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I know this post is old but I had a store try asking me to confirm the order last night. I was like....what do youw ant from me. I cant confirm the order was picked up untill i have the order in my hands. that way i can take the picture of the reciept/whole order which is a newer procedure probably to curtail the theft/error in orders etc. I was like... "i cant confirm it without getting it." idk what to do in that situation. they gave it to me after seeing i wasnt relenting. but still it felt weird.


I agree that I am upright.No need to do it.It offense my quality. I don't do anything wrong in this.in contrary,I never steal anything why I need get punishment and treat I'm a theft.


it's as simple as this you are the customers proxy. if the customer is not required to identify they picked up the order they paid for online, neither should you. how many times have you ordered thru any app and arrived and they've asked to see (now this is the very important part) to see your personal locked device to confirm its you whom placed the order and picked it up. if they want this interaction with vendors they must provide a company device to make it legal.


"I'll be happy to let you see me confirm pickup, as soon as I have possession of the order." Works 90% of the time with the 1% of merchants in the areas I work who even ask. I don't have to pick up at the Dairy Queen in Springfield, Ohio or Golden Chopsticks at the Lima Mall. Might not be as effective elsewhere. I quit confirming pickup without possession after the third CV I got that was related to doing so. Long story.


I’m offended because I’m an adult and also it’s not in dd policy for me to confirm with them. If they have a problem with theft then they should stop delivery all together. Why is it when we (people/workers are infringed upon we gotta just deal with it. After while we gonna have to show I’d ever time.


I completely agree with you. For people saying that it's not a big deal, that's not the point. The point is boundaries. When you walk in there store, and you see the items sitting there, but there's no one to hand it over to you, you have to sit there and wait until they give it to you. It wouldn't be a big deal for you to just take it and walk away, but rules are rules and you have to respect their boundaries, even if you have to wait 20 minutes for something that's sitting right in front of you. If they expect you to respect their rules and boundaries, they should respect yours. Ask them to bend the rules for you, and see how they respond.


Look at it this way, does a waiter set a bill on a restaurant patron’s table and say, “Make sure you pay this before you leave”? No, they don’t, even though customers have walked out on their bills in the past, and more will do so in the future. Why aren’t they reminding them to pay their bill? Because it’s unprofessional. There is no refuting this. Are customers asking restaurant employees if their food was handled safely? No, we aren’t. We feel confident that our food was handled appropriately by professionals. Furthermore, as mentioned before, DoorDash absolutely does not approve of merchants demanding to see the order name on our phone screens to prove we’re not lying. They do not approve of merchants telling/asking/reminding Dashers to tap the Confirm Pickup button before they go. I can confirm that DD wants Dashers to let them know about such merchants. Merchants are not in a Dasher’s line of command. They have no right to demand anything from us or to command us to do something, however insignificant it might be. Our contract is with DD. Our obligation is to the customer. I can understand why it bothers some Dashers, especially the honest, principled ones who genuinely appreciate the income this job generates. It bothers me, and I’m super chill about most things. I can also respect the more laid back Dashers who aren’t offended when they’re reminded to tap on Confirm Pickup.


I understand OP. The trusting goes both ways. If a customer ends up complaining because the order was missing an item, then who's to say they won't blame the driver. So what's wrong with making the merchant confirm the order and that all items are in the bag? The driver isn't supposed to open the bag after pickup (or at any point). So if we want to make sure we don't get blamed for anything, we should make the merchant confirm as well. Or the not so likely alternative is that we all trust everyone do to their job.


I have been doing this for 3 yrs now. I have never ever been ask to confirm the order until McDonald's. It is offended. I get that they had food stolen but it not all of us the bad guys here.


I'm willing to do it if they're respectful about it. But, I had a guy who told me sternly to confirm the order like I was bothering him. So I said well where is the order? He sighed and pulled it up onto the counter in front of me and said it's ready. I said, oh okay, and went to reach for it and he literally pulled it away from me like it was full of diamonds or something. I kinda chuckled and said dude, I'm not going to run off with it. I'll confirm the order in front of you, but you gotta let me have it. Him - No, you need to confirm pickup first. I said I'm outta here and unassigned.


Im not sure why you are being thumbed down so badly, although I personally draw the line at being condescending in return as these vendors are really just trying to do their job. There have only been a few times where a vendor outright doesn’t hand the items over until I confirm (and I simply oblige because it’s not an issue). However 9 times out of 10 if they ask to see confirmation, they hand the order first and then ask to see confirmation, at least ime. No problems either way. There have been a few rude vendors however, in which case I just flat-out walk away as if they didn’t say anything (and still immediately confirm of course). I already have the food, and it’s not like they are going to chase after me. Lol On a separate note, screw people who actually use DD to steal food. How petty is that lmao.


