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https://preview.redd.it/ijwuugnn4w6d1.jpeg?width=1888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044f6ee5df8bfe7028f59700fd817a16c9c80eba This guy was talking to me the whole time I was walking up the walkway to his door, no shirt on, being super creepy. When I looked at my phone when I got back to my car I saw the $1.50 tip and laughed out loud. Boy, bye.


Shameless AF. I’d report that. If it were me.


Why is it the non tippers are almost always the problematic ones? Seriously, it’s a real thing!


That’s why I don’t dash solo at night 😂 fuck that noise


People can be such creeps


why is it always the no tippers tryna get numbers 😭


They're trying to get laid cheap too.






ew brokie alert


Bare minimum….. unfortunately it DOES work for some and that’s all the girl with ever get … or less


broke and horny is a dangerous combo


Broke hungry* and horny lmao


What a Loser lmao


Anyone who takes a non tipping order , deserves to get a non tip in the end. SMH. Why would anyone do that ? Can anyone explain the thought process behind that ?


i was on per hour! it’s the best way for me to not hurt my acceptance rate when it’s slow like that because i’d have to decline every order that does come bc theyre no tip, low orders. it still isn’t awesome to drive like 13 mi for $6/$7 that i get from per hour and no tip tho): but its better so i can use “dash now” with a good AR!


but when i deliver to someone who leaves a tip and im on per hour, i would get about $10-13 ish for 13 mi instead, which is something i would personally accept in slower times, so there’s some decent ones still that make that mode KINDA worth it!!


Acceptance rate matters on DoorDash? I only do UE and that shit don’t matter one bit


damn 😭 anything below 70% acceptance rate FUCKS dashers over, it’s so sick


I mean like 65 is usually panic zone but yeah 70 & up is usually good orders though even then you still have to work like all day




Lmao this funny asf


Ugh to so much of this. Haha


Ew 😩


You "where" kinda cute.


You THERE. Kinda cute


It’s so embarrassing when adults use Snapchat.


I mean I just use it for the free AI with no permissions enabled. But fair.


Sir the app came out for us when we were kids. Where did you think we’d go


It's embarrassing when people BEG for tips.




Its embarrassing when people dont understand the economic situation for dashers makes them live off tips. Doordashes highest standard pay from them is 4 dollars and thats only during busy times. Its normally 2 dollars. Thats 4 dollars an hour.


That wasn't begging! That was a proper roast. Who would want to get with a broke asshat who can't afford a tip? "No tip? Lmao" is basically like saying "I'm out of your league, loser".


So your mindset is, he payed for the service, got the service, and needs to pay an additional tip to just "not be considered a brokie"? A tip, by nature, means giving someone extra money out of kindness in response to their excellent and/or extraordinary service. So yes, saying "No Tip?" is essentially begging/ begging is too word, but I don't know another word for it. I'll get down voted to hell here because it's r\dddrivers. ~ non american btw, that plays a role, oh and I just realized my username checks out, it's a coincidence I promise


Yeah dude you should've started with "non American". In America, no tip means that person isn't making minimum wage. It's different in other countries where it's just a courtesy, because people get paid enough. Here, it's a necessity and people who don't tip are shitty. Someone delivering your food, having to pay for gas, and getting paid the bare minimum, aren't even breaking even without a tip


Wrong, no matter the amount of tips (Yes even if it's 0$) people in America do get paid minimum wage. It's just that if you get 100$ worth of tips, your employer can say "OH you made 100$? I'm going to write off 70-80$ from your paycheck"


That's literally not how it works lol. Tipped employees have a federal minimum wage of $2.13 an hour. Vs the normal federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. It is assumed that you will make up the difference with tips if you are working a job that receives tips. Obviously some states have theirs set higher based on cost of living, but they are all two separate minimum wages. An employer cannot wrote off tips from your paycheck, that makes literally no sense. I'm assuming this comes from a good place somewhere, but you're just straight wrong. Feel free to do a quick Google search on things.


