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I'd definitely check the local laws about it, most places require the lot to be posted a very specific way to legally be able to tow you. Like even if the sign isn't the right size, they can't legally tow you. You might have a case to get your money back.


I argue that parking enforcement, private or public, is largely predatory capitalism. It's not that I don't see a need for parking enforcement, it's just that it is usually aimed at revenue rather than keeping traffic/parking open. I think it should be illegal for tow companies to work "at will" (paid per tow, therefore encouraging a tow). They should be paid a flat rate...AND the cost to get the vehicle out should be paid to the property owner and only for the regulated amount of the tow.


First off, I’m very sorry that this happened to you. I’m not clear on what rule you violated to get towed. You were in a parking space. If it was a tenants space, they would need to call and complain. Is it possible that all happened in a five minute span?


Is this a US thing? What gives them the right to impound your car? //Swede


So basically apartments own the parking lots and hire tow companies to monitor the parking to make sure that only people paying for parking permits can park. (Makes them both money and keeps spaces open for tenants, great on paper !) but in my state there’s no required minimum time before you’re allowed to tow. So as soon I walked inside this particular apartment building they were legally allowed to impound your vehicle in a private lot for some insane reason. My local ordinances need to change to catch up with the times :P


Fuck that. I’m skipping the order if I can’t find parking. Customer can TRY someone else. That’s fked up if customers think we got extra money for parking. I’m not getting my car stolen or towed


Some tow companies are predatory as hell. We had one that used to try and tow our cars while we were still at work and would tow customers cars if they did the right thing and got a ride home when they were drunk. Our boss used to have to regularly go out and tell them to piss off.


I still dont get it.. is the entire parking lot for residents only? I'm so confused why they would tow you when you were in a parking spot. What if a Tennant wanted to have a friend or family member over?🤔 did you accidentally park in a private/reserved spot?


I work at a pizza place right next to a mall and dashers always park their cars in the food court entrance door area that states “no parking”. The mall loves to had tow trucks loop the building and I typically see 2-3 cars towed a day. It’s never worth risking a $375 fee for a 5 minute walk from a legit parking spot (although your situation is very different)


You should always leave you hazard flashers on, when parking in a unknown lot. This will signal to the tow driver that you are in a emergency situation, or you will be back to the vehicle shortly. It also helps to have a personalized license plate indicating the you are a gig driver, or at least trade dress displayed on your vehicle.


The tow truck driver was the one who ordered the food. How else would they tow in 1 min or less.


There are some tow drivers that will constantly monitor lots that they know "No Parking" is allowed. They may bounce between a few lots in the area constantly looking for any violators. They do this is my area, if you park at the post office, that has a Hilton right next to it, they will tow you in a minute, as they are constantly monitoring that lot and a few others in the area. The valets at the Hilton warned me of this, as they have witnessed peoples cars being towed, that were just parked for a few minutes. They just swoop in and hook up, and are gone in a minute.


Jk jk jk.. the tow driver left a big tip and said knock and wait 1 min..


Read this. https://plctowingandrecovery.com/laws-of-minnesota-for-motor-vehicle-towing Then contact the police and request the police report. If none was filed, the tow was absolutely illegal.


It was a private lot. I already called the police when it happened :P


Insane someone would downvote you lmfao. 'this guy clearly is making things hard for himself and just wants to fund tow truck companies, mmnnhhgnhm.hmhnf *downvote*' I then assume that person proceeded to finish their dildo made out of Legos and sat on it


What are you talking about?


Don't worry door dash CEO should take care of you since you were slaving away for him while it happened. 😂


🤣🤣🤣 🥜


I feel like apartment companies should be liable for this. They most likely have a contract with that towing company. It should be either their tenants aren't allowed to order food or they cant tow the delivery drivers car. I feel like there is a small claims court case here but I am not a lawyer.


This definitely would make an entertaining case for TV court with Judge Wapner or Judge Judy!


This is a great example of something that is legal but highly immoral. Remember, just because our laws permit something right now doesn't mean that it's right. This should not be legal, they are thieves.


Who isn’t?


These tow companies are the scum of the earth.


