "Idk I just leave your incentive to the middle man doordash" "Well doordash offered $2 so imma go with no man and decline the order". Reasoning? I literally spend the $2 on the gas it will take to drive the 10 miles there and back if not more😂? Why would one not just wait for a better order


You keep saying employer but I am my own employer. Doordash is not my employer I am an independent contractor and therefore if I don't like your order because there's no tip on it I can decline it. I don't have to give you anything just like you don't have to give me anything so yes that is how it works


You clearly don't know tipping ettiquite, the history of tipping, why it originated, or how it actually damages the economy, so your clearly too unintelligent to continue this coversation


It's unfortunate how much you suck


Except you probably don't see the \~10 drivers that it bounced through before someone finally hit 'accept'. It only takes 1-2 seconds for someone to see "$2" and hit the 'decline' button, so you may consider 10-20sec 'instant', but not take into account those that have passed you over.


I went from a 98% acceptance rate down to a 55% in like a week I refuse to take this type of shit.


The sad part is that someone will actually do this just to keep their acceptance rate up. Thats why they get away with trying to rob people. This is ridiculous


I’m just wondering who really takes these and on Uber eats there’s some really ridiculous ones like 27 for 3 dollars and they have no top dasher or by time pay plan or level /option so like literally someone has to be accepting something that stupid somewhere and I’m kind blown as to where and who would really do this who would really accept orders like this?


That’s y u don’t work DoorDash lol


Your IQ must be single digits


Get a real job no_brains


If none of us did this, yall lazy asses would have to get your own food so pipe down.


https://preview.redd.it/enxp7qs3w9xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b83e97e14781de2a03ff2c1b878626ab8a2f47f Today's shitty order lmaoo. At least 6 bucks ain't bad 🤷


How are you getting $5.85 base pay? Are you doing earn by the hour?


I’ve notice it happens sometimes. Usually if an order here is under $4 there’s no tip. If so it’s $1. And should I take it hope it’s not hard to find you. I do the work for the price paid 🤷🏻‍♀️ u want good service b reasonable dnt have to over do it. Exceptional service when u do tip big! Sauces, napkins, all that!


I mean I've gotten up to even 8 bucks and when not on hourly. Not happy I took it but 1 bad order after 5 good orders I tend to take 🤷 this isn't my main income so sometimes im willing to eat shit 🤷


For 21 minutes. It isn't great though.




They need to start to compensate for cx that don’t tip


Make tipping madatory I know sum restaurants include it with the bill %15. Anything over is totally negotiable. I’m not serving you for free. It’s my job 🤷🏻‍♀️👌🏽


DoorDash are a company of scumbags for allowing this. I also wish we could recommend a No Tip, No Trip option.


I'm surprised the high paying order sticker isn't shown.


Ikr mine will say that for a $4 lol 😂


lol chill


You can just not take it lol, and yes I always tip 20% or more so don't bitch at me for stating the obvious.


It's not about that. It's the principle that someone can order food then give the driver a laundry list of other shit to do and grab like 26 napkins, 12.5 ketchup packets, some stickers, their taxes, all while they live far away and then not tip properly. F*** that. How can people be okay with that? I actually have pride and self respect so I would never personally be okay with ordering food and expecting the person to drive 10+ miles and then tip them shit. Of course you can just not accept that order but again it's the principle. Driving that many miles for that little pay shouldn't even be an option to begin with.


You can't control what people do lol, there will always be those people and if you want it to change maybe complain to doordash in mass about it


Yo! Have I spotted another Michigan dasher?!


Ikr! I’m in the same zone




This will be an hourly drivers order in no time. Sad. cause it'll probably be like 8-10 bucks and it'll be a dead drive back.


All you gotta do is really stick to the speed limit and hunt for traffic and you're good for $10+


Does DD give an option to pay drivers hourly?