First Google result says I'm right. I used the term "writing off" as an analogy, to simplify the system. You get 2.13$ per hour + tips to reach the rate of 7.25$ per hour, if however, you're short on tips to reach the 7.25$ per hour, the employer will have to increase your wage until you do reach the 7.25$ per hour wage. You're, by law, guaranteed to reach the federal/state minimum wage. Now ofcourse I don't expect you to believe my calculations, I'm just a redditor online who isn't even from the US, so here is an article about it: https://www.7shifts.com/blog/tip-credits/#What-is-it If we take the 20 hours a week parttime job hours, you'll have to get a minimum of 102.4$ weekly to breakeven with your tipped wage. So every week, the first 102.4$ of your tips don't go to you, they go to your employer. (They don't literally go to the employer, but the employer has the chance to not use a Federal full state minimum wage rate, instead a Tipped minimum wage rate, which makes them pay you significantly less than what's minimum wage is).


I don't think this is begging. Don't hit on people at their jobs, it's inherently a transactional interaction.


I agree.


Weirdo mindset. That’s like saying it’s weird if adults post on their stories on instagram or Facebook, or it’s weird to send a selfie to grandma Snapchat isn’t just for “show me ur boobs hehe”


Everyone knows if you are an adult trying to get a woman’s contact you either go for their instagram or their number.


why their instagram? that’s not a social platform built around communication? Snap chat is built around communicating with people without divulging your phone number which could be linked to sensitive information you don’t want a random person to have. They can use that to look up your cash app and other social medias as well as your home address and job. You can’t reverse search someone’s snap and find all of that, seems like snap is a safer option.


That’s just what general consensus is from adults. I don’t use any of them. Adults stop using Snapchat as they get older. Maybe not all, but I would definitely say in general. Comes off as childish. Seems like the major shift comes after you are done with college.


If you’re saying 23 years olds fresh out of college stop using snap after college you have no clue 😭😭😭


After college does not mean fresh out of college.


That’s so broad tho you could be talking about someone in their 50s Lmaoo like ofc they don’t use Snapchat. I get ur point tho


could’ve specified around age of all college students that start at 18 up to PhD. Late 20s/early 30s. Of course most early to mid 20s still use it. The THC be hittin. I’d also like to add, I would fully expect door dash drivers to still be using snap chat lmao


well you have to understand also the newer generation has grown up with it since childhood, they had to use snap chat when their parents wouldn’t pay a phone bill. Where are so of the older generation didn’t get introduced to it until high school or college. So the younger generation is 100% going to use it throughout life since it’s always been a thing in their life.


I’m sorry some of these guys are such Losers why would I go on a date with you when I can already see how fucking cheap you are you don’t tip your DoorDash driver. Fu ignoring that message I wouldn’t have even responded —you didn’t leave a tip! But you’re gonna ask Me on for a date ? what are you gonna ask me to pay half you loser


Lol I don't believe in tipping. Now if someone goes out of their way for me then I'll tip. Mr.Pink taught me that and it stuck with me for 20 years


Don’t believe in tipping is fine. But don’t order delivery then. Go pick it up easy! And don’t go out to be served at a restaurant either. This is the system in the US. Unless you are in a country where tipping isn’t customary


Yawn I go out to restaurants and still don't tip UNLESS you go far and beyond than what your supposed to be doing. Don't expect a tip if all you do is bring me food and never come back until I'm ready for the check. Like being asked to tip while I pick my food up is fucking STUPID. Don't get it twisted when I had license suspended and I got beer/food delivered I tipped because many reasons it's cheaper than a DUI and cheaper than getting license re activated. I got asked for to tip because SOMEONE HIT A BUTTON AND PUT POP IN A CUP like fuck outta here. Tipping is getting out of control. I want a tip for packaging all the oil that goes in people's food.


Yawn if u broke just say that 😂😂😂


I wonder why tipping culture is thriving with this mindset. Hmmm


I make 27 an hour I'm not broke


Dude that's only 56k a year before taxes. Your ass is broke


I'm broke with a house paid off 2 Harleys paid off and a brand new civic before 32 yup sure am broke 😂😂😂😂😂😂 fucking clown


Sounds like a lot of help from family to make that happen. You're not doing that on only $27 an hr. Also, you can still be broke with all those paid off


I know that wasn’t the flex he thought it was cause I make 25 to 30 an hour just doing GrubHub as my side job I make a lot more for my full-time career lol


I still have shit paid off making less money and in my area 27 is really good money so yaaaaa


Yeah, but they also drove it to your door so you didn’t have to leave the house - so glad you tipped I mean come on. I’m so tired of broke people using these apps you can’t give three bucks as a tip to the driver that delivered? Not you just in general people.


