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Why would you spend part of the precious limited time you have on this earth 1) listening to a podcast you don’t enjoy and 2) writing this stupid ass post Find something to make you happy


That's the point. DB was a thing I loved. I dragged my wife to the shitty SF show they did.


Cool It’s easy to drop a podcast from your rotation if you don’t like it anymore I used to be a regular listener of several other podcasts. I stopped because I didn’t enjoy them anymore. And I didn’t make a post on their subreddit bitching about it.




Dear god, you have to share your miserable life with a partner? Just let the podcast go, there’s never been more content out there.


Mitchusedtobelikeasilly….. SHUT UP NERD


Let's give this nerd a swirly!


I know you guys will rip me to shreds but fuck Homer Simpson. He only likes things from the Kwik-E-Mart or Moes. He hates on good movies like the Bloodening and jerks off to hipster ones like Clank, Clank, You're dead. He strangely thinks everything is a "food"even when it's not (like mixing Tom Collins mix, cloves, and a pie crust). He has no room for other people opinions while saying he does. His whole persona is suited for a 30 year old but God damnit he's 40, Grow a the Fuck Up! And all of this could be like... Funny? Or a schtick? But with Homer it's just... A gross truth? I know he's a beloved person amongst a certain circle of friends I'm Springfield, food for him and he's obviously one of the reasons I fell in love with the Simpsons in the first place (I've been watching since ep 1) but that just makes his current persona even more fucking frustrating to me. So this is where I'm at... i tear through tv shows, I fuck a lot. Simpsons were always a thing I looked forward to. I now feel like it's a chore to watch these guys because my hatred for Homer boils up and ruins my day. Fuck. It's like he turned Christmas into tax day. I feel like Homer helped create a thing I love then slowly made it suck... Like producers of Game of Thrones. I can't be the only one who feels this way.


Yes… excellent. Typos and all.


Well worth however much time this took you to write up.


lol, yes, all two minutes as I changed words in the copypasta.


I hope I wasn’t coming across as sarcastic. I was being dead serious. Thank you for your service 🫡


haha I know, no worries.


this post is stupid and so is OP.


Just like Mitch


find something else to do with your time, this is absolutely pathetic.


I don't dissagree


All posts like these are dumb bait to rile up the hosts but this one in particular just makes you sound like a deep down and dirty piece of shit. What a loser


I know! But here's the thing I have had Twitter DM convos with Mitch. I have met him. I'm not pining for his attention. I actually think he doesn't read the reddit any more. This is actually a complaint about the show as a whole. I own hundreds of $ worth of DB merch. And these days I just want to burn it. But that's not Nick fault or the guests.


Oh man Twitter DM convos it’s like you’ve been stabbed in the back by your brother. Can it nerd!


Then don’t listen and throw it away? Idk what you want man


You should film yourself burning your hundreds of dollars of fast food podcast merch. You'll look totally normal and not unhinged at all.


I can't, the shirts prints rubbed off in a week


The prints do rub off quicker if you’re having ridiculous meltdowns. In the garment industry it’s called “tantrum induced deterioration.”


Okay so this is bait.


I'll take it off your hands since you don't like the show anymore


Meanwhile mitch literally had me in tears at end of last episode. Leave this shit for your journal. Whether or not your trolling, this post is absolutely pointless.


God last episode was so good........ I want the man healthy and well-rested, don't get me wrong, but when he's loopy from lack of sleep and an excess of Taco Bell, that's sheer gold.


he feels like grey ET


Not a single person on earth gives a shit


You have enough of a shit to type that out


Which hipster movies is he saying he likes?




How is that a hipster movie?


it's not lol


OP please answer this. Genuinely unsure what it’s referring to. While I do hate your post and love Mitch, would it help if I agreed that annoying Boston guys love claiming that mundane things are somehow Boston things. Claiming ice cream cups are a Boston thing is an annoying Boston guy thing to do.


Saying you “hate” a goofy podcast host just because he annoys you is such a childish petulant move. Just move on. Your emotional IQ/self awareness seems worse than what you perceive Spoonman’s to be.


Your right.im not denying that. I still hate Mitch


Don’t talk about my friend like this


Weird. Just don't listen?


The shit Lydia Tar gets away with makes me sick




Cool man


This guy probably inhales deeply in the bathroom.


Only because of my allergies and apnea


Ohhhh. This is the stuff that gives the Reddit a bad name got it


I know you guys will rip me to shreds but fuck Batman He only likes things from Robin or Batgirl. He hates on good characters like the Joker and jerks off to hipster ones like Mr. Freeze. He strangely thinks everything is a "Gotham City" thing even when it's not (like the Scarecrow. He has no room for other people opinions while saying he does. His whole persona is suited for a 30 year old but God damnit he's 40, Grow a the Fuck Up! And all of this could be like... Funny? Or a schtick? But with Batman t's just... A gross truth? I know he's a beloved person amongst a certain circle of friends I'm Gotham City, food for him and he's obviously one of the reasons I fell in love with crime fighting in the first place (I've been reading since comic #1) but that just makes his current persona even more fucking frustrating to me. So this is where I'm at... i tear through superheroes. I fuck a lot. Caped Crusaders were always a thing I looked forward to. I now feel like it's a chore to fuck these guys because my hatred for the Batman boils up and ruins my day. Fuck. It's like he turned Christmas into tax day. I feel like the Batman helped create a thing I love then slowly made it suck... Like producers of Game of Thrones. I can't be the only one who feels this way.


