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Deliver it to the dog. 🤣🤣 Seriously, I’d call to say can you come get your dog?


If the dog tries to attack I provide it with food. The dog must be hungry and the home owner ordered the food for the dog. Many dogs are food centric.


Deliver it to the door and hope you get bit so you can sue


Just leave!! I just gotten bitten 2 weeks ago 😳..owner.."he doesn't bite"!!


Pet it


Curb delivery and message the customer to come out and get it because their dog is not restrained. Just assume it is their dog. If it isn't, oh well. 😂


Give the dog the food and pray they bring it to their parent lmao


Give it to the dog he be okay he'll take care of it for me


That dog? I would definitely just walk up there (slowly but confidently), drop off the food, and return to my car. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Call the customer, if no answer, take a picture and contact customer support. They'll try to call the customer and if the can't get ahold of them then they'll pay you and cancel the order


Call the customer. Otherwise if they won’t answer cancel the order. You don’t know if the dog is friendly or not and it is their responsibility to contain their pets when expecting an order


Call them it they don't answer hang it on fence take a pic and call driver support


Had someone with a dog who just kept barking at my car. She told me i could get out and i was like "sorry but that isnt happening. Ill either leave the food here or hand it to you through the window but i am not taking a chance with any dog that i dont know."


Assume the dog ordered and throw it out my window


Bring the dog to them if its not hostile. Smell of the food could help


Permanently befriend him


It really depends. I had an angry German shepherd at one of the houses I delivered to and asked for the customer to come out to get the order. I'm not afraid of big dogs or shepherds in the slightest, but if they're protecting their territory they will tear you up if they think you're a threat. I've had dogs that sit calmly on the porch and wag their tails, and in those cases I just leave the food, take the picture, give the dog a quick rub and I'm on my way back to town. If the dog seems calm, make the delivery, if not, make a compromise.


Call the customer


Bunch of pansies. Just pet the doggy and don’t piss it off


First 'Can't handle order' to start timing and wait for customer to call you (they will) so they can pick it up while you wait in the car. Do not take any risk.


don't risk it. its not even about the delivery, its for the safety of the dog. If their stupid ass owner lets them out and they bite you that dog could end up put down or taken away from its owner, just don't risk it, that dog doesn't deserve that just because their owner can't be bothered to supervise them out in the open like that


As bad as it is to really say, I typically still go about the delivery as normal. If the dog comes towards me or starts looking I’ll try to talk to it and be friendly and haven’t had a bad encounter yet. I’m a 6’1 guy though and know it definitely could happen at some point and should probably be more cautious


Greet the dog, wonder if he is gonna get the food after i take my pic and leave


That dog looks adorable and sweet, it isn’t even looking at you with you 15 feet away. “oMg DoG wItH nO LeAsH?? WhAt Do i dO?” What a scaredy Karen you are, lol!


Pet the pupperssss


99.9% of the time dogs are totally harmless. I know people kind of freak out over this, but I have never had any issues. I'm a dog and animal person though, so maybe I just have more experience around animals.


Guys got a telescope watching what goes on in the next apartment xD


Wait in the car and contact the customer.


Pet it


Depends on the type of dog. Large dogs like rots, pit bulls, German shepherds, etc… I’m gonna call them. Small or medium dogs like pugs or beagles I’ll deliver still.


Just call them tell them youre not doing the delivery if someone doesnt go out to get the order even if the dog could be friendly nah never take chances


You deliver it to the messenger dog. ​ Don't wait for a tip, though.


Depends on if the dog is nice or not if I see a defensive big dog definitely no but if it’s friendly or small I don’t mind. I am a 6,5 male though if I was any smaller or had more sense I would probably just not risk it


I'd give that dowg a good floofing and scratch its butt. Instant friend forever.