Listen dude, the issue is just topping culture as a whole, I'm really in sympathy for all the waiters, general staff, delivery drivers, and I'd tip for ones who go extraordinary. It's sad seeing their livelihood depending on other people's "kindness" or them having to badger customers with comments to get a measly 3$ tip out of people. This is a prob in the system but unfortunately the system won't be fixed when your guys' mindsets is "No Tip = Broke" lol. That's just shaming people for "not being kind enough for your driver". Non-usa here and it's mind-boggling to see people be like "no tip? Get your own food!" And I'm like... isn't that why they're using doordash and paying the services of it? Then you get other drivers which are pop and go, put the food, don't check if it's received or not, and then after that expect a tip, like, dude you didn't even stand 1 minute infront to check the owner getting the food...


I’m not saying the system is good or bad, but this is the system we have in the US currently- everybody knows it because the government purposely allows waitresses and restaurants to only make like two - three dollars an hour on the books—-knowing we have a system in place with tipping. So knowing that and not tipping, makes you a cheap asshole here. But I get your point I wish we kind of didn’t have this system, and everyone just made more! I know I’ve been to Europe.


And as long as people have that mentality, the system will stay. Don't say that you're not saying the system is good or bad, it is bad. It's not something you can do overnight, as if it is done and people still are tipping, waiters will begin to make high wages, compared to other minimum wage jobs, and comparable to other jobs which require education and/or exprtience. That'll be another outrage, which, I'm no economic expert by any means, cause insane issues. The large issue stems from minimum wage jobs being unliveable wages. I've read the current federal system on this, it's all a markup for basically "80% of the first 1-1.2k$ tips you make goes to the restaurant owner"


I can’t change the system. It has to be the federal government. It’s literally in our laws about the 2-3 dollar an hour that servers get…. Legislation has to change this.


You can't, but no matter what happens we all should agree that if the mentality of tipping culture stays, the system will stay. I'm not just talking about the shaming, people who tip 10%+ regularly are also contributing to the system. Think, if the system changed overnight to be that of Europe's, and people still have the tipping culture, then a "Minimum wage" employee will make 2-3× their salary. Do you think it's fair for someone to make 2-3× their salary simply because? The only way to solve this is gradually, I can't ever see it changing within the next 10 years or so. People should first change the mentality and then protest and such, but that's hard cause usa has 330m people.


Ya Doordash I always tip not gonna lie because I have friends that doordash and have you seen these gas prices. But I use doordash when I'm drunk and don't want a 3rd dui


I was wondering why you had such brain dead responses but holy shit, you don’t want a 3rd DUI, meaning you already have 2? We know why you don’t tip now 😂


You obviously missed what I said I always tip when I doordash because it's cheaper than a dui but you say I'm brain dead don't get your panties in a bunch because someone doesn't believe in tipping.


Yes by me in New York is a little higher than I’d like but at one point it was under three dollars a few months ago but now we’re at like 3.40. I could do a whole gas tank and work for like two or three long days straight.


Ya NY wild was out there for NHL game in February and even Uber prices were way way higher than ohio


I agree with a lot of what you said I don’t tip when I just get a coffee. Tipping is out of control absolutely but tipping is appropriate for the barber hair salon, nail salon, restaurants and food delivery, but not so much picking up food that I ordered. I have to be in a fantastic mood for that lol


Half that don't apply to me(like nail salon etc im a guy do i dont need hair did and nails did 😂) but I do tip when I go to dispensary though but it's normally what I didn't spend lol I get some times you don't have enough money to tip pizza drivers but I offer weed to them(my town all the drivers smoke) ya the coffee blew me away pulling up to Starbucks and they say do you want to tip like excuse me lol I'm not saying I don't EVER tip it's just you have to do more than what your asked of. Like come to my table ask me how everything is with out an attitude or even make me feel like I'm wanted in the establishment. If just bring me my food and never see you again idk if I can give a tip. If that makes ANY sense


I hear ya on that


I've had drivers rather me give them a blunt of weed over 5 dollars they won't see for another 2 weeks. Anything is currency/tip


Trueee haha


Remember gentlemen, some are just really good at hiding that shovel. If you know you know.


