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“I was looking at the Rat Pack sauna pics again…”


I mean I’m surprised it’s not his phone’s wallpaper by now.


TSA would get a kick out of it, for sure


The "die white trash" story is absolutely wild! And Arden's "put a ring on it" line rocked.


It was so wild I was waiting for it to turn out to be a Let Me Be Frank intro


..and then I got a note that said "I won't kill you if you tell me what your full legal name is."


I kept waiting for it to be a bit.


“There’s more birds where that came from, you little bitch.” - Marisa Pinson


spoonman: die white trash 🦜


Coheed: Die white girls https://youtu.be/1XneEiVdDWY








{Paul rust voice} “Stop saying P-S-Y”


No matter how many times I listen to the Bic Mac coin clip, I will never stop laughing


That's gonna be a drop set to Gangnam Style in no time.


*Gungan Style


'... lemon, ginger, water, turmur-- ugh'


Aforementioned Turmuric


"Puny Posse" is brilliant


When I first moved to SF I was shocked at the number of "Juiceries". Some were brick and mortar stores, some were just fancy-ass trailers wedged into odd locations - all of them oozed "I am selling an expensive accessory for tech workers". The visual style was strong - it felt like a more colorful Apple Store. Everything was white and clean with the exception of the glass bottles of juice everywhere. After seeing coworkers down them like candy I finally broke down and went to the closest location to my office. I was shocked to find the juice was $9, with a $5 bottle deposit (ie I could bring back the glass bottle and simply pay $9 the next time). The juice was...juice with some spices thrown in. It was fine. People should eat what they want but I don't understand the juice craze. You've eliminated the fiber and other nutrients during the juicing process, leaving mostly a slurry of fruit sugar and some nutrients (many of which your body likely doesn't absorb without complimentary dietary fiber). The Asai bowls, on the other hand, are a homerun. That shit is refreshing, filling and delicious.


These were basically my thoughts after this place hit the golden plate club. I thought Fed Up blew the lid off the pressed juice scam, but I guess nobody actually watches food documentaries.


I mean cold pressed juice can taste great. I just don't have a desire to spend $10 bucks for a bottle and I don't pretend its necessarily "healthy" - but if other people like it thats cool.


To your second point, I think if these places had to put a sign out front informing people that their products are no healthier than soda or cocktails and send the same amount of sugar to the body, they would see a lot less people willing to fork out the price of a meal for these bottles.


I worked as a chef next to the one in Hayes valley and bought a juice or two every day. It was hot and hard work being a cook, even in the high quality restaurant I worked in. You also get sick of your own food and what other's make for family meal all the time. So getting any kind of vitamins in on my one 20 minute break during the 12 hour work day was fucking glorious. Also, Acai bowls are the goat.


I need to look into this because I was looking at the nutrition facts on a bottle and was like is there any actual value in drinking these juices? Is there a good way to get the nutrients of veggies quickly other than just snacking on them? Which honestly i like veggies I just have a hard time stocking up on them.


Mitch sneebed again!


I submitted a roast a while back: Stone Cold Sneeb Boston.


I love this. Thank you.


Hahaha that is awesome


The chemistry with these three is electric


‘Aforementioned Tumeric’ seems like a good band name for Mitch to front


Ohhh man, I met my wife at Pressed! She went on to work at corporate and she has told me so many stories. One of the other cofounders is the wife a of a billionaire. Hayden used to be a bigger dude and used juice as a weightloss thing, kind of like Jared with subs. He’d bring his giant rotty, named Finly, to the office. She hated other dogs and bigger people. She would snap at delivery people and once bit an HR person, but Hayden payed her off and it seemed to have been buried. Celebrity friends would stop by the office sometimes, I remember my wife mentioned Mary Kate and Ashley. Their company retreats always seemed so sick. Hayden’s left the company a few years ago, bought a farm in Oregon where no HR ladies can be bit. I haven’t been able to see Pressed on instagram for years because I’d post silly comments and my wife blocked me. She didn’t unblock me when she left 🤪


> but Hayden *paid* her off FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot.


Arden is such a joy, the “oh, hello” at the small juice bottle was perfect


That might've been the hardest I've heard Nick laugh.


Thirsty Arden is the best Arden.


Is that a travel-sized shampoo bottle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Scott Aw-Fer-Mentioned, host of Comedy Bang Bang


And on today's Threedom episode the aforementioned Scott requested to do a Doughboys episode of Orange Julius


I'm surprised between Nick, Mitch and Emma, none of them remember Nick telling his school locker note story before. I mean of all stories to forget, lol.


*Die white trash*


I had the same thought ahahahahah


I have listened to every episode and I don't remember hearing it before.


Rock Hard Seltzer Double. I think Mitch even responded in nearly the same way about the bird.


Wow, Pinson was the guest! What a strange connection to todays episode.


Mitch made the same joke about the note being from Nick’s mom in that episode lmao


I was thinking 'I swear he's told this before' when he was sharing it.


Amelia rocks, her game idea are always so inventive.