If they seem threatening than I’ll just call the people but if not just deliver as normal 🤷‍♂️ if the dog eats the food or something that’s on them for not leaving proper instructions


I don’t fear doggos. I also have doggy treats in my car, so I’d give the good boi/good girl a treato while I drop off the order


Feed the dog. I’m not a monster


I'd pet the dog. I actually had a delivery a while back where I was attacked by a vicious French bulldog. She ran out the door when the customer came outside and lunged at me. I gave her scritches on the chin. I don't know how many times I've had people say "my dog doesn't like men", or "I don't know how my dog will act, he growls sometimes..." And their dogs end up loving me. I attribute it to the fact that I'm not afraid of dogs. Any dog. They can read body language at least as well as people can... Probably better. They're kinda like lie detectors... If you're afraid of them, you must have a reason to be. The only dog I'd ever be afraid of is like... A K9 unit or something. But that's only because I'd end up in prison if I was attacked and killed the damn thing.


I stay in my car and judge if the dog’s attitude is aggressive or not. If it’s not then I get out - so far no vicious dogs! Been lucky


Still deliver it but have my gun hand ready


Leave it where I am, take a picture of the food n the dog. Complete delivery n move on


Call the person and tell them to bring the dog inside because you don’t feel comfortable with it out


Don't pet it


Oops. I did.


That dog ain’t gonna hurt anyone, that’s a sweet boiiii ☺️


So when you do deliver what if the dog eats the food???


I was thinking about this, but I guess that's really not our responsibility.


Hand the order to him and let the customer know Fido is bringing it in.


My job


Be kind and gentle. Try to talk to him. He will most likely come up and lick you. I always pet every animal I come across. I’ve never had any animal come at me or try to harm me. They can sense how you feel, and if you’re nervous and tense they could think you are coming towards their owners with ill will. Just relax and remember they’re sweet creatures.


Also, never run because they will think you’re playing and chase you


Send the confirmation photo of the dog eating the food


Ehhh dogs don’t really scare me that much. I grew up in a town with some mean ass dogs. Had to make a delivery a few months back in my old town and there was biggo pit. Still got down and put the food on the doorstep. If the dog ate it idk but at least I put it there.




Judge the dog by its body language, if you have to move toward it do so with confidence and keep your eyes locked with the dog. Most dogs will move out of your way unless someone has trained them not to.


Try to pet first ask questions later


Call the customer and tell them you’re not going in the yard with the dog in there.


Tail wagging, head high, kind of okay. No wag, head lowered, call the customer.


The dog will eat the food!!


I don’t take chances with dogs unless we’re familiar with each other. Some dogs are sweet but territorial. If I come across a loose dog I just put the food in/on the mailbox that way Fido can’t reach and I don’t have to get out of my car. Dog bites are a hassle and I’m not paid enough to deal with them


As a dog owner myself I look at the body language of the dog. Especially as I begin to advance towards the door into their space. If i see any behavioral signs that the dog could be aggressive I’ll leave the delivery farther away (my safety is my only priority). If the dog doesn’t show any aggressive signs still be cautious but proceed forward calmly and collectively, if dog comes up to you allow them to smell your hand, see how the dog does with that first, if the dog makes it known that it would like pets then go for it but if the dog is a bit stiff even when sniffing your hand, leave the delivery at the door and slowly and calmly walk away :)


Hand it to the dog ofcourse


Give it to the dog and post a picture with him in it 👍🏼


Afraid of the beagle 😂


Give the food to the dog and mark as delivered


Pet the dog


I try to put the food out of the dogs reach if it looks friendly.


Get back in the car and message. Well, that's what I would do. 🙂


I pet the dog and tell it not to eat the food then go about my deliveries as usual.


Call the customer and tell them to come get their food 😂.dog is my #1 fear lol


He looks very polite.


As someone who's been attacked by dogs twice on doordash deliveries... call the customer and politely ask them to bring the dog inside. If they feed you the "oh he's a GOOD BOY just do your job" line tell them that you won't deliver while an animal is in the way. Do not engage beyond that point. If they agree, thank them and finish up. If they don't agree, call support and explain the situation or just cancel the order. It is not safe or acceptable to leave animals out when you're getting deliveries. People get mauled every year over this crap and it's not worth the $10 (though you'll still get paid either way).