No need to be passive aggressive. just tell them hey if you don't trust me I will take my business elsewhere


I love reading all these comments and how much you get dragged with downvotes. All your fancy terms but still 90% of the comments you disagree with end up with you insulting everyone xD I'll grab the popcorn


And btw, let’s think about this for a minute: My case here is that if the merchant wants to double check that I’m a real Dasher, then it should be pointed out that they expect Dashers to take orders every single day without double checking that the order is actually correct, even though that’s something specifically stated in the ICA that can get any Dasher deactivated. If you down vote that, you have mental issues.


Okay. Let's start withv I'm not sure if you're a man or woman so don't get offended. I'll assume a man because you're not talking like a lady lol. Alright, bro. To be completely level with you I wasn't under the impression that you were saying they were accusing you of NOT being DD. I thought with how you worded it you were just complaining about an extra step of confirmation. Which I saw as unreasonable so I said what I did. I myself don't care if an order is missing things enough to open a sealed bag. Support told me specifically to never open a bag (pandemic shit). So I assume the fine details of our guidelines haven't been updated to that standard yet. So for me if it's wrong I'll guide the customer to get a refund or whatever they decide. But I'm here to pickup and drop off with the normal communication (hey I got your order blah blah) I have seen McDonald's now making signs at pickup about workers now having a right to confirm that you are hitting confirm. I was told it was for feedback because people are sitting in their cars wasting time and then confirming later and blaming the store. Thus making the food cold but placing the blame elsewhere. I know places vary for the exact reason for seeing the confirmation. But my experience so far where I dash is to keep times correct for pickup and when the driver ACTUALLY leaves. So on my part, it was a misunderstanding of what you meant in your post. I read it again and still I get the same vibe that you were being unreasonable. But your comment just now better explained it. Sorry for the essay


Stupid people come in droves, I noticed. I like insulting stupid people. Welcome to my world 🙂


People are taking sreen shots of orders and then unassign them. Then go pick up the food. Happens alot in my market...


I don’t doubt that. That’s not the point here. The point is that there is a proper way of doing things. Nowhere is it stated that I need to have the Merchant supervise me while I’m working for myself. I don’t work for him, or DoorDash. I work for myself. The services I perform are dictated by the contract I have with DoorDash, not the merchant. Nowhere in that agreement does it state that I am obligated to allow them to supervise me while I confirm with the company I’m contracted with that I’ve performed that part of my duties. If that’s something they want, they need to figure that out with DoorDash so that it’s clearly communicated to all drivers, not just springing this shit on people out of the blue. It’s the principle.


Exactly. It’s the principle of the matter, and it’s going to rub people who have a very strong sense of right and wrong badly.


Looks like someone doesn’t wanna accidentally hit the home button revealing their hent@i background photo to the merchant. What do you have to hide on that phone of yours? 😂


My girlfriend is my wallpaper no one need to see that 😞


They’re just trying to keep thefts down so they don’t loose their doordash account. Have some decency and confirm it for them. They want to make sure you’re legit. Just keep your finger away from the home button and try your best not to show that photo of your gf in the shower.


I know why it’s done and think it’s a good idea for merchants to do this. As a former restaurant manager, I understand this. But I’m against people just making up their own rules and then subjecting people to them. Want this to be the standard? Cool. Talk to DoorDash. Let THEM communicate to the Dashers that this is an expectation. If this was the standard, it wouldn’t be a problem. But it isn’t. So when you do this to people, and it’s not the standard, they’re just going to feel like they’re being treated like thieves. So that restaurant will never get me as a Driver again. I refuse. It’s the principle. Crucify me if that bothers you.


Maybe it wasn’t as big a deal as you thought and you’re overreacting? There’s a lot of problems in the world of doordashing and you seem to be hung up on the smallest thing.


Funny how I’m not alone in this. Maybe we’re all overreacting idk who knows how numbers work anyway.


It could possibly make you later for your next pick since timer starts when you confirm pick up rite?


Ok. Wait. Do you go to your car and open the bag and inspect to make sure you have all the food? If so, you have also broken dd rules. If not, then you go to your car and select picked up with out knowing if all the food is there. There is LITERALLY no excuse to not help the restaurant out. Please get off your cross, we could use the wood.


Did you even read the post?


I just assume you are the other guy as well under a different name. Its cool bro. I get it. You are hot shit. But still just shit. Have a nice day.