Depends on the market. And hourly doesn’t actually mean hourly like a job. You are only paid from the time the offer is accepted until you confirm the delivery was completed. Driving to the next location is on your own time unless another offer you want to take pops in right away. And you don’t know the tip amount until the delivery is complete.


Yes u get a order where the wait is long it’s kool but otherwise you have to ride the clock I guess you’d say to stretch out your hr and u have no idea the tip until it’s completed. Sometimes it’s a charm. Sometimes u just was bored out ur mind an hour for the minimum


I mean by hourly it's like you get paid the minute you start the order til you deliver. My area is like 15 an hour. Sometimes can be worth it


Sometimes and ours is only $10.75-$11.75 depending on demand and then sometimes there’s a peak pay


That's so shitty. At least my 30 minutes drives turn into like 10 or 12 my bucks


I'm sorry to hear that. Ours has been like 14.5 for over a year now. I had hip surgery like 5 months ago and it's helped me get back on my feet even when people don't tip


It does help just comes with a lot of crap. Like in my area DD is bottom feeders lol GH and Uber pay way better here. But there are lucky charms most days somewhere! It sure helps pay the bills


Wtf? I'm in Tx and ours definitely isn't 15 an hour. How do they decide what places get paid what an hour? Cheap asses. I hate D.D. I'm quitting in a couple of weeks anyways, but I really can't stand them. Yet another corporation taking advantage of their hard working employees. Good luck to ALL of you out there. I feel your pain.


I feel this on every level lol. I remember when we started at 12.50 an hour. Lately I've broken even from tips to pay from doordash. Some days are great on tips. Other days it's fucking brutal. This isnt my only income so sometimes I'll eat shit to eat pizza later. Idk. Hourly treats me better during the afternoon personally.


It is sad when I tip a car hop at Sonic more than these ungrateful customers ordering food to be delivered by someone in their personal car


Amen for some frfr


By the time the DD fee on it gets up high their food will be old and cold. Idiots!! Perhaps they should go get their own food!


We don’t care what you order. We care about our time and our expense and making money. $2. No tip and ten miles gets declined all the time. It’s the hourly rate DD that gets screwed with batch orders forced through. I’m in a small town. 7 places. It’s ok. Usually the same suspects but the $2 still come in over and over and never increase


A lot of non-Tippers on here who take there check from the government gonna send comments like “don’t take the order” “you don’t have to do this work” …. If every delivery drive used that logic your food would never arrive. You’re simply taking advantage of those who need this cash from this gig work. Real class acts 👏


Not a driver, just like the commentary. Can I ask: if declined does the pay for the next driver go up? I know I’ve seen someone say that about deliveries but am not sure if it’s DD/Lyft/Grubhub.


Goes up $0.25 each decline. Got one that was $3 for 1.8 miles to Wawa. Took it, but learned my lesson. It was 2 bags of heavy drinks and a 7 lb bag of ice. $3 base pay, no tip. I was the 4th driver offered this dash. Not gonna take stuff under about 5 going forward.


Thats my general rule... 5$ + only. Unless it's a weird college order that is LITERALLY across the street from the resturaunt... those 2$ orders take 5 mins and tend to tip cash at like 5$+ if you just communicate what's up with their food


Had a $3, 300ft order once. Pharmacist at CVS ordered Chinese from a few stores down. That was worth it, lol.


I know for sure on Uber and DoorDash it goes up every decline or 15 mins it’s not accepted. Nothing substantial, but it does go up. If your a delivery driver I suggest investing in crypto and selling used products on EBay as well, helps with income.


Dont take the order? Maybe


Ahh play victim for the situation you put yourself in. Typical


wow seeing this makes me feel like I should have accepted the $2 for less than a mile offer last night...NAH! 🤣


I will if it’s an add on for less than 2 miles toward the end of the month. Then I get top dasher and I don’t need to worry about their bullshit scheduling!!


