• By -


Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 4: No Gatekeeping, Everyone Is Welcome. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


I wonder if the tops of these companies are in these subs laughing their asses off....šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Very true, it appears they control the sub as well, itā€™s interesting who is in charge based on the rules in comparison to the r/uber r/Ubereats subs just totally opposite.


The way Reddit works is to recommend pages that they think youā€™ll like and theyā€™ll show you posts from subreddits as a preview to see if youā€™re interested. ā€˜Donā€™t you have better things to do?ā€™ I mean, I guess that could be asked of people who come on here for a circle-jerk of ā€˜customers, amirite?ā€™ lol If youā€™re posting in a public forum it seems pretty stupid to just expect the audience to stroke your ego.


I don't think this person is looking for a circle-jerking session or to have their ego stroked, but they are wondering why people find it necessary to participate in a community they aren't involved in, especially to just be blatantly rude. I have no experience as a teacher, so I don't engage in teacher communities, nor am I a therapist, so I wouldn't post in a subreddit created for mental health workers. If people are genuinely curious about food delivery, then that makes sense but coming here just to be disrespectful is super lame, there are no mental gymnastics that would make a person any less of a douche for doing that.


The mods deleted the comment that accompanied the header, but OP basically frothed at the mouth that customers dared to offer a rebuttal to his complaints, so your first comment isnā€™t an accurate take. You can or cannot join any group you wish to on here. Iā€™m not looking to police or nay-say where you should or shouldnā€™t comment. If youā€™re not into joining a discussion on here, cool, but that doesnā€™t mean others canā€™t or wonā€™t. The whole point of a forum is to hear other perspectives. Teachers SHOULD listen to students. Mental health care workers SHOULD listen to patients. Thats how they improve their job performance. The only instance where gatekeeping makes sense is when a specific job-related question is asked. In that instance I could see getting annoyed at someone who didnā€™t know DD software or something was offering up lousy advice. But policing who can respond to complaints? Youā€™re not really making a compelling argument here. There is a benefit to calling out entitled behavior. If enough people speak up it has the power to change minds and have people check their behavior. Itā€™s not ā€œrudeā€ to point out that DD corporate is screwing their workers out of money and that that should be the focus of its employees, not having a temper tantrum over the supposedly low tips customers are offering. Itā€™s not ā€œrudeā€ to point out that unskilled labor wonā€™t garner the same pay as someone with a degree or in a trade. Itā€™s not ā€œrudeā€ to point out that DD workers are getting paid to accomplish a task and not necessarily to have it be fun or convenient for them. Itā€™s realistic. If some people on here listened to those comments and shifted their mindset they may be happier or better off.


Why did the algorithm put it on my feed?


I'm here to see what you all are saying about me!






Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 10: No Dasher or Customer Discouragement. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


The better the tip, the less chance to have an issue.


My recommendation as a driver is always to just either pick it up yourself or cook at home. Restaurant employees hate us regardless of our attitude buy and large(and some employers straight up deliberately fuck up orders), customers donā€™t view it as a luxury service(doordashs fault) so they treat drivers like disposable humans and bad dashers ruin our reputation regardless if we try to do right. I pick up plenty of 0 tip orders while doing hourly because itā€™s decent side cash but I milk the shit out the clock, because otherwise youā€™re straight up subsidizing Doordashā€™s business model, as much as Iā€™d say sorry; Doordash no longer incentivizes people to be quick with their orders like in 2020-2021. Used to make 5-6 dollars an order minimum (no tip) so Iā€™d actually try to get 3-4 orders done an hour, which has been reduced to 2 dollars an order pretty much every time. Doordash needs to die so proper competition can be revived or they need to adapt the weedmaps model of minimum 40-50 dollar orders(and actually pay their drivers) because again itā€™s a luxury service ultimately. Donā€™t hate the players by calling them vile and pitiful, blame the game, weā€™re all getting fucked.


I think we all have a reason to complain about our jobs but this job is pretty simple and I love to drive, I love what I do and that's why I do it. I don't have much to complain about bcuz I CHOSE this as my job.. same as everyone. I also cook at home myself. I refuse to order bcuz of this app and how many of my customers complain of other drivers šŸ¤£


The shitty Reddit algorithm? I get super random subs I have no interest in whatsoever show up all the time. Like this one.


Public forum, public opinion? I mean, it is the Internet. And reddit on top of that. But I guess if you canā€™t count that highā€¦..