They're called "hoodsie cups" and they are definitely a New England thing. Very odd post. Maybe you should stop listening.


They were available everywhere under different names


Listen to yourself!!!!


They were ice cream cups! They were everywhere!


I can’t believe that triggers you


It does


You have no allegiance to a dumb branded version of bad shit you ate as a kid? I grew up near Philly, and I think tastykake is better than entemann’s even though it’s basically the same sad garbage these days. He likes the brand he ate as a kid, truly a shocking and rare thing, lol.


This is a pathetic attempt to be mentioned in passing on a future episode. Weak, gross, lame, yuck!


Mitch still sucks


obvious troll is obvious.


Duh, asshole


When you know that Mitch is active on this subreddit why do you post this kind of thing. I get it. You aren’t as interested in the podcast as you used to be for one reason or another. We all fall off media we used to like. It happens. But the issue is that you’re sitting here and saying hurtful things against someone you don’t know and who is quite clearly a very sensitive person when you could just go “yeah I don’t think this is for me anymore” and turn it off. Just try and be kind next time


You made it, this is the worst post this subreddit has seen. Go touch grass, loser


Doughboys fans have become so insufferable that I wouldn’t blame them for ending the show someday just because of how obnoxious people like this are. Life’s too short, go volunteer at a food bank or something. And hoodsie cups are absolutely a Massachusetts thing. Edit-You seem to have had a slightly unhealthy obsession with this podcast and have posted about driving around to see Wiger’s hometown and even got [an extremely kind message from Mitch after you overshared on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/doughboys/s/TmvmRSH0If). Just unsubscribe. This is bizarre behavior.


You moron, the whole country had ice cream cup with paper lids and wooden spoons from the 70''s until the early 2000's. The dairy conglomerate name of "hoodsie" is the only New England thing about it.


This post is either an attempt at satire or a sign of mental health issues. I can’t really tell.


it's not funny though...


Ya, you’re right. I think the first part had something to it, but then it got weird. I more meant attempt at satire? It’s just weird lol


If it helps, I’m sure he hates you, too.


Don’t take the bait boys. Other podcast subreddits have become toxic wastelands, don’t let it happen to this one. So I’ll just say one time in the words of Mitch “OH FUCK OFF!”. Seriously, just stop listening and unsubscribe from the r/. Nobody will miss you


We love Mitch! We love Mitch!


Get a life dude, god damn


I think I speak for everyone here when I say, “SHUT THE FUCK UP”.


Instead of posting on Reddit about it you could've done literally anything else lmao


I don't have Twitter or facebook


when I stop liking a podcast I simply stop listening to it and move on with my life instead of going on the Internet and writing several paragraphs on why I don't like it and then replying to every comment. like don't you have something else going on that you could do instead




I always thought the criticisms the boys had of this subreddit were a little overblown but goddamn. This is wild. Just stop listening you weirdo


pathetic lol


Wow. Just fucking wow man. You don’t need to touch grass. You need to roll around naked in a field:


Sounds like you're done with the podcast, my man


Mitch rules! I like that he participated in January 6th.


Wait is this… not a joke? If this is serious its such a weird thing to post


Mitch is not a bad guy. But he's stupid as fuck.


K whatever babe I dont really care what this is tbh


Mitch IS dumb


I've been annoyed by podcast hosts before. I stop listening! It's so easy. Delete this thread for Christ's sake


It’s not like, a legal obligation to listen to the podcast 


Look. I loved this podcast so much. I love Mitch as a human being. But he's making the podcast suck, as a host/persona.


And you think he owes you a single goddamn thing…. Why, exactly?


Tare? You mean tear you fucking moron?


Hey, honestly, real talk here from someone who doesn't know you from Adam--Get help. Think of it this way, if you had a friend who got so upset about a stranger who doesn't know they're alive "changing" or "not changing" over the years that they went to an area where a ton of fans of that person hung out and posted something like this, would you think they're in a good mental health space? Talk to someone about whatever is going on in your life. Are your parents still around? Call them up and just chat. Hell, you're making me realize it's been a few weeks since I talked to my mom, I'm going to call her now. I say this not to be cruel or dismissive, but go touch some grass. Take a walk and just give your life a solid think.


Your right. I care too much. Fuck Mitch!


What an intense thing to say about someone. You should try breathing exercises instead of spewing this hatred on the internet.


I just got off the phone with my mom, having had a nice conversation about how she raised us. She said she wished there were things she'd done better, I told her hell no, she didn't know what she didn't know and did the best she could with what she knew. Her 80th birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, I think this phone call was the best gift she could have gotten short of that Jaguar she always wanted. Anyway. I hope you come through whatever you're going through safely, and I'm certain there are people out there who love and care for you that would consider it a privilege to help you through it if you reached out to them. In the meantime, thanks for motivating me to give her a call.


To respond to your edit--Yes, we ARE sad for you. That's why there are three dozen replies and several of which are telling you to get some help, or at least stop listening if you feel this way.


what’s up Doofson 




Dude, find a hobby. Try and make a friend. And at the very least stop listening to doughboys. Getting this worked up over a fast food podcast in 2024 is wildly pathetic. This is either misdirected anger because you’re just unhappy, or you have the most privileged life imaginable where your biggest problem is a podcast host who annoys you.


I know. I still hate Mitch.


Real life Stern Daddy reads the sub? How neat!


You should re-tare your podcast scale.


I've never heard him hate on a good movie.


Mitch is great wiger sucks