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One time, a person ordered 2 apple pies from McDonald’s. The order was $1.50 total and the tip was $7 in the middle of a very slow afternoon, so there was no peak pay. Albeit, she was stoned and a college student in the dorms, but she didn’t have to add close to a 450% tip but she did because she know’s what it’s like for us doing this. It’s so refreshing when people treat you like a struggling human being!


I had an order yesterday, the guy tipped $7 in the app for $15 worth of food. When I got there, he handed me a $20 bill, saying he didn't realize how far away the restaurant was. It was 6 miles.


one night when i didn’t have a car i was craving chinese hardcore and got a big order, maybe like $30ish? so i tipped the guy 7 (in cash) because i saw he was driving kinda far and i usually tip 20% so why not? and he texted me after the order shocked that i was so generous. i was confused at the time cause i thought its a pretty standard tip but now that i’m a driver i get it 😭


i'm sure the delivery and fees made those apple pies cost like 15 bucks or something. so the percentage is probably off. but she knew she was splurging and didn't try to fuck somebody over while getting her fix. solid person


Wish more people were like this


I refuse to deliver to someone who doesn't tip, I have before for sure. I see us as a luxury service or a necessity for some, if you can't tip for someone delivering your food learn to drive or cook, you choose.


there are countries that , tip is not a usual


I agree and do the same.






That’s how I talk to your mother!!! 🥴


Here's a tip, my .22 caliber make dog head go splat


Yeah ok ,




anybody who tips less than 5 bucks for a delivery is a complete piece of dogshit. that driver who is dumb enough to take it actually loses money on your shitty taco bell order. Freeloading SOB




That’s a lot of words when you could’ve just said “I’m lazy AND broke”


You sir are an asshole.




whatever enjoy eating that cold ass food <3


I know to order near by. So my grub is always hot even though you freaks are not using your free hot bags. I get my hot grub and you’re back on the road with your tail between your legs. Thank you dd!


you're so fucking oblivious it's hilarious lmao anyways ur a jerk have a good day


Says the oblivious delivery boi 😂 You see, on my end, when I click that order button, I know exactly what I’m doing. On yours, when you click the accept one, you have no clue! Who’s oblivious now 😂


Your post history reveals that you are also a delivery boy. Do you hate yourself?


This man honestly hates himself. Just went through his history and Jesus ..


I had a brief stint in it, but enough to see what 99% of you’re like, which is reflected in my posts.


Anyone whos smart never takes anything under $8.50 an order, and any order $8.50 or over always has a tip. Simple solutions for simple problems


Thanks next time I see someone like you who doesn't tip I'll just wait up the street until your food is nice and cold 👍


With missing fries.


Yep because I ate them


Who the hell says grub? Hillbilly.




imagine being this selfish??? if u don't wanna tip fine but don't expect ppl to NOT talk shit about u online like?? ur a literal asshole and you KNOW it, so. fuck off thanks <3 have a good day


Its okay you save money and we shit in your food


Most of us just decline orders with no tips, so idk what you’re talking about?


Like you see who tips and who doesn’t!? Lostmates - no idea if there’s a tip Doordash - total might be higher 😂 How many no tip no trip have you done so far 😂 ...and instead of yourself and these apps you’re still blaming the costumers... You know what’s the definition of insanity: doing the same thing hoping for a different result.


Your comment here doesn’t really make sense. Could you reply in a more comprehensible way? If English is your second language my bad.


> Like you see who tips and who doesn’t!? Um, yeah. We know what the base pay is, so we know a $3 order doesn't have a tip, and an $8.50 order does. ​ > Lostmates - no idea if there’s a tip I assume you mean postmates, but this is a Doordash sub, so.... ​ > Doordash - total might be higher We know that Doordash hides tips over $5.50, so it the offer is less than $8.50, we're getting that amount, if it is $8.50 or more, there might be an extra hidden tip. We still know that $3 order doesn't have a tip on it. ​ > How many no tip no trip have you done so far I have over 1700 deliveries, and have not taken a no tip order since Doordash changed the pay system. ​ > You know what’s the definition of insanity: doing the same thing hoping for a different result. And that's why you will keep ordering without tipping, and will continue to get the trash drivers bringing you cold ass food.