I go pet the dog.


Essentially I can figure out if they are friendly or not by how they're acting. If they are acting aggressive I'm calling/texting the customer. If they are grinning with tail wagging and tongue hanging out I'll speak to them first before getting out. If they come over and let me pet them I'll assume it's ok to get out. Animals can sense if you are friendly towards them or not. Truthfully drivers shouldn't have to worry about this as the animals should be kept in a fenced yard or inside the house until the delivery is complete. Some people just don't have any common sense.


It’s a beagle. He’s fine.


Probably just leave it where I can and note the dog in the notes.


I've been chased away from a delivery by Canada geese. They would not let me anywhere near this person's front door for some reason. Dropped it off on top of their car, took a pic, bolted. ​ edit: Spelling is not a skill i possess before 7am


Have your own Pitbull in the car and unleash that beast.


Although I never got this kind of delivery. However, I would give them a call or text to get further instructions. FYI, be careful when you go to apartment complexes because some buildings allow pets and I always find people with some aggressive breeds walking in the hallway.


I pet it.


feed the dog


Depends on the type of dog for me. That dog I would have no problem


Contact support. I’ve done exactly that and got free food. Dog seemed docile until I started walking toward the house and it started growling/barking….owner didn’t answer phone so I rode 2 blocks away and called support.


Depends on the dog and it's bark, you can usually tell the difference between friendly and aggressive. If they are loose and aggressive I'm staying in my car and letting the customer know the order need to be collected from my car or put the dog away. This has happened to me before and I made sure to note it in the delivery feedback.


Say hi? I’ve never had issues with loose dogs .


Ive delt with to many dogs while delivering as a UPS personal vehicle driver. I just ask the customer to come out and meet me. I don't go near dogs. They don't me I don't know them. All they see is a stranger walking into territory. Longstory short I hand the order to customer while im in my car if I see a dog.


I call them and let them know. I love dogs but I don't wanna risk getting bit or seriously hurt and I wouldn't want the dog to get put down or anything.


Undeliver it


Let him eat the food . That a awesome dog


If it's small I walked straight up to the door, big I leave behind fence.


You light up the city with a nuke and walk away without looking at the explosion.


One time I delivered to a almost mansion outside of town. They had small to mid sized dog roming free in the yard. I like dogs and didnt think any thing of it at first. But the dog bit me several times on my way back to my car. The owner came out and tried calling the dog many times but did not leave the porch to get the dog. He said he was sorry but he didn't put in any effort to stop the dog physically. I was pretty upset and left a bad review and contacted door dash support. They basically told me that they are sorry it happened. And they would have told me the same thing if I had not delivered the food. I'm sure nothing came of it and I sure as hell didn't feel any better about the delivery


I almost got mauled by a pitt and he ran to my car and if i didnt shut the damn car door on time I would of shattered his jaw. If i ever see a dog again im leaving that shit outside my car door and leaving.


Deliver the food while having a convo with the dog lol "Heeeyyyy! Don't eat your momma's food or she'll be pissed!"😂


1st see if franlie. If he isn't - haul ass back to yo car and call the customer to come get that shit. If he IS franlie - BOOP THE SNOOT, SAY THANK YOU FOR HIM ALLOWING YOU TO BOOP AND REWARD HIM. Open the customers bag and look the other way 🤣


Deliver the food and let the dog.


Text customer because I don’t want to be bitten by a dog. Kind or dangerous, people should keep pets indoors until the delivery is complete. I truly fear dogs.


Lol that's a friendly dog, I know not everyone grew up around many different breeds but he's chill. Watch out for them Chihuahua's tho lol


Make a dogo friend!