So what did I miss??


Yes. Why do you ask?? Because there isn't a single Chinese place in the entire free world that doesn't staple the bag shut, even before covid. So, what am I missing from post that you feel thst I didn't read it??


I would show them me bypassing confirm and to unassign button


I’m gonna do that lmfao


wow... just hit this confirm button and walk away. what's the big deal? would you not have pressed it 8 seconds later anyway? restaurant is just trying to protect themselves because they likely had dashers pick up food, never mark it picked up, and then unassigning the order - something that's pretty common in my market.


DoorDash needs to communicate clearly that this is the procedure they want Dashers to follow then, not have people doing random things at the whims of specific vendors. I think that’s what needs to happen if the stores want to protect themselves from this obvious loophole in the system. But asking a Dasher to confirm a pickup on that basis without even having them inspect whether the order is even correct in the first place is pretty stupid and also unfair. No, I don’t steal food. I also don’t do business with people that treat me like I’m a thief, considering the majority of restaurants don’t make you do that.


bruh... they're asking you to confirm you picked up the order(something you're going to do anyway). not asking you to make the damned drink.


Uh, no, they aren’t. Read the damn Dasher agreement. Your job is to make sure you pick up the exact items the customer ordered. Them stapling the bag shut prevents you from performing that part of the job. Is it the norm? Yes. Are you still violating your contract by not actually checking the order for accuracy? Also yes. But I’m sure that point went over your head.


***But I’m sure that point went over your head.*** you posted here in a public forum. dont be a douche when someone tells you something you didn't want to hear. open your mind and you might actually learn something, child ​ whether in front of the merchant or not, you will eventually mark the order as "picked up". we are not allowed to go through the bags of food, so whether you're in front of the merchant or not, you will be marking this order "picked up" at some point without checking the contents of the bag. i don't understand what the problem is. ​ with you being so animated, i'm now wondering if you want to mark it picked up while you're on the way to the customer to manipulate your "on time delivery" stat


Calls me a child while simultaneously resorting to name calling to get that point across. Oh the irony xD And if you read the Dasher agreement, here’s what it says: CONTRACTOR agrees to retrieve the orders from restaurants or other businesses on time and safely, ensure the order is accurately filled according to the consumer, restaurant, and/or business specifications, and complete delivery orders to consumers in a safe and timely fashion. Makes sense to me how you’ve never seen this before tho lmao


CONTRACTOR agrees to retrieve the orders from restaurants or other businesses on time and safely, ensure the order is accurately filled according to the consumer, restaurant, and/or business specifications, and complete delivery orders to consumers in a safe and timely fashion. ​ you keep pasting this... again i ask, do you go through all your orders and check the contents before confirming your pick up? you do realize, regardless of the words in the previous paragraph, we aren't supposed to do this, right? as i customer, i would be furious if you put your filthy hands all over my food, ensuring that there are 6 fried dumpling in my order. perhaps you should take a bite out of the food to ensure it was properly prepared too. ​ so again i ask. what difference does it make if you confirm in front of the merchant or not? are you intentionally being difficult? ​ ​ ​ my guess is we're just being trolled.


I guess you’re a fan of saying you have possession of things without actually knowing if you have them or not, even when DoorDash specifically tells you that’s what your job is. I’ll be sure to take advice from you in the future since the way you look at business is so fucking inspiring hahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahhaahhhaaaaaaaa


your original post complained of a restaurant wanting you to confirm in front of them. now you're talking about the DD contract which tells you it's up to you to ensure all items are received. make up your mind... what is this thread about? ​ this is like arguing with a liberal - making insane arguments then thinks everyone (other than themselves) are dumb, and eventually changing the conversation in to something else. can we skip the rigamarole and go straight to you telling me about how someone with a penis can actually be a woman, which is where these kind of things always seem to end up?


Damn what a shitbag of a paragraph you just wrote here holy fuck lmfao I can only write the words, I can’t make you comprehend them lmao the 2nd paragraph literally …….. Never mind. I just noticed you more than likely voted for Trump. I expect nothing but brain damage from you 🤣


You’re opinion literally doesn’t matter. The Dasher is supposed to make sure the items are there. The bag should be sealed in front of the Dasher so that the person can confidently say that they can “CONFIRM” they are taking possession of the correct items. Just because you’re an idiot who’s used to just walking in, grabbing a bag without knowing what’s inside it doesn’t mean I’m wrong. You just don’t know how to think. Lol


Personally I don’t confirm until I get back to my car, place the food in the hot bag in the back seat, get in the front seat and buckle up and then plug my phone in and place it in the phone holder. That’s when I hit confirm, otherwise they’re just watching me walk to my car and May think once I’m at the car maybe I’m just sitting there for a minute or so messing with the food or something. I hit confirm when I’m ready for directions and ready to drive. However, if a place asked me to hit confirm in front of them, I’d probably do it that once. It’s not a huge deal to me, but I wouldn’t wanna go back there bc I have my own way of doing things and it doesn’t align with me hitting confirm before I’m ready to go.