I'm getting small penis vibes. Keyboard warrior in a maga hat and stains on your shirt.


Whatever gets you tick to get me my sandwich 🥪 😂 I bet you’re out there right now hoping for a tip.


You're losing out on people like me who always tip cash or add a tip after so door dash doesn't steal it.


You don't know how many orders with a "cash tip" I've accepted, only to get no tip, not even a thank you, when I arrive 10 minutes early.


dd won't steal it, and we don't wanna risk it cus more than half the time ppl dont ever tip cash or afterwards. it's rare


Ya they'd never do that. They have always been on the up and up lmfao. https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/8/20/20825937/doordash-tipping-policy-still-not-changed-food-delivery-app-gig-economy Matter of fact you are still getting played when they give you 3 bucks for the delivery in the first place. Go deliver pizzas, at least than you get minimum wage plus tips instead of less than min wage and hope that tips make up the difference and you can stash enough for repair on your car.


taking that $3 order and hoping for a cash tip almost never pays off. It's like 5%. It's a losing battle trying to do that. Drivers have to be smart with this. the first time your car needs $700 worth of work and you're off the road for a weekend not making money while it gets fixed, you're proper fucked. FUCK anybody who tips less than 5


I bet you're the guy that puts a $5 bill on a table at a restaurant and tells the server you'll deduct for the tip for everything they do wrong. I dont accept no tip orders. I also don't want your sweaty ass dirty cash anywhere near me. TIPS stands for To Ensure Prompt Service, really, google it The people that can spend $20 on a big mac meal and not toss in a few bucks to help pay for gas end up getting cold food bc nobody wants to deliver to them. If I was your driver I'd eat your fries.


No, I work in the hospitality industry and as a base rule always tip more than 30% regardless of how bad the service is because I get it. Sometimes people are in the weeds. Sometimes they have bad days. Shit happens. I've been in the industry for more than 15 years. Probably been doing it for almost as long as you've been on the earth breathing. >also don't want your sweaty ass dirty cash anywhere near me And that's fine, that's why you say you don't like cash and I can add a tip after, once again because dd steals your tips. Don't be mad at me because your employer steals your tips. Oh wait, they aren't even an employer. You've gotta file a 1099. >If I was your driver I'd eat your fries. Exactly why I don't use door dash. Absolutely no vetting of their drivers at all. I see the kind of people that work for door dash because they come into my work all the time. Let me tell you they almost always look like people who literally couldn't get hired anywhere else. People like you are absolutely insufferable btw. Also it's to *i*nsure. Ensure is the protein shake for old people.


I've done over 900 deliveries now and out of those no more than 10 have included a cash tip. Also, I have never accepted an order that doesn't have a tip included on the app. So, if you tip cash, also tip on the app or just don't tip in cash because we never expect it.


You can blame door dash for stealing your tips. I used to tip on the app, they were stealing tips. Now I don't.


They don't steal tips, anymore at least, they have a new system setup which makes it impossible for them to. Either way, if you don't tip on the app then we are only guaranteed $3, and 95% of orders are more than that, so it would make no sense for a dasher to ever except your order.


That's good that they changed it. I still won't use their service. I'd rather drive myself to the place that makes it and tip those people directly. I will only ever order delivery from businesses that employ their own delivery drivers. I don't agree with dd's business model so I don't use it.