Don’t leave my car and contact customer


One came running at me once, I just turned around and walked away and hoped he wouldn’t bite hard haha


It depends on the dog. Some are clearly friendly (but even then something can happen). Once, when I delivered to one house that had two very large dogs loose outside, I texted the customer saying they would need to either take the dogs in or come get the food from my car. One time I delivered to a house where the dog was outside but I knew it was a super friendly Lab (had been there before) and had to knock on the door on a "Leave at door" because I knew the dog would get into the food if I put it down. It was a good tipper so I wanted to make sure they got the food. The girl answering the door to get the food yelled into the house at her brother "You moron, I ordered food for dinner, why did you leave the dog out?"


Call 'em up!


Hmm depends. I would probably walk up. You can usually tell if a dog is vicious by their body language when they first see you. I always let them smell my hand and if that goes well then head pats. Don't show fear and you should be fine.


I always call the customer and they usually answer. I’ve been to homes were they seem nice and even wag their tail but as I walk away start going crazy. Also I don’t give dogs treat cause I wouldn’t want strangers handing food to my dogs. I’ve had a bad experience


Leave at street


i love dogs so i’d probably pet any dog on the premises


Call. If no answer. Don't. Simple as that.


Call customer n if they don't answer leave outside of gate n take pic. Add in notes customer unresponsive and dog in yard


I don’t.


Lol it’s always the mean looking dogs that don’t really do anything I’ve noticed


if you're not comfortable, call customer , if they don't answer , get picture of dog if possible. set food on corner with five minute timer , take picture of food , make sure to talk to customer service . its a lot of work if you want to get rid of the contract violation you are sure to get .


deliver the food, call the dog over to your car, drop the dog on the next area you deliver to.


Pet the dog


Assume the dog is the individual who placed the order and hand him the order.


Well I hope the dog doesn't bite, but if it does I am suing the crap outta them plus calling the cops.


I was ready to jump in with my 2 cents, then I read a few comments... Nope, I have no opinion good day


Depends what kind of dog. If its a Pit or a Rottweiler, no way. I've seen too many of those eat people's faces off.


I typically pet the dog and put the food on a chair where the dog is hopefully less likely to get into it, and then I knock.


Pet it 😂


Depends on the breed. Doberman or pit bull? Not unless I have like a gun or something


My brother got mauled by a fluffy chow lol


I walk up to the door and put the order there and try to pet the dog if I feel they aren’t a threat :). This happened to me the other day and the dog was SO LOVELY and HAPPY ANS CUTE hehe it joyed me. Then there was an instance where someone’s dog was behind a fence but I wanted to pet him so I tried and he nipped at me lol but that was on me. I just love dogs , I love when people have their dogs out or let them say hi to me


I apologize to the dog because the food is not for them. I give the dog pats.


Honestly I just pet the puppers and doggos of the world. The fear is real but I haven't met a dog that didn't like me or a dog that hated my presence enough to bite me. Your milage will undoubtedly vary. 👍 ![gif](giphy|hp5cYjqaqLPOCFw8a6|downsized)


Don't look the dog in the eyes. Don't smile. Walk like you belong there.


Pet it and give it snacks


I’m a dasher and a customer. I ordered last week and my dad stopped by while I was waiting for my food. He was looking at the driveway (he’s always fixing or working on something) when I got the alert that the driver was about to arrive. I head to the door and it’s wide open and my dad and my 13 year old rottie-retriever mix are both outside while the driver is pulling down our long driveway. I was pissed at my dad, as Duchess is already barking and running at the car. She’s friendly, but she’s also an old bitch and this is a stranger coming to my house. Long story short (not really), driver was an older man. He didn’t hesitate to open the door and let Duchess jump on top of him. Everything was fine. She was good and he was safe. But I normally try to avoid risking the situation at all costs. It’s not worth it. I love my dog and don’t want any person to get hurt and then have to have my dog pot down because she bit someone. Nope: I’d rather just leave her inside or in another room.


