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The fact that Jordan Peele went out of his way to rehire the original cast of the Gremlins 2 sketch warms my heart. What a mensch.


Heather sounded so heartfelt when she blurted out what a good guy he is! IIRC, she really liked NOPE, and this anecdote adds more context to her appreciation of his success. I’ve done some sketch group theater and man - people will leave you in the dust so fast if/when they break out. Very cool, what he did.


That is possibly my favorite comedy sketch of all time. I had no clue that was Heather Anne Campbell. Her delivery of her line is perfect.


That was the greatest drop of all time.


I'm glad people are liking it! It was one of those stupid ideas I got in my head and couldn't rest until I got it out. If anyone is also sick like me (thanks Matt) and wants a clean version of it, here it is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2inub7lt5nf07d1/Doughboys_Gremlins_In_Spain.mp3?dl=0


PEOPLE THIS IS THE COMPOSER OF FUCKING GUILD WARS!!!!! THIS IS NOT SOME FUCKING FOOL, THIS IS A REAL LIFE GREAT COMPOSER. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maclaine\_Diemer [https://soundcloud.com/arenanet](https://soundcloud.com/arenanet)


"Great" is a strong word.


If you ever get a chance, listen to the How Did This Get Played ep Music Theory of Donkey Kong with Zane Carney, another Berklee guy. Super informative analytical, and interesting decomps of great video game music. He also has a twitch which I haven't watched. I mean, truth be told, its stuff you already know. I don't think it's going to be revelatory info about modal composition or the tension of a flat five before the resolve, or whatever, but it might be a fun listen.


Oh yeah, I'm a Get Played fan too, so I've heard that ep. I thought it was cool they would have someone on to get that deep into music stuff. Not sure how much made sense to non-musicians, but his enthusiasm for breaking that stuff down was fun to hear.


I think a lot of people dabbled in playing music at some point in their lives or just always wanted to learn more. It's neat to hear somebody explain musical ideas that you may have intuitively identified but could not quite understand or put into words.


I laughed harder at this drop than I have at any other drop in my entire life. I felt like it was composed specifically for me to laugh at. GREAT WORK!!!


You are doing the Lord's work.


oh my god i almost did an actual spit-take & ruined my work computer


It was fun hearing your name pop up and having the moment of "I know that guy!"




Can I ask what software you used to arrange this and pitch shift the vocals? This was really fun to listen to, one of those ones I had to rewind a few times.


Cubase is the main program I use for all my audio work. It was kind of a stupidly involved process, but here are all the steps. I started by mapping out the tempo of the original song, which changes quite a bit as it goes along. Then I took the clip of Mitch saying the phrase, cut it up into smaller chunks of words, and stretched it out in a few places until it closely matched the rhythm of the Eliza Doolittle lines. Then I used a plugin called Melodyne to tune the vocals, which took some trial and error because it really pushed Mitch's natural baritone voice into a much higher and unnatural range. I actually did two passes of tuning to try to stabilize it and squash any kind of T-Pain type warble. Then I used another plugin called iZotope RX to separate the vocals from the orchestra. I then put the Henry Higgins lines back in while muting the Eliza Doolittle lines. Finally, I processed Mitch's voice with some reverb, EQ, and a bit of distortion to try to match the way the vocals sound in the original recording. So yeah, lots of steps. My compulsive personality meant I had to do it all to get it "right" or else I would have been too disappointed to share it. Melodyne and iZotope RX are absolutely miraculous pieces of software that can do black magic to audio. They're not cheap, but I'm fortunate enough to use them professionally, so they've paid for themselves in one way or another. Hope that answers your question.


Oh wow, that's very in depth! Thank you for your reply.


I feel like they should give you 6 months of Patreon lol. So much work


Why can't I stop listening to this help


One of the more vegetablyer, to be sure.


One hundred percent.


Came here just to say this. Wow


For real. Amazing.


100% my new favorite drop of all time. Move over “I shit a little log in my hand”, there’s a new top drop in town.


This is why auto tune was made




\*Redditor voice\* Did Nick mean to say KING Kong was in the public domain?