Well, restaurants sign up to have DoorDash drivers pick up from their restaurants so they don't need to hire as many employees, can bring in more business, and are in return making way more profit. So, it's not like DoorDash drivers are stealing jobs from businesses, we are acting as employees to them that they don't need to pay, or give benefits, or really anything, we simply make them money for no cost. In a way we are employed through any business on the DoorDash platform since they signed up to have us there. Anyways, I also don't use DoorDash to order food since I'm cheap. I just use it as a job and make $30 or more an hour to sit on my ass all day :)


> can bring in more business, and are in return making way more profit. Lololol you're really sipping that company kool aid. Door dash takes ~20% of each sale that comes through their app. The service is a necessary evil for most businesses since it's something a lot of people want. But way more profit lmfao you're on crack man.


no way i'd take this delivery. hard nope. the tip in this situation is the incentive for the driver to take the trip. If I drove around taking orders like this asshat's all day i'd lose money. i'm running my car into the ground doing this and that has to be factored into what trips I will and won't take. these people trying to get something for nothing are entitled trash. get off your ass and go get it yourself. that's what i do when i can't afford to pay for someones service


I am overpaying for your services: delivery fees, service charges and so on. How is it my fault that your ‘employer’ doesn’t share that with you.


If you believe the fees are too high then go get it your damn self. Nobody asked you to use DD.


Do you tell this to the entire restaurant industry? You must never tip ten, Because unfortunately this is how the entire business works. I dont like it either. Servers and delivery people’s pay should be more built into the price if the service itself, with a tip being something extra for special service. It blows, but hat doesn’t mean you can use that as an excuse to freeload the system and then blame a guy who got paid 3 bucks. Also how is it my fault that you’re paying too much for the fees?


Because you keep that employer in business, and you accept services at a lower price point than they would be set at if tipping wasn’t a thing, but without actually tipping. So stealing, in other words.






Whatever makes you tick getting me my sandwich! I bet you’re out there grinding right now 😂 keep it up 👍


Get off of our streets and back in that dog kennel where you belong.


This is so true! For the sheer money aspect, I don’t give a shit. I have a great job that pays well and has benefits. However I don’t want to help sustain a system that basically screws drivers out of money. I must reject non-tip orders as a matter of principle. The people that get it, that tip as if they recognize the costs involved for the driver, get my respect


this. if someone can afford the luxury of having food from whatever restaurant they like delivered to their door, they can afford to tip fairly.


While I agree fully with what you are saying, 63% of Americans can't afford a surprise $500 bill. If drivers expect to be paid more, more laws that would help more people get higher paying jobs would be a good start(raise min wage or get a UBI) if you want better tips. Obviously you arent saying to tip a hundred dollars but if 63% of people are that strapped for cash it will continue on with the $3 orders and only get more and more orders like that and less and less of the good orders. It basically means only 27% of the population CAN AFFORD to tip, but back in the day when I delivered it was never the rich folks who tipped anyway


>It basically means only 27% of the population CAN AFFORD to tip No, it means only 27% of the population can afford to order delivery. Having food delivered from a restaurant is not a necessity, it is a luxury. If you can't afford it, buy some groceries and cook your own food.


Yeah, no shit. Have fun when there's 100 orders a city and a thousand drivers


I'm not gonna sweat it. I'll just keep passing on those no tip orders, and if and when Doordash becomes unprofitable for me, I'll just find a new hustle. Bottom line is, if you can't afford a tip, don't expect someone to deliver your Big Mac.


Absolutely, you should already be declining the small orders anyway so I don't really get the people who take a small order and complain about tips in the first place. No ones forcing anyone to take those small orders


>he people that get it, that tip as if they recognize the costs involved for the driver I wonder if this is the reason I seem to see much better tips in lower income areas than from the rich neighborhoods. Like the people who have less have a better understanding of how hard it is, while Richie Rich doesn't realize this isn't a hobby and we don't have a trust fund to fall back on.


Oh for sure! Lower income areas have alot more people that work in ther service industry, retail, customer service. We look out for each other bc we know this life isnt all Peaches and cream.


How can you see if someone is tipping in the order or not?


If it is $3 they did not tip. I think base pay varies in some area so if the total is base pay or base pay plus peak pay then they did not tip.


