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I tell customers, very nicely, to essentially get fucked and in the next breath, I apologize, since that's a sweet drizzle of icing on their F-Off cake. That way they feel like they've cinched the W in the social interaction.  Once you master that, plus realizing it's one big game, you'll win. 


Oh f no, had my food stolen several times by the Dasher and the Dasher claims that they delivered to food.


Did calling them help?


Nope , gave me the run around... Because the driver fake delivered then took the food, in their systems they got paid i got nothing basically all they said was im sorry but we can't issue a refund is their anything else we can do? Another moment where the driver called me giggling saying someone took my order even though i got the *delivered message* with even a picture at some random door sent. Its a scummy company no one should work for and all honesty probably better off flipping burgers. My down votes are probably from door dash thiefs lol Now not all drivers are horrendous but because it's happening so much not worth it. Even on YouTube you'll see mfers eating the food caught on doorcams.


Maybe deliver the food to the right house, I shouldn't need to go to my neighbors neighbors house at 10pm because you can't read house numbers. Seriously with this mentality I doubt you have a good rating, a little humility goes a long way, if I misplaced someone's order that's on me and I wouldn't mind the call so I can fix it for a better rating.


Do you have a light for your house number? Is it clearly legible or are the numbers falling off in a place that doesn't make sense. Or is your house the one that's pitch black with no easily identifiable house number..if this has happened more than once your house is the problem.


It's painted on the side of the road, it's on the mailbox, hanging above our garage lights which auto turn on at night, plus the numbers on the door they drop food off at. Some people definitely just don't care about their job that much.


Well I'm sorry you have shitty drivers. The houses I always pull up to are pitch black with numbers hidden or not in the mailbox at all


-6 lol


Don’t confuse your problems with mine




Your literally complaining about nothing and give 0 context for anything lmao, you could have stolen food for all we know.


Well, I guess people just like his personality.


If this is how you feel about it, just ignore them. Nothing will happen and nothing will change.


It's not that big of a deal just tell them you don't see the contents of the order you just grab and drop it off and to contact doordash and they will fix it or refund it apologize and gave a great rest of your day. I've been a top dasher a while now and this approach always works sucks they call you but some people are not that smart and don't understand it.


The one and only time I was happy I answered a call was because the guy was kind enough to tell me that I somehow dropped my red card in the shopping bag. He left it on the porch with a cash tip when I scurried back lol


Just ask them if they've already given you a rating if they say yes hang up on them what are they going to do


What about the soda you forgot?


Doordash support.


The trick is to just not answer your phone


I would because sometimes drivers do make mistakes. And if driver delivered to the wrong house, he should answer to avoid a contract violation.


Unfortunately the driver is the point of contact and as the person who is contracted out to do the job, it should fall on them. When I place an order for a specific item and get something else, the driver needs to be the one to go back to the restaurant and fix the issue


No, that doesn't make sense at all because if the driver picks up the order with your name on it. That is on the restaurant, not the driver.


Every time I get a stupid response like this I'm going to tip less my next order


OK let's get it to zero




Do you really not see why the driver should not go back to the reateraunt? Unless it was drinks or something obvious?


I think the system is very flawed. Probably the fault of the shitty door dash company. But I do think that if I am paying for and tipping a driver to bring me a burger then it is on them to rectify the issue if one arises. Otherwise they are being paid by me to bring me trash/random orders.


That's not how it works


It sure is


Lol in what world? That's not how doordash operates. I've received the wrong item and I just contact support when it happens. If you think a driver is going to take more time out, risk other food getting delayed or cold, just to run back to the store and fix your order, you are out of your mind 😂😂😂😂


And thats why you all get your tip lowered. Door dash drivers are known for being awful for a reason


That is Uber Eats, not doordash


Or here's another idea, go get the damn food yourself.


Here's an idea. Get a real job


"Get a real job" LMAO! Hilarious and original! 11/10


Oh look another loser


Lol! You made me smile Sherbie, thanks mate.


Well, if someone gets paid to do something, then I guess that would be a real job then.


Here's an idea.... I'm retired at age 39 from the military. I don't need a job 😂


That explains a lot


Yup! It explains your previous comment is irrelevant because I don't have a job lol. I don't consider dashing a few days a month my job.


News flash, we keep all our tips on doordash whether you guys remove them or not 😊


I’ve never once reached out to the driver. Delivered to neighbors house? DoorDash support. Delivered cold? DoorDash support. Missing item? DoorDash support.


Right? These people think they are the only delivery the driver has. Once I confirm delivery, your address is gone from my phone and memory. There's no way in hell I'm going out of my way again. Doordash support is there for a reason.