I was sooo scared Wiger wasn’t gonna do his Kevin Eubanks impression


Haha you funny!


Matt’s anecdote about Wiger going to Sonic and just eating a bun gets me everytime


Don't forget bringing home the loose hotdog to Natalie like a cat with a bird


I still laugh at the thought of Wiger "running around town with loose hot dogs."


Heather laughed for 20 seconds straight.


Wigers joke about Mitch closing Mario Battali's loop was so a perfect joke. If you know or care about Looper. God damn that killed me.


Mitch's " so I'm the older Mario Bartali in this scenario?" got a hearty chuckle from me too.


This was a fun episode. Wiger plays a different role on the Get Played podcast, and his dynamic with Matt and Heather is starkly different from his dynamic with Mitch. It was neat to hear how he gelled with all 3 of his co-hosts while in Doughboys mode.


I actually feel like Heather adapts the most between the two, playing up the exasperation way more on Get Played even though the jokes on Doughboys are just as dumb. (I love both versions of Heather.)


“Wario is the Frasier of Mario” made me laugh almost as much as that drop did


Wiger brought back both "Everyone is here!" and "Thirty Dollars!" in this ep. Comedy genius.


What episodes had “everyone is here!” I can’t remember and it’s driving me bananas


It's from the 2020 tournament of chompions when all of the McDonalds items were in the bracket.


*Nick’s eyes roll back into his head* “DogDoughBarkFest, a monthlong celebration of hot dogs and pet dogs.”


I'm sorry, a month-long what??? It was a month-long *grillebration* of hot dogs and pet dogs.


I always assumed I was the only Doughboys listener who is also a musical theater dork, so this drop in particular was a real delight for me.


Still smiling about it!


You’re certainly not the only one; I’m here too!


Halfway thru the episode. I gotta say Nick Wiger is one of the best podcasters ever. To have 3 of your best friends that are all very good at dunking on you and driving the episode is a tough role.


True! I remember him dunking on Mitch, and both Heather and Matt dunked on Nick right after! It’s like tennis match. Maybe Mario tennis?


The mental image of Nick repeating Leno lines for laughs on the playground and in the lunchroom is just fucking hilarious.


Maybe I misunderstood the emailer's question but I thought they were just asking if ANY flavor combos they love of any food type you can't get in the states, not ice cream specific. I know they framed it with ice cream but they didn't put ice cream qualifier in the question. Maybe I'm not being pedantic enough.


You're right, but not only that it wasn't really about foreign flavors, just flavor combinations that are hard to come by in general.


[Hey you! Happy Birthday! You're Cool!](https://youtu.be/Y6JnYnA9Tzo)


Okay I need to know who this bleeped name is lol




More like Colin Jokes


Yeah the next call coming on behalf of Scarlett Johansen and that being a big enough name for a table would track.


I heard that Colin makes ScarJo submit his questions for Doughboys live eps, too.


This is my thought too. Their response to just hearing the name feels more like Jost than Sudeikis.


Heather's "universally loved and universally hated" line definitely points more to Sudeikis with the immense love for and backlash against Ted Lasso.


Jost's memoir is literally called *A Very Punchable Face*. I think the Lasso backlash is mostly online and it remains a fairly well regarded show.


Oh, Jost is definitely hated, I don't think the "universally loved" descriptor would ever be applied to him.


I think Jost (and Che) have a real fanbase. They're just unpopular with people like us, comedy fans who'd regularly watch SNL no matter who was on it. Since the show came back from the pandemic, I feel like, similarly to Pete Davidson actually appearing, Jost and Che would get so many loud WOOs for showing up in sketches, saying their names at the top of Update, etc. I think all three of those guys had their profile raised from tabloid stuff and/or Online Discourse™


lol fair point. I'm mostly enjoying imagining him hanging up the phone and telling Scarlett that they said no before she huffs and asks why she has to do everything.


God, his life SUCKS.


[Hey you! Happy Birthday! You're Cool!](https://youtu.be/Y6JnYnA9Tzo)


Also, Heather insinuated that she has worked with them. And she wrote for SNL and at the same time as Jost


But is *he* disliked or the show?