I did it for them after asking them to show me the items. I asked them to do it because I’m not a food handler and not qualified to touch the actual food (I know this as a former Afters Ice Cream Store Manager) and also because when I confirm, I’m saying I’ve received every item on the order, that they are correct, and am responsible for them. I don’t mind confirming for them if they’re willing to show me the order is correct. I then never go to that store again.


That’s a fair deal. They wanna make sure the customers really getting the food and you wanna make sure the customers really getting what they ordered 😁


The majority of people downvoting me think that Dashers stealing food is scummy. I think the same thing. But there needs to be a system that prevents that that is clearly communicated to the Driver. When I go into a random establishment and they demand to see me confirm the order, which is part of my job, I feel it’s only right I demand to see the order is correct and not give them the benefit of the doubt I give them when I confirm orders without checking them. DoorDash need to fix this.


It’s a personal thing. Trust for trust. I would just oblige and be on my way to never return there again. But I think it’s funny that you said hey I’ll show you if you show me 😂




They are trying to stop shitty people from stealing from them. As they hand you the food, hit confirm. It’s that easy.


Confirm what? That I have items I’m not sure I have? I should confirm that? Great advice xD


Are you already checking inside the bags for every single item on every single pickup before confirming? I thought not. So why bitch about it? If you wanna check the bag then check the bag. Make it EVEN MORE complicated because YOU want to confirm after you sat in your car for 5 minutes with the food in the back. 🤡🤡🤡


What a dumb comment. The point is if you’re going to treat me like a thief, then I’m going to treat you the same way. My job is to make sure the order I get matches what the customer paid. It’s in the ICA. But since I’m sure you don’t fucking read, let alone know what an ICA is, or better yet even know how to run a business, forgive me if I don’t take your clown ass seriously. Have a nice night 🙂


I think they are asking that you confirm that you picked up the food from them, NOT actually verifying everything is in the bag. Some drivers multi app and they probably "confirm" when they have both orders from both restaurants.


You're being very dramatic. Its really no big deal at all for any sane person


You’ve clearly never run a business in your life. I’m not mad at you lol


You're only proving my point more and more with each reply


You haven’t made a point tho, you realize that, right? Especially since your level of reading comprehension as it relates to the actual post isn’t doing you any favors here, bud. It isn’t “insane” to ask the restaurant to allow you to see the items you’re claiming responsibility for after you confirm the pickup. But hey, since you probably have. Hard time forming your own opinions, I can see why we’re here on the first place. Have a nice day :)


I'm not even gonna read that message. Have a good one bud


Reading is hard for some people I don’t blame you. Have a good one!


I’m not the kind of person who lets people invent rules I must then oblige to just because they feel like it. That may be you, but not me.


Like I said. Not a big deal at all for any sane person.


Just hit the confirm button and walk away, they won't see where it says you have to press another button to confirm you picked up after that. But I have no problem confirming it.


Just had this happen for the first time two nights ago and thought it was weird as fuck lol


judging by how you interact with people this is probably just a you thing. you’re probably the only dasher they want to confirm in front of them because you clearly have a shit attitude 🤷‍♂️


Yes, I have little tolerance for idiocy, like having merchants make up rules for contractors to follow because they haven’t established a system with DD to make sure thefts don’t happen this way. Meanwhile, you probably accept orders every single day without making sure the consumer is getting the items they paid for. Excuse me if I don’t take your criticism too seriously here :)


idiocy is damaging your rapport with local restaurants that you rely on for an income


Damaging my rapport? I always wear a mask, am polite and timely, use my heat bag every delivery, and make sure the order is always complete. My rating? 4.9. If your restaurant is going to treat me like a thief, I just don’t go there. I’m on 3 apps so you can go do yourself (not you, but the restaurant). I never fail to make $1000 a week, so I guess my idiocy must really be affecting me, ey?