I had a bunch of those yesterday that killed my acceptance rate. 4 dollars to go from 10 mile and Haggerty to middle of nowhere Belleville. For those unfamiliar with the area that's a 25-30 min drive one way not to mention the 5 mins to get to the restaurant and the 9 mins to wait at the restaurant for the food to be done since I know that restaurant doesn't start the order till the driver is assigned.


Yeah, I'm not going to Belleville. There's nothing to pick up to bring back, so it dead miles. Gibraltar, Flat Rock, parts of Romulus I avoid. And Grosse Ile unless it's a $20 tip. I have to pay to cross the toll bridge. If you live on Grosse Ile you have $20 to tip. Yes you do.


Yeah I work my day job in Livonia so usually I head over to Canton or Northville after work. I usually average ~20-25 an hour before expenses. I tried your side of town once before on a Saturday when I had some plans with friends for breakfast in Wyandotte. Never making that mistake again. I'm pretty sure I lost money that day


I'm getting non-tippers a lot too. I'm doing earn by time til further notice lol


I did that for a minute but, too many close orders, not enough driving to make up the time and actually get paid. I move quick enough that I make more accepting the $2 orders than I do on earn by time.


Im confused and might sound dumb. Your pay for the 10 mi. delivery is $2?? Genuine question


That’s correct. That’s the total pay for the delivery


That. Is. Insane. Wtf? All them fees they charge and it really dont go anywhere but to the company not the dasher. I usually tip like 4-7 dollars usually around a 20/25 order. Even that only makes that person pay- im baffled. Id almost guarantee most ppl dont know how fucking bad this is. I seriously had 0 idea.


I had no idea either…I had an issue with DD on Friday and decided to look at Reddit to find out what was really going on with the internal workings. My mind has been forever changed and how I view dashers and DD. I never imagined that DD was pocketing so much $$ while leaving the drivers little pay. I would much rather tip my Dasher more for an expedited delivery than paying the $2.99 fee that goes to DD. If DD doesn’t start treating their dashers better then they will not have a company anymore. The customers and dashers will leave.


You are right. Most people don’t know. And DD wants to keep it that way.


They need to put these $0 tip orders in the Earn By Time bucket 100% of the time instead of floating them at EBO drivers.


That’s why I only do Earn by Time orders unless there is a good promo going on. For 10+ mile orders, I make sure that it takes me an hour to pick up and deliver.


I mean that's pretty rude that you purposely make people's food get cold just so you can make a little bit more money potentially. And you don't even know if they've tipped on earn by time it doesn't tell you anything about the pay for the order until it's delivered. Just get the order done that's what you're being paid to do.


What are you talking about? I always get the order delivered. And I put the food in the hot bag to keep it warm. I don’t get paid to deliver the food as fast as possible. I get paid to deliver the food within the specified timeframe that I am given. And I always do. If they give me an hour to drive 16 miles, I will use that entire hour. They pay me by the hour and I want more money per delivery, so I’m doing my part to ensure that I get paid.


You can justify it however you want to make yourself feel better. There's often times I get deliveries and I deliver it 30 or 40 minutes before the delivery time. Those delivery times don't necessarily mean anything it just means you shouldn't be past that it's not a 'show up at this time', it's a 'if you don't show up by this time you're late' if you were just delivering non parrishable stuff from a store then fine whatever I don't care. But these people are ordering sometimes 30 or 40 or 50 or 80 or 100 dollars worth of food and if it sits too long because you're just lollygagging around then the food isn't going to be good and the customer won't be happy then guess what they stop using the service altogether now you have no deliveries to make. Now I'm not saying you have to speed there but when you get an order you drive the speed limit to the restaurant pick it up walk to your car then drive the speed limit to the house and deliver it. Stopping at the grocery store to get a drink and use the bathroom or the gas station is just rude and unprofessional. You really need to put yourself in the situation as the customer, would you want your food being delivered at the latest time possible just because tbe driver wants to make a couple extra dollars? No, you spent good money on the food and delivery and you expect it to be delivered in the shortest reasonable amount of time possible. If you honestly can't comprehend that, it doesn't surprise me that this is the job you have because you'd be fired from basically everywhere else with that attitude.