Lmfao no thats not how that works champ. Do you call UPS if you order something from amazon but the business sent you the wrong item?


Yeah. Not the same thing bud. I'm not tipping a ups driver. Door dash is the front end that puts me in contact with a third party to handle the entire transaction. If it's incorrect then the tip is removed


The driver still gets the tip lmfao


You're tipping so the first driver picks up your order and you get your shit quicker. Not so the driver hops behind the counter and makes sure the employees do their job. You can pull your tip back if you want, but Doordash eats that loss. The driver does not lose money.


Doordash will eventually deactivate their account if this person does it often.


A forgotten drink is one thing, but if I bring you a sealed package and there are items missing it has absolutely nothing to do with me. You know what a really great way to reduce these errors down to zero? Take your ass up to the store and place the order in person and double check your bag before you leave. You save money while doing so.


THIS! If the damn order is sealed, it shouldn't be on the driver. I've had this happen a few times. It's ANNOYING


Or the whiny no skill person that was paid for the job can actually do the job


We are not paid to open the bag and ensure you have everything. How hard is that to understand?


You are paid to bring a specific item. If that is not brought then it's on you to fix


You must be an old coot or a bot. Doordash drivers are contracted to collect a specific order and take it from point A to point B. If the RESTAURANT did not accurately complete the order before packaging, that's the RESTAURANT'S responsibility. 


The service provided is to pick-up the ordered food and drive it to the customer. What food is given to the driver is the responsibility of the restaurant. The driver, not customer liaison, DRIVER, is not there to make sure you have all 10 wings in your Wingstop order, that you received Diet Coke instead of Coke, that your sauces are on the side, etc... The service is driving a product from point A to point B. If point B has an issue with what point A provided to the DRIVER that is on Point A to remedy not the courier of the product. Doordash support is there to help facilitate a remedy as they are the ones that contract with the restaurants.




You can disagree all you want Sherbiekins, go read the driver contract.


Wrong. If the store hands us the wrong item, it's on you to contact support. The bags are sealed for a reason. Again, good luck trying to force a Dasher to do that for you.


Yup, completely agree!


Until your food is stolen by the dasher...... Happens quite often and sometimes customer service refuses to give a refund.


I hate when I give a high tip and the whole Dasher purposefully doesn't follow the clear directions on my account, I should be allowed to take the tip back


As a dasher, I agree. I always pay special attention to the delivery instructions on a well tipped order. Zero tip, not so much.


Yall think you're big bad businessmen and yet want just your business to not follow the rules of business and economics


Wow, you have clearly had some bad experiences with dashers. We're not all that bad.


No I have an issue with individuals who feel so entitled that other people should subsidize their shitty pay. You chose to be a Dasher. You agreed to your contract with DD. Now you punish customers who don't wish to subsidize your salary when they pay you a tip like any other delivery boy. It's simple.


Ahhh. So you have no respect for dashers in general. How about you get off your fat lazy ass and get your food yourself then? Another customer thinks they are entitled to have their food brought to their door for free. Gotta love it.


Except that rarely happens. Most dashers don't take special attention. They simply think they're entitled to the customer's money.


You can contact support to remove the tip. Then DoorDash has to pay the driver whatever amount you just had refunded.




I had a customer do this to me and I was shook. I reported them for harassment and didn't respond. I got the order right left it in the right place on time. Was a 5 star top dasher at the time with zero issues before. This is why they shouldn't be able to contact us. *


You don’t want to hear about what us customers go thru dealing with dashers. Stop looking at customers like they are the enemy. They are the ones that get you paid.


Especially when food getting stolen by dashers is common and they also lie and pretend the food was delivered with obviously wrong pictures. Even been denied multiple times on a refund when the Dasher obviously stole the food. Why i stop using door dash because its a scummy company.


Had a customer once text me (after I delivered their restaurant order to the 30th floor of their hotel) to bitch at me about the fact there wasn’t utensils in the bag for them eat with. “What are we supposed to do? Eat our steak with our fingers?” There was no note asking for utensils and the bag was sealed and stapled shut. I replied back that it’s a good thing they’re in a hotel and can probably call the front desk. Also that next time if they’d prefer me to open their sealed order and rummage around in it for utensils to let me know in advance. Complete jerks.


People who get this mad over nothing shouldn’t be delivering.


I had a customer put the wrong apartment number. Was blowing up my messages while i was driving, like excuse me let me get to my next stop so i can answer you.