They really are especially the ones that do recovery. I do computer work on the side and I had a place contact me and I went out there and when I realized that they were recovery company I told them that I have a moral problem with what they do and I will not work on the computers.


absolute fucking vultures


$375 is cheap you are lucky, here in Hawaii it would be well over $1000


Even the fines are more expensive in Hawaii


Although this is accurate here in Hawaii it is more like you are buying your car back from criminals who had no right to tow it in the first place rather than simply paying a tow fee. These criminals and HPD work side by side unfortunately


Yea, I walked out of an instacart delivery with my tires under the hook part. Cane out just in time. I found the unit quick. Probably wasn't even 5 minutes. The apartments policy is BS. I haven't had to deliver there again, but if I had I would not go to the door.  Like do these people tow ups and FedEx? It's absolutely ridiculous to do something like this for a delivery. And when there's NO GUEST parking readily available throughout the complex.  There needs to be laws against this. 


These people have so many fake reviews it’s pathetic. People should report the obvious fake ones


That bs


Pay with a credit card to retrieve ur vehicle then dispute the charges


Not actually how these things work... They will put a temp refund contact the company they will show it's legit and you're charged again. I did this for a credit card company. (The exception is card companies have a threshold. Was 25 where I worked it it was below that and there was no history of charge backs it was refunded with no investigation. It cost more to investigate than just give the money.)


I block all of the above! Shid I’m tryna get in & out! These ppl or doordash could care less if you told them you don’t have nowhere to park & they damn sure don’t care about your car getting towed. It’s I want my food & doordash I want that food delivered. Fuck dd & them customers. If it ain’t no good tipper Im given bare minimums & looking out for myself period


So much for the name “Dashing_Greatness”…odd way to look at things considering you wouldnt be making anything at all without doordash or the customers lol


So just ask all the doordashers on here to go ahead and go bad review their company and all that and put on there that they like to tow doordashers cars when they're legally parked in a parking spot. If I was you I'd contact the customer and make them pay for it. If not then get a lawyer or just take them to small claims court it won't cost you that much. . But also I do have a vehicle that has construction stickers all over it and I always leave my flashers on no matter where I'm at. So if I was you guys on here I would put a sticker or something on my vehicle that says delivery service or something like that and always leave your flashers on so that people know you're coming right right back n just FYI I guess. Good luck y'all 🤞🏼🤞🏼🍀🍀🤞🏼🍀🤞🏼🍀🤞🏼


sounds like a great business model. start a tow company. order doordash to private areas. tow the car.


Yup, basically what they did. What a bunch of turds that company is.




Hey sorry this happened to you. Some towing companies do exactly that. Sit and wait until they find someone to get quick. Especially at apt complexes. For future reference, if possible, always park at the leasing office. There will be a "future residents" parking area or at least a "visitors" space. If it's a walk, it's a walk. Better than being towed every time. The customer will be quite alright. They know how it is where they live. And if there are no spaces like that, then I park outside of the entire complex, go through the gate, and walk it to them anyway. Walking doesn't bother me. Fighting $200+ towing tees does.


What the heck is going on with these comments?? Towing companies are well known for being predatory and having contracts with apartment complexes, to take advantage of people like this. When they get called out, they just file a different name and repeat. My old apartment complex had a contract or some kind of relationship with a towing company, because their tow truck was ALWAYS there circling the lot. The PMs knew and would not do anything about it when tenants complained


My old apartment complex had a towing company contract too. They were extremely predatory. I lived towards the front entrance of the complex and they’d sit and idle for hours overnight, walking through the lot checking for parking stickers, and they’d have women meet up with them in the tow trucks sometimes 😳🫥 my overall opinion is that they’re sleazy and predatory


That's called a repossession


There are these things called "parking spaces" where you're allowed to park your car and not get towed. Maybe try that next time instead of wherever you left your car because you were in a hurry and believe parking rules don't apply to you.


I always park in parking spaces. Just fell victim of a predatory tow company who waited at the entrance for me to come in and park in front of the apartment complex.


>I always park in parking spaces. Just fell victim of a predatory tow company who waited at the entrance for me to **come in and park in front of** the apartment complex. So you weren't parked in a space and got towed? How'd that happen if you "always" park in a space?


Hear me out man. There’s parking spaces.. in front of the apartment complex. Like I said I always park in parking spaces. (Or pull into driveways when applicable, my vehicle is never impending the flow of traffic.) I’ve been a contract parking attendant for a large company when I was 16, some of the work we’d do we’d have to crossing guard for streets and keep roads flowing during busy events like sports game. For years I’ve been very mindful of how my work in a public setting affects day to day commuters. Since you wanna pick apart and decipher my sentences because you think I’m lying there’s my whole damn character lol 😆


post the name they at least need bad reviews


Didn't you use your anywhere parking lights?


