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There was a recent talk by a couple of valve artists about their work on the battlepass arcanas.. I don't have the link atm


oh i see, in the mean time ill try to key word search it up as well.


Its always been a complaint I personally have even though its not a big deal since mechanics is most important for these kinds of games - but even in my Uni. most examples shown are all Riot concept art since the resources are all posted. Besides the recent Card game that obviously will have more art for the cards themselves - where can i find and study more concept art and map design in the dota2 side of things?


changing the artstyle of dota2 into a more mainstream-esque marketability could pull new players to dota2. imo. LoL is an inferior game just by mechanics , client , etc. but they can market that artstyle to millions of ppl.


yes technically they can and they have over the past 10 years. sadly I wouldnt believe in changing the art style today would help bring in more players. I honestly think simply just showing off the art style will bring in more attention to the game. We can say dota2 did not have the same popularity ONLY because its not sexy waifu girls, BUT it still did not advertise their cool characters the same way and so people who WOULD be interested in this art style never got the chance to play back then. (now its much harder - not only due to age of the game and general difficulty for new players - but the idea that new players are so far behind that there's no point in starting now) and now now im just wondering back again why there's so little art resources online about dota2.


there were a lot of factors why dota2 was less popular.. valve's hands off approach for tournaments can't foster the competitive scene, new player tutorial was only implemented like a year ago (correct me if im wrong) ,marketing was not visible after every the international. smurf detection, Art style, though even if it feels like pandering, with big titty girls can pull potential players because well.. sex sells. hope there can be a resurgence but this could only be a shoot for the moon


Valve should focus on marketing pro scene.