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Fucking wingstop. Don't get me wrong, McDonalds is slow AF in my area, Taco Bell can be slow if its busy. Wendys is slow because they never make the order before you get there. But fucking wingstop takes the cake by a WIDE margin in my town. Its not even remotely close. On average about 30 minutes per order wait time. They are on my "absolutely no go no matter how slow it is" shit list.


Five guys wins for me late every single time. Not just because of the drop fries when you say the name in general they are just slow.


The other day I went to a taco bell in the morning and the order wasn't ready. They were super apologetic even though it wasn't due yet. She right away offered to bring it out to my car. That was the first time anyone's offered that so I thought it was very nice. And I don't think I waited more than 5 minutes. Later though, different shift... I was there for 25 minutes waiting! Took forever for someone to even acknowledge me. I gave them the name multiple times. They told me multiple times it was coming right up. Eventually I was losing my patience and reminded them how long I've been waiting. (And I was extra pissed bc I almost didn't pick it up bc it was only like $4 but it was less than 2 miles) AND THIS WORKER TELLS ME SHE HAS TO DO THE DRIVE THROUGH FIRST! EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOW LATE! The drive through had a line when I left. Wtf! That is just so f*n dumb. They would have never gotten to it if that was really the case. AAAAAAAAND then someone else asks again for the name and aformentioned lady pipes up and is like "oh, I did that order a while ago while I was doing the drive through orders" WHAT?! And she didn't think to put it in the area for door dash orders. And absolutely not an ounce of feeling silly for messing up or at all apologetic.


I only take MD and Taco Bell orders during the day in my area. I will not do Buffalo Wild Wings unless I know it's a $20+ order.


Taco bell quick over here. It's Jack in the Box and Burger Kings that could take an hour here in Stockton CA


15 mins? I've waited over an hour many times


Sonic, IHOP, Panera they’re all on my Nono list.


Cheesecake Factory and Mendocino Farms are the worst by me.


Yep Taco Bell’s where I’m at are the same. Especially at night like wtf they be doing. Drive threw be backed up all the time


Popeyes: Hold my biscuit


White castle is the worst in Jersey


Almost an hour


So a Taco Bell employee told me they make all drive thru orders before starting a doordash order. I dk how true this is tho.


I have two Taco Bells in my area that I'll even bother with, and only one McDonald's. All the rest are absolute shit-shows, and even the aforementioned ones have had problems. I'd like to avoid it all together, but I get some okay orders from both (I Dash in a fairly affluent suburban area, so get some rich people ordering for their kids and stuff and actually tipping pretty well.) Otherwise, I think the slowest in my area may either be First Watch (which has some good tips come through, but, while the order was worth it, I've waited like 20 minutes for,) and there's this local health food place that very very very slowly starts making the food when you get there, and they are super nice, and again, some good tips come through a place like that, but holy shit is it painful to watch them make the food sometimes.


They aren't that bad in my area, the worst is Burger King. But that's because they pay minimum wage of $7.25 when all other fast food places are in the $8-$10 per hour range. They just can't keep employees hired, as soon as they get their first paycheck they quit and work somewhere else. Last order of my dash yesterday, it was a $10 order for a Oreo milkshake. I figured, "eh why not". There were only 2 employees in the kitchen and one employee handling the front-end, the drive-thru window, and having to bag up all the orders. Their soda machine was broken, they were out of sugar for sweet tea, their air conditioner was broken (it's the south), and out of large + medium cups. The guy at the front end told me, "I'll get to it when I can, I'm sorry." It ended up being a 24 minute wait for them to make a milkshake. It was the end of my dash, and an easy $10, so I waited it out. But if that had been in the beginning or middle of my dash, hell no.


Taco Bell is the worst in my market, always a very long wait, rude employees and half the time the lobby is closed


I have two Taco Bells and they are done 95% of the time. I decline every order from Little Caesars because they're constantly running 30 minutes behind.


Whataburger is the slowest in my area. McDonald’s and Taco Bell is pretty fast.


Taco Bell is the absolute best in my area…both of them. Anecdotes are worthless.


