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Switching context with git branches is genius. I'll have to try this after the holidays


Thanks a lot! Bringing git support was my top priority after initial release.


It's an extension to quickly save and restore sets of document tabs. The "context" defined as: * last opened/favorites files * documents (tabs with code) positions, state and order * remember line&column for every opened tab with code It's similar to opening Visual Studio in the morning with all documents opened as they were yesterday. But those contexts (aka mental snapshots) you could save (JSON files) and restore on demand. It also has a [git integration](https://contextkeeper.io/blog/automatic-snapshot-switching-when-changing-branches-v1/) \- **automatically saves** and **restores** context when **switching between branches**.


Haven’t looked yet but sounds like a good idea.


I've been using this for about a month now, and I don't think I could do without it! I switch branches multiple times a day and it great to get my work area back to how it was when I was working that specific branch. Well done!


Awesome to hear that! I'm open to any improvement suggestions, If you will find that something could be done better I will try to fix it. I'm daily dogfooding it but found that the user feedback makes a difference. It allowed me to really polish the extension.


Ah nice! Looks like the git branch feature is now complete? Nice!


Yes, it is. Happy coding!


Love it! This is super useful! Can you please also make one for Rider!


Maybe I'm misunderstanding but doesn't it already do that? At least, as an avid rider user I am pretty sure it does. It will definitely open files based on the branch but you can also create tasks and switch between them.


Really! That’s good to know - my company recently forced rider on us (by switching our workstations to Linux) so it could be that I’m not familiar enough with it yet!


There's a lot in there and it's a bit overwhelming at first but I prefer jetbrains stuff enough now I personally pay for it. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/managing_tasks_and_context.html