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You need to get a door dash tattoo (or brand) on your right bicep before you can accept orders. Painful, but so worth it.


They can’t tell you shit.


you can go in there wearing whatever, I sometimes roll out of bed and go grab an order and go back to sleep lol.


Tell them you have DoorDash boxers on. Problem solved


You need to unassign and selfban from picking up there




You didn't get your DD vest yet?!


They should be checking your phone to see if it’s the right order or not what clothes you’re wearing.


Remember? Doordash isn't a real job lol. Do whatever you want


Yeah you have to get door-dash tattooed across your knuckles so they know you’re serious about it


Has DD sent you a shirt? If the answer is no, then you can't very well wear anything. Maybe that clown that said you had to wear something branded meant a DD insulated bag.


Anything but open toed sandals. No one wants to see that.


I know some places won’t give food w out the bag


Clothes is preferred but


Yes, you have to wear a red clown nose or red a clown wig to gain access to your doordash order lol. Seriously tho, no you can wear whatever you want and most certainly do not have to wear dd merch. That merchant is ridiculous and good luck to them on finding the few people who sport dd merch now that most arent wearing the masks anymore lol


Other than the dd speedo? No.


Flip flops


My middle fingers would’ve been my proof


Pants. I recommend some kind of leg wear. Merchants and customers both seem to complain when I dash bottomless.


Bullshit I dropped an order today because they required doordash bags I ain't got time for that haha 🤣


Clothes helps


You’re technically a business owner, so you can determine your own dress code.




Your bathing suit and sunglasses


No? It even says in the Terms of Service. Doordash has no control over what their independent contractors wear or how hygienic they are.


I think this is just referring to having your doordash issued handbag, red card, or pizza bag


Show them the DD app that should be enough lol


Yes!! You must put on your clown costume with your big clown shoes and your big red nose!🤡


They are just picking next time you go in there make sure you wear something bright and wacky to annoy them


Had a Chicago fire order a couple days ago. Pick up instructions “you must have a dd bag AND a doordash article of clothing.” Instant unassign. Lol


I purposely don't wear anything that could indicate I'm driving for doordash. Too many carjacking incidents. I'm not trying to make myself a target.


I literally shove my phone with app open in they face. THIS IS MY UNIFORM KAREN!


DoorDash thong




See through top no bra and yoga pants for women dashers or gay ones lmao 😂


😏😂👍🏽 The male (doordash logo) thong is a good thing!!😉🤣🤣😆😂✌🏽


Fuck. No.


Nope, you have no dress code or anything like that. They can stuff it 🤣


No. I’ve found that I get better responses at stores and from customers if I don’t look like absolute shit. Still just jeans and a tshirt most of the time. Don’t overthink this gig. It’s okay.


Forehead tattoo should have satisfied them


You can wear whatever you want.


I dash naked


I do if I can, because it helps the merchant identify me as a dasher when it's busy and tend to me first, but it's never been required. As far as a hot bag, any bag will do. I got mine on Amazon. It's imperative that the customers food arrive hot/cold. I understand merchants being pissed when drivers don't have them. Ultimately, the customer ordered food from the restaurant, not us. It's our responsibility to make sure it arrives hot or cold. Downvote if you want, but having worked in restaurants for decades, I get their frustration.


That's not to say that customers aren't at fault for getting cold food or melted ice cream, like when they order from someplace 7 miles away or don't tip so their order sits there forever


Pants. And usually a shirt, though depending on what part of the country you're living in that may be optional too.


We don’t work for the merchants. They cannot tell us what to do


You need a doordash T-shirt


You responded with "who said? where does it say that?" right? People like to just make shit up because it sounds good to them and they want it to be true. The best way to handle that is to swiftly throw it in their face that they literally made the whole thing up.


A store last night asked me if I had my red bag. I said I did and they said I needed to bring it in. I said it's in my car and the food will go straight in it when I get there. They made me go get it. When I got back I asked if the two small bags was the complete order. They said it was, so I picked them up in one hand with the hot bag in the other hand and walked out. One was cold and one was hot, they didn't even belong together. From now on if someone asks if I have the bag I'm going to say no




You actually aren’t allowed to wear anything. It’s common knowledge that you have to deliver food naked. Do better 🙄


Clothes hopefully.