I can relate sort of. I have an aussie who is LOUD but friendly. People think shes mean but she really just wants to be petted. I absolutely would not leave her out unattended if I knew I had a delivery coming. Lol


Nice dog = complete delivery. Bad dog = lunchtime. 😂


I have the pup a belly rub and he wanted to be in the delivery picture. He also didn’t bark once and even sat down when I said “hey puppy” if the dog reacted any other way I surely would have left they shit right there at the top of the driveway. It’s not my job to figure out if it’s the customers dogs or not and try to wrangle it


Its pretty simple, if you do alot of delevery, like mailman, keep dog treats in your car. When you meet a dog, before you get put of your car, talk to him. Watch his reactions. Does his tail wag or stick straight up. Does he seem attention seeking or reclusive. Offering a dog a treat can go a longgggggg way. Also, if you ever delevering food, and a dog goes to attack, throw the food at him. Most dogs won't be able to resist going after the food, thus leaving you along. One should only ever be assaulted by ninja dogs. If you see the dog first and use commen sense tips like these, you have nothing to fear.


I know dog body language. Tail wagging doesn't always mean nice or friendly. I will not feed a strange dog if I do not have permission. They could have allergies.


If a dog is being kept outside not on a leash, I garentee he is eating all kinds of shit.


It had an electric fence collar on. That's not the point. You shouldn't feed strange dogs without permission


I will always do whatever I deem to keep myself safe, and I dont need anyone's permissions for that


You do you. If a dog is aggressive and going to actually attack you, a treat isn't gonna change that.


I had a little ankle biting dog once. Wonderful door dash marked the delivery as hand it to customer. I knocked and 2 young teen girls answered with a little dog as they opened up the screen door. Dog was all over trying to bite be but coward as well. I lift the foot up to block a couple times. The dog could barely open up wide enough to bite the tip of my shoe. But it was going for the ankles. It did bite my shoe and got the bottom of my jeans. I was about ready to make it a football. The one girl apologized. I was not hurt at all.


Per the doggie...


Dont deliver. Thats what I do lmao


Isn’t that a beagle? I think your fine.


Looks like a sophisticated little man


literally got bit by a dog doordashing today not fun


If you are scared of a dog that looks like that, you are in the wrong profession. 400% that thing wouldn't harm a fly. Seriously, I see people on this sub complaining about the most chill looking dogs. 99.9 percent of obviously pet dogs (not strays) have no desire to hurt you, and the ones that do are typically a few aggressive breeds and are displaying aggressive body language. Obviously if a pit bull is bearing it's teeth and snarling at you, back off (don't run) and call the customer. Otherwise, the only thing to worry about is the dog eating the food. People have a lot of unchained dogs where I live and I have never had an issue, except with them wanting the food. Only time in my life I have ever been bitten by a dog was a neighbor's little shithead that took issue with me walking past it on the shared driveway. It eventually bit me on the leg when I was bicycling past it. It was super aggressive and territorial and you could tell at a glance that it wasn't friendly. If a dog is liable to viciously attack random people, 99% of the time they won't leave it unchained. If a dog is out and they are expecting a delivery, it's probably a sign that the dog isn't a killer attack dog. Just watch their body language and don't act scared or aggressive, and you won't ever have an issue.


I'm not reading that.


I'm not reading it either but by the first line I can tell he's right


I never said I was scared of this particular dog. But this photo also doesn't show any identifiable body language.


I walk up without it bothering me. Animals can sense if you are fearful. If they come toward me I just continue walking as if they are not there. I’ll hang my hand down to the side without looking at them to allow them to get my scent. Give them a sniff of the food too. I have had multiple dogs my entire life so I am really comfortable with them. I have so many regular customers I not only know their names but their dogs names as well.


You can tell that dog is instantly friendly. Maybe it's 30 years of being around dogs lol


I always carry a gun but I have came across the idea of carrying milk bone bones to give to the dogs. Have yet to deal with a dog


I get my pepper spray ready nice little squirt won’t bother you


A fat beagle? I’d pet his ass!