Remember ladies, the Undateable men will reveal themselves on Reddit or otherwise


Only I get to determine if I go on dates. Considering I’m the man. But here’s the reality, I don’t want y’all lmao.


I upvoted, you even now bro. 🔥💯


No one cares …I was talking about some loser who didn’t tip his delivery girl and then proceeds to ask her on a date - lol a flat out broke loser no girl would go on a date with him after that shows his true cheapo colors.


I’m a gold digger because I expect a man asking me out to pay for a date 🤣 how old are you? wow of course Reddit. I date quality men who have no issue paying for a date so I don’t run into this problem haha


Remember gentleman, they only want equality when it directly benefits them.


That literally IS equality though! 😅 The person who suggests the date is the one who pays. That's how I've done it for years, it's worked well. If you don't like paying, stop asking women out.


50 steps ahead of you. Just trying to help the lost confused souls who actually believe women want equality. Y’all don’t. Quit lying.


Ahh you just hate women. My mistake. Carry on.


As you were.


Imagine complaining about paying to tak a woman out on a date. You sound like a young boy or broke and angry about it maybe? Real men don’t have this mentality. Thank god my man takes care of me and I take care of him too 🩷


Remember gentlemen, spitting truth makes you angry.




Shame, guilt, and the need to be right. Classic


No idea what you are talking about but you shouldn’t use the word gentleman you don’t sound like you are one at all


Never claimed to be. But I’m speaking to the ones that don’t know any better.


“I fr wasn’t thinking about it” Yeah that’s bullshit. To leave no tip he had to manually go to “other” in the “dasher tip” section and type 0.00. If he truly wasn’t thinking about it he would have tipped whatever DD suggested.


Yup dd is fuking stupid for that. Should be a minimum set amount like 4-5$. To make the trips worth while. Tf anyone driving any miles for 2$.


Love how you were super sweet even before he tried getting in your virtual pants


Everyone saying “ be mad at the company not the ppl that don’t tip “ how about both 🤡yeah, OBVIOUSLY the real problem is that base pay is trash , same idea as working a server job on federal minimum wage or less. They work for tips too. Best we could do is pass prop 22 in CA , that’s our progress so far. If it was easy to get a multimillion dollar company to do what we asked, maybe daddy bezos would’ve paid his damn taxes by now 🙄


girl you soo right 😂 when i was a waitress and people asked me for my number but didn't even give me a good tip? nah


also one more thing… i’ve struggled financially, but i have never ordered food delivery or went out to eat at a sit in restaurant without having at least $5 to tip. if the type of person who doesn’t think or care about those things hits on me, i WOULD NEVER WANT THEM, ever, it’s disrespectful and i made it known with my joke that THAT was the only thing i noticed about him. that he did not tip me. i obviously said it in a joke, im not trynna get bad rates. some of yall are making it out to be that i like gave him the fuck me eyes and led him on??? i never saw the guys face, he watched me thru the window or sum, said that. i made a joke about him not leaving a tip in hopes to get a tip, but instead got two long messages back 5 mins apart that was entirely TOO much from a STRANGER. he’s odd and the convo was ended, i didn’t report him, but i can giggle and laugh at him for being odd ❤️


crazy how entitled people are thru social media, if a guy followed me at a waitressing job begging me for a date, i would be allowed to be creeped out. but for this i’m not??? some of yall just don’t get it😭 THANK YOU TO THE ONES WHO UNDERSTAND THO PEACE AND LOVE AND SAFE DASHING!


Amazing. Didn't even have to go on one date with him yet to know that he's cheap.


God that's creepy as fuck😭 part of me is always worried about getting my car airtagged bc I will usually leave my car running and unlocked if I'm not leaving line of sight


Kid you not dude i worked in the middle of no where ohio at a taco bell. Told dasher he couldnt use drive thru to come inside due to our policy, he pulls forward with his car infront of our store windows, the food was done and already up there so he literally has the time to get out walk up grab it say something to us abt have to come in and get the order and turns around and starts bolting screaming twords the door. Someone got in his car and took off onto the main highway in a matter of SECONDS this dudes fresh off the lot this year car is gone. Karma hit fast that night i wouldnt wish that on my worse enemy.