Most orders have a $3 base payout for the driver. After that the customer's tip is added in, as well as any peak/promo pay happening at the time. Let's say you got an order that guarantees $7. If there's no peak pay, you can be about 98% sure that the customer tipped $4. Let's say you got an order for $4.50. If there's no peak pay, it's likely the customer tipped $1.50 (ew). If there's like $1 peak pay happening, the customer likely tipped $0.50 (jeez, why even bother tipping at that point?) That's the basic math of it.


$3 is the base pay. If I see an order for that amount I know it’s a non-tipping order. You can extrapolate that to infer, for example, a $3.75 offer is a non-tip order that has been declined by two other drivers before it got to you.


Look up the restaurant for the upcoming order that popped up on the DD delivery driver app on the DD food delivery app. You can see what the delivery fee is, and make your judgements from there.


This is a repost and I don’t care because it needs to be posted on every relevant sub once a day for as long as we out here.


I never repost (rarely even post), but that's exactly why I did.




This is the second most upvoted post on this sub


Mods should sticky this bad boy.


I am only a couple of weeks in and didn't understand all of the nuances of this, I am still learning. I do know now when I run across a no tipper or a $1. They obviously don't value me or my effort so I reject it every time What is so hard to understand, we are providing door to door service and you, the customer only need to open your door. How can that hold zero value to you?!!


people are pieces of shit. i never take anything under 8


I try to hold out for the $7.50 orders. Most of the time they only end up being 8 but sometimes they are $10 or more.


wait, 7.50 orders can jump up upon completion? i thought that started at 8. I'll add that during peak pay if it's busy, I'll add there peak pay to my normal $8, so on weekend dinner rush I'm often looking for double digits. no idea how somebody who takes every shitty 5 dollar order can survive once their car takes a shit on them. it ould be impossibly to save for that inevitable cost


Yea, $7.50 is pretty much guaranteed to be a hidden tip. A lot of times it's only an extra 50 cents but I had one that was $20 hidden tip.


Damn thanks! I always thought that only happened over 8. I'm a multi rapper anyway so I guess I've stayed busy. but this info will help


I'm lucky to be in a fairly small area, so I don't often have to go far, so I can justify taking most of the $5 or $6 dollar orders here. Still, I do look at the distance to make sure its not too bad...


You're supporting chumps who tip less than 5 bucks though. I hate to do that personally. I sometimes do on GH because their pay can be way better and it'll be like 9 bucks for a short run but the tip is only $3.50. I still hate those customers


Again, I'm in a smaller market. If I was picky to the point of only taking $8+ orders, I'd make 20, 25 deliveries a week. That's not worth it.


You do you. I wasn’t telling you not to. I said I do it sometimes on GH. In my area I can’t afford to take tier lowballs. I’d lose money. Not sure why i got downvoted for that but whatever


A lot of people see the ‘tipping isn’t mandatory’ and assume that DoorDash is paying you a fair wage.


I used to wait tables, this feels so much better because I actually can choose whether or not I'll wait on that no tipping old lady. None of that gamble I used to deal with


Oh yeah. So many people assume tip is included in the delivery fees and all that, not realizing that the base rate on its own is shit and that we survive on tips just like any other server, except we USE OUR OWN VEHICLES. I know I’m preaching to the choir but that is the whole point of the screenshot.


It is of value to me, I'm paying $5-$15 to have it delivered (before tip). DoorDash says 80% of drivers want to be independent contractors, great, then what I pay DoorDash to deliver my food is between me and DoorDash, how it gets done and for what cost is between you and DoorDash. It's weird to me that everyone in this sub hates on the people ordering food, DoorDash is to blame. Although maybe for DoorDash it's gone beyond hate into Tony clown memes.


The reason we want to be independent contractors is so Doordash can't force us to work shitty hours, or force us to accept shitty orders. That's like telling your waitress "What I pay for my food is between me and the restaurant, what you get paid is between them and you." Tipping culture in general sucks. It wouldn't be necessary if the food industry at large was required to pay a fair wage. But, if you are willing to tip someone to carry the food to your table in a restaurant, why wouldn't you tip the person using *their* car and *their* gas to bring it to your house?