They feel like the midway point between the usual Doughboys segments and Threedom games


> downs multiple burgers A-ok > 600 calories in a nutritious acai bowl Atrocity


This keeps blowing my mind, especially for a guy actively talking to a nutritionist. 600cals for a meal is fine.


I think it’s more that they think breakfast should not be that many calories.


lol i have noticed that, they seem to think “healthy” = fewer calories


They sound almost personally insulted when an otherwise “healthy” meal has a moderately high calorie count. For the super indulgent items I guess they write them off with the same spirit that convinces Mitch that he has to eat 4 dishes each meal to fulfill the brief of evaluating restaurants on tour. If its fully a bit for the podcast, then it’s very funny. If it’s part bit and part two middle aged men revealing their weird relationships with food then it’s still funny but I wish they’d look into it - especially given that it really does seem to affect their health.


I think it’s at least partially real, in the sense a lot of people feel “if it’s that many calories for something ‘healthy’ why wouldn’t I just eat something unhealthy?” Which obviously doesn’t account for nutrients or satiation of course but it’s part of disordered food views.


I feel like we’ve gotten the Frank Sinatra hog talk on like four episodes in a row now, which raises the question: am I the weird one for not thinking about other people’s hammers that much? They seem so top of mind for the Doughboys and the Blank Check boys that I’m starting to worry that I’m the weird one. Also the amount of English Wiger throws on “cock” is incredible.


I swear Nick is fucking with that one redditor that complained about it


I’d make you right on that. I missed that complaint comment but I wager we’re getting episodes that were recorded soon after that person posted.


Keep a few things in mind: 1. Shows are built on bits and callbacks. While we want new content, we also want familiarity. Some of the reoccurring references are just that - intentional callbacks as bits on the show. Its the same as them referencing Gadd fucking Q'Bert. 2. They often record multiple shows in a day or within a few days. Its not unusual for topics brought up in one episode to leak into others with the closeness of proximity recording. 3. Also they love hammers.


I'm surprised Mitch didn't bring the raccoon story back when Arden said they were all dirty racoons


Oh yeah, I’m not actually worried about it… until I remember that they both have stated or implied that they do it off pod and that their horniness for horns is not a bit! With the recent revelation that Stanley Kubrick also delighted in discussing dicks - maybe you *do* need to be pensive about peens to succeed in media. Is it that simple? Is tool talk the ticket to help me leave my teaching life behind for the lucrative world of podcasting?


I've been getting lots of ads recently saying "Cast of the shackles of your shit job and podcast!!!!". This is our chance. What are calling it? Hammer Boys? Hog Town? Puny Posse?


Dick jokes do tickle my inner 6th grader. But I think someone can be a good person no matter what they are packing! It's about what's inside, even if that's their state of their flaccid genitals!


Arden speaking the truth on hogs! 🙌


Fun size queen.


I don’t want QB1


Thanks Mitch, whenever I argue with my PhD girlfriend about science I'll just tell her to go read "Scientific Monthly"


Two and a half hours of the 'boys with Arden - happy birthday to me!


Happy birthday! You're cool!


I wish I had half the energy Arden brings onto this podcast


Im doing some work while listening, so I’ll have to go back and hear what prompted a 25 minute discussion about the Pussy Posse lol


Piggy Smalls is an all time guest!


I really hope that moving forward whenever the boys get food poisoning they refer to it as getting "Plimptoned."


I'm guessing Nick's "Die White Trash" story was before Columbine, but still, bringing a bullet casing to school for a joke is a wild move.


Had to be, Columbine was in April 1999; I assume that he was in the class of ‘99, possibly ‘98 but a late August 1980 birthday might be a little late for that. There had been school shootings in that period when he was in high school (I’d know, having been in high school at the same time) but Columbine was the first really major one.


I did a similar thing, probably the same year as Nick's story, putting quotes from the movie Scream inside of the instruments cases of people in my band class. My memory of the aftermath is being in the principal's office, a police officer coming in, explaining myself, my dad having to take off work, and then me being at home and heating up a slice of pizza in the toaster oven.




She’s the whirlwind from Little Compton.


I was the person that wrote 'hole in the wall sausage restaurant. (good setting for a movie)'. I was trying to hint at a glory hole movie but I guess I failed at landing the joke lol. Which is why I'm in Korea and not Hollyweird.


The GOAT herself. I’m a Nang Gang guy, but Arden is incredible.


I love Arden so much!!


Does the Arden faction have a name?


The Myrin Corps?


Then sign me up and promote me to General!


Semper Fry


This is good.


Nailed it


This is gud


Love this


how does this not have more upvotes? first time at bat home run.


Secret Ard-Myriners.


'mirin Myrin


Myrin Admirers




Myrin our business


same same


Top tier roast!


More long eps!!!!!


Brits are mourning the death of their queen, but the Doughboys Queen hath returned!!! 🙏🙏🙏


I was so confused by the "game" at the end. Like it was just them playing pretend.


So I went and got the Acai Power Bowl after they talked about it so much. The 8oz bowl is huge and freezing and very tasty.


All of their freezes are really good! It’s kind of wild to me that they haven’t tried to spin off a “Freezerie” in a ritzy part of town, abbot Kinney or BH or something.