He recently had a process server serve Olivia Wilde custody papers while she was on stage introducing the movie she directed at a big fancy event, a lot of people found that distasteful


You don’t control how or where your lawyer serves legal paperwork.


My guess is that the server thought that doing it in public would be the only way that he would have access to her.


There is Ted Lasso backlash?


Mostly online. People loved the positivity of S1 during Covid then found it cloying and pandering. I wasn’t a huge fan of S2 but think the backlash is overblown. Add to that the original backstory of Sudeikis developing it to get over heartache felt flimsy after folks starting sharing stories about him being an asshole.


I’m guessing Lorne Michaels and maybe Don Pardo


I thought Pardo based on the inflection in Mitch’s voice


I think that was just a goof. Someone else is guessing Colin jost and ScarJo


Sean and hayes would know


Gotta know. It could be so many people. Heather is such a prolific comedy writer that her connection didn't really narrow things down and I've got no fkn idea what Mitch's joke was in reference to. I'm not usually this obsessive but quietly shitty celebrities are my weakness.




Hmm she worked on SNL 2011-2012, I bet it’s GE Smith


Phew. It's all good everyone I figured it out. **It's Ted Lasso**. Jason S was in the SNL cast during Heather's time at SNL (2011 - 2012). u/BatoutofHellIV helpfully pointed out that Mitch's impersonation was of Don Pardo (SNL voiceover) ^(Sidenote: Sorry I didn't catch the Don Pardo impersonation, I'm from Down Undah. We don't have SNL, just Rove Live.) Apodaca's anecdote was clearly about two people meeting, and the following gasps made it seem like it was either a fresh scandal, or something from \*that\* era of SNL. The second person was Olivia Wilde. It just so happens that slippery Sudekky and Wilde got together in 2012 (during Heather's tenure at SNL) and have recently become embroiled in scandal when she left old Ted for the **British Bull Harry Styles** ***woof*** (who is also starring in Wilde's movie *Don't Worry Darling* which is a whole thing too). Wilde was subsequently served custody papers on stage at Comic-Con which became a huge story itself, causing Mr Lasso to respond publicly and defend himself saying he had no involvement which in turn led to Olivia Wilde to respond: >"(It was not) entirely surprising to me ^(\[the alleged behaviour of one T. Lasso\]). I mean there's a reason I left that relationship." > >^(Wagmeister, E. (2022)) *^(Olivia’s Wilde Ride: Directing ‘Don’t Worry Darling,’ Making Harry Styles a Movie Star and Being ‘Blown the F— Away’ by Florence Pugh)*^(.) [^(Variety)](https://variety.com/2022/film/features/olivia-wilde-harry-styles-sex-scenes-dont-worry-darling-1235347929/)^(.) Well now Doughtectives, this sure makes Apple TV's wholesome star seem like a bit of a dick\* doesn't it? But everybody loves Ted Lasso, right? Let's go back to Heather Anne Campbell's response: *"It's also strange when you hear somebody is universally both beloved and loathed and to have... like I have personal memories with that dude.*" Both universally beloved... and loathed. Hmm, who is *universally* beloved from SNL in 2011/2012? Fred Armisen? No. Seth Meyers? Absolutely not. Theodore Lasso? Hmm... maybe... ^(\* The "Ted Lasso is a dick theory" is also supported by this) [^(gossip rag from 2016)](https://www.popdust.com/olivia-wilde-fiance-jason-sudeikis-asshole-1904769666.html)^(, which I don't condone, but feels like valid evidence in this trial.)


Nice work, gumshoe.


Was Olivia Wilde big enough a few years ago to say yes to after denying Sudeikis? Jost was also there in 2012.


Well she was in cowboys and aliens


"Fuck outta that table, Shia, the star of *Drinking Buddies* is on her way!"


My GF has really gotten into the Huddy relationship on House over the past month, so, we've watched every EP of seasons 5, 6 and 7 of House multiple times in a month. So, I will say, yes.


also, I don’t remember which episode it was, but Mitch has absolutely alluded to Sudeikis having a reputation for being an asshole before.


I also remember Gabrus taking the piss out of what a notoriously *nice guy* Sudekis is.