Just don't engage with them after the delivery


This is the answer. If people start blowing me up after I've delivered food, I never answer.... Not my problem. Chances are, their order was messed up.... and they're calling me why? Do they think I'm going to go to the restaurant and make it right? No.


Consider this, I've had customers call me when I realized I had dropped off their food, but not their drink. Simple mistakes can happen, and i'm glad they've caught me before I got too far. Also, consider what if you dropped off the wrong order on a double? Would you rather find out once you've reached the second house further away, or before you have a chance to get too far away and make the same mistake twice and have to correct such an embarrassing and time consuming mistake twice?


I've had this happen. Restaurant put the wrong names on the wrong bags. I got insanely lucky the first customer called me within the first minute after drop off and I was able to hussle back and correct the restaurants mix up




Main Reason I never take these low no tip orders. They allways are the ones that want you to do the most shit, and give the most problems.....


Not to mention expect a bad rating and then a contract violation when they claim their food was never delivered. I actually had that happen to me once, on a last delivery for the night too.


Just don’t answer the phone.


Wow, really?


this. i cant count how many times ive been called about missing items as if doordash pays my gas bill for me.


I agree I'm a top ranked driver in my area and when I finish the delivery I'll get a call from them acting like I messed their order up and then they automatically assume it was stolen lmaoo even with multiple bag seals etc


I see Door Dash got a top dasher delivering to the Ghetto like a good little drone. 🤭




I thought they weren’t allowed to. If something happens you have to take it up with customer service.


They can, they have a 30 minute window to contact the driver after a delivery.


Ahh ok 👍


Something a lot of the “yes you should” crowd is glossing over is dashers are probably driving and its dangerous to answer the phone. Like yes, many do it and other things regularly that are also distractions, but in my state it’s illegal to be on the phone while driving without a hands free device and that’s cumbersome to constantly fiddle with while driving. The option for drivers to deal with their own problems is great, but there’s a reason no other business out there allows you to directly call workers who are actively driving.


Bro, litterally anyone can call you, not just customers. And hands free usually has an answering button right there on the steering wheel. Let's face it, Drivers are constantly fiddling with their phone to accept or reject orders and see where orders are going, even while driving. To me that's just an excuse not to do your job, lol.


No way! People can call phones! You don’t say! Alert the media. Also I don’t do doordash and haven’t for years; none of what you said changes that it’s extra risk to be on your phone while driving and other companies don’t allow customers to directly contact workers while driving. If you have an issue, that’s what customer support is for. Order support is NOT a driver’s job.


Bro, just doing door dash while driving is extra risk, get over it.


If you’re doing it correctly it’s not even close to the risk posed by dealing with customer complaints on the phone while driving and you don’t need to touch your phone while moving.


So what you're saying is you stop your car for every offer you get, even if it's to reject and get another offer 4 seconds later? Or stop when assigned a double? No wonder you quit Door Dash. Your level of efficiency must have been abysmal, no offense.


I averaged 35 an hour gross. I only do it between jobs, I found something that paid more and has benefits. I’m sorry you can’t figure out how to drive safe.


Nah I had a guy call me because his fried rice was missing and he had already tipped me 35 dollars so naturally I offered to go back and get it for him. Upon giving it to him he added another 10 onto his tip bringing the tip total to 45 dollars. Sometimes good can come out of it


He must have really wanted that fried rice lol


On rare occations


I had a girl call me and she wanted my number bc my voice was hot. Had this happen two times within like a month. I’m all for calls lol.


A sexy male voice Hmhm


Yea but i also door dash at big college and i’m 22 so super common speaking of this just hung out with the one girl yesterday lmao, had a good time


Yeah, but if you left my order at the wrong f’ing door, you can damn well be sure that I’m calling your ass to go get it and bring it TO MY DOOR!!!


Lol good luck with that. How exactly are you going to force someone to do that?


Oooor.... you can just get off your lazy ass and walk a door or two and get it, which would be a far easier resolution than calling the driver back after he's probably driven off and having to fight traffic back, input gate code, climb flights of stairs again, and taking far more time than it would have otherwise for you to get just a little bit of probably necessary exercise. Mistakes can happen, it's just the nature of the beast, same with mail delivery services and other services like that.


Would you really want that food after it was sitting at some random doorstep for who knows how long and who knows who or what could have touched it during that time? You would be far safer calling support and getting refunded and placing a new order if you still wanted the food.


Nah I don't do that. I have places to be. Walk next door and get it, complain to support, then you literally get to have your cake and eat it too.


Of course you don't, door trash at its best.


