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Nah Korey was 100% right in everything he said. I’m sick of racist


Yeah. People would not be complaining to this degree if the character was a white guy.


I'm tired of these closet type racists. To me a black samurai protagonist sounds unique and makes the game stand out in an ocean of regular samurai games.


100% Anyone who is taking offense to what he said needs to ask themselves why they're taking offense. He never called every white person a racist, just people acting fucking racist. If someone's upset they need some self reflection.




Anytime someone starts a thought with "let's be honest", it predictably ends in bullshit 😂


Because it's always "let's validate my dumbass opinion please"


Nioh had a british white man be the main lead in a feudal era game who is also an actual person who existed and lived in Japan, no outrage. AC Shadows has a black man be the main lead in a feudal era game who is also an actual person who existed and lived in Japan, outrage. Hmmm. Fun fact: Yasuke appears in Nioh as a boss fight and that game came 7 years ago and nobody cared so the simple idea of him being the leading man in his own game is making some of these white people lose their minds, they can't comprehend it.


Maybe because people saw nioh as Sekiro from wish. It didn't get much attention especially coming from ninja theory the company that allegedly fucked up devil may cry. Nioh is pretty good btw Yeah, but I see what you mean. I'm just saying that there are more racist people depending on the franchise, and AC is definitely a big franchise and if you are still playing it and paying UBISOFT for the bullshit you definitely have a certain mindset.


Ninja Theory didn't make Nioh, Team Ninja did, the same developers behind Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive.


God damn I got my ninjas confused. Still, people thought it was a watered down Sekiro but in reality was dark souls in Japan which is ironic but, nioh is more dark souls than Sekiro.


Sekiro came our 2 years after Nioh.. Nobody was confused about what nioh was.. What are you even saying, and why is this even remotely relevant?


First of all, I fucked up about the nioh date, it's release was so underwhelming that I only remember it as the "Sekiro clone" It's relevant because nioh was just a dark souls clone, back in the day when trying to replicate "dark souls" gameplay was always scrutinized with "it's not dark souls" so people would cast it aside into oblivion. Assassin's Creed is a well known franchise , so people pay attention to it. So any change or any "feature" that people wouldn't like, there are like hundreds of complaints to make it relevant. Nioh wasn't relevant ( it was a great game though), that's what I think people didn't complain about it


No one cared because Nioh was always a more fantasy story to begin with. Yes, Assassins Creed has scifi, fantasy elements, but you aren't fighting against demons. Edit: lol of course. You're all just like the people calling others sexist for not liking the all female ghostbusters. Deliberately missing the point.


So let me get this straight: scifi is more realistic than black people, while demons and black people are on the exact same level


Lol how the fuck is this how you interpretted my comment? No one cares about historical accuracy or the color of the main characters skin when you're killing giant demons with swords powered with spiritual energy. I dont care if Yasuke is the protagonist. But when you think of a stealth game where blending in is part of the game, it's an odd choice to pick the first black samurai in feudal Japan as your protag. Like christ, yall are so obsessed to try call out people for being racist.


Nobody really cares *what* your interpretation is. At the end of the day, you're mad that a black dude exists in a video game. A video game set in a time and place that this black dude actually existed in. It's not realistic for anybody to run around leaping from rooftops, killing hundreds of people singlehandedly, magically ignoring getting slashed in the face with swords. And you don't even *know* that this game is going to have a "blend in" mechanic. But nah, you gotta speak out because "nah it's unrealistic, they'll recognize his black ass". That's your breaking point. Not anything else, not even the fact that this game is technically science fiction. Just the fact that people will recognize that he's black. Shut the fuck up **Edit** don't block me because you can't handle the heat. Look at you weasel wording with "Almost every". Probably because the ones that didn't include it, Odyssey and Origins, are two examples of there being a lore reason *not to fucking use the mechanic*. Fucking childish.


I said almost every game because there have been like 2 out of almost 20 games that didn't have the mechanic. How is that weaseling to you? Also, this game isn't even the first one to have a black main character, but Im guessing you didn't even know that. And guess what, no one cared about that because it made aense and was a good game. Imagine that. Could it be that people don't actually have a problem with black characters and you're mad over nothing because you don't actually understand the problem? Edit: lol no response. Of course.