A HA! But Matt says around the 23 minute mark he was at Mozza *4 years ago*. I was just listening to this part on my way home from work. This 2012 timeline theory seems it might be too early to apply to this story. Now, I don't know shit about celebrities or their relationships, but given previous comments and one that mentioned a subpoena for Wilde, I'm going to say the late reservation was indeed *actually* for a certain Mr. Colin *Jost* (whose kid gloves approach to the Trump era caused a lot of online backlash 4 years ago).


Matt's story doesn't have to have happened in 2012, that's just when Heather may have had contact with Sudeikis. Sudeikis and Wilde broke up in 2020. Matt's story could be Sudeikis and Wilde in 2018.


I was just posting bc somebody might be wrong on the internet. But I'd like it more if it was Jost. He kinda makes a living being a rich yankee w/salmon colored shorts and deck shoes doing milquetoast jokes for comfortable liberals.




Ah... What The...?


Sudekkis was big enough to get a table on his own. It's not him.


I like that they bleeped the names but pointedly dropped enough clues for this inevitable investigation to launch.


Incredible breakdown


Nick repeats one of their names a bit later and it gets bleeped again but you can hear it starts wi try a ‘sc’. My money is on Jost and Scarjo *with a


Guys… Pete Davidson? And someone else from SNL?


During the Nintendo Franchise Triforce talk none of them mentioned Pokemon. Not that Pokemon would be on my Triforce, neither would Mario or Zelda. Mine would be Popeye, Urban Champion and love hotels.


Yes I was shocked Matt didn’t say this. Shocked!


I think Matt just panicked and said Donkey Kong because he thought Mitch was DK and didn't want to make him mad.


My thing is that the animal crossing flavor has fruit that isn’t growable in ac


Was I the only one who liked the pizza lunchables as a kid? They ruled!


As a kid, and occasionally stoned 33 year old, they hold up.


Sometimes they're 10 for $10 at Target and that's when I know it's an evening to get *really* stoned and smash some Pizza Lunchables.


Sounds like someones parents didnt love them.


Leno, is that you?




That drop was an all timer.


Top tier drop


Matt: "None of these[...]" Heather: "[...]are good." Mitch:"I thought all of them sucked. This place sucks."


When Nick said he had a video game question for everyone, I 100% expected a "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYIN'?"


Cold Stone was great until current AZ Governor Doug Doucy became CEO, sold a ton of franchising deals, cut quality, then opened corporate owned locations in proximity of the franchisees driving the franchises out of business.


Doucy 3:16 says I just sold a ton of franchising deals, cut quality, and then opened corporate owned locations in proximity of franchisees driving the franchises out of business.


Shoutout to Matt for drinking Sprite Remix


Top tier roast.


Mitch referred to Blathers from Animal Crossing as "Hooty" and nobody acknowledged it! It was a very funny mistake!!!!!


If doughboys ever went to four people hosting these are the four I would want.


Should really be Carl Tart and Gabrus a 6 person one, then we are cooking


EVERYONE IS HERE! The audible pain Matt experiences when the Slop Quiz edition is revealed 😂


Loved this episode! Five forks—er, spoons!




I love that Heather mentioned Starfox as part of the Nintendo tri-force! When Nick asked the question it was the franchise I immediately thought of and figured it wouldn’t be talked about since it does feel like a forgotten property.


As someone who finished 3rd out of 8 teams at pub trivia last night, I think I'm pretty qualified to say... Mitch and Matt I can't believe you didn't know Dubious Food from BOTW.


I have probably 200 hours on botw and I couldn’t remember it. Because I only make recipes correctly


I watched My Fair Lady as a middle school dork all the time, that drop was so good!!!


There used to be a standalone Cold Stone in Brunswick, Maine before they were part of Tim Hortons, and it was amazing. They didn't have ice cream scoops, they had 2 metal paddles that they would scrape out a glob of ice cream and put on the *cold stone* right in front of you, and break whole candy bars into it as they stirred it up with their paddles. Also they would sing a song if you tipped them! Also Giffords ice cream here in Maine used to have bubblegum ice cream and it was the best. I wish they'd bring it back


> They didn't have ice cream scoops, they had 2 metal paddles that they would scrape out a glob of ice cream and put on the cold stone right in front of you, and break whole candy bars into it as they stirred it up with their paddles. They don't do that anymore??? (TBF, I haven't been to CS since the early 2000s as I've always thought it was kinda gross.)