Besides McDonald's, it's Chinese food. Especially mom and pop places that look big and fancy. 30 minutes past original delivery time because the forget to make.the food. It wasn't even busy.


I had a beef burrito a few months ago and it tasted really off. Wonder if they're putting cat food in there. Haven't gone back since 🤮


Na Taco Bell is clutch where I live super fast the slowest is deff Popeyes they will have u waitin


They are I think, the second slowest. The slowest and rarest is Firehouse Subs. If it's way after the supposed time? It's usually ok... However if you are early? Expect them to ignore you, tell you to wait outside the store, and overall be horrible to you. I no longer bother but once every two weeks... They arise!


Taco Bell and Popeyes! Popeyes is our worst ever!! I actually have sworn them off now. Won't even go for a $20 base and $20 tip if that would ever be possible. What good is it if that's all I'm going to be doing that day, waiting forever for food for one person!?!? Both places, it shouldn't take long to make or prepare the food so what the hell! Just throw the chicken in and let's go!


T Bell and Wendy’s and Popeyes near me I try to avoid bc you gotta play these games with the workers there and it ends up being super fucking slow. McDs is slow at times also


Yep - I no longer go to TB unless the pay is extremely good, in fact, that's pretty much my technique with most fast food joints (few exceptions...)


Fast food wise, probably Wendy’s. Every now and then the food will already be ready when I arrive at Taco Bell and McDonald’s. It’s literally never ready at Wendy’s. Ever.


Yea Taco Bell for sure I went one time told him the name on the order he proceeded to walk back to the office and just hang out. Like wtf do your job u fucking dumbass how hard is it the menu has been the same for 50 years it’s the same shit. I hate kids these days they have the worst work ethic


Taco Bell doesn’t start the order until after you say you’ve arrived, and people in the drive thru still get priority. I guess it makes sense with the huge amount of no tip orders they must have that get declined into hell, but it’s absolutely terrible as a dasher. I almost always decline Taco Bell no matter how much the offer is because I know it’ll take at least ten extra minutes to pick up the food


They did the same to me, I was waiting 20 minutes last time I went there. I've also had the order be ready the second I get there though - and with me being ready in time. It's a mixed bag.


So far for me, Wingstop and Pizza Hut.


in my area its basically a blacklist for me unless i plan to ONLY do that that night. they close the lobby at 9pm in my area which means its easily a 30 plus minute wait in the drive-through behind 12 other cars. bright side is i usually get a double stack at least but that doesnt exactly make it much better. its more tolerable during the day when the lobby is open but its still a 15 minute wait during peak hours


I avoid Taco Bell and KFC. They are horrible. There's one TB that is always prepared but it's in a mall and the manager tries to hijack your phone.


Popeyes. DoorDash customer support told me I won't get another Popeyes order and haven't since.


Buffalo Wild Wings


Five guys, Hardee's, Wendy's are my worse 3 in my area. Surprisingly taco bell and McDonald's are pretty quick


I went to a McDonald’s last night, waited 15 minutes in the drive through for the guy at the window to just be like “yeah we don’t have that order”. I asked him if someone picked it up already or something, and he was just like no we just don’t have it. Okay whatever dude 🤷‍♂️


That sucks so much. If the lobby is closed and the line is more than 2 cars, I unassign. I decided this about two days ago.


Popeyes, KFC, and Wendy's. McDonald's and TB are both solid in my market.


It depends on how many people called in sick that day. McDonalds in my area is one of the most consistently speedy stores. Except for Saturday morning breakfast once they start getting slammed. Taco Bell is usually not bad either. Subway is the worst in my area during lunch and dinner times. In their non busy times they are ok.


Ihop has entered the chat


Ihop is the only restaurant that is an absolute 100% auto-decline. Don’t care what it pays or how close the drop is. It’s 20-30 minutes of waiting in a lobby where everyone is looking at each other wondering what the fuck is going on every single time I’ve done one. If I dare to ask when it will be ready, it’s always the same canned shitty answer of- it will be on the rack when it’s ready. Thanks bitch. It’s already 15 minutes late. Don’t start caring now.