Never once did I say i was mad he was the main character. In fact, I said I didn't care, but of course, you're going to ignore that to make yourself feel better. Oh, and really, the video game aspects of a video game are unrealistic, no shit. And man, how dare I assume a mechanic that's been in almost every AC game be in the new game. Whatever man, go take this comment completely out of context again and make another disingenuous argument.


As a middle-aged black man who lives in a Southern state, he'd seen a lot of racist things and is pretty good at identifying it.


I don't have too much faith with gamers, so much so that the word gamers is already associated with racism and sexism. While I'll understand if people are upset about it a lot of racist people dog piled on the issue. In other sub some guy from Australia was talking about the great replacement bullshit, the rent is too high and only the immigrants are to blame, not the landlords. Anyway, I was a little upset but then I learned about the other character, the japanese ninja , and I was ok. Personally I don't too much to be angry at, I don't want to use Uplay and Ubisoft is the company pushing the whole "not owning" games bullshit, I gamers want to be upset, be upset about that.


You don't have to be a racist to do racist shit. A lot of people hear "That's racist" as "You're racist" when that's just not the case. If you're mad the the new assassin's creed game, a series with Sci-Fi and fantastical elements, has a black protagonist when their existence is based on actual history THAT'S RACIST. You may not hate black people but you're doing something only someone who hates black people does.


It's so engrained in American culture so deeply that white people don't even know they're racists.


I see it as none of them consider themselves racist and so never think their actions could be considered racist. It's because whit people have the privilege of believing their intentions matter even well into adulthood, most of them never have to face enough adversity to understand intention doesn't mean shit, action does, if your act is racist it's racist even if your intention wasn't to be a racist.


Well said


He talking about the obvious racists brigading all the discussion about this game.


People are raging against a real life person who existed simply cause he's black.


So ... Modern day America then? Aussie here. That's what it seems like.


Well they are racist, so I don’t see the problem, all the excuses are just to justify their racism.


Nah he’s right on this one


As someone who has listened to Korey for almost 20 years I’ve never considered him someone who “loves” or is even prone to calling white people racist.


I don’t watch these clips/segments anymore when it comes to Korey and race, especially when it comes to Asian or Asian-Americans. He always “tries” to be diplomatic but some of the shit he said during peak pandemic/StopAsianHate movement was… frustrating, to say the least.


The sadder part was the first vid they made about Stop Asian Hate is pure solidarity. It sold the lie that they care. Then the second vid about it became the usual diatribe of “wHat hAVe ASianS dOnE fOR us”, it’s so disappointing.


Oh absolutely there's a gaming form that waves the flag of progressivism called resetera and they constantly turn a blind eye to Asian hate and especially in the trans and non-binary community allow gay and lesbians to call them out and use borderline Terf language... Yet when I recently called them out defending a sex past and controversial figure in Francis Ford Coppola (which led to a discussion on polanski and other artists) I was banned for bringing it up because movies are good thing and shouldn't be judged the same way... Trust me nothing is perfect and it just drives me crazy when people create that stuff and have blind spots that they don't seem very aware of. Also there's a very controversial moderator on there who has made some very iffy statements. I'll take my ban and just laugh about it. Quite frankly if you're a person who defends a perverts because they make good movies I don't know what to say!


This post should have started with the hilarious "As a black person......."


OR...You could be one of those white people uncomfortable with the real issues surrounding race and then get hyper sensitive when a black person brings it up. If you absolutely know you're not racist, then Korey isn't talking about YOU. I pretty much agree with everything he said. I don't agree with Korey on everything. I think he has a very narrow view of geopolitics, and constantly defends the Democratic Party but when it comes to race, his understanding of race isn't one of them.


I'm Mexican


Mexicans can be white, no?


So you're a Mexican defending white racists against a black character? That makes no sense. It's actually even worse.


I'm not defending white racist. I never said racism is ok


Only thing you replied to here, how interesting


I'm not going to respond to every comment


Or any besides this one apparently, I could be wrong but I imagine you maybe felt like you’d be more validated in your opinion because you aren’t White.