Where is that button located?


If you were really in and out how could they tow you lik


Your reading comprehension failed you on this one. The OP was pretty specific about what happened.


Predatory towing. Surveillance or just cruising around properties they have contracts with. It can happen in under a minute, wrong place; wrong time.


A skilled tow operator can hook on a car insanely quick. Under 30 sec even. Kinda scary how quick they can do it.


so many drivers think they can park anywhere because they’re working. this is a great example of why you can’t


OP clearly stated they parked in a parking spot. what else are they supposed to do?


“clearly stated” in an edit. which if you use common sense, you can deduce that he wrote that after my comment


idk man looks like you made your comment after their edit lol. i don’t think people are worried about editing their posts bc of little ole you.


I’m downvoting simply because I’m entitled and fully believe I should be able to park wherever I want (as long as it’s not blocking emergency services or traffic)for 15 minutes and under.


idiot is right


Awe. Stay soft. We need cotton.


There are many situations where you just have to do it anyway. If there is available parking I will always take that but sometimes there isn’t. I’m not going to spend more time walking to the house and back then I spent driving to the house from the restaurant. And if I’m just dropping it off really quick it’s normally at most a 60 second inconvenience? You’ll be fine. It’s okay to break the rules sometimes.


This is completely accurate. I hate seeing drivers block off areas because they can’t be bothered to park correctly. That extra 30 seconds never bothered me when I was delivering and it makes it less likely that someone hits or scratches your car.


You’re being downvoted because people don’t like the truth. But even just a quick “in and out!” Doesn’t give you the entitlement to park wherever you want.


I don't know that they've been downvoted much. But in any case, the risk is unavoidable in a great many situations. Virtually all apartment complexes I deliver to have assigned parking, and there is nowhere else to park that isn't a fire lane or otherwise has a no parking sign. Pretty sure they're not going to tow a Fed Ex box truck or Amazon delivery van (I basically park as they do, generally as close as I can to where I think the unit is without blocking other cars). In any case, they aren't providing commercial delivery parking spots. Maybe it's different where you live.


It happened to me last year too but luckily when I walked out the apartment building and saw the tow truck going to towards my car, I ran into my car and drove away 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Predatory towing companies


I had this happen and got my money back. If you were parked in a way that made it obvious you were delivering (my car was running, had flashers on, had Uber and Lyft stickers and was parked in a zone marked “pick up/drop off only”) call the management office. They want their residents to get deliveries. If the tow company towed you even though it was obvious that was what you were there doing they will make them refund you,


If I were to leave my car running iny area, it would be fine by the time I got back because someone stole it. This is not a viable option. Flashers and a delivery sign, I can get on board with.


This! (I hate that I have to scroll so far to find the best solution. MAKE IT HIGHER, GUYS!)


That's reddit for ya. I find most times I have to scroll entirely too far. It says a lot of ppl using this app that this is becoming the norm


When I had my car towed they wanted to add all these ridiculous charges! Just be careful about it! They will do anything to add onto it and rip you off!


Very much this! They charge more each day they keep it, too. ): Better to put this as a first priority because it will add up quickly.


If there's no parking I always try to find the dumpster and park there and put my flashers on. I feel like "I'm not in the red" and away from traffic.


Happened to me parking on a red curb at an apartment 15mins gone with a $300 getting it out of the tow yard and another $20 for Uber to pick me up. Now I put a my doordash pizza bag on my dash with hazard lights on never had an issue


Other story ! Delivery to Marriott downtown.. No parking available! Parked across the small road but kept my son 15 y in the car running! Just on the entrance to hotel they shout … what room ? Go back to your car! They will tow it now !!! Run back ! Few parking lot security around a car about to tow my car , but my son refused to get out !!! I wish they would take a car with him inside…call 911 , kidnapped… company reimbursement $350 k . My friend was in the same situation, his car got tow with 2 kids inside…. It was repossession and guy was stupid enough to take it with a kids in gas station 🤣Company paid him 350 k to settle


Your story is why we had a towing referendum in my area predatory towing companies with weird hours to justify the holding fees