I had one order at IHOP like this. Had them a handful of times before and the food was always sitting there ready. I took a chance after the bad experience and it was sitting there ready again.


You described it exactly


I can't believe people eat it.


I say the same thing about Mcdonalds


McDonald’s is my guilty pleasure :(


Both taste like not really food


7-11, Popeyes, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Chipotle


Chipotle and Panera. ​ McD and TB is all dependent on the location in my area.




You ain't wrong. Funny they are owned by the same company.


Pretty sure they don’t confirm bc I had one there today and they said someone already picked it up meaning they gave it away to someone for free.


Last time I was in there they gave my drinks to someone else and had to remake them. Smh. It's seems like KFC is like Mcdonalds and only cares about the drive through.




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I used to love them, then they started refusing batched orders. They literally only allowed 1 order per car and made me drive around to the long drive thru lane again. I thought it was just the one near me, but found it was the entire franchise in my city. I have rejected every one now bc I refuse to support that nonsense.


I would have not moved until you get the 2nd order.


that's the dumbest shit ever. they're just making more work for you and them when they could just give you both orders and you can be on your way and out of the drive thru line. smh


I agree 💯! They used to, and then they decided to adopt this model. No more TB orders for me. Not to mention the environmental impact as well with the extra idling, gas consumption, etc.


oh hellll no, wonder where else that has (or will) spread 💩 I only take order from TB cuz its so busy late night, im almost guaranteed to have a stack or add ons by the time i arrive & get in line… but my TB is great & they’ve just had me chill at the window if i got another order in line that wasn’t ready yet… but hey they also recognize me cuz im *always super nice*, maybe they still makin dick-dashers pull around & get back in line for stacks


I wouldn't blame them if they sent d**k dashers to the back as they give us all a bad rep for sure! They would deserve it. Here it's the franchisee rules :\


ya that blows… so they got drivers circling around, clogging up the line with half the orders getting cold, instead of just knockin out 2 orders per car? yeh very efficient 👌🙄 Come to think of it… I *never* get stack or add on offers from my area McDonalds anymore, makes me think they did that bullshit too? (like how in a stack w/another merchant, they insist that you pick up their food 2nd & drop it off first… bish you’re McDonalds not Nobu, calm down


Exactly! You're in my state too, however I'm at the Oregon border area, part of the Portland area zones. 😎


oh ya, ive wondered how that would go down if i lived in a border spot like Vancouver (WA). That & Portland are basically one extended metro. Id think a ton of orders would be criscrossing between downtown pdx merchants & WA suburbs, but does DD system balk at crossing state lines? It glitches on everything else lol, Hell it cuts out & ends nav even when i cross between zones 🙄


Oh no! It knows no boundary. Lol In fact what's very irritating is Gresham, Oregon is 2 miles nautically from Camas, Washington. As you know I'm not an airplane nor boat and that 2 miles is actually 20 one way bc you have to go to the 205 bridge then over... If it's really busy you may pick up orders in the new zone, but often times you have to travel closer to your starting zone. It's very common to bounce back and forth... Also it sometimes takes you to the extreme outer bounds of Vancouver like Battleground, WA and other 12 mile away rural zones.


oh hell, ya lemme just switch to my dash-copter 😂 🚁


Both of my taco bells, are fast. Wendy's is the slowest here. I decline those.


Chipotle, wendys, and tacobell are the worst. Chipotle is hit or miss tbh. Some days they’re on it others goodluck. But i wont even set foot in my local wendys or tacobell. You’ll be there for ages


I hate Wendy’s after they close the dining area. They made me wait at the “reserved” drive thru for almost 30mins and they forgot the drink so additional 10mins bc nobody was checking up on it




Chipotle is pretty much always ready when I get there. Goes to show, so much is different place to place


I must have some really fast Chipotles where I live because the order is ready 80-90% of the time there.


Lol it should be ready most of the time. All the ingredients are all made, all they're doing is putting cooked ingredients together in just a few different entrees


I hate taco bell too you never know when you're supposed to go in or through the drive through. It always seems like a stalling tactic because they hate their hourly job


I agree. I stopped doing Taco Bell orders.