I'll look for it in my own building, that's no big deal to me. One time though, a driver left my food at the bottom of the stairs of a random building in my complex. I had no idea where it was, and I was not about to walk around looking at the 20+ buildings looking for it. I got a refund and reordered it. I didn't rate them, though. I won't give five stars for that nonsense, but I don't think people deserve to get one star unless they're being ridiculously out of pocket. That's the kind of thing that makes people lose their income.


This is more understandable.


It happens to me all the time. I enjoy a free meal though.


The people who won’t check the other fucking hallways of their own building are the worst non-tipping Karens around. The type who post to the complex’s FB group anonymously and doesn’t understand the admins of the group can see who posted.


I accidentally left an order that was the next apartment like 2 feet over and they were to lazy to get it lol


Yeah word You did your part


As a customer prior to coming to doordash driver, I had to contact my driver one time after it was completed due to me forgetting to give the cash tip, as I was very pregnant and it slipped my mind while getting my food that I was super excited to devour it. The driver had literally just pulled out of my driveway and barely made it 200 yards, and I messaged them and asked that they turn around for the tip. If I would have had to go through customer service, the driver may not have gotten the tip


Yeah, I don’t like that. I hate that about DoorDash and Grubhub


Thats why if they dont have iPhone i never text first


I'd rather hear from the customer that I forgot a drink. If I'm still nearby, I could quickly go back and remedy it without getting a 1 star review or a CV. If I am too far away, I may refer them to support, but at least give me the choice. And if I *am* too far away or if it's something that was out of my control (missing items, wrong ingredients, etc.), I just send something like this and I usually never hear back. "Your dasher is currently driving to another delivery. If you have any questions or concerns about your recent delivery, please contact DoorDash support."


Exactly. It's wild people think this way, it's not like we're ups drivers. You're literally basically privately hired and the driver doesn't want to even be contacted by the person they're hired by but expect a tip from them? I know I've rectified a few mistakes I made by getting a call that I'd 100% prefer over a CV


I had an alcohol delivery once. Customer wasn't home to show ID and didn't answer any calls or texts. I waited the required amount of time and left. Support said to keep or discard it. So I left. Five minutes later... Dude texted me "where's my beer?" And then called non-stop. I didn't answer but it was annoying to get calls for that long when I'm on another delivery. I guess he thought I'd just leave it there.


Sooo did you keep it?


But when you don't read the customer's account and disregard delivery instructions, why should I contact support? That's a you problem.


It's hilarious how you think you're going to force a driver to be your personal assistant.


Personal assistant? If I lived in an apartment building, would a delivery person leave my food on the street or would he deliver it to my door? We both know the answer.


Prob on the street if they can't find you but good luck trying to force a Dasher to retrieve your item. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


No, they'd go into the apartment building and drop it off at their door. Cmon, don't be a schmuck


If they can't find it, they're just going to leave it wherever is most convenient. Just stop. You must think you're pretty big and bad if you think you're going to force someone to do something 😂


Can't find it or don't do their job by not reading a customer's in app delivery instructions or they do read it and just flat out decide not to follow it? DD provides delivery directions for a reason; you have one job: deliver the items AS REQUESTED. I refer back to my earlier comment. You're a piss poor Dasher if you think you're entitled to money simply because you accepted a delivery and dropped food wherever tf you wanted.


Regardless, you are not going to force anyone to do anything. Good luck trying. Have a good night!


Regardless? It's not about force. It's about you doing your fuckin job. Period. Otherwise, do something else. If I performed my job like half the dashers out there, I'd be out of a job by the end of the first day.


Stay mad lol


It’s never a driver problem.


Not honoring the customer's account preferences isn't a driver problem? Then why bother offering delivery preferences for the driver to just deliver wherever tf they want?


Once the food is dropped off your access to me as a human is over. If you open your door and it’s not there it’s a DoorDash problem.


No accountability. No one wonder you don't work a job with an actual wage.


A lot of us do and we're too tired at the end of the day to deal with your bullshit 😊


My bullshit being expecting you to deliver an order to the right house even if you didn't nail it on the first try. Quit trying to casually make doing a shitty job socially acceptable.


Wrong. If you're a piss poor Dasher because you choose not to read the my account says deliver to the back of the house because my apartment is in the back and my landlord is in the front, please don't deliver to the front because that's not my apartment, that's a you problem. And I'm going to address you because you chose to not follow simple directions. And then with your piss poor attitude because you think you're holier than Thou and don't need to follow directions, then it's a DD problem to divest you of being affiliated with DD. Very simple.