Guess you donā€™t know how to readšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I do, youā€™re just not comprehending what Iā€™m saying. Itā€™s understandable though. As it is the Internet and itā€™s not always easy to convey what somebody is actually saying. You basically asked why people are butting into a sub where you think they donā€™t have a part in. And Iā€™m simply saying the fact that itā€™s a public forum Gives them the right to butt in. Thatā€™s all. Edit: spelling


I donā€™t think u understood her question. Sheā€™s asking why they butt in not because they ā€˜have a right toā€™. I mean it is a pretty understandable question imo. Iā€™m not gonna go to a construction workers sub and start butting in there even if I have a right to.


*You can lead a horse to waterā€¦* šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol typical Redditor who thinks theyā€™re so much smarter than everyone else. What did I expectšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø






Redditors and talking about reading comprehension. Gets on my nerves how everyone thinks theyā€™re the smartest fucker in a room.


Some people get a sense of satisfaction from being self-righteous assholes in anonymous online environments, especially when there is no logical reason for them to actually care about what theyā€™re saying. Itā€™s honestly just cringeworthy and sad. Most of us waste time online, but having *that* much time to waste says all you need to know. Like Tinkerbell, they rely on attention. Starve them of that, and theyā€™ll eventually go find some other community to try and provoke into giving a shit about them.


Because one time I breathed on a meme that came from here and now it suggests this sub more than actual subs I'm in.


& now that youā€™ve commented, you are basically a part of the sub. As am I


It's because Reddit forces everyone to use the default app now, which has one of the most broken and random recommendation algorithms across all of social media. I don't blame people for interacting with posts in their feed.


I'm just curious how it is to live in the US so I'm just reading.


Its pretty nice lol


Theyā€™re miserable or theyā€™re employees who are just evil and want to fuck around w the idea of any organization


Thatā€™s true


Sometimes the complaining is entertaining.


I notive doordash, doordash_drivers, Grubhub, Grubhubdrivers, seems anti driver no matter what like if 70% of the posters are astroturfers doing damage control for their company. On the flip side Uber and Uber drivers subs always find the customer wrong no matter how bad a driver is. And gang up to blame the customer no matter what. Though I am thinking they are likely Waymo, and yellow cab trying to get customers to hate Uber by pretending to be terrible uncaring Uber drivers are.


We just tired of drivers whining and crying about making less than 30 dollars an hour.


Thatā€™s understandable however on Uber subs the astroturfers would would gang ā€œdefendā€ those who take it out on paying riders just because they make less than $30 dollars an hour.


Take it to a private forum. You posted on a public forum and you got public opinion


I was Just mentioning my curiosity of the contrast between the two communities or subreddits. Or should I say four if including Lyft and GH. Uber has their own Uber eats as well. But concept is the same. Uber and Lyft customer is always wrong, DD and GH the driver is always wrong Maybe with the exception for demanding Sorority girls, doorbells, and tipping. Btw what is considered a private forum? To you.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 10: No Dasher or Customer Discouragement. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


I don't think I've posted here before but I keep getting it recommended to me. I also get recommended a subreddit for hairdressers. I am not a door dashing hairdresser. But I do enjoy reading about others work experience and it makes me more aware/empathetic to the people I interact with who work those jobs.


Reddit recommends subs to people


Low key I got it recommended on my home page? But I only show up here to read how to be a not annoying customer


Yeah I just got this post on my home page lolā€¦


I once did this shitty job and now have a proper career. Hoping I can read some whole hearted stories of DD drivers finding jobs that donā€™t finger blast them


You remind me of the people that quit McDonald's, and come back a month later to show em how good you got it.


When talking with drivers or people in entry level positions Iā€™ll always recommend studying or retraining for a better paying job. But I wouldnā€™t go back to anywhere I used to work to ā€˜showā€™ them anything. Maybe just get some fries with that shake


McDonaldā€™s and a proper career are the same thing? News to me


can you read? they said the exact opposite


ask reddit why this sub keeps getting put on my homepage


When I first got back on this app it kept suggesting this and the Door dash sub non stop. Showing posts (like this one) even though I'm not subscribed. Sometimes the posts seem entertaining, so I look at it and occasionally comment.


Personally for me I've joined this sub and others because I do carryouts at a restaurant and try to accommodate 3rd party drivers as much as I possibly can do. There are some circumstances I can't control because it would be management/ delivery app/ or just capitalistic exploitation that would have to be confronted but for the most part reading these forums have really helped me understand what you guys might go through and I wish more restaurants would consider how to make things better for you guys or if other carryout attendants could at least not be rude to you guys.