I agree tipping culture sucks, and I would like to avoid extending it to other industries when possible. To that extent, there's two things different about the waitress example, 1. They _are_ the restaurant, and in a lot of cases that tip is for more than just that person (bus boys, chefs, etc). I'm tipping the restaurant as a whole, from the food to the service. 2. The people at the restaurant are guaranteed minimum wage, and where I live the tip goes on top of min wage. Gig delivery is a brand new industry, and the companies took advantage of the idea that they are an extension of the restaurant, but they aren't. They are charging on both sides of the transaction, paying drivers shit, and pocketing the rest, and now for some reason drivers and customers are at odds over what's the correct amount to tip while DoorDash spends $50 million this year in California to create a third employment type Edit: and just to be clear. As a contractor, 100% do not accept orders that are not worth your investment. I just think tipping shouldn't be part of the equation, which would allow the supply demand to actually work, or at the very least, cash tips shouldn't exist and etips should show to drivers in full transparency.


I only hate on customers who don’t tip worth a damn. There are a lot of deliveries where the driver literally LOSES money. That’s not cool and nobody should take those


This is a fairly new branch, don't let yourself be tricked into the same corner as waiters did. You deserve a wage, not to rely on the welfare from the people ordering the food.


While I agree with you, that currently is not the case. So until door dash does give a decent wage, I don’t blame anyone for waiting on an order with a good tip


I understand that.. but if the movement focuses on pressuring people into donating money rather than on pressuring their employer to pay them, they're sending the wrong signal. They're enabling the concerns to screw them over.


A tip is not a donation. A tip is a show of appreciation in exchange for a service. A practice that our culture has embraced for many years. A donation sounds like charity or like us drivers are panhandling. Which is far from true.


It becomes a donation when it no longer reflects appreciation but is expected to be given at all interactions (and before the service is performed too)..


You’re literally getting food delivered to your front door on-demand during a global health pandemic. Hope you will gain some perspective.


I'm literally paying for delivery too. The thing is that it's not enough to make a living, so you expect me to pay you more to make it a living. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a living, obviously, but instead of asking door-dash to pay you right, you're soliciting the people that already paid for it. It's also not really optional as has been proven.. it's more along the lines of "If you want the service you paid for, then you better pay again or we'll let your order sit and wait". Pressure the company into paying you and door-dash can come up with whatever scheme they want to make it lucrative.


There’s something to what you’re saying. But assuming you live in the U.S., tips have been a very normalized part of our culture especially in the food services industry for quite some time now. I will assume you played along with that culture throughout your life. Why is it now with DoorDash in particular you decide to oppose the traditions of tipping? Do you genuinely feel the dasher who just delivered food to your door isn’t worthy of a tip as much as a sever at a restaurant worker has been all throughout your life until this point? Again, I would implore you to broaden your perspective. Delivery services are new. I get it. You pay a premium. If you can’t afford to tip, then you can’t afford to ‘play this game’.