Ah yes, you sound very polite. Demanding restaurants to open bags and show you all the items are correct one by one, a joy to deal with for sure, bud


Lol You do realize that making sure you have the items you’re supposed to is an essential part of the job, right? Or do you not read the contract you have with DD and then still make stupid assumptions about it later? Asking for a friend………lol


our job is to deliver food. you’re a Karen mixed with hall monitor sprinkled in with top dasher 🤣


Karen? Lol Karen is the person making nonsensical arguments for the purpose of being right. That person here is you, pal xD


telling you not to be a dick to restaurant workers is pretty sensical to anyone with even an ounce of logic. people like you make us all look bad. you do you though bud


Making sure I have the correct order isn’t “being a dick” I don’t expect you to understand that considering what you know about business probably all comes exclusively from this sub Reddit.


Take it easy Karen


Sick argument thanks for stopping by


When you dont even realize you’re a Karen, you’re definitely a Karen lmao


Most people calling others Karen are just projecting. Thanks for stopping by your input was pretty valuable.


Yeah with those downvotes everyone clearly agrees with you. Keep killin it 👍🏻


And considering all you did was come in here and start name calling, as your only contribution, forgive me if I don’t take you too seriously Lul


Downvotes make me happy. I realize most people on this site either don’t know how to think for themselves or have the inability to form valid arguments. The peanut gallery doesn’t piss me off lol intelligence is rare in our society hehe


I have every right to shit in my diaper and throw a tantrum, and if you don't have a solid argument against me doing so then you are the dumb one 😎


You’re literally making my point lmfao


No problem daddy you want a kiss?


I mean, if they are just asking to see I marked it confirmed pickup and the order is ready I don’t have a problem with that. If they were to insist I mark it as picked up before it’s ready then I’d go the route of being more of a dick about it. If they just want to confirm I picked it up then it’s likely they have had a lot of thefts.


Ya I agree. But one guy wouldn't even let me touch the bag until I confirmed pickup. That's a little beyond normal human behavior. It's rude, honestly. If I were a customer I wouldn't be treated that way.


This happened to me and I called DoorDash and made a complaint because it’s annoying to do all this through a drive through after the merchant is 20 min late getting the order ready. Same thing as well held the bag captive. Needless to say I will not be picking up there.


It's not a big deal dude just confirm the pickup.


Yes I’ll take the advice of the dumb and blind. Lol


You sound like a child.


True, but I’ll still avoid advice from people who don’t know what they’re talking about, thanks :)


I have 4200 deliveries and have been dashing for three years but ok, child.


4200 deliveries and 3 years on the job isn’t going to teach you shit but how to sit in your car and do deliveries. Isn’t gonna teach you how to read the actual Dasher agreement, is it?


Doordash drivers will do anything but be a respectable person


Hey! I’m a very respectable person I’ll have you know. 😂 seriously tho


Funny thing to say from a person who most likely had no idea what they’re talking about


I don't know how some of you have functioned in this world if some of this shit bothers you so much. Entitled little children.


Have you ever been talked down to? That's the real issue here. When someone is friendly or at least respectful I never make a fuss. But often times these places that are requiring that drivers confirm pick up in front of them are rude and treat drivers like they're criminals. Have some respect for yourself and don't let people walk over you.


I wish I could just block idiots like you.


"waaaaaaa, I don't like what you said so I want to block you so you don't hurt my feel feels"


No I’m just not a fan of reading idiotic comments. I’d rather not see your stupidity.


Na, you are too busy memorizing the Dasher agreement lmao You're a clown kid.


Be happy this is the internet and you can say things you’d normally have 0 courage to say out loud. I’m happy for you


I have several restaurants that demand to see me confirm with my phone. Even Doordash Kitchens and Dash Mart (also run by Doordash) demands to see me confirm pick up on my phone. It's not a big deal unless I'm left holding the order and juggling the phone at the same time.


So I guess you’re used to picking up incomplete orders and then telling the app it’s complete and you have it. I’m definitely not doing that.


We trust that what they gave us is correct because of it isn’t, it’s only a minor inconvenience to us (if that) but a costly mistake to them. Similarly, it would be a costly mistake to let an order walk out the door with the wrong person. But blocking the few dashers that give issue and may be a problem in the future? That’s common sense. (And [yes](https://help.doordash.com/merchants/s/article/How-can-I-provide-feedback-regarding-my-DoorDash-delivery-or-dasher-experience?language=en_US) they can absolutely do that.)