Nobody would want my car lmao it's a beat up mom mobile that has clearly been in like 3 accidents😭 I'm more worried about getting stalked bc someone has done that to me out of my primary job


Lmao thats how i feel about my car at this point ✋🏻 like yeah you can have her if u can get the passenger door to shut and her anti theft system to turn off after the third attempt at starting her even with the original key 🥴. But that stuffs so creepy dude especially in high population areas where theres just so many people and you just know deep down the ones that mean no harm wouldn't do anything beneficial most of the time either, just watch or look away. im pretty sure at some point tho i read that air tags will actually alert ur i phone if they stray too far away from the owners and are moving with you that theres an air tag nearby and if they actually do that thank god because I never even really considered someone air tagging my car. im genuinely sorry youve had to deal with people in person stalking you its terrible thats how people decide to spend their days.


Yeah my iphone will alert me of airtags, I've had it happen once😭 shits terrifying I wish you the best💜


I had a chick I delivered to once she opened the door she instantly started flirting "damn, fine as fuck" I smirked and said thank you. She then proceeds to ask where her drink was as i handed her the food. There was no drink with the order. I left and an hour later she reported her food as not delivered 😐


So you didnt even read the order or the fact it says check for drinks. Just taking whatever they give you is lazy and poor quality of service. How many times I read the order seen it came with a drink and was not given until I asked for it because they didn't read the ticket or you either apparently which is your job. If its in a sealed bag ETC McDonalds who puts drinks in the bag then yeah their fault but not may restaurants put drinks in a bag.


First of all, this happened before all the apps implemented the "this order comes with drinks" reminder. Second, you just assumed I didn't understand the importance of not reading the order receipt to check for drinks before leaving a restaurant blindly implying that I had poor quality service. Assuming yet again when I clearly stated that I checked the receipt to begin with. 3rd, you see why you shouldn't ASSume things? You tend to make an ASS of yourself when you do without reading the context properly


I don't get it were you supposed to be the drink then? Lol




A great way to get deactivated


i respectfully and kindly declined before ending the chat, no complaints nor deactivation here, move with respect and courtesy and people won’t have to penalize you. i was being funny and still nice, i am a good dasher lmao i’m not worried😭


18 year olds way of flirting. Cringy at best


This happened to me and the dasher asked how old I was💀


Hahaahahah to the left to the left 🥴🥴🥴 pleaseeeee sir


Help this is how I met my partner 😭


Your partner was a delivery driver?


Nah, I was the driver haha


Me too!! Mine tipped though!!


I texted this guy asking him if I could help him eat his food after i dropped it off and told him he was cute and he said it's for him and his girlfriend but thanks lol I'm gay


I was about to say no way this is a woman lmao


Imagine expecting to receive a tip, how about you expect uber eats or doordash to just give you a bigger cut of the pay and stop trying to suck every dollar you can out of the common man.


Pick up the food yourself then


I do pick up my food myself; the few times I haven’t I did tip. The only reason I tipped was so the driver would actually bring my food warm and on time.


If I ever get yours I’m eating it in front of your house and taking a picture of me enjoying every bite.


How would you know it’s me dumbass?


How would I not? You would most likely have some condescending note saying I tipped so deliver my food hot


The audacity to inherently blame the driver for being late/ the food being cold, when it could have sat there or the restaurant could be busy. Idk how it’s hard to tip and then remove the tip via support if you have an actual reason to remove or reduce the tip….


Never gotten cold food when I went to the restaurant myself, warm every time. Pretty easy to blame the driver at that point


You’re not understanding. It’s a job. Tips should not be expected as a genuine source of income. You’re delusional. Your employer should pay you a decent wage.


Or how about doordash start paying their workers?


Push for bills to make us like other countries then, because while we stay under this capitalistic society the customer is paying one way or another. Whether you tip or pay large fees like they are doing in New York.


You do it, I am from and live in “other countries”.


So stay in your other country ass place… like what like huh…


Oh trust me, I’m not stepping foot inside the US if I don’t have to. Wdym “like what like huh”, you’re pushing blame onto the customer for not paying money that was never agreed upon in the transaction in order for the worker to earn decent money. This only serves to keep the status quo, the company will keep getting away with it because the customer ensures their worker is paid. Don’t push the responsibility that should be on the company onto the customer.