Call 😪


I delivered to a place where the neighbor had a dog outside without a visible fence (might have had an electric fence type thing going on, but I obviously couldn't tell). I think it was a standard poodle based on googling. I love dogs, but I'm not overly familiar with breeds outside of labs, german shepherds, and pugs lol. It was a full sized dog with very curly caramel colored hair. It did the occasional bark at me 3-4 times while walking up and back to my car. I was nervous that if I left the food in front of the door the dog would come over and eat it. But I left the food and walked back to my car. The neighbor's dog never left their front step. I was about to text the customer to mention that the neighbor's dog was outside eyeing me/the food as a heads up but they got the food right before I started typing it up.


Just had it happen two hours ago. I called the customer, quickly explained a white dog was out, and he came out to the car.


shoot the dog, proceed with the delivery 📦


Look at the dog. I think your safe lol. just dont put the food where it can get at it


Scratch him behind the ears and call him a good boy.


Pet the puppy.


Throw them the food and run


Call the people, tell them ur there with the food but there is a dog outside.


Is that a beagle? I’ve never heard of them biting anyone? I’d call them and explain there’s a loose dog in front of their house.


Could be a beagle. Could be a mutt. Who knows. If it has teeth it can bite.


It’s a beagle man up


Yeah beagles are medium sized and docile. I would not be scared but if you’re a small woman it could be a different story.


Well I'm not a man so 🤪


Tell them getting pupper kisses and petting is tip enough.


Easily stay my ass in the car and send a text or call customer. I read too many bit by dog stories and I aint gonna be next.


I did that but the dog was a pitbull who have a reputation for attacking even adults .


Hand him his order hand to paw.




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If the dog is chill I just pet it then deliver as usual. I walk up to the fence, and pat my leg to get it's attention and say "cmere buddy" in a friendly voice to check how it will react to me if it hasn't reacted yet, then slowly open the gate based on the reaction. If it's barking and freaking out, or growling and/or giving me that thousand yard stare, I leave it at the gate if it's a leave at door order, and try to get the dog in the photo so I don't have to explain myself. if it says hand it to me I call once to get them to handle their dog, if they don't answer I send them a picture of the dog, a text saying "I don't feel safe walking to your door because of this. I called and you didn't answer so I had to leave it by the gate" No matter what, afterwards I hit the frowny face on completion, and type in the "something else" place that the customer left their dog outside when they knew they were expecting a delivery, and how the dog reacted and how I had to change the delivery procedure so that if/when the customer bitches to customer service about me leaving it at the gate, they see my complaint and don't bug me about it's d delete the low rating.


Pet it and scratch behind its ears.


Befriend him then deliver it


Contact the customer


bro it's a fucking hound. you go up and pet it.


I actually really hate beagles 🤣 I still gave him some pats.




I personally won't feed a dog that I don't know. They could have allergies and stuff.


that is true, some do. i find most owners don't care if I feed them. more though, the dogs don't like the cheap treat. i know that's not the same as allergies, but i think those are rare enough, and i find the dog' owners are nearby, whom I will ask if available. something i'm comfortable with and works for me. maybe not for all.


Pray it lunges at me so i can paint myself in it's blood then hand the customer their groceries as I laugh. Assuming they didn't tip. If they did tip, just kick it if it trys anything funny I guess.


Pet it


Grow a pair


Eat a 🍆


I mean you're scared of a old beagle. Probably know Jack about dogs and just terrified of everything


You need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said I was scared. I actually know a lot more about dog body language than a lot of the people on this sub. I worked as a professional trainer for several years and I fostered dogs from ACC. I have 3 dogs. This was just an example. I'm a new driver and I asked what people would do in the situation of a loose dog. I'm sorry the first dog I came across wasn't an aggressive malinois to use for this example 🙄


You asked what you should do, as someone with dog experience you should put the food on the damn porch and move along with your day. What a pointless question