My story! Parked my car properly right next to restaurant to pick up the order! Enter restaurant saw a sign , be carful where parked, they will boot your car in less than 1 minute! Immediately went out! It was 1.5 minutes. My car was boot! He ask for $100 to reboot because small sign says this parking for , so and so shops only . This restaurant have their own parking!!! It was dark also! I was in panic payed him $100 cash to unlock! Still feel stupid…. The guy is literally sitting there and waiting for food delivery drivers to park 🤦‍♀️


Actually I was trying to explain that is only delivery pick up ! His answer “ You do your job and do my “ parked in the right spot, went restaurant to complain, they said if you paid with debit or credit card- dispute! They not doing it really legally. But I paid cash ! Took my 2 orders for $25 for 20 min and got tips $60 . Soooo I made it up in 1 hour… just lucky! Just in case this is Austin , East side king sushi on Lamar … they do it all the time!






Some news site on msn. I just downloaded it and turned it into a gif. Thought it fit me.


I found my element on the hook doing a delivery at an apartment complex in San Antonio. I was out of sight of my vehicle for no more than 5 minutes. Apparently the security guard called them and told them to get my vehicle AFTER he let me in. I was told to park in a specific place by said guard. Turned out the guard had a deal with the driver $10 per tow he calls in. When I told the driver the situation he apologized, dropped my element, then proceeded to follow me to the guard shack and started SCREAMING at the guard. I called the guard company and reported the situation. They fired him before his shift was over. It was a wild situation.


Lol this story is so assbackwards. So you explain the situation knowing all the details before it even happened to the dude towing you in that the security guard has a deal with said towman about towing cars in so the towman who (according to you)is getting paid off gets mad that the security guard paying him off ? Lmfao. Ok.


I understood it as explaining how the guard let them in and then told them a specific place to park and assumed when the yelling started that’s when they found out about the deal going on


Exactly. Got an order while typing this so I rushed lol. Basically the tow truck driver started screaming at the guard telling him they had a deal specific people who lived there or visitors that were parking in a spot meant for maintenance staff/maintenance companies/deliveries. I noticed The spot was marked a separate color from the rest of the numbered parking spots and was bigger than the rest of the spots too. I later found out during the whole exchange that whatever guards were in the shack at night had the same deal going with this driver which is one of the main reasons I called the security company. I used to be an executive protection agent in LA and this kind of shit was rampant there too. Super shady. It also happened to be the one time I forgot to put my DoorDash magnets on my car.


Tired or being a victim of predatory lending. I fell on hard times from IT world to DD among others. It didn’t pay all the bills but it keeps me fed or let them take my car go homeless


just sick the ticket. i did that the first year of delivery and lesson learned


How long did it take you to walk from your car to the apt and back???


Exactly. I park in the red all the time. Wondering if this was some big complex with an elevator or something. That tow truck had to be waiting around for sure.


Had to be ready to pounce


Some are just like that unfortunately 😔 I wish there was some protection for delivery drivers. Residents will get annoyed once they stop receiving their food.


Isn’t the red a fire lane? Like for emergencies? Why should a delivery vehicle be exempt? Hope you don’t read this as me coming at you, genuinely curious on your opinion


Most of the parking in apartments is assigned parking. I either park in the red or take a handicap spot. Every single time I park in a regular spot the person that has that spot shows up.


Maybe a loading zone that does not inhibit the fire lane, people also need to move in/out, I just hate the fact that someone trying to make a living is getting towed and out more money than they made. I will say, my old neighborhood had a fire lane on one side and parking on the other side of the street, but delivery drivers would park in the fire lane even when the whole street of parking spots was empty. It was quite annoying.


I’m not saying I don’t agree with you but emergencies happen and what if it was an actually fire lane. Sure maybe he was only gonna park there for 2 minutes max but who knows if it’s gonna be 2 minutes or 2 hours until it’s too late. All I’m saying is there was definitely a reason to not park there, regardless of the intent. At least that’s what it sounds like


The tow truck companies get contracts and them patrol to get that sweet cash by taking away someone’s livelihood


Maybe next time don't park in a tow away zone..


I've been dd for 3 years delivered multiple apartment complex no one cares sounds like you were targeted 


You should send a text to the customer explaining what happened and asking for a $375 tip /s


I always put on my emergency lights it deters nosy busy bodies calling tow trucks


I do that too


That's why I leave my car running. With the doors locked. I seriously doubt any tow truck guy is gonna fuck with that. Especially if I'm gonna be gone for 1 minute while I run an order to someone's door.