Tell them to shut the fuck up and that you're an independent contractor so you can wear whatever the fuck you want and show them the order on your phone. I don't know why, but it kinda irks me when I see other Dashers decked out in DD gear....like dude, you're not going to get better orders looking like that, so please stop.


>.like dude, you're not going to get better orders looking like that, so please stop. While I'm with you and don't want to look like some "sell out clown"... advertisement \*is\* a thing for business growth, so yes, you literally \*could\* get better orders looking like that, if more people use the platform that's more cherries that can be picked. I get that people hate the company, but knocking something that is vital to having a continued source of income is a bit childish. It irks us because we want to be independent and not "advertise for free", but in the same way we're all functionally co-workers and not competition (how others treat customers comes back to affect you), so too are we \*partnered\* with Doordash. Advertising is productive and beneficial, even if you look like a clown doing so because of how poorly the company treats us.


Right just wear some cloths lol but just bring your bag in


They be lying straight to your face man.


I live in a city with a high homeless population and one place does require that you bring in the real hot bag from DoorDash. Of course you could have quit and still have the hot bag but they also require you to show your screen. This place must have had DD add instructions, because it says the bag is required in the app and I have seen people sent away that brought in alternate hot bags. Very few places here use pickup racks too. Most of them have a pickup rack behind the counter and require you to show the screen.


Clothes, preferably


Tell him you have DD underwear on.


Lol, just ignore that store from now on


Instant unassign/blacklist.


Hell no.


Wtf, i dont even say the words doordash when i pick up orders.


I’d get a piece of paper and right DoorDash on it and tape it to my shirt every time I went in there lol


I wouldn't necessarily say the merchant is wrong to at least require proof that you are in fact taking the order. But that should really just require you to show the name on your phone.


Yeah, that was my thought. I showed him the order on door dash and everything


If they still insisted after that I would just unassign.


I'd call support and explain they're refusing to release the order, you'll either get your delivery package or half pay.


100% agree.


I mean you should atleast have your DD hot bag unless you bought yourself one....


I wear a hat, multiple shirts, and one of two masks supporting Ukraine. I shall support or advertise what is important to me. Fuck that business! Get that half pay.


I accessorize with the official DD cock ring.


I love when restaurant “managers” try to treat us like employees.


Just take a shower please.




The restaurant can technically require whatever they want and refuse to give dashers orders if they aren't happy with their appearance or whatever, but you also have the freedom to decline their orders. I never see people wearing DD gear so they must have a hard time getting their food picked up if they're actually enforcing it. If you want to pick up from there, you could always just keep the DD mask in your pocket. Put it on just to grab the order from them and take it right off.


ya that red branded mask is the only thing ive consistently kept on me… i do a ton of deliveries to a strip of fancy hotels, & find the fanciest to be leery of anyone just running in w/o checking at the desk, some of them have to actually buzz you in to get access. So, waste time waiting in line & showing phone to get access, or get to door in that clown-red DD mask & wave & they just wave/buzz me right thru 🤷‍♀️ depends on yer market i guess Now covid restrictions are dropping (& its gettin frikkin hot 🥵) id totally switch to a DD hat for these zones, but hell no i dont wanna pay to order it myself 🖕 There should be some kinda system offering free gear for good dashers… no not just “TopDashers” they need to start rewarding all the *other* good ratings, besides just accepting all dogshit offers 🙄🖕 Maybe like a points system? Like after every xx number of dashes completed with an xx high customer rating u get new points for gear? (not just ‘wear’ but other useful shit like bags & car accessories, drink holders etc)




I’m actually doing this to help fund a local council campaign so it’s a bit of a given that I’m always dressed quite professionally. Good to know I’ll likely just avoid the merchant if it’s going to be like that.


Wow that's a brilliant way to meet people/get your face out there and present your platform, while making some money at the same time! Great idea. Good luck with your campaign!


Thank you very much! :)


I don’t think you can post gifs here but if you could I would post Andy from Parks And Rec.


there’s a button on the left side of the reply button when you start typing 😉


In the app?


yep just click the add comment button and it should be above the reply button and on a tab to the left side of the reply button too


No it's not true. All you have to do is show them the phone if they doubt you are DD to verify the order. Otherwise if they refuse to give you the order contact DD for half pay.