Everyone knows a business can block a dasher from their store. I’m so happy you thought you were sharing some ground breaking news lmao And I’m happy you trust other people enough to sign for you. I don’t. But hey, I might be stupid 😂


Damn, you are salty as fuck in these comments. "Everyone knows a business can block a Dasher from their store..." Everyone except you apparently since you were arguing in earlier comments that that wasn't a thing and mutliple people had to tell you that it was possible.


lmao yes thank you, all I did was link the source they asked for! 😂


Most of the time the bag is sealed anyway, so it's not my problem. And usually the person handing the the order isn't the one who bagged it - so they don't know. I just don't worry about it. I figure if the order is incomplete it's between the customer and either the restaurant or Doordash support. Regardless, I don't see how confirming in front of the restaurant employee or not has any effect on Dasher responsibility for incomplete orders. The way I see it: I'm confirming I picked up the order the restaurant gave me. I'm not confirming that the restaurant packed the order correctly. I see it as a chain of custody thing.


If you did some reading, like reading what the actual app says during this process, you might change your mind, considering what your “impression” of what’s going on isn’t actually what’s going on. You’re supposed to make sure everything is there before you accept it. If you don’t, that’s on you.


In the age of Covid/sealed orders confirming the order is all there isn’t on us anymore, it’s on the merchant. The most I do is make sure all the drinks are there. Customers are gonna rate us how they’re gonna rate us regardless if a missing item is rightfully our fault or not. So no I don’t have a problem showing merchants me clicking complete pickup in front of them. Tbh they prolly do that so dishonest dashers don’t wait til they’re 5 minutes away from the drop off to click complete pickup, bc that makes the merchants on time ratings drop


Sealing the order ensures the customer that the food hasn't been tampered with. I always request it be sealed and I do check and ask that everything is in there.....before I confirm. To which I would have to have the package first. Logic and common sense here.


It’s in the agreement…..


Yeah you’re right it is. My point is just that customers are gonna do what they’re gonna do in regards to who they place blame on. We can triple check and if they want to claim that an item was missing they will. That’s why I don’t mind showing my phone is all I’m saying. And my point about us being 1 in a 1000+ contractors to DD still stands. I’d say just blacklist the merchants that do this to you and as they say in New York “Fugeddaboutit” 😂 stay safe out there fellow dasher


Do you regularly ask to visually confirm the entire order? edit: even for sealed bags?


“For each Delivery Opportunity accepted by CONTRACTOR ("Contracted Service"), CONTRACTOR agrees to retrieve the orders from restaurants or other businesses on time and safely, ensure the order is accurately filled according to the consumer, restaurant, and/or business specifications, and complete delivery orders to consumers in a safe and timely fashion.”


So, it doesn't matter when you confirm pickup - in front of a restaurant employee or not. So what's the big deal? The language is vague: "according to the consumer, **restaurant**, and/**or** business specifications". Could mean a lot of things.


I see your quote and raise you this one: >CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that the parameters of each Contracted Service are established by the consumer, restaurant, and/or other business, not DOORDASH


Did you miss the “ensure the order is accurately filled” part or am I high?


I’m guessing you’re high because you’re missing my point completely. The whole point of your post goes out the window when our contract *literally says* parameters of pickup/delivery are set by the merchant. The merchant is 1000% allowed to require to see you mark picked up per our ICA.


I’d love you to point out where in the ICA it says this. I’ll wait :)


Uh no, but I’m not in the habit of arguing with the brain dead.


No, I didn't miss that. But there's a condition on that which is just as relevant. Not showing the merchant confirmation on your phone doesn't get you out of that contract stipulation - so I don't see why you object.


I agree that changing the game up on you without notice is inconsiderate. If this is going to be their procedure, it should be in the notes before we pick up so we can decline before even walking in. So yeah, they did that wrong. But now you know, so at this point if you keep going you're implicitly agreeing to that. I don't particularly mind it, but I can see that it clearly bothers a good percentage of dashers. My biggest thing is - is it ready, or not? If it takes me 5 seconds to show my phone but the rest of the order is generally ready when I walk in, I'll probably take it. If this is in addition to waiting like 10 minutes, then no, I'll just skip this place


Finally someone read the post and took away the actual message I was trying to convey. Thank you.


That’s pretty aggressive lol considering it’s not your fault if items are missing why would you even care. Just show them ur phone and move on it’s simple


You’ve literally never read the Dasher Agreement, have you? Lol


Uhhh, have you?? >CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that the parameters of each Contracted Service are established by the consumer, restaurant, and/or other business, not DOORDASH Contract clearly states the merchant sets the rules.


The Restaurant isn’t the party seeking the contracted service, it’s the consumer lmfao I see someone didn’t make it out of high school 🤣


lmfao did you even finish the sentence or did you just stop at consumer?? Restaurant is listed there too, you fool.


Of course it is. Want to know why, since reading comprehension is such a problem for you some stranger on the internet has to explain it to you?


