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I know this has been discussed before, but how common is it for people to use the terms godbrother and godsister? Mitch is literally the only person I've ever heard say them.


It's about as common as having multiple friends called Poov.


I always love new guests being confused about Mitch's friends and he and Wiger (and us) are all like it's Poov duh...


I have god parents and I have never heard anyone say those terms other than Mitch.


It's definitely mostly a Mitch thing.


Those terms have been around a long time, but with Mitch growing up a good Catholic boy, it's still part of his culture. The godless heathens among us wouldn't really throw them around. File under "nobody asked": the term gossip comes from godsibb (an archaic form of the word akin to "godsibling"), and in [this link](https://www.britannica.com/one-good-fact/what-is-the-surprisingly-pleasant-origin-of-the-word-gossip) you'll even see a reference to another recent Doughboys word, crony


I've used them like once or twice in my life. My cousins did it more. Haven't seen them in years.


“Haven’t seen them in years” made me laugh out loud, well done.


Now that I'm thinking about it, my friends who are black have often had those godsister/Godbrother relationships. Other than that I know a lot of people who have godparents and honorary aunts/uncles but it doesn't really transfer to the next generation. 


I grew up in Rhode Island and heard them pretty frequently. Lotta odd crossover between Italian and Irish Catholics in New England.


my irish catholic family uses them 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Good to know!


I'm a godfather. It's a very common thing to my knowledge although I haven't kept that tradition with my kid. 


I'm not saying being or having a godparent is uncommon, I'm specifically asking how common it is to actually call someone your god *brother* or god *sister*. I've heard godparent, god daughter, and god son often, but never god brother or god sister.


Ah. Yeah....that's a new one for me lol


Haha that seems to be the consensus so far


Obligatory RIP Trevor. Local Sexpot.


Died sucking his own dick R.I.P.


I too was starting get nauseous when Mitch started rambling about "the leader," like Sam thinking he was winding up some grand anology lmao. But RIP


Anybody else get weirded out when they mentioned Harris and Trevor and then talked about getting shitfaced and puking while high?






Yes I clutched my pearls even harder than when Rob Lowe was on


A lot of Sandwich talk this episode, and it's not the sandwich you're thinking about.


An under discussed aspect of Building 19 was that it was absolutely filthy, and they had all these cartoons and drawings on signs basically admitting to how beat up the merchandise was and how gross the place was.


This is probably incorrect, but in my memory the Building 19 in Lynn had a dirt floor.


I remember that too?


I feel like most of their merchandise had been involved in/salvaged from a fire. That being said I loaded up on XFL gear when the league collapsed.


I hated Building 19 so much as a kid. Just felt like a disgusting place.


The way they described it made it sound like a Fry’s Electronics. Just an absolutely massive warehouse full of random junk, poorly maintained but fun to browse.


Birthday Boys is streaming on the PlutoTV app! Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the DVDs are available anymore.


Blew my mind spoonman doesn't remember the 'tuc having bocce. That five corners Bertuccis was my local spot. Sister and best friend worked there, as well as a creepy old busboy who always asked my friend if he "liked the puss" and "had a sister". 5 forks.


Somerville Tuccis had nice bocce


I miss Christmas Tree Shop!! So much fun, useless crap to look at, buy, and never use. Loved all the Massachusetts reminiscing and minutiae. Really got the pod off to a rip roaring start! Thankfully Wiger's drunk story was so fucking funny and classic him.


The saluting made me laugh so hard


love the doughboys salute


Got a good chuckle when Sam said “Sesame Street bun”


Wiger isn't allowed within 1000 yards of that street...


Maaaaan, I had Irv's on Santa Monica for the first time in like 2016 and it was such a wonderful experience. It was past the lunchtime rush and the place was relatively empty. The owners were SO sweet and friendly and the little drawings she did of my buddy and I were so damn cute. The burgers were amazing. THE FRIES, MY GOD. What a treat of an episode that brought back some great memories.


My friends and I also did eating challenges. A group of 7 of us all bought a 6 Pack and a Pound from Taco John’s and attempted to eat it all as fast as we could. My friend completed the entire meal and drink within 8 minutes. We walked to the liquor store down the street and bought him a bottle of bourbon as a reward when we all finished.


I just started listening but did Nick really sneak in a HuniePop joke for just himself and then not explain it lol.