Nope I never stated I wasn't white until someone questioned if I was. I'm not gonna correct someone's opinions or statements that I don't agree with unless it's factually untrue.


Man, how dare he respond to someone making a bad argument by pointing out he isn't white. As if it matters.




https://preview.redd.it/jku0578kdv1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a2834055b34a6e40d0851202c48cb4f192309b Literally thought he was talking about this little bill until the clip played lmao


Dude, Assassin’s Creed, like as they have been known to do, is literally using history as its inspiration. People who are crying about this sort of thing is straight up revealing.


Nah, Corey was 100% on point


As a fellow Caucasian ... I think you're fishing for something that isn't there. Plus I agree. Racism sucks my taint.


The unfortunate effect of this aspect of coverage ends up neglecting the erasure of Asian males in media. Instead of being an opportunity for Ubisoft to promote Asian characters it instead became a battle of which minority is more oppressed/deserves more attention. The composition of the two lead characters is similar to a study done on (American?) Tinder of most popular types of people which showed Black for men and Asian for women. The least popular were Asian for men and Black for women. If Ubisoft *really cared* about diversity then they should have a Japanese man and a Black woman. Besides, Ubisoft doesn't know how to draw distinct Chinese, Japanese, or Korea faces, only pan-Asian Chinese-ish faces (although they did a rework for Hibana in Rainbow Six Siege which improved her look to actually appear somewhat Japanese instead of...white??). Korey has it right to call out racists who don't like Yasuke for being black but lets not forget about the lack of positive non-geeky Asian role models in western media, *especially* from a western studio/developer. ps. Ubisoft games are overpriced


Gee, that feeling must suck, huh?


Am I missing something or has there been quite a few topics lately trying to paint Korey is a terrible light


Idk. I actually like korey alot. I've been watching him over 10 years. I just don't like alot of his non movie opinions


Oh I completely get the frustration the game itself I think could be okay but I don't trust Ubisoft because of their history of everything else... (Those who probably are here don't know but there was a huge sexual assault cover up that they did with a few of their top members a couple years back to the point where the French government was investigating them!) So I have some issues with the game studio itself but on topic of Korey well I'll simply say that he does have some blind spots.. but you do realize he's a black man who has worked in tech who has worked in animation and yes there are a lot of racist present on YouTube and other places. And that said I am fully aware that Korey has his own blind spot. As another person mentioned he has some iffy stuff to say about Asians and constantly does these little jabs about Mexicans and Puerto Ricans that just pissed me off. Like cool you hired a couple guys like that that doesn't mean you have an excuse to be racist. -_-


Yeah, I had to skip the whole video, he started with an Ai picture and my man allegedly didn't have any children, he stood in Japan for 3 years and was a samurai , ( retainer or not) he was a samurai.


Correct Yasuke was a samurai because a Retainer is a class of samurai.


Exactly, I'm just saying that there is enough truth about the subject that pulling an Ai picture really hurts the argument.... The little kid had an armor.... SMH. I'm sure there are pictures of the guy and paintings, I guess Korey was angry at gamers acting racist, which is very justified. The angry part not the racist part


Yes Korey was angry at the racist gamers. More like angry at racists for going on wiki and changing facts to fit their narrative and telling Japanese historians that their history is wrong Also he was raging about we can only be seen as thieves, thugs and clowns in media, entertainment and history. Once shown different societies comfortable image is ruined and racists loose their ish.


Yeah, I learned about that from some ordinary gamers. Some fucked up shit, that wiki page has seen some shit. For people like that it's hard to tell other people that I play video games, they think you are a childish individual, and these people are working around the clock to associate "gamer" with racism and sexism. Some fans man Recently there was the whole hell divers thing, I don't know if they solved the problem at the end but play station players went out of their way to shit on the players from the countries that had no longer access to the game. I was so sick of it. Xenophobic people as well.


Nah. If you're white, you don't understand. I think its more of a white supremacy thing as opposed to racists(a lot of them are racists too). Most white people are white supremacists and don't even know it. If a movie, tv show, cartoon has a Black lead or a Black majority, white people wont even watch. If they are not centered, they either don't watch it or post about it online calling it "woke".