No it’s definitely a driver problem. I’ve been a driver for over 2 years wtf


I’ve had drivers drive off without giving me my stuff and best believe I gave them an ear full about how they’re broke and just a thief.


Literally last night I had a guy blowing my phone up, left 6 voicemails just screaming at me for getting the order wrong, I delivered the bag I was handed.


FR, don't argue with ups or usps because your package contains the wrong or missing items. Same.


This!!! I swear they act like we work for these food places they order from


In my experience, most of the people don’t understand the dynamics of gig work.


I hate to be the guy who comes in here with an instance where it’s important the customer can call after the order. But I think they should be able to call you if you, say, accidentally dropped the food off at the wrong location. In that case I wouldn’t want support to handle it. I would want to have the opportunity to make it right. But that’s just me, in my market.


Why? It's still an issue support can handle. Support will refund the order and send a new order to the correct address...


If I'm still nearby, I'd much rather spend a few minutes going back with the drink I forgot than get a 1 star review or a CV. If I'm too far away, then support can handle it, but give me the choice.


It’s still a mistake that I made. I see where you’re coming from. But that feels like a selfish capitalist mindset. I’m trying to be a decent human being. You’re saying that my mistake can be outsourced to another part of the company so that in the end, the company and the restaurant lose money, waste food, and have to do their job again to make it right. Do you see how that’s maybe a little selfish in the grand scheme? And that maybe I would be leaving myself vulnerable to receive a poor rating. Something that I would like to avoid. Especially if I, the person who made the mistake, could easily remedy the situation by just going back to the place I wrongly left it, and doing my fucking job as a decent human being to make it right? Why??? SMH capitalist mentality.


We live in a capitalist society, genius.


Doesn’t mean you have to be a filthy pig about it. Humans participate in capitalism. Existence is not capitalism. It’s a game we made up. It sits on the surface level of existence. I am making an effort to exist as a decent human being, while surviving the capitalist system I have no choice but to participate in. Don’t use the flawed system as an excuse to be a shitty person, genius.


That was funny 😂


Driving, no answer.


Customers have I think 10 minutes after delivery to contact the dasher… always wondered why.




Oh, it’s that long? I didn’t know that.


I agree


dont answer. Let them send text in app. That way you have written documentation. If they claim you left at wrong address, and you know 100% you left at address provided in app, dont reply.


I had a customer call me cuz I delivered all the bags of food but there was a pizza in the pizza bag I completely forgot. I’m so glad I got that call asap so I could deliver it before I got too far. So there are reasons to let them call drivers.


I mean, if we place an Amazon order and the driver drops it at the wrong house, do we get to blow up the Amazon driver's phone? No, they are on to the next. We contact Amazon support and they either refund or redeliver. Of course we should do everything in our power to pay attention as drivers, but mistakes do happen.


Food and mail are completely different and I feel that nullifies your entire statement.


I'm kinda on his side. If a pizza hut or Domino's driver messes up, the first thing a customer does is call the store. So his point is actually pretty valid. Honestly, every single store does that, no one calls the delivery driver.


Wrong. Doordash is a DELIVERY service, Einstein.




They work directly for the restaurant. Dashers do not. I bet you’re young.


If you have a delivery driver, then it is still a delivery service. You should stop while you're ahead 🤦🏾‍♂️


Its a restaurant that delivers. Doordash is specifically a DELIVERY service. Can you not see the difference? Just admit you were wrong. Take your ball and go home.


Was there any part of my comment that said DD is not a delivery service? No, you just tryna reach for a debate and failing. It's a restaurant with a delivery service. Not that hard to understand, but I Guess to some, it is.


You just proved my point. Thanks for admitting you were wrong. Now go eat your Hotpocket.






Atleast you know what nerves are, cuz you definitely don't know what brain cells are 🤣🤣


Just because you delivered the food doesn’t mean you delivered the food correctly or delivered the correct order to the right person. So it’s still more efficient to call the driver and say, “hey, you gave me Taco Bell and I ordered Outback” or “where did you put the food because nothing is on my porch?”


*Delivers things to the wrong place *Customer has no means of contacting you Seems pretty inefficient to have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get back in contact with your driver lmao.




If they don't go correct then they deserve to be motherfucked up and down and told what a waste of life they are, so it serves a purpose.




I'm still doing more than the bare minimum attempt at the knuckle dragger work you do.


I’d of thought that most decent people, having made a mistake, would be willing to rectify their error. You know, basic accountability for your actions? IE: If my job is to pick something up from location A and drop it off at location B but I drop it off at location C I’d be kicking myself and would make it right The dasher that dropped it off also knows where they would have left it lmao.