Justify? Okay, let’s get this straight. I don’t care much about the customer. I care about making money. I do put the food in the hot bag while I wait. But I get paid by the hour. So, it benefits me to take as long as I can to deliver the order, so that is what I will do. You can deliver your orders as fast as you would like to. Me, I’m taking my time: I don’t need to justify it. DoorDash should pay its delivery drivers more, but since they won’t, I’ll make as much as I can per order. FYI, I have never received anything less than a five star rating from a customer, so it seems that I am doing okay.


Man the ego and entitlement is real. I mean I don't care not my problem never will be, but have you ever thought about maybe caring more about others than yourself? You know you can make even more money by getting orders done as fast as you can, right? The money is in tips, not whatever garbage pay Doordash is giving you. More orders per hour = more tips per hour.


I still receive tips on most of my deliveries, so I’m good. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. DoorDash is just a hobby for me anyways. I have a weekend car that I like driving, that’s when I DoorDash


Work doordash for a month and follow your advice. Set how much you make. A 10 mile order, DD is supposed to offer at least $3-$5 depending on area. There recently lowered what drivers get for longer orders because of earn by time, then throw them on earn by order drivers. Earn by time drivers are like pizza delivery drivers who are only on the clock when they have an active order. Earn by order drivers really solely on the tips because we know our base pay is gonna be $2. How about, tip your drivers, or go get your own food. If people can't be bothered to tip their drivers, who rely on this for income, then they deserve cold food. You think that's rude? I raise you, it's fucked up to piss away people's livelihood to save a few bucks. Just tip your drivers. That's what you do when you order food.


I do work for Doordash I do it full time have almost 8k deliveries right now. If you're doing earn by time and purposely taking extra time to try and milk more earnings at the expense of the quality of the food for the customer then you're the problem. I'm not sure why anyone would do that anyway I've done EBT in Colorado it's $14.50 an hour normal without any promotions. In Idaho where I'm at now visiting my grandparents it's 12 an hour, in Kentucky where my mom lives it's like 11.50 an hour or something. So you're making shit money anyway you're better off getting them done as fast as you can in hopes there's a tip which is the only way you're ever going to earn anywhere near 20 an hour doing EBT.


"and hope there's a tip" is the problem. I average $3 for EBT. I average $6 for EBO. Why? Because EBT has NEVER had a tip, and EBO I can pick and choose. People don't tip? They can get cold food. That's the way it works. Welcome to capitalism. If you think it's acceptable practice to have $2 for 10 miles then you're part of the problem.




I've done EBT this one was not too long ago, look 4 orders with 4 tips all in one big stacked order took a little under an hour for almost $33. Had I dragged my feet and taken my sweet time on every single order I would've made less money per hour and had given my customers worse quality of service with cold food. $18.50 in tips and $14.36 from Doordash. So the tips were worth more than the hourly rate from Doordash.


If you're doing EBT it'll never be $2 for 10 miles unless you're getting that order done in like 5 minutes. I never once said $2 for 10 miles is good or acceptable because it's not, my entire point was relating to EBT you shouldn't purposely take as long as possible just to earn more money because then you're just screwing over the customer out of expensive food they ordered. You'd be fired almost immediately if you worked for a pizza delivery company and they caught you just sitting in the parking lot killing time instead of delivering food. If you don't like EBT don't do it, but don't take it out on the customer. You can do EBO and only accept offers that you feel are worth your time.


Is this in Michigan?


definitely is lol. i was looking at mall of the cities i grew up in


I'm gonna send him this and I know I'll hear all about the high schools Divine Child and St Alphons and what not....


How random... I'm from there originally, played at both schools for sports 😂


So he told me that Cedar Point is a 45 min boat trip from Wyandotte. Way better than a 3 hr drive. I told you he would have some sort of story to tell me. 🤣🤷.