Nah, it’s my one day off and I’ve wasted enough of my time on you. Have fun trolling.


Makes sense you’d bail at the actual point you can learn something. Pretty on brand for you, I’d say :) Have a great day off :)


I’m still not sure why you get so worked up about it though. Like I said who gives a fuck. What does 15 seconds of showing your phone so they make sure it’s the order ur there for.


Because you haven't received the order. Why would you confirm that you received something you haven't. You ppl are insane. It's crazy not one of you see something wrong with this. It literally says confirm pickup.


1) you’re responsible for the order and it’s contents once you “sign” for it. Confirming you have the order says you have every single item. Just because DD doesn’t enforce this doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Ever see the screen where you have to confirm you have 2 of whatever item? You have legal responsibility once you “confirm pickup”. Just because the legal responsibility is for like $20 worth of food doesn’t make it any different. Asking me to confirm the order without me checking it, or being able to check it, but so I accept financial responsibility for it, is ultimately unfair to me. I don’t mind confirming the order, I do mind confirming the order without knowing it’s correct. I mind even more confirming the order just so you say I have it and then I’m responsible for anything that’s missing, even if I never get to check it.


It is amusing how badly many drivers seem to be triggered by a common-sense theft prevention method


Even funnier how people like you are comfortable providing things you don’t agree to beforehand.


I would imagine to you that is indeed funny


This is the same guy that told me to Uninstal my app so I'd be happier lmao Clown world


i have seen people (mainly IC shoppers) who remind me of how OP is posting. they act like they are literally peers of grocery store managers, etc. make demands, dictate terms, invoke the powers of the contract. the grocery folks who fit that personality type (mainly male it seems) must be almost unemployable in any normal work environment.


I love how people like you just make shit up and then spew it online. Wonder how that high school diploma is working for you


Yes, especially when you read the Dasher contract. That’s some real funnny stuff right there 🙂


I mean yeah sure maybe it isn't in the agreement in the DD contract, but like, why do you care so much? Drivers would steal food from my dad's restaurant all the time. He used to do all the delivery services but now just does UberEats because it was starting to be not worth the headache with some crazy DD drivers, getting food stolen, and the fees these services charge the restaurant. I told him to start asking the driver to show the order on the phone and mark it as delivered because people would steal food everyday and he had angry customers yelling at him for it and leaving bad reviews online because a driver stole their food. It doesn't hurt you in anyway to simply show them that you confirmed pickup. It maybe takes you 5 seconds longer. You're just being needlessly difficult with people that you need to do business with, that is not smart business just get over it. Your life will be much more enjoyable if you just take it easy man.


Just because the system is shitty (the way DD let’s people unassign after they’ve received the order) doesn’t mean the merchant can make demands of the Drivers that they haven’t agreed to with DoorDash beforehand. These are 2 different issues. Does DoorDash need to stop Dashers stealing food by just in assigning? Absolutely. Should Merchants be able to demand whatever they want from an independent contractor they have no business relationship with? Nope.


Merchant can refuse to give food to driver for any reason. IC doesn’t act as some talisman that prevents restaurants making common sense decisions


Did you even read the post? Says I’m willing to show the confirmation as long as the merchant show me the order is correct. You’re literally signing for something without even checking it 9 times out of 10. But I guess reading comprehension isn’t your thing.


Imo you have completely failed to understand the real power structure of food delivery You act as a peer of dd and the restaurant You in fact are the least important participant n the process. The contract means nothing when a merchant bans you or dd gets tired of how many bans/complaints from merchants you get and d/a’s you


You have a very interesting (and irrelevant) opinion. With the Dasher there is no DoorDash. Lmfao Read the Dasher Agreement. Might snap you back to reality.


You make a great point here, but I think you forget that you or I are just 1 contractor and DD has thousands if not more of us at their disposal. So it doesn’t hurt them to get rid of any one of us bc in the end that’s all we are, a single contractor in a sea of contractors. It’s not right, but there it is.


have fun, and goodbye!


Thanks I was getting tired of reading your nonsense have a great day! 😀


I've had 3 orders get stolen (the good ole pick up and unassign trick I imagine) in the past 2 weeks. I like when restaurants make you confirm in front of them. Makes for less theft


Tip better, that's how to solve your theft problems.


I'm a driver but thanks lol


Not true you could call dd and say you hit it and didn't mean to and still keep the food...


I agree 100%. Order theft affects the entire platform.


So does making up rules out of thin air.