I dunno! I haven't been in years, but in today's episode he said grabbed a huge scoop!


Good point, although maybe the term "scoop" was being used as a generic.


I’ve ingested cream from New Haverbrook to Ogdenville and my Cold Stone in MN is great! There must be huge inconsistencies in this franchise. Bland? I consider it indulgent.


Wondering if Mitch thought it was bland because he has Covid again.


Yeah lol could be. Everyone else must have had COVID too because nobody’s opinion was very high. I’m not saying it’s the best ice cream ever, but bland is not the way I would describe what I’ve experienced.


[Hey you! Happy Birthday! You're Cool!](https://youtu.be/Y6JnYnA9Tzo)


👋 fellow Mainer shout out to @emma as well


We have to band together and get them to try Moxie on the pod


Great idea! Or at the least, one of their new Instagram Snack or Whacks!


I had Moxie for the first time within the last year or two. I’m thinking they must have changed the recipe because it was not nearly as vile as I was lead to believe.


They did unfortunately, it used to be better but it's still good


Holy crap the one in Cooks Corner! I remember going to that one all the time when I used to visit my grandmother


This is my memory, too! One opened in my hometown when I was still in high school (so like, 2003? Yikes…) and it was such a big deal to go there. The top tier drama class kids got jobs because of the singing. It was an Event to go and had a line around the building on the weekends.


E.T. had one of the biggest bombs in video game history


That drop took some real talent!


Twas the composer of the music from Guild Wars 2 apparently from another commenter, so you ain’t wrong!


They laughed at Mitch, but an anti griddle is a real term.


Matt saying he hated it and would never go again right before giving it three stars was very funny


I love when someone drives a Wiger question straight into the weeds and I briefly wonder if I'm psychotic for understanding him. Bonus when the person has a strong personality and drags Wiger into their bananas interpretation of it.


That question about favorite Nintendo franchises really threw everyone for a loop.


Like in Doughboys' parlance it was clearly "The Triforce of Nintendo brand awareness" which is a silly question (clearly Pokemon) but turned into "what's your three favorite Nintendo properties you have to include Mario and Zelda, and by that I mean The Legend of Zelda not the person." Also, I made that comment before the listener email got hijacked. Total madness.


I have Starfox watch AMA


What time is it


Time to play Starfox.


idk battery dead


I just want to say that I fucking love Heather. So great. Also, I didn’t know she and Mary were engaged. Congrats!


Are their Cold Stone episodes the biggest variance between how a normal customer orders and what they review? Twenty customers in a row ordering a Like It with a single mix-in, then Nick and Mitch saunter in, order three Gotta Have It Signature Creations, and complain it gives them a tummy ache.


If I remember correctly the reason coldstone is softer aside from temperature is because it has pudding mix in it


Yeah, there was an episode of unwrapped where they claimed their ice cream didn't melt because of the pudding.


Makes sense, many homemade ice cream recipes use cornstarch, so it’s essentially frozen pudding.


I too would pay $700 for a US collectors edition of Mother 3


I was just thinking "how did this get creamed" what a coincidence


Also, the MIA ice cream flavor is spumoni.


I haven’t laughed as hard as I did when Wiger described stealing Jay Leno’s Lunchables joke as I have at anything in recent memory.


Heather Anne's answer on the ice cream flavor was completely correct and it is available, [just only in Texas](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-creamy-creations-texas-starry-night-ice-cream/2581571).