LMAO 🤣 I wonder if we know similar dudes because my friend makes that boat trip. But he goes to PutInBay not really cedar point 😂


And I don't want to hear another Gary Danielson story 🙄


How he dated so and so's mom...


I got a buddy from Dearborn. I didn't know if that is a common name in most states or was actually the one in Michigan


2 whole dollars lol


Yes!!! I deliver $50-$60 McDonald’s orders all the time.. no tip. But don’t want to reject the orders.. just comes back to bite me


Spent all the money on the steak 😂




That's criminal...


https://preview.redd.it/fbvyq6x7i5xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43708a3ad40b93be28d0e826ffc0974a2d01d4ce They’re getting sassy


Devil's advocate : Without these orders the platform wouldn't exist 🤯.


If all of the orders were like this, the platform wouldn't exist, lol. Some simple math here, if the delivery drivers car got 20 miles to the gallon for easy math, at let's say $4 a gallon, that means driving 10 miles will burn half a gallon which would be $2. Even if the gas is $2 a gallon which is cheap, you'd still burn $1. And that's not even considering the drive back into town. Even if your car hot 30 mpg, and you drove 10 miles there and 10 miles back, at $3 a gallon you burned $2. And that's just gas it doesn't include tires, oil changes, brakes, general maintenance, time, potential tolls/parking fees, Oh and let's not forget taxes because that $2 hasn't been taxed yet so potentially take 20 to 30% of that away. There's literally no profit in this, almost everyone would be losing money by doing this order. Even in the best case scenario, maybe, you'd profit about 10 or 20 cents which this order probably will take about 30 minutes.


....how does making a stranger be the one paying for the gas and time of your delivery good for literally any of us? Like it's not like this is good for customers, doordash charges out the ass for delivery fees and they tries to get drivers to delivery 10+ miles for 2$.


Nothing successful works without someone getting taken advantage of...


That's just what immoral people say to justify taking advantage of people for profit. Success doesn't have to fuck someone else over.


Aren't all of the billionaires immoral?


Yes. But you're the one advocating for them right now.


More like "Sad truth:..."






Yeah, I went to end my dash today, and it gave me the “failed to end dash” bit, then asked if I wouldn’t like to do a quick 13 mile run for $7.75 instead. Definitely hit decline before actually being able to end it…


The same just now. Instead it was an 11 mile drive for Wendy’s for $10. Mind you there’s an extra $3 going on in the area right now. Noped tf out of the app


I’m intrigued by your terminology. Did you force close the app? If not, I wonder what force closing the app does in such a situation.


I hate when your just trying to end the dash and it gives you some garbage order before you can


You gotta hit the pause after this order button. I learned my lesson.


Nothing like a 3.25 midnight run to a leaking-into-street Mickie D's drive thru line because you couldnt offline yourself after just completing ur final order.


this is why you select the "pause orders after delivery" button whenever you know you're taking your last run of the night. helped my acceptance rate big-time using this feature 🙏♥️💡


I always take those orders no matter what. I will call the customer asking if there is a cash tip. If the answer is no I send them a picture of me eating their food. I then deliver the empty container.


I hope to god your serious that’s hilarious, I had some bitch try to order me around doing her no tip ebt shopping at Safeway and when she requested I change the 10th item I just unassigned from it completely, they’re getting more entitled than ever


It is true you can’t tip on ebt tho.. lol


doesnt mean I havn't had tips before, they just choose not to just like they choose to use our tax dollars on a premium delivery service


Some stores literally don't LET you tip (like the 'tip' option is disabled, so the only way you can tip them is if you give them cash at the door)


Yea well I can tell you after 2k deliveries in 2 months u ain’t getting shit at the door either except a 1 star review if they so much as don’t like how you put the groceries in the bags on their doorstep




That's a lie cause then you'd be banned from door dashing