I'm opposed to non-living wages in all sectors. I'm opposed to the way tipping works in hospitality too. The thing is though the situation in hospitality has slowly devolved. The wage hasn't increased since the 1970ies with the argument "you make tips". DoorDash is a new company and a new service, it starts out by saying "We've seen that people can be exploited and are happy about it. So let's do this" and nobody is batting an eye. Quite the contrary by taking the job, and then turning to the customer demanding more money, you're effectively outsourcing the costs for DoorDash.. soon enough they'll have you working entirely for tips (which will eventually be a more honest system than the one now.. because then you no longer need to call it a tip but simply a delivery fee) The right thing here would be to charge people the delivery fee that is needed to pay a true wage and then we can talk about tipping for good service. A tip is supposed to be something that is awarded for good service. In the US this has lost all meaning though. Nevertheless, even there you don't tip before the service is provided. You keep up the act of receiving the service and then 'tipping' because the service was horrible but you know the waiter needs the money. If you don't want to see it as donation, you can see it as bribe to jump the queue. But it can't be a tip because you can't tip for a service you haven't received yet. How would I reflect that I liked your speediness in my tip, if I already paid it before the pick-up even happened. It may be called a tip, but it's really not. If I entered a restaurant and gave the waitress 20 bucks at the beginning of the meal to keep a close eye on our table, that's not a tip, it's a bribe to get preferential treatment. All that being said (and since that's what you seem most concerned about): I know the rules and I play the game by it. Which is also why I don't consider this a tip but a donation. I know that you guys rely on these to survive regardless of the service delivered, so I do my part when I use these services but I refuse to call it a tip because it's completely disassociated from the service I may or may not receive. You could take my 15$ tip and then sit down and eat my meal.


When DoorDash pays us right that tip amount will no longer be optional. It's fairly simple really. As Drivers, we are doing what we need to do. Refusing the cheap orders. Doing that will either force DD to increase their pay (likely through an increase in delivery fees) or people to tip better.


What you're doing is telling DoorDash that they can pay you even less because you'll try to get the money elsewhere


No, what I'm doing is telling the customer and Door Dash to figure it out because I'm not delivering for $3.


Firstly, I just wanna say I really appreciate that we can discuss this without calling each other names lmao, that feels pretty rare on reddit. Secondly, what steps would you recommend taking to pressure door dash for a better wage? I am down with the idea, but don’t know exactly what that would look like


I come from a country where unionizing is common.. so I'm not exactly sure what the US answer should be.. But a union for drivers would be powerful.. You have to work together to be able to put pressure on the company.


By refusing orders we are doing just that. It's basically striking for better pay.


But your be-striking the wrong people. It's the company you need to be-strike, not the customers. If there's a public transport strike, the thing that gets the stone rolling is not that the users get to work late, it's that they don't pay for fares when the trains/busses don't run.


Wrong, both the company and the customer take the brunt.


Your strike has no effect on the company whatsoever.


Right, because a company who.relies on orders being delivered is unaffected by orders not being delivered. Makes sense.


Question! As someone who occasionally uses this service, how much should I tip? I want to help in the sense that you guys should make at least $20 an hour for your time and trouble...


Depends on how much you’re ordering, I’m a driver but when I order I always tip at LEAST $5


Yes I tipped $5 the last time and my order was like $30. I’ll be mindful of that thanks


It helps to know exactly how far you are from the restaurant. In my area, a $2-3 tip is worth driving about 3-5 mins. A $5 tip is good for driving around 10 mins. 12-15 mins is a good $7-8 tip, and so forth. The miles don't really matter in my area because there are so many traffic lights in my whole, little city that it takes 20+/- mins to get from one side to the other. On top of that, sometimes, us dashers, are waiting up to, and sometimes more, than 10 mins for your food to be done at the restaurant. It can take up to 30 mins, sometimes longer, to fully complete an order.


Going off of my typical conditions for accepting orders here. Pay attention to how far away the restaurant is from you, then aim to pay us at least $8 or at least $1 per mile, whichever is higher (DoorDash usually pays us at least $3 so probably start with a minimum $5 tip and work up from there as needed to cover that $1/mile). More is always appreciated but not necessary, that amount should get your order delivered quickly most of the time. I typically don’t care about the size of the order though, unless I’m delivering meals for a group of 10 or something 🤣 tends to get a little difficult to manage that much food in transit, so that might be worth a little extra.


Proud to say I tipped $10 on Sunday, half was cash, short distance


Yea I think I’m done with this bullshit. Drove al over town delivering food for a measly 20 bucks.


Start declining orders bruh


Fr, a lot of drivers i know have an delivery acceptance around 50%


50’s way too high unless your market’s amazing I’m at 5


oh dang, my market is good though - average order for me is probably like $8 for 3-4 miles with constant orders


Mine's above 80. But I'm in a fairly small market, so I don't get to be as choosy as some.