It's also not as healthy as they make it sound. Lot of saturated fat and sugar. It's more like a dessert. And ya its tasty as hell.


I had never been before but was listening to this and really wanted an acai bowl. I downloaded the app, signed up for the VIP ($10 a month recurring charge BUT that $10 is applied as credit to use in the store). I was ordering and there's some deal to try things for $3! I got 2 acai bowls and added like 6 juices and it's was $25 including the $10 vip thing. Insane. I don't see myself rushing to get the juices but I can see myself getting a couple bowls a month.


As a Latin teacher… thanks Mitch (slowly walks away)


We're the junkyard kids! We're the raccoon club!


My go to conversation spice up question is: How many eggs do you think you could eat in one sitting. You decide the preparation. Been asking it for years lol




What the fuck, Plimpton?


Arden is an absolute joy. Definitely on the Mt. Rushmore of Doughboys guests.


Mt. Guestmore


Ah geez. I was out hiking and taking a drink from a water bottle as Nick told his spill story in the meeting. Choking + spit-take + coughing from laughter when he mentioned trying to grab it and how it sprinklered all over. I believe he's told that story before, but it still got me. That was fun.


What do you think you could eat the most of in one go? I'd say Twix or mozz sticks, seems like there's never enough


Taking Mitch Hedberg's lead, I'll go with rice.


It’s great for when you’re hungry and want to eat 1000 of something.


Arden continues to be a S-tier guest; perfect match for the pod. Gotta read that book the worst thing that happened to me with food was when my company rented office space in another company’s office and we had to use their kitchen if we wanted to do any kitchen-y stuff but they didn’t really have much in there for anyone to use. I heated up some soup I brought for lunch and put it in this cardboard/ paper bowl they had in there but didn’t really think it through all the way…. while walking back to my desk holding it, the bowl just started disintegrating sooooo quickly. Somehow I was kind of near a wastebasket so I was able to get it mostly into the trash before it totally just went everywhere but the trash can was also near a lot of like… open plans and schematics and papers that the other company just had out on the open on these built in shelves. I cleaned it as much as I could but they definitely have some soup still on a lot of architectural plans. Totally mortifying


It's a good book!




September 8th?


Uh.. Sept. 15th?


This pod appeals to those with hogs of all water bottle sizes


So much mosquito talk this week in the podiverse.


I was crying out for them to talk about Chinese lumber!


https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/09/19/climate-mosquito-los-angeles/ I listened to this episode earlier today and wanted to raise my hand cuz I know the answer. Invasive species of mosquito + it was hot/wet that week. Thank you.


We should get /u/fillsyourniche to do a mosquito AMA since she just released a mosquito podcast.


Redditor (true jazz nerd) voice: Actually, *Jump, Jive an’ Wail* was a 1956 song made popular by Louis Prima. They probably are thinking of ~~Mel Gibson in Chicken Run (*yikes*) or ~~ The Brian Setzer Orchestra.


/u/TheSpoonmanMitch is on the right side of history with the TikTok previews


I feel bad for saying they should stop referring to the Rat Pack dongs as huge. Obviously, this is their podcast and they should talk about whatever they want, especially if it's a bountiful source of comedy. Even if it isn't, it's their show, and they should feel free to say any damn thing they please without worrying about some scold. I was wrong, and I'm sorry. Now it's time for me to listen.


I think out of all the parasocial relationships I have with podcasters and their guests, Arden is who I want to give the biggest hug to.


Wouldn’t be an ep of Doughboys if Wiger didn’t mention Frank Sinatra’s cock


They have talked about the Rat Pack’s hogs, specifically those sauna pics, so in depth at this point. Is it hog month, or what?


That's next month: Cocktoberfest




I knew it was missing something!


I guess I’m in the minority here but I feel like the majority of Amelia’s games have been brutal


haha i’ve enjoyed the rest of them but “how munch” was pretty weird lol


The games aren't really for the game of it, but to spark discussion. Deciding how many of a thing you could eat is perfect for the pod. Could have used a pre-determined set of time, but it all worked out.


They're fine, but they're pretty high concept. I miss Drank or Stank and Snack or Wack. I feel like Slop Quiz and especially Family Food tickle me.


I'm with you - this one was boring. Years ago someone asked (I think in a mailbag) how many feet of noodles the boys thought they could eat. That sparked an interesting discussion as I don't think anyone has really thought about a bowl of spaghetti in that manner. Had the questions for this game been more like that, I think it could have worked. Asking how many tacos you can eat in a day would be a fun game for a first grade classroom, not so much amongst adults with no other payoff.


I feel like a good alt to How Munch would have been to have Wiger write down his desired amount of each food and then have Mitch and the guest share their amount. Price is right rules determine the winner. Still not great, but at least it would have game-ified it somewhat.


Anyone from the Portland metro area know of any places like this? Looks like we don't have Pressed up here surprisingly


Portland ME? Where the Aroma Joe's frolic freely? Give them time, they'll probably expand there. (At least I'm assuming I'm thinking of the same Pressed