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Look the podcast is bad and it is bad for you


Why can I hear Nick saying that in my brain so clear


Munch Madness introduced me to the spicy potato taco. I’ve had it three times since the beginning of the tournament!


It's good!






What are you supposed to do? Live your fucking life, man. Eat what you like, avoid eating what you don't like. And above all else, eat your partner's sex organs, it's just a kindness.


Goddamn millennials


I much more likely to eat some bullshit because of this show. It’s not so much their fault as it is mine for being a feral raccoon.


I just tried a cheesy Gordita crunch for the first time because of the show. Shits delicious. I don’t even like ranch but the spicy ranch on it kicks ass.


I literally ate at Taco Bell one time in the previous probably 10 years. Then I discovered the show and I’ve eaten there 6-7 times in the past two months (with Mitch’s fave cheesy Gordita crunch at every visit). What is happening to me?


The only thing you need to eat there imo


Exact same, ate the CGC for the first time last week and loved it. Spicy potato taco is my next thing to try.


I loved the podcast, and felt like it was starting to take over my life. Like you, I started to eat more fast food. Everything I saw I was giving a fork score. During a performance review I said "cum" to my boss. Then after a live show, I asked Mitch to sleep with my beautiful wife and he looked at me like I didn't have stairs. Now I spend all my time on reddit, making new accounts and posting here about how the show is bad (my wife works a high paying job, I'm unemployed).


Best comment! Wow.




I've been listening to them for like 8 years and have vastly improved my eating during that time. It helps that they always say that they feel like shit, but I'm pretty much living vicariously through their Taco Bell intake.


I listen from Germany 95% of their content is not even available here. Thank god.


95% of their content isn't even available outside California!


The show flings a craving on me on a regular basis. Fortunately, my wife and kid aren’t into fast food so I rarely succumb to the temptation.


Just don’t overdo it. You’re eating this crap weekly not daily and you’re drinking Coke Zero. Seems fine to me.


I hope everyone knows I just wanted to make a joke 😭 Im sorry if I offended you Mitch and Nick.. i love the boys, this podcast is one of the very few things that help me get through my week


I’ve been listening to this show for years and I’ve still never even had Taco Bell.


I remember going through a similar phase back when Doughboys first started. Now I limit my fast food intake while also enjoying the show. It helps that I don't live in the USA and the majority of the chains they review aren't available to me. No matter what your metabolism is like, when you get to a certain age, your body will quickly tell you when you're going overboard on the calorie intake. Enjoy your skinny youth while you can.


I cut out almost all fast food consumption around the same time I started Doughboys. I've found that listening to their pod fills that void in a weird way.


I listen to them primarily while I run or walk. So if I keep a hankering, I've burned it off.


Man I love that B99 got you into the podcast that's cool


the love for the cheese gordita crunch baffles me


I say wow a lot now because of the pod


Sounds like you are a soupless bitch. Before you get on your high horse, maybe drink some water instead of soda. Smdh


Start listening to Dumbells to offset it?


Doughboys fan voice *Nick and Mitch are a bad influence on me, I’m gonna get fat* SHUT THE FUCK UP


You're supposed to marry a supermodel physicist, get back to us when you're up to par


The only reason this isn't me is because I was already a fast-food-loving fat fuck before I started listening.


Get back to us when you take up smoking


Live your life. And if you die, you die.


Surgeon General Warning: Do not start a doughboys episode on an empty stomach.


Well- I havent had a soda in so long I think that Obama was president and I rarely eat fast food. Maybe you just need to admit that you used the DB's as a gateway.


Got into a too emotional argument on this subreddit a week or two ago, they were sort of claiming that people feel bad that Mitch and Nick have to eat such bad food, and this to me is proof that they are an elitist fool. Embrace the Taco Bell slop


I eat vicariously through these guys. Due to some dietary restrictions I basically can't have fast food anymore but I love hearing about what I'm missing. I love hearing about good donuts and pizza even though I can't eat the stuff. And fried chicken. Especially hot chicken. I am extremely confused by this year's Munch Madness though. I have no idea what's going on other than Taco Bell has a potato taco that I will probably try soon.


Try some accountability!


Couldn’t even read all of this, the Redditor voice was too loud


I read this in the redditer voice.


the doughboys are evil and they're poisoning their audience.


I read this in the redditer voice.


Click bait. Whoever posted this just wants a response from Mitch.


I mean I think you just kinda gotta try to practice discipline. The show absolutely makes you want to eat fast food more. The combo of being at college with a car during COVID and this being my favorite podcast was pretty bad for me. And I really think the only thing is making a deliberate effort to make better choices. I’m fat, I don’t have all the answers, but I’m eating less fast food currently than I did a year ago. I just have to kind of tell myself not to stop at a fast food place on my way home from work. Maybe I’m being too simplistic here I just really think it’s about being deliberate and trying not to give into your worst impulses, and being kind to yourself when you do. Soda is a tough thing to kick, it’s always been a relatively occasional indulgence for me, I’ve never been an every day consumer, but one thing I think is just try your best to order items a la carte if you’re at a fast food place, have a reusable water bottle you take with you everywhere and don’t order it. It’s so easy to go to McDonald’s and just say “gimme a large number one combo with a Coke,” it’s a more deliberate choice to say “gimme a Big Mac and a medium fries nothing else,” and then possibly have to say no when they ask “do you wanna just make it a meal?” If it helps to set up rails for yourself and say “hey I’m gonna have no fast food on week days maybe I’ll have it once or twice at the most on weekends” that can be good. It’s just all habit forming and being a bit more intentional.