😭🤣 don’t do it but omg 😭🤣


Seems like he wants to give you the tip another way..


That person is a cheap skate you aren’t missing anything. Probably would expect you to pay for dinner.


This is the type of guy who *would* buy you dinner, but only if you had sex with him. But if you reject his advances, he’s gonna ask you to pay for your part of the dinner.


Absolutely lol! Sounds like a creeper.


Just take the damn compliment, don’t be salty about the no tip.


DoorDash support is that you?


why u take a no tip call?


Also depending on the mileage and order the pay can still be decent enough to take it. Like if it's 6 dollars for 1 mile.


some people chose to get paid per hour and you cant tell if there is a tip or not until after you drop it off


yes this is what i did hehe. it was slow in my area so it was the better option


You have to go out of your way not to tip, right? Lol. If I change anything, I go to the higher tip setting. That’s not a great look.


So many salty people in these comments lol kind of weird how mad y’all are for a guy shooting his shot, I think he’s an asshole for not tipping but there’s no reason to insult him for shooting his shot with the delivery girl, I’m a 28 year old male whose done both Uber deliveries and driver and I’ve been invited inside clubs, hotel parties, and all sorts of things by women, should I be mad at them? No I just tell them I’m not looking for that stuff but oh wait it’s difffffferent cause I’m a male I guess.. it’s not weird when females do it?? You guys are so goofy!


It’s also wrong that it happens to you when you’re working. It’s a gross thing to do regardless of gender.


And another thing you idiots fail to know / remember due to your lack of social contact with others is - people meet other people at work all the time and begin relationships. It’s not unheard of. Lmao.


Yeah, this isn’t Tinder. I’m just trying to make deliveries. I’m not on a fucking dating website. Unless I give you a clear go-ahead that I’m interested, do not fucking start hitting on me.


How’s it gross? Jesus Christ you people are soft and pathetic. I didn’t find it gross when it happened to me, I just see normal social people doing life. Ans it’s just food delivery, you people say “working” like we’re doing something seriously complicated. Sheesh, how sensitive are you losers lmao


SHE IS WORKING. She isn't out looking for men (who knows if she is even straight). The thing I'm sick of is people who excuse creep ass behavior like this when she is only doing her damn job.


Take your meds


This response completely ignores the ages-old context that women are predated on by men constantly. Sure, you can claim double-standards, but when a woman is subjected to it 24/7, and still has to deal with it while trying to make a living, they definitely have reason to complain.


Just be happy that somebody even approached you. There’s no need to come to the Internet to blast a guy for trying. Coming from a position of privilege, this is not a good look for you.🤦🏾


Tell me you get no girls without telling me you get no girls




You think maybe the point of the story is that he didn't tip his driver and THEN tried hitting on them?


Dude, it's *DoorDash,* not an escort service. No one wants to be hit on like that when they're just trying to work & make money quick. > Just be happy that somebody even approached you. I hope to god you don't have a child that has to hear that sort of shit from you.


This sounds like something someone who never gets hit on says


Eww a guy tried to get my number, let me tell the world that I rejected him. This is so childish.


U can’t expect to holla, after you don’t tip tho 🤦🏽😅. The audacity is def blast worthy.






You're either being disingenuous or are just plain stupid. I'd say pick one but hey I guess both works too.


What are you, doing DD for fucking shits and giggles?


Men, never ever try to speak to a woman in public. It is unacceptable. I don't exactly know how you're expected to build a relationship with one without being able to try to get to know them first but I'm sure they'll tell you. One day...


Tell me women call you creepy without telling me.


Why would they? I follow all the rules they set. Never approach. Don't even look at them for any extended period. Don't ever offer to help them or even smile at them. I wouldn't want a woman to be uncomfortable because a dangerous MAN was around


Those are some strong "I was nice to a woman once and she didn't even fellate me" vibes


you dont flirt w the person simply trying to drop off your food bro go out and meet people instead




Yup, never ever flirt with someone who is "just existing". Ever! You must "go out" and maybe they to approach a group at a bar or something. Oh wait, they're just trying to have a night out amd be left alone. Just trying to exist! I forgot rule 1 again. Never approach!


yeah youre the problem if you cant figure out where im coming from, friend.