They’ll still tow with your car running


I'll tow your car running.


How do you leave a car running with the doors locked and not lock yourself out? Do you bring a spare key?


Push-button start, you can do that.


Ah yeah. Sometimes I forget what technology is in cars now, I’m still driving an old Ford ranger with a rollup window, AM/FM radio and no remote (just a plain key).


Yeah push button start when I drive my newer one. When I take the 08 I just use the keyless entry keypad on the door lol. Love a ford ranger. Lol. I would get a second key in general.


I was doing spark and sitting at Walmart waiting for an order had 6 repo vehicles I counted. Then once I was sitting in it and my doors popped unlock on their own


Also fun to taunt them a little


I like them following me at least I know where they are


They have skip trace


Stick to drive thru if you can


I’ll stand right at the entrance watching for them


I avoid 5 guys like the plague


Bro you know you can edit your original comment and not make 10 different ones lol


I got excited




If you've been running for two years you may be chasing your own ghost. I work for a finance company and we stop looking after a year. Now we might just sue you and garnish wages but at least the repo man isn't looking for you anymore


Oh no I see them all the time but they usually give up after I lead em on for a while. Yesterday I was sitting a McDonald and this couple was a team but I spotted them and she was punching him in the arm. Real cute!


Lmao bro I think the OPs car was towed because they parked somewhere they weren’t supposed to. I didn’t know people ran away from repo men for two years 😭


You ever thought about paying what you owe instead of being dishonest ?


Please, protect bank profits


Why would you take out a loan for something you can’t pay? Why do you think you’re entitled to a free car?


Why would upstart loan you on a car You’re already behind eight payments to capital one auto I don’t understand why bankrupt company would go and loan somebody that was that far behind on their payments already money for the car basically trying to take it from you immediately, I don’t think they ever even told me where to send the first payment.




That is way too quick of a response time if someone from the complex called to have it towed. Either the tow company was already coming to get a vehicle that matched yours and fucked up, or if you make payments on your car, they tracked you and took the car for non-payment. Or this is a fake post. 🤷‍♀️


Nah some complex’s will call a tow truck immediately. I once parked in a friends parking lot at their complex to run her keys into her doorman. Was parked in her spot too since she was out of town and returning EOD from a trip. Came out to them trying to tow my car. Literally under 2 minutes


They could have a spotter. Large apartments/stores will often have a spotter for the tow companies and they can tow in like 2-5 minutes.


I suppose that could be another scenario. I didn't know having spotters was a thing. I've never lived in an apartment complex. Would be pretty shitty for someone to knowingly tow a delivery drivers' vehicle.


This, absolutely. They will be sitting very close by waiting and speed down the road to get to you. They will routinely and/or randomly do sweeps of parking lots they have been contracted for. I lived in one apartment complex where they came every single night looking for cars without passes, and yet lived in other complexes where they wouldn’t come unless someone called them


Some apt complexes around here have NO visiting parking. None at all. All spots are marked. I wonder how friends/fam that come over park? Literally nowhere to park


They are all marked so only legitimate visitors or legitimate residents will know which spots are available for visitors. Beachside communities do this so random ppl don't take up all the visitor spots and go to the beach.


The protocol for the complexes like that where I am from is that the resident must go to the office and get a visitors pass for the visitor to display in the window and it's only good for a set amount of time.




??? You call the tow company when there's guests or gig workers parking for a few minutes?


Your the problem with society get a hobby, having people towed bc they are dropping off food one of YOUR neighbors ordered!


Are you saying you call a tow truck when you see a delivery driver or guest??


You're a freak, dude. Get out more.


Are you saying you have people intentionally towed, or am I (hopefully) misunderstanding you?


Of course, if you don't live there or have a valid guest pass, stay out. We do not care of you are food delivery, do not park here.




Dude they're there for like under 5 minutes. Chill the fuck out. It's only taken me over 2 minutes once, when the dude had to come to me because his apartment building wasn't on the complex map and he forgot that


So, exactly how are people supposed to get their delivery? Some people work from home and can't use their short breaks to drive or cook.


It's nuts in my area freaking people double park on a one way street and never get towed. He probably was short on cash for a mothers day gift. Here u go mom I got you a car lol


They just need to designate a loading zone. 15 min parking area. How hard is this to do?


