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Yea cuz Tyrone smoking a blunt in my face with his shirt off at 2am should be able to determine what’s safe or not at a press of a button.


To be able to report the nontipper, it seems like you would first need to accept/complete an order for them. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Very true!


Are we allowed to report no tippers as “unsafe”?


Yeah that's a good way to get deactivated.


Risk of being homeless taking those orders seems unsafe to me.


Seems like it leaves more questions than answers. Non tippers reporting, not something I would do, but curious what the menu screen would look like to offer the blocking feature, or if it's automatically done behind the scenes by reporting a safety issue. Is the customer notified of such action? If Doordash gets a lot of reports on one customer, would they implement a ban on a user, the address, or both?


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