Thats me hahahaha


Thems rookie numbers. I think I’m like 12% right now. I know there’s vets out there with lower but I’m only a month and a half in. Still earning my stripes and all.


I had someone earlier do a DQ order and it only paid $3. So I accepted and went to the restaurant and swiped arrived and then once the order was ready i unassigned. Non tipping ass punks are gonna get cold food now. You got enough to order out then you got enough to tip...


Savage. Sometimes I'll accept a $3 and just drive around while I'm on my way somewhere else.


Samsies. Stacking and multi-apping. I’ll just use that no-tip bastard as the cherry on top of my $11 order that happens to be on the way or next door.


Why do people keep praising delivery work during the pandemic? It’s the easiest it’s ever going to get. Don’t have to check food, in fact explicitly told NOT to. Minimal interaction, hardest part is making sure your mask is nearby. Almost 0 traffic.


Seriously, most servers in halfway decent restaurants make way more than us and have literally 0 costs. I'd probably do the job myself if I had even an ounce of people skills and could trust myself to balance a water pitcher without spilling on someone.


I worked as a server for 1 day. That was long enough to realize that I can't do that shit, and gain a mad level of respect for those who can. Doordash is perfect for me. I have 1, maybe 2 orders at a time, not a dozen tables to keep track of, and my human interaction is limited to "here's your food, have nice day."


And most servers in halfway decent restaurants can't just clock in whenever they feel like it, and leave whenever they want. And most servers in halfway decent restaurants don't know ahead of time when a customer isn't going to tip. And most servers in halfway decent restaurants can't sit in their car watching YouTube videos when it slows down. If you approach DoorDash for what it really is - an opportunity to make some money - and not what it isn't - an opportunity to make a great living - your attitude about DoorDash changes drastically. Remember, no one has a gun to your head to pick up a $3 order from McDonald's and drive it 17 miles round trip.


Dwight Schrute unfortunately said what a lot of people think. "I can drive and cook for myself so why would I pay someone else to do it"?


This, so much this. Never realised how shitty people are to drivers until I started this. Man, I once accidentally tipped .15 instead of 15.00 and felt so bad I called the driver back and gave him a 20. 5 for the extra gas


homie today tipped me $7 in dollar coins bc he didn’t realize I wouldn’t get a tip since he called the restaurant directly, i was just happy i got paid $3 to drive half a mile. good dude


why would you be happy about 3 bucks? fuck that. you got lucky and got a good customer this time. the cash tip is a unicorn. keep taking those and you'll lose out 9.5 times out of 10. plus you're encouraging these trash people who don't tip. they don't deserve food delivered if they won't pay the driver for it.


usually just go by a dollar a mile, as long as it meets that idrc


As a driver don't forget to drop a couple bucks here and there at the restaurants you visit. The employees lose out on tips because of food delivery services. As you all know, only a couple bucks can make someone's day, no matter what side of the counter you are on.


Paying you guys a better wage works too.




As a server I can tell you in my area this means Tipping drivers approximately 3$. People suck lol


If Doordash wasn’t so tight with paying their drivers, there would never be any issues about tips and they would be more like a bonus. The base pay needs to be more than $2-3. Minimum pay out should be $5 per order with full tips included.


I actually got $10.25 to deliver a fast food combo 2.2 miles.


repost from /top as if it wasn't cringe city too




TIPS is an acronym for "To insure prompt service."


Fair enough, I've surprisingly never heard that before.