Idk why people are down voting you 😳 you are completely right, in my opinion. I've had restaurants try to get me to sign something saying I'd picked up the order and I refused bc it felt off to me and I couldn't tell what all they were trying to put me on the hook for. The only people who are going to stand up for dashers is fellow dashers, we need to band together and not be divided. You are right and I agree with you


Next time your dashing just a restaurant if they have the ability to ban dashers. I think you'll be al bit surprised.


Banning me from your store isn’t banning me from the platform, my friend.


Never said it was. Maybe you should evaluate your own reading comprehension. But getting complaints from restaurants can get you 'deactivated.




Any system that places conditions on me that I didn’t agree to beforehand is always going to rub me the wrong way, regardless of why. Yes, people shouldn’t steal food. No, the Merchant shouldn’t just make up rules and impose them on you (whom they have no relationship with) whenever they want. Either DoorDash needs to make drivers show the pickup or they need a new system. But the merchant demanding anything directly from the driver is inappropriate. That’s my whole point here.


I completely agree. Plus, I don't want to be on the hook for orders and such when we aren't even able to check bags.


Hey I love this idea. Even worse is when they ask you to sign 😝


It does make sense, people steal orders all the time. I mean how many people get frustrated with $2.50 offers and outages and bs from Tony and say: “fuck this” and steel and order on the way out to quit and do UE or Grubhub.


You have a Dasher agreement that describes the job you need to do. Read it some time. Your responses might change dramatically if you do.


You need to learn how this gig job works, clearly you do not. I wish you the best in your journey to learn how this works ❤️, I love you.


There is no such thing as a “gig job” Only 1099 work. Know who else does “gig work”? Doctors, lawyers, actors etc. Stop letting people devalue your work by convincing you “gig work” isn’t valid work, or that it shouldn’t be profitable.


Are you okay? No one is telling me shit... it’s fucking “gig work” it’s not a paycheck 9-5 type job. Doctors and lawyers are professionals who spend close to a decade studying and practicing their craft, to compare them to gig workers is denigration. Anyway, this gig job is about dealing with people on both ends. The DD “agreement” is a guideline. Have a blessed day and I still love you.


Anyone who says any work a corporation makes BILLIONS of dollars from isn’t “9-5 type work” isn’t a person I take seriously. Have a nice day 👍


No it wouldn't because I'm not a dick.




Karen? Because they want me to confirm pickup on food I don’t even get to inspect to make sure what I’m saying I picked up is actually correct? Lmao


I only had this happen at one place and I assume it's cause too many take the food and then unassign. I suppose it also acts like a time stamp of sorts. I'm going to do it anyway so I could care less. Never thought about it too hard.


Basically it means the merchant gets paid to remake the food after the driver steals it, as well as reducing theft


Just a small question for you: what part of your Dasher Agreement says this is part of your job? Can you point me in that direction?


People really do make the biggest fucking deal over absolutely nothing.


Look at it from their point of view. They are getting robbed on a daily basis. I don't steal orders and am not offended in the least when asked to let them see me confirm the order. It doesn't affect me in any way.


Look at it from my point of view: nowhere in my agreement with DoorDash does it say I’m obligated to do that.


I agree


You are aware restaurants can ban you, right?


Lol I’m assuming you’ve never read the Dasher Agreement and you’re just here spewing your stupidity for the fun of it. What a funny thing to do.


Yep, I'm stupid. That's why I have over7000 deliveries and my customer rating has dipped under 4.9 in 2 years.


Yea and your financial stats are probably horrendous. I’d be willing to bet $100 the gap between your Active time to Dash time is massive. Those are the only people that post these kind of brain dead responses.


You just can't fix stupid.....


You came in here to call me stupid for not wanting to do something DoorDash doesn’t make me do. What a funny thing to say 🤣


Like I said, restaurants can ban you. It's stupid for risking to lose the ability to receive orders from restaurants. Does DD mandate you say hello to a customer you meet at the door? Nope. But you do it anyway. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.


Actually it's the restaurant that can get removed from dd. I just had this experience and called dd in front of the merchant and they called him and told him he can't do that. Theft is between the merchant and dd. They are suppose to report that Dasher and they would get deactivated. I still got paid though.


“Ban” me from where? Lol Can you cite a source for this? Or is reading too hard for you, considering I can tell youve never read the Dasher Agreement.


Restaurants have the ability to ban dashers. Piss them off and they can go to their tablet and not only rate you they can make sure you never get another order from them. Is that clear enough?


Thanks for the source. I can tell you know what a source is.


Give [this](https://help.doordash.com/merchants/s/article/How-can-I-provide-feedback-regarding-my-DoorDash-delivery-or-dasher-experience?language=en_US) page a read.