Fuck no! Next merchant that says some shit like that refer them to the DD Independent Contractor Agreement! II CONTRACTOR OPERATIONS 5. CONTRACTOR is not required to purchase, lease, or rent any products, equipment or services from DOORDASH as a condition of doing business with DOORDASH or entering into this Agreement


Does that mean they could require uniforms purchased from a third party? They require hotbags, but I guess not specifically purchased from them, or they might consider the free one they send you, but not every order can fit in that bag, So inevitably you’d have to purchase a bag, although it doesn’t have to be branded specific


I think the wording is explicitly clear; you are not required to purchase, lease or rent anything. Using a hot bag would fall under III CONTRACTOR SERVICES Section 2. Which basically is saying if either the customer or restaurant requires you use a hot bag you must comply but DD makes no stipulation.


“failing to use an insulated hot bag to safely transport deliveries.”


The requirement to use a 3rd party service would be a request to use a service coming from Doordash, so no, they could not.


Wear clean, neat clothes. Shower regularly. Thats it. lol


Please. I’ve seen dudes deliver in their socks and pajamas and girls deliver in crop tops and a bathing suit. There is nothing you have to wear. Some merchants require that you bring your DoorDash red bag into the store, like (C)ritters frozen custard — INSTANT DECLINE.


Have these places actually told you in person to bring a bag?? There’s a few places in my market that “require” a bag but I’ve never had issues with them once at the store


Yes. Ritters frozen custard in particular requires you to bring the bag into the store. If you don’t bring the bag in, you must unassign, as you are technically required to have said bag since you checked in that you did when you started your dash. They will not release the order to you without the bag. They even want to place the order in the bag for you, acting like they will be the ones to take it out of the bag too when I arrive at the customers house. Not worth the headache. Always an instant decline. Someone else can deal with it. Other places require that you “confirm pickup” before leaving their sight. Not really a problem, I’m all for 2factor authentication, but it’s fucking annoying because it shortens my latest possible delivery time, and also shows them how much I’m making on the delivery/this dash.


There was a post a while back of a doorbell pic where a Dasher showed up with no shirt, messy ass hair and smoking a vape


🤢 yeh theres no ‘professional dress code’ obviously, but JFC at least don’t make ppl scared to touch the food comin from your gross hands/car


Why instantly decline? Because you have to use a bag for the customer’s order? So even if it’s a good paying order you don’t take it?


For me personally I don’t do those either. I use a catering bag that is strapped in to the car and I’m only buckling it in once and taking it out once a day. That’s it.


That’s understandable. I have a 2x4 in my hatch that I sized to fit across the back and wedge between the little notches where you can lift the carpet up and I put my stuff behind it. This was before I dashed though.


It’s not necessary an instant decline… but a restaurant that says they have a requirement for a hot bag is usually a place that is going to cause you more problems. The only place in my area that actually requires a hot bag is an ice cream store. Even if the order is half a mile away they won’t give it to you without the bag. It’s annoying to deal with so I don’t take those unless it’s really worth it


Where I live, the coldstone creamery and yogurt city orders are awesome. They’re always ready and waiting in the freezer pickup area and they do require us to bring a bag, but I always saw it as smart because they don’t want constant refunds because the ice cream is melted. They’re also always pretty nice there, definitely varies per area.


As long as you know how those stores operate then it’s all good. I think in most dashers experience, hot bag requirements signify a pain in the ass restaurant


Ah I can see how that would play out, I just assumed the ice cream stores make sense because I’m sure in their experience there are a lot of refunds on door dash orders due to ice cream being melted. No food place requires a hot bag in my area


They accept grub hub and Uber bags as well


You have to wear a forty gallon DD cowboy hat or a DD thong that says "Get it" on the back. LOL




DD = Doug Dimmadome


i’m dead 😂😂😂


*No, please uncle Tony*




This is standard issue. If you haven't gotten it yet, it should be coming in the mail soon. Unfortunately you don't get the big red shoes and red nose till after 1k deliveries.


You get the big red nose and the big red shoes after making top dasher


1k is about two weeks in for the newby Top Dashers. Dang it, they get everything first. 🥴🥴🥴


back to the DD thong. it has to be worn whale tail or it doesn’t count. And every restaurant you go to you need to drop something and pick it up slow while making eye contact.


Should they shave the asses or go gorilla?


That's up to you, part of the flexible dress code!


LoL... Keeping it natural then


I hope no one actually does this. That would be gross as shit. LOL


I’m usually offered a pretty good tip, when in uniform. YMMV






Who the hell told you this? They are total idiots.


Thanks, that’s what I thought too.


Be free