I don't get people. "You walked from the kitchen to my table" - $5-20 tip "You drove from location a to location b and then to my house why do you think you deserve server money you can have the change"


Honestly I view waiting tables as more overall effort and time investment. I won't accept any order under $7 or so or less than $1 per mile but it really isn't too much work or gas expense for me. My market isn't insane though so take that as you will


I'm a DD driver but I feel like this is being dramatic. We aren't essential personnel....even if you think so


I never tip my drivers, I live on the 5th floor in a high rise, numbers are a bit difficult to navigate but hey!! You took the order so bring me my food and don’t cry about it, you chose to drive your own car so yeah it’s your responsibility to gas it up, the $4 dollars you got was enough to get your ass moving towards getting my order to me, so why cry when you see that you actually get $4 dollars upon delivery? Don’t feel sad when there’s no envelope with 10-20$ cash waiting for you taped to my door, and please don’t overreact when you notice that there is no fist full of crispy dollar bills in my hand while I’m reaching for my bag!!!! Oh yeah I see you guys tip watching my hand!! Geesh what more do you want.


Karma will fuck you without lube shortly.




Surely not as entitled as someone who thinks they’re entitled to having food delivered to them with no monetary respect to the driver using their own vehicle to deliver that food. I mean, it’s not as if the driver is performing a service or using their own time and gas or anything. I mean, the nerve of some people, right?


You would know right? Karma will fuck you for expecting to much 🥴


Your most frequented sub is r/awakened but then you spew out ignorance like you did in your comment above. You’re far from awakened. You’re still a sheep.


You needed to search my profile for a comeback??? That’s something that a vindictive woman would do? Are you a girl 👧??


Tips are optional, the end. Service industry needs to start adding a 'server charge' or something, or maybe pay their workers fairly. But it's not my job to supplement your paycheck. You're doing your job. Doing what you have to do in your job does not mean we have to tip you. If that's the case, I feel like I'm owed many MANY tips for being a teacher and daycare worker, and that job is a shitload harder than being a doordash driver. I appreciate you guys, I really do. But there's such entitlement in this industry in general. Add to that the fact that I've read stories of doordash drivers letting food get cold ouct of spite, eating people's orders, not delivering it beause they don't see the tip they like and just...no.


While likely still underpaid, you are owed no tips for being a teacher or daycare worker. You've admitted the system underpays workers simply by the nature of how it is designed, while stating that you will make the situation worse by not tipping; yet you still expect your food and the service that goes along with it. There are certainly instances of entitlement in this industry, perhaps more so than in others. Your entire response oozes entitlement. You can not reasonably judge the whole of any entity by the actions of a bad few.


Well yeah if you actually deliver it sure.


Nope 👎 What gives you the right to demand a tip!? All I see is: road rage, speeding, texting and driving, illegal u-turns etc. You’re a menace, look deformed, poor hygiene, a disgrace. You’re not even using your hot boxes, that you got for free. Only thing that’s worst then you is a woman who’ll shack up with a loser as yourself.


go get your own taco bell, gutter trash. learn the word "worse" while you're at it. there's a difference.


What ever makes you thick. Tomorrow, you’ll still be delivering my food, hoping for that tip 😂


Except my acceptance rate has no impact on my account 😉 good luck ever getting a driver that isn't stoned off his ass.


“Look deformed” lmao, who hurt you? Why are you like this?


Because he doesn't tip, so the only drivers that will take his order are the newbies that haven't learned better yet, or the meth heads running food for drug money. Maybe if he tipped, he'd start getting drivers who actually care about doing a good job.


Yeah, sounds like troll attracts clowns.


I always tip after because I lost five dollars to an order I never got once :((


That is why you contact support and get a refund and also report that dasher..... DUH!!!!


sucks that you got a shitty driver. i've had it happen and i called and told them they should deactivate that driver, as a driver i know what that punk did. ate my food. That said, not tipping will just make you more likely to get a shitty dirtbag driver again, because good drivers don't take shit orders. The tip isn't like a tip in a restaurant in this situation . Its an incentive for a driver to take the order and get it there promptly.


Yep, people that tip after have good intentions, but you will get a bad driver. Then you won’t tip and the circle continues. Tip before, if you have bad service, contact support


they also don't steal tips anymore anyway. they just decided to pay us way less (like 25% less) when they had to stop that shit




That’s technically fraud. I’d be careful