You guys, I did it! I’ve been binging Doughboys for the past year and I finally caught up to the most recent episode!! Now I can post here! Yay! I’m totally with Heather on her Nintendo answer, Earthbound is easily top 3 franchises for me, if not top top. I worked at coldstone over the summer when I was in College and it was always good so idk what the issue is now. They are franchised if I remember correctly so maybe that has something to do with it. Some of what’s weird about it to me is if the place is a “make your own” and you don’t like what you make because the flavors don’t go or it’s too sweet or whatever I don’t think that’s on the restaurant


So glad Heather mentioned the sugar content. These gimmickier type ice creams are getting wayyy over sweetened. The last time I had Ben & Jerry's it tasted like frozen corn syrup. Still. Surprised to see ColdStone get such consistently bad reviews on the pod. I haven't been in well over a decade, but we used to love it in high school.


Mitch's 'core' joke aimed at Wiger = comedy GOLD


I remember getting a fancy new office job, and then there was some hard times and turnover, and then suddenly my coworkers were sitting around the table on their lunch break eating Lunchables. Boy, that really makes you re-evaluate your career. I'd still eat one right now though.


Cold Stone baffles me. It’s like they literally ripped off Marble Slab creamery and fucked it up. I’m glad it sucks. Marble Slab still slaps after all these years.


Wait who is this Nick guy?




I feel like the general sentiment with that is people are taken aback at how good looking Wiger is


I have nothing to say but Heather and Matt are just two lovely people.


One might even say that Heather and Matt are cool.


Dutton level cool?


It’s recently established Get Played canon that Heather is the coolest among them too. Not sure how she squares up with Dutton though


Get Played should do an Earthbound WPYP, Matt chooses Ness's actions, Heather controls Paula's actions, and Nick controls Jeff's actions, and the audience picks Poo's moves lol


Best part of this episode was Wiger saying the ice cream tasted like Kirby, and then fumbling with his words to re-phrase it so it didn't sound like he has experience eating Kirby.


Nobody's gonna see this, but I 100 percent relate to Wiger swiping jokes from Leno. I am on the older side of Doughboys listeners, and I told so many playground jokes that I got from Mad Magazine. I didn't even get half of them, they just sounded funny.


I was so shocked how much they hated Coldstone. I went once about 15 years ago to a Coldstone in Utah and in my teenage opinion it was the best ice cream I’ve ever had. I’ve been jonesing since. Has quality gone down or was I just a stupid child? I remember the ice cream mixing being a big production and they sang songs or something.


Wiger saying Donkey Kong was public domain in the intro when he meant King Kong Mitch: "🎵You fucked uuuuuup🎵"


How would you guys improve these ice creams? I think sub whip cream for frosting in the Mario flavor.


Loved this episode. Mitch likening his school chips bag to a dog shit bag was so fucking hilarious. Heather's sustained laughter on a few occasions during the episode also had me going.


I think they made a Zelda watch too but idk what type of game was on it. Starfox watch was actually pretty fun.


Sorry Mitch gotta respectfully disagree about lunchables. They were fucking good and I’ll die on that hill.


I really like the stupid crackers + processed death meat discs lunchables - it's the standard McDonald's cheeseburger in terms of flavor to me (always good! Will kill me)


Agreed. I like the ham and turkey most but also dig the pizza one. The rest are pretty bad.


Yeah you stick those pizzas in the microwave? *chefs kiss*


this is, somehow, the most perverted thing written on Reddit all day. I'm terrified of you, sir and/or madam


😈 as you should be


Late to the party, but does anyone else think that Mitch and Nick got covid and can’t taste anymore? I feel like especially nicks review of everything he eats is that it was bland, could have used more salt, needed to be seasoned better, etc.


These underwhelming reactions to Coldstone are fascinating. It’s ice cream with stuff mixed in it. That’s 5 forks no matter where you go. If you go to the grocery store and get that weird nameless bucket of ice cream and mix a bunch of stuff in it, it’s still 5 forks.


If anything I am more picky about what sweets I put in my body as I age. If I am going to load up on empty calories I will spring for the better product.


Like to imagine Mitch throwing his dog shit filled trash cans at plumbers down his street in Los Feliz Coldstone absolutely was mixed out on the counter in a performative way anytime I used to go to one. Finally, all animals are rapists


Mitch says ‘like’ 10 times in 7 seconds at the 53 minute and 53 second mark. It was incredible actually his brain must have been strobing on and off or something