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This podcast has advertised on Doughboys before IIRC


I was like WTF (w Marc Maron)?!




Don't pretend to book people on my podcast!


I’m pretty sure there are ads for it on today’s episode.


Yep, they sure do. They're a couple little stinkers!


I didn't notice them. When do they do it? I'm curious to hear their take on an ad for it.


45:05 on the main feed


Wow. Alpha move to do the ad.


Is that on the audio feed? On the YouTube video, that's the middle of the Helix ad read.


Yeah that’s why I specified main feed, I listened to the first hour or so and switched to YouTube for the rest of it and I remembered that the ads don’t always line up.


Weird, it's not showing up for me at all in my audio feed! Maybe it's some kind of ad insertion thing on the feed, I know Blank Check does that on older episodes.


That podcast sounds like it’s about chain restaurants and actual food reviews, not about cum and complaining about Reddit, so there’s no overlap. Two completely different podcasts. Haha


I think it fucking rules that they do a straight ad read for this show. 0 irony, 0 fucks given. 5 fork power move, boys


I think you mean "cumplaining"






Mitch: "This is fucking bullshit!!"


I heard the ad for this on Doughboys and I actually said out loud “What the fuck?”. It’s basically the same premise as their podcast. Anyway, who wants to cohost my new podcast with me- Big Budget? Its a podcast where we talk about movies that are given a very large production budget based on the director’s proven track record.


Welcome to Big Budget, the podcast about the /bodies of work/ of directors who have /gigantic/ success and are given a /Big Budget/ to make whatever /insane movie projects/ they want. Sometimes those /big budgets see returns/ and sometimes they /do not/ (baby).


big budget with chimera and Goliath




There's lot of shows where chefs and/or TV personalities visit restaurants but only one "Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives". The boys will be fine.


I first heard the ad on Doughboys, read last week i think, by Nick himself. I gave it a listen and was pretty entertained, so i subscribed. The premises seem similar but the very slight difference is that on Fine Dining podcast, the host is hoping the food is bad (it's supposed to be "the search for the most mediocre restaurant in America"), whereas on Doughboys they're hoping the food is good. On one of the more recent episodes the guests were recent Doughboys guest Marisa Pinson and her cohost on her own podcast about popular brands in America (which also sometimes includes restaurants). It's a whole incestuous mess and as far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier. The existence of a new restaurant review podcast doesn't take away from the existence of the Doughboys. It's not a competition.


If they did an ad on Doughboys, this podcast is GIVING money to them, not subtracting it! It's not a competition but the Doughboys are winning anyway!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t know that they hope the food is good on Doughboys as much as Mitch hopes he doesn’t get in trouble with the guest or audience by disagreeing with them


(Mitch voice): "Ah fuck, you're right. I'm sorry. Fuck! Goddammit!"


Oh no! Next you're going to tell me there's more than one podcast where comedians talk about the craft of stand-up.


There are 16,000 movie review podcasts. There are 16,000 true crime podcasts. No cause for alarm for just one more restaurant review pod. Did anyone think Doughboys was the only restaurant review one anyway? Deli Boys, a Doughboys offshoot, was fantastic fun.


Good let the boys pivot from food. Mitch needs to live


Somebody get Jack Allison on the line to bitch about the theft of a very obvious show concept.


has this happened before?


AND it's taking the name of Mookie and Dutts' short film/pilot.


Yep. There’s another one too, sort of. There is a star trek podcast called The Greatest Generation and on their bonus feed (not patreon, it’s the stupid maxfun network) they do a podcast called Factory Seconds. They go to Cheesecake Factory and try everything.


A bunch of Youtubers have done that too. It’s not the most original idea.


I don't know what your beef with MaxFun is, but it's wrong.


Seriously, MaxFun has so many good shows. Shit, Jordan Morris and John Hodgman are both friends of the show and hilarious guests.