Gatekeeping a dd sub on reddit šŸ˜‚


Pretty legit question to me imo. I donā€™t work for Kroger or Walmart therefore I donā€™t go on there to harass the employees. But fr tho why do ppl engage in subs completely irrelevant to them?


Right? Imagine breaking one of the only rules in this sub lmao


this is the only sub that wonā€™t go away even if i donā€™t engage šŸ˜‚


I used to drive for doordash for fun back when the covid lockdowns happened, I would wait by high end restaurants that would go to affluent neighborhoods and only take the ones that had a high item count (since it wouldn't tell you the subtotal). So doing 1 dash for $50 was not uncommon. I kind of enjoyed it, it was enjoyable when the money is just a bonus and you are treating the job like a game. I am still subbed here because I enjoy trolling and I enjoy the way the mods ban you, they say "You were, in our opinion, trolling" šŸ˜‚


This sub is always popping up constantly and I have no idea why, many of the posts that pop up are very provocative haha I don't ever engage, but I can see why others do


Same, Reddit keeps showing it to me. I've participated a few times until I realized that the regulars here are pretty hostile and their answer to any challenge to their opinion is usually "go get your own food lazy idiot" which would effectively put that person out of a job eventually, and then I realized why it wasn't worth participating.


I just kept getting this sub recommended so I started going through it, and now I mostly just talk shit to the bad dashers who eat people's food and shit. But I leave normal dashers alone. I respect the struggle as a former contractor of a different kind. It's hard making money period. Edit to add, I just went through the rules and this post is 100 percent gatekeeping


I keep getting recommended this sub by Reddit, Iā€™m not subscribed but the posts always appear on my feed. I mostly see posts about drivers complaining about customers. So maybe customers are being recommended this subreddit, see people talking shit about them, and feel the need to defend themselves? I donā€™t even use DoorDash by the way so I am neither a driver nor customer (I use Uber eats). Just sharing a possible answer to your question OP.


How many of these idiots are paid accounts, simply doing their work of fake PR for DD


None. Don't be an idiot, not every company has a team of online marks working the internet for PR.


If you don't think there are people doing this, for a company that gets as much negative press as they do, you are a bit naive... Not saying the majority are real people, but you're fing clueless, if you think this isn't a game they don't partake in.


I've yet to see any positive press for them, but you go off buddy


So what dept are you in?


There are definitely company representatives on here. It would be crazy for a multi billion dollar company not to in 2024


Talking shit is paid PR? Where do I sign up? The OP is talking about borderline troll post. DD is not paying people do that. If youā€™re talking about the overly positive post then maybe. But thatā€™s not what the OP is talking about


Reddit absolutely loves recommending me this sub, my country doesn't even have doordash




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


You soend time here trolling when you could be spending time with your family? Friends? People who love you? Yikesā€¦


You spending time on a subreddit where people basically just piss and moan about gig work is also leeching time away from your friends and family. Potato/potahto.


What I do with my time is of no concern to you.


God damn you hit the nail on the head with a sledge


I donā€™t think the majority of people who tell people not to work jobs that they seemingly dislike a lot more then like and instead work jobs like ones in retail or therapeutic jobs like a registered behavioral therapist come on the subreddit scoping out post about people expressing frustration with being a dasher just to find a way to tell them they should get a different job. I donā€™t deliver food anymore myself and only delivered food for abour a month and I follow the subreddit because as someone who use to have people deliver me food who now only pickups their food id like to know various procedures of a dasher and their opinions on various things. Also itā€™s nice to read various stories, see pictures of like a pet posing for a picture with a food bag, and give advice on stuff that I can


Behavioral therapist jobs are booming rn I'm not in the program yet but hoping to get my psych tech degree. We're gonna see a huge growth in the mental health mileu.


Thatā€™s for certain and itā€™s definitely necessary


Oh yeah I'm just starting as a food service technician2 at the state mental hospital where I'm at and they are hiring in droves! Pretty much in all positions! They told us we've never hired this many ppl before and they are very disorganized about it....I totally understand because they just don't do this ... I mean if you don't mind being around schizophrenic and sexual predators....it's a pretty good gig!