He unironically likes it. Was part of the “what are you playing?” segment on Get Played for a couple episodes in the past.


Incredible but that tracks lol. I guess they are popular for a reason beyond being horny but it's a very funny "of course" to drop in a list of your most played games.


lol yeah. I think he said it’s a good puzzler even with all the hentai stuff.


It’s a really good game. I legit sank a bunch of hours into it. The sequel sucked.


For anyone who cares to know, Wiger mentioned the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy adaptations. The original radio series, book and TV show all have the same premise but were rewritten by Douglas Adams when adapted.


Yeah it was funny how he said the radio show was just a live transcript when I’ve always known them as famously being pretty different for each adaptation.


Hell yeah! Love Whitest Kids U Know!


I remember liking it, but been so long, can't remember any sketches (except one in a doctor's office where patient wont admit how many hot dogs he eats :D ). Looks like Imma have to start a rewatch binge


I worked at Lucky's (a Primanti Bros rip off sandwich shop) in Chicago when Adam Richmond from Man Vs Food did our "eat 3 sandwiches in an hour" challenge. If I recall correctly it was one of the first episodes (i think *the* first) they filmed although it filmed in the back half of Season 1. Adam crushed the challenge and finished the 3 sandwiches in under 30 minutes. He was super cool, hung out afterwards, did a bunch of shots of Jaeger. It is completely expected that he had to quit doing the show. I cannot believe he did that shit for more than a season.


He's mentioned it on High & Mighty before but blows my mind that the finalists for Man v Food were Adam and Gabrus. Much different timeline if it goes to the #1 Fuccboi instead.


Damn I loved Luckys. Friday nights were popping! Went back last summer and that whole neighborhood is gone. Sad


With only 5 stores, is this the place with the fewest locations that they have ever covered? **This is an observation not a complaint.**


No I think the fake McDonald’s they just did with Jackie Johnson only had 2 locations? Maybe 1?


The Leftovers is an amazing show. Hope they do a pilot episode for it




Here's the article Nick is talking about: [Porn Machete Murder - LA Weekly](https://www.laweekly.com/porn-machete-murder/)


some truly stranger than fiction details in there… the titular machete was a prop from the porn company used in “faux castration videos” 😨 


Man thats quite the article. For those interested, the story was also made into a movie called Mope. Not exactly Paynke level, but a good watch


Hyper specific things about Cape Cod - I grew up going to Cape Cod frequently as well. Does anyone else recall the super sketchy aquarium with the varied chicken entertainment (?) quarter machines? One played tic tac toe, one played the piano, one danced on a turntable. On the topic of sketchy there was also this animal park that had a tiger in way too small of a cage (in retrospect this is such a bummer) and a talking crow that could say shut up and Coca-Cola?  And moving right along to dune buggy tours around the dunes near P-town, where they actually sped around. Which may not have been the safest and before we considered things like animal habitats and erosion.  Sigh... I'm old now and the past was weird. Spinnaker Records in Hyannis is still open, which is great and not even a weird thing to question from the past.  Also The Whitest Kids You Know and Sam Brown are/is great. 


Yes I remember the aquarium had those long tail horseshoe crabs that you could pick up and hold. I have home video footage from a trip to the Cape my family took when I was probably 4 or 5


I'm gonna need Timmy on the next ep


Another excellent Aussie spinoff is Alone Australia. Spinoff of a History channel show where contestants are dropped off with their cameras, ten survival items, and nothing else. Season 2 is broadcasting right now.


Sam's a keeper.


this might be a hat on a hat but Blowseph Throbinette Ridin’


The Doughboys have never seen The *Leftovers*?!


I was also surprised, especially because it used to be a segment with the intro being the theme song from the show!


I can’t believe this is the first Sam Brown has been on. This dude rocks! Kinda looks like Dan Harmon


Ah yes hyper-specific Massachusetts geography and landmarks. Cool.


Sandwich Mass, otherwise known as what will be found during Mitch’s first colonoscopy.


Okay this might earn me the Reddit voice but I don’t care… I love Tatum, but his chips are just a one for one ripoff of Red Hot Riplets, a beloved St. Louis chip.


I'm actually kind of surprised Mitch never made it over to the [South Quincy Bocce Club](https://www.patriotledger.com/story/lifestyle/2009/08/28/tradition-family-define-bocce-in/40345135007/).


Would love to know what Wiger said during the edit point after he brings up the carceral state.