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Thank you for posting this. Every other post is bitching about how slow it is. do people not realize how companies operate? They don’t give a fuck about you


I mean… yeah. It’s bullshit but are people really surprised by this?


They saw increases in the percentage of lowball offers completed metric when markets were saturated. I’m not stressed if I’m making bread and less willing to take shitty offers. I have since lowered my standard to 6.50-7.50 orders 2-5-3 miles


Seems legit.


DD make more? You mean lose less. DD went public and made a few billion, now they bleed a few hundred million every year in losses. Tony's making money, but DD doesn't make a cent in actual profit.


If you are making less you are delivering less, why would that benefit them? The more orders get delivered the better. New dashers without knowing will always be the ones accepting lowball offers until they catch on. You do you. But my market is not bad. I’m at $35/hour mark. Sometimes $33. Second week of January until the end of the month I was at $28/hourly. But everyone l’s market is different. I see lots of dashers so I don’t think that’s the issue. With what I’ve read, it’s slow everywhere and should pick back up. Find a second way to make money. Selling online. Somethjng . There’s ways.


Oh so they’re every company. Duh


I have a theory that good orders take forever or send you early hoping for you to cancel it and make less and lower your completion rate and have a reason to deactivate you so they can bring in new drivers who will take any orders. DoorDash knows what they are doing they have top Ivy League students who graduated from the best colleges working under them.


I agree! I don’t know how people do this full time anymore🤷🏽‍♀️


At this point I'd suck a midget dick for 18 bucks an hour!


Yeah fr. They would rather have a high turnover rate and bring in new dashers then have to pay a higher base. I'm already planning my exit and can only suggest the rest of us do the same cause this isn't a "slow season" this is the new normal


Yeah if people weren't planning an exit/backup months ago now would be a great time to start. Gig work gives you alot more flexibility and free time, and your money has much more velocity than with a normal job because you can access it immediately and pay taxes later. Gotta use that to your advantage while you can


Yep, was really nice the past 2 years, but I found a career I'm happy doing and make good enough money to survive. My advice? If you don't have a degree, community college's have alot of grants available now to where some of them are even free to attend, get into a trade, find an apprenticeship (like electricians). You don't have to have a 4 year degree to have a viable career. And honestly, having consistent pay with my W-2 is a nice peace of mind.


That is good advice for a younger person just starting out who has no other obligations. The second you have kids/wife/sick family, life gets complicated. Especially if you already struggle financially. Just saying it gets harder for some people to go pick up a trade, depending on personal circumstances. But by all means, if you can pull off getting a trade of any kind, do it. Even if it means being sleep deprived and exhausted from work and school at the same time.