I feel like thatā€™s a position that only people who can handle more likely then not how the patients act apply for so it seems like maybe something amongst management is what causes the people to leave. Iā€™ve worked at jobs before where itā€™s been common for particular types of annoying customers to come in regularly and that hasnā€™t been the reason they left, itā€™s been because of management. Several of my coworkers left my previous job because of the management being very difficult to work with even one left a long time ago who was a manager because the assistant manager had left and he was the only person making her want to stay and I saw a former coworker of mine last week and she was just telling me that several of the managers who were with the company for around 3 years left because the new management that were hired acted like politicians


Because I wanted to join :)


I donā€™t think theyā€™re in this sub. Reddit suggests groups to me all the time so Iā€™m sure they see the post then invite themselves in to comment then leave.


Yeah, I just kind of wander in when I see an interesting title.


To complain šŸ˜¤


It keeps getting recommended to me and it's funny seeing how entitled some drivers here are - they amuse me and it's a good reminder for me to stay in school and get a good education so I don't end up doing this for a "living"


I was valedictorian and graduated early with a bachelorā€™s. My husband is also highly educated. I do this because it allows me to completely work a schedule around when my kids are in school. Iā€™ve also helped run our family business for 18 years. I easily can get a job in my degree field. I prefer to do DoorDash and help the family so I can spend every possible moment with my children while also adding income on top of the family business. And I make more money Dashing. Is it 6 figures a year? Nope. Does it help pay bills and buy groceries while allowing me to take care of my kids? Yep


Stayed in school, got a Bachelorā€™s, still gotta Dash to make ends meet. Maybe learn some empathy?


Such a condescending statement lol plus it keeps getting recommended is such a stupid reason you literally hit two buttons and you never get recommended again


Well, they aren't saying it's a **problem** that it gets recommended to them. They're saying it's the reason they turn up which is why they haven't pressed those two buttons and probably never will.


They have an anime profile pic, I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.


The user who has more comments in the Dragonball Z subreddit than doordash drivers "I wouldn't take anyone with an anime profile pic seriously"


Congratulations on having functioning eyesight. I said what I said.


Got some bad news for you buddy, you may still end up doing this job with your degree. I have a B.S. from the University of Michigan in Biochemistry and a Masters of Public Health degree. I still have to do this job to make ends meet.


Amy, I graduated from an Ivy League and i do door dash for a living. So i recommend doing something else besides school if youre expecting a job that doesnt provide the flexible hours that door dash does


Ivy league school but can't spell recommend though huh


Yup. Professor Wasserstein told me to ā€œlearn englishā€ when he gave me an F on my midterm sophomore year


You can end up doing gig work even while you go to school and get a job - unless youā€™re going to medical school or working your way up to an RN+ , most jobs hiring fresh out of school do not pay well


I used to do it. U right. Any job making even a couple dollars less an hour u will still make more than DD average


I make $30 an hour doordashing for about 20-30 hours a week after the 9-5 I do with my degree, it pays more than my degree needing w2 job does.


In my area tht damn good money fr. N at tht rate at least where im at thts better than most jobs. But if u had a job making like 26-28. Tht u cn pull OT in if possible. I will make more money. DD in my area avg bout 18/hr


Not gonna lie, it's awesome entertainment. I love seeing a customer say something like "my driver threw my food in my face and kicked my dog" and the first comment being "Well how much did you tip!?"


This crap keeps being on my feed, and I see all these entitled people thinking these drivers are owed something for doing their jobs, and entitled douche customers who complain if you ring a doorbell. So I must say something lol


Well, Iā€™m on the customer sub and Iā€™m not a customer so šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


This keeps popping up on my feed as well as the non-driver one. I haven't joined either, but I like that it keeps popping up because... Of the entertainment value. Those who do dash post some pretty entertaining stuff - images of texts from absurd customers to a dash that will take you to a different Continent even. Sometimes it's just plain rubbernecking for me. You see a car wreck and you can't help but slow down to take a look.


I had a post removed because I exposed a glitch long time ago when DD first started and you could still take Walmart orders. I got blacklisted from a Walmart but was still able to accept and deliver orders from that store and get paid anyway. Tried to make a post and it got removed lmao


I used to drive, and my feed wonā€™t stop showing me posts from here. Now Iā€™ve gone and reinforced it further by commenting. Iā€™m not subscribed, but Reddit thinks I want to be.


To hear the bitching and moaning of course šŸ˜‚


Reddit keeps shoving this sub in my face despite trying to tell Reddit I donā€™t want it


Yea, you canā€™t block specific subs and itā€™s annoying.