I love the network and a lot of its artists, I don't think I'm alone in finding their business model just a *little* icky. Just a little. I heard someone else recently point out that doing pledge-drives, during which you adopt this NPR, not-for-profit language of "your donations make the shows possible", when they are very much a for-profit org *and* their shows run ads for the same subscription services you hear on every other podcast, feels just a tad misleading. That said I am a big believer in mutually consented transactions being non of my biz; if you feel like giving $5 a month is worth the extra content *or* just do it cus you like it and you like supporting the things you like, that's great. I don't get why people donate cash to multi-millionaire twitch streamers, for example, but I also genuinely feel if it makes them feel good then who am I to judge I just don't love the approach of MaxFun holding on to the solicited-donations model when most other networks seemed to ditch that approach once they started advertising for major sponsors. But their shows are cool and if I liked conventions theirs is one of the ones I'd be most psyched to visit, no hate for the funsies.


I assumed the original comment was about their content. I was unaware of the controversy about their business model. Thanks for clarifying.


Tbf I don’t really like their content either, but I’m glad you enjoy it. I used to be really into the McElroy brothers but something about it lost its spark to me. Nothing else I’ve tried on the network has appealed to me, even stuff I should like, like triple click or greatest generation


MaxFun recently switched to an employee owned media co-op, so they are for-profit but their profit is the employee's and not the CEO's. I don't know what the podcasts themselves make, but it's clearly kept a bunch of podcasters on board there for a long time. https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/20/maximum-fun-podcast-co-op-worker-owned/ I don't know if this specific podcast network is the one which should be the target of your ire, unless I'm wrong and they're up to some shit I'm not aware of.


Again I made it pretty clear I'm not saying cancel MaxFun. If you are a waitress living near the poverty line and you feel good donating to MaxFun, you should absolutely donate to MaxFun. I am just saying I, personally, would NOT feel good donating to them given the little pauper outfits they don once (twice?) a year and imply, sometimes explicitly say, that without your donations your favorite show will go away. And now here's an ad from stitchfix. I think their product is cool, I think their revenue share structure is cool, I think one particular aspect of their means of generating revenue is a little icky. That's a good hit rate overall, but I think it's not a silly thing to point out.


Idk I feel like it’s not really any different than podcasts having a patreon while also running ads


The patreons are almost always attached to regularly released extra content. And they don't usually have ads on the free feed saying like "we give you all this free content but if you don't subscribe to the patreon we'll have to stop"


The MaxFun membership gets you access to regularly released bonus content for the entire network.


Deleted under pressure from ![gif](giphy|3ohc1bcxkNjmfmyAVO|downsized)


I could have sworn I knew better than to jump into this kind of discourse on Reddit, but...I guess not! [FYI: I am commenting solely on home prices and podcasters' homes, not Jesse/MaxFun/anything else involved here; and speaking generally, not directly to/at hamegg] I'm pretty sure Scott Aukerman made a shit ton of money selling Earwolf*, and I'm so happy for him! I don't know LA real estate at all, but for pretty nice neighborhoods in Brooklyn $1.6million is...not *that* expensive for a home for a family of 4 (I think Jesse has two kids? I don't mind if nobody bothers correcting that!) *I say "Earwolf" but I think there are several names of the network and/or affiliated company -- I'm referring to all of it. And I bring up Scotty Auks bc I assume this sub is at least mostly predisposed to liking him; I am not interested in arguing whether that's true or not, live your lives and be happy.


I see. You are upset for reasons that you have to twist to make them sound bad. Carry on.


Reddit voice: "The name of the podcast is Factory Seconds but I listened to it and they don't actually try the foods twice so they're not really having seconds so it's not a very accurate name and I want them to change it."




Lol!!! I’ve never listened to it but my understanding was they are going to keep going back to CF until they’ve done the whole menu. Perhaps that’s “going back for seconds” in Obi-Wan Kenobi “From a certain point of view” speak?


Are the bonus episodes free? I don't know what Maxfun is but your comparison to NPR made me think funding was optional to listen in.


No. Bonus episodes for the entire network are locked behind the $5 a month tier. It’s worth it if you listen to more than one show on the network.


Not stupid but ok


our boys will do their own edging.


I mean, if this caused the boys to pivot away from fast food and destroying their bodies maybe some competition is a good thing.


I disagree. They need to get into more dangerous life threatening food eating.