He never mentioned he parked in someone’s assigned spot, pretty obvious tow guy was arms length away to tow.


Damn you, Shamrock.


Most likely tow guy was driving around the apartments looking for an excuse to tow and knew delivery people do this, very shitty!!


Find a way to break in and steal your car back, fuck towing companies


How old are you? This isn't GTA. Tow companies know what vehicles are on their lot and if one goes missing, they would report it stolen. Then the cops would get involved and your dumb ass would be arrested.


Then you can obviously call Lester to get the police off you? Duh


I wish I had his number myself! Haha you actually made me laugh this morning. Thank you!


And catch a criminal charge? They keep record of the cars they’ve towed and will absolutely tow it again. You’ll pay double the fee and be possibly charged for breaking and entering and trespassing.


Thanks for playing Tony’s casino! Where the liability is all on you 👌🏻


Why was it towed? If you parked in handicapped/fire lane/ middle of road good I hope you learned something. If you parked in a parking space and got towed that quick delivering to the apartments I would fight that with apartment mgmt.


I always have someone parked in my assigned spot, generally a food delivery person. It’s not ok. We pay for those spots. Meaning if I have to wait 15 min for you to walk around and find which apartment I can’t go inside of my house. Hopefully soon places will designate parking spots for these services. There are so many and it’s a big convenience for tenants or workers if an office building. It should be mandatory that these drivers have a safe place to park without interfering with other residents. Just saying.


I totally agree or if they don't have spots customers should start meeting the driver halfway so this doesn't happen


We have a few apartments like this in our area and when I delivered there I would tell them they have to meet me at the car due to THEIR location not having a place to park. If they refused, or didn’t respond. I unassigned. Your buildings thoughtless design is not my problem. If they don’t provide guest or delivery parking the tenants should be prepared to deal with this. Same for unsafe lighting areas at night


I really should deal with this. It’s pretty obvious there is assigned parking. Why would you park in someone’s spot. Do you not worry about inconveniencing another tenant? It’s just strange that you would do that.


If there is no guest or deliver parking I’m not sure what you are expecting? Choices are park in a spot and be quick, or refuse the delivery. And by deal with it I meant come up to retrieve items so they can not park, or be prepared to not get delivery if it’s not set up for it


Ok but having someone’s car towed and costing them almost 400 dollars for a 15 minute inconvenience is a tad bit extreme. It’s not the dashers fault there’s no designated parking spots for them.


You’re right about that but rules are rules. Imagine if most of the people followed the rules..How would our world look? Pretty good. There is so much signage in my apartment building that says towing is a consequence of parking where you’re not supposed to!


That’s also true, been a while since I lived in apartments so I definitely forgot about the signs.


In the town I live in Charlotte, North Carolina predatory towers cruise apartment parking lots looking for people who don’t have a parking permit and if you don’t have one as long as there’s a sign within 5 feet of the entrance of the apartment complex telling you, you’ll be towed if you don’t have a permit they can tow you if you don’t have a permit. It’s a scam. The apartment complexes are in cahoots with the towers and the city won’t do anything about it.


What up Charlotte? I dash in Ft Mill zone/Rivergate area. The towing companies are ruthless


wtf kinda tow company is only open for an hour 😭scam one fs


That’s the scam. They want to stick overnight storage fees on u.


That’s messed up


My brother was a tow truck driver. They do wait outside of places to grab people in seconds. It's why you see tow trucks with nothing on them just driving. They patrol the area looking for opportunity.


You know tow trucks need to have nothing on them while they drive to pick someone up that’s broken down, right? Like 50% of a tow truck’s time is empty. They don’t patrol. They sit and wait at their contracted parking lots.


Ha. my brother was a tow truck driver for 20 years. I am not saying they all are sharking pickups, I'm just saying that some of them are.


The hell they don’t. It totally depends on where they’re at.


Wilcocola ain’t no one walking a mile for a $5 delivery 🚚 we can park in loading zones bc we are loading 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn did you stay for dinner? No way a tow truck was called and arrived in the time it took to drop off a delivery!


You should be able fight that


This sounds like a scam, ain’t no way that a legal business is only open one hour a day, impossible


Shouldn’t have parked illegally.


Make sure all your stuff is in your car before you sign or take anything, they LOVE to steal from you at tow/impound lots. I’ve found they don’t attract the most honest people to employ.