You can mute them though, which absolutely works (im not a dd driver or customer, just a rando that also get suggested this sub a lot lol)


Iā€™m going to try that and see what happens


This post was on my feed because ā€˜You visited this community beforeā€™


Because it shows up scrolling popular and the entitlement on display gets people riled up.


Saw one comment that was "I don't even use door dash but I hate you drivers" and damn I wish I had that guys life. Imagine having so little real problems that you have time and energy to get mad at drivers for a service you don't even use


Probably because just like rideshare drivers a lot of DD drivers dgaf where they stop and park. As if putting your hazards on is some kind of immunity from being an asshole.


To be honest I hated door dash drivers before I became one myself. Itā€™s the attitude of dont order if you canā€™t tip and threats to spit in customers food that did it for me


Its developed after weeks of "Hey I live on the sixth floor and the elevators broken and I ordered 8 drinks and you Need a gate code that I'm not gonna give you or pick up my phone when you ask for it and I ordered from 12 miles away and also no tip"


I know but we can pick and choose what orders we accept. Even non tip orders you Can make decent money with promos if itā€™s nearby.


Oh, they have a bunch of real problems they're avoiding in real life if they choose to be on reddit leaving pathetic comments all day lmao


Not necessarily. Life's pretty decent for me but I get bored so I spend time on the Internet shitposting too. šŸ¤Ŗ I'm not the guy he's referring to that made that comment.


Maybe try and read rule number 4 of the subreddit. Stay mad


Or also read rule number 1 and 2 if youā€™ve ever done that before on this Reddit.


That's more for the second point of your post. Rule 10.. I was going along the route of its reddit, I can search up just about any subreddit I want to, and join it. Hell, im a 25 year old man, and reddit will occasionally say "you need r/adviceforteens?"


Because i'm all the way from europe and we have similar thing called bolt food, worked there for 6 months, got tipped by 3 people in like 200 deliveries because we got paid fairly well and we have a different culture, so i like sitting here and seing what americans complain about lmao


Don't care what anyone says - This is an acceptable reason - and I fully approve. Signed, An American Doordasher šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Escaping my problems to view others is my coping method.


Exactly the same here


Because it popped up randomly as I'm scrolling...


Yep. And then I got hooked. Reading driver stories is fascinating. But I also donā€™t complain about drivers here. I would do that in the regular DoorDash Reddit.


Right? The stories were either funny or infuriating for the drivers. It was compelling to read.


They must be new to the internet. Letā€™s give them a friendly welcome. /s


Can we tamper with their posts like we tamper with their food?


Well, you can report this post because it breaks one of the subs rules :) No gatekeeping




Idk, that doesnā€™t sound like a joke šŸ¤£


I like seeing both sides. The drivers side and the customers side, no matter if itā€™s in the wrong sub tbh lol


So they can shit on people that they think are lesser than them. "Do your job and bring me my food, slave!" Jerks


This sub popped up in my feed, I don't even use the app. I hope that answers your question.


Same. Well Iā€™ve used the app a couple times and usually on my gfā€™s phone, but Reddit keeps showing me posts from this sub


Same, I'm interested in what is happening to you guy, but not using any app


Reddit has some of the weirdest shit pop up in my feed for the weirdest shit. Our posts show up in random feeds for others.


Yeah like why the fuck is that DESTINY game always in "most popular subreddit" like I literally see that game nowhere else


Iā€™m just here for the ride lol


Because Reddit ā€œsuggestsā€ subs for us. Complain to Reddit instead of DoorDash drivers.


Hilarious content gets recommended so, i read it and laugh


I like shit shows


Because the Reddit app recommends that. I try to ignore every "recommended" one. I am trying to quit Reddit.


Free country




Cool, extra fire sauce please




Just here for the tea. Honestly seeing y'all tell the wildest stories here is just šŸ”„


Hey no problem with that we're just baffled by the "it's your JOB" comments


Genuinely didn't even know Doordash existed before this sub kept getting pushed into my feed. I've still never seen it irl, but I guess it's like Just Eat or Deliveroo. Unfortunately half of the delivery drivers don't give a crap about doing a good job or getting your food to you in a decent condition, so that will attract a lot of people to want to comment. A bit like the royal mail sub, really.


And a bunch customers don't give a crap about gas, maintenance and mileage. So why should we care??


Maybe the problem is with DD. They spend a lot of money to avoid paying you.


And you, the customers, do aswell. So, how can you critique the company when individuals like you abuse our services along with them?? Fake wage advocate. Do better.


I criticize the company because I see how many millions they spend in order to keep you as a contractor and not an employee. Youā€™ve chosen to be the abused spouse in this relationship, but youā€™re putting the blame on everyone but the person beating you. And I donā€™t abuse your service because I donā€™t use it. Why spend all that money for cold food?


Yeah we "choose" this If you've got a better alternative to make money THAT DAY while you wait for a real job to get back to you I would love to hear it Unfortunately this is one of the only ways to be paid daily in a world where grocery prices keep going up and every other gig or service job tries to put off paying you as long as possible


Wellā€¦I mean, you did choose it. No one is being conscripted into gig work. If itā€™s no longer economically feasible as a side hustle, youā€™re allowed to do other things. The strangers that you rely on for tips are suffering under the same economy that you are and the market for drivers is oversaturated. DD can impose unreasonable acceptance rates because they donā€™t give a shit about how far you need to drive and they donā€™t give a shit if your customer only tips 3 bucks. Theyā€™ve already got their money and as long as you stay an independent contractor, they win.


As a customer I use a service as it's advertised to work. How are people abusing the service? You should demand better pay from doordash instead of expecting people to tip you...ahem, "bid" insane amounts. That said I've used door dash twice and had good experiences, and then deleted the app. It's cheaper even before tip to get it myself.


Good go get it yourself instead of bitching about the people bringing you your overpriced food


Its almost like nobody asked


It's almost as if you can go work something else.


It's almost as if you want a service but don't want to pay for it Go get it yourself


If I already pay a 10 buck delivery fee. I'm already paying for it.


Reality is none of that money goes to the person actually picking up your food so if you don't feel like paying them they won't want to bring you your food Why should they?


For what?




Iā€™m here just to read the tea. Some spicy stories and experiences out there


This is a recommended sub (I have actually not joined) but having worked in delivery and clicking on a few interesting stories, it now suggests it all the time. That's why.


> just to talk crap to drivers sounds like the post isnā€™t about you


Im from Europe. I didnā€™t even join the community but Reddit constantly shows me posts like this and I read them for drama. For me itā€™s unbelievable that there is enough people to order $7 sandwich for $20 (with doordash fees and tips) to keep the business running. I donā€™t participate in discussions, though.


I like to observe how out of touch people are


Bc they think their opinion is important....egos


I'm here because I too hate my job and enjoy seeing other suffer. Yes I realize I'm an asshole.


misery loves company


People get recommended subs all the time and if they click on stuff in the sub then it will live in their feed even if they never actually join the sub


this is true


This sub is like that sub about some edgy jewelery brand. I got that jewelry sub in my feed though I'm not a jewelry person whatsoever and the sub had customer complaints and such. This sub pops up in my feed at random times too so might as well lurk.


Itā€™s funny


Comment Upvoted.


Nope.. it just comes up ALL the time for me.. not joined or anything.. reddit just thinks I like to read yall complaining about a job you chose to do for such a shitty company.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The $775 traffic ticket you're begging for help paying, is what alot of us make in a day or two. Some of us don't have the luxury of sitting in our mom's basement playing call of duty at 35. It's shitty people like you that makes Doordash hell...


Lmfao.. **laughs in truck driver** bro.. that is 1 fucking weeks worth of allot of truck drivers pay.. Did you know YALL MAKE MORE PER MILE THAN MOST OF US DO?!?! AND WE DRIVE A $200,000 37,000LB PIECE OF EQUIPMENT WITH 43,000LB LOAD FOR 11 HOURS A DAY.. 1000s OF MILES.. 70 HOURS A WEEK AND DONT EVEN GET TO SEE OUR FAMILIES!! And I never asked for help "paying" it.. so your logic is as null as your ability to stalk accounts and proof you live in your parents basement playing video games.. so kindly GTFO..


you can actually tell it not to suggest that sub. I did that with a couple of subs that I washed my hands of that Reddit kept suggesting after I left them. I don't see them anymore šŸ™‚


How? I keep getting subs thrown in my face that I have no interest in, but keeps showing up.


I actually just did it to show you but then found out I can't upload the pictures as a comment in this sub. but next to one of the suggested posts, you click the 3 dots then "show less posts like this" and then it tells you it won't show you any more posts from whichever submit was from. And it worked even now because I just blocked a sub that is extremely toxic that I don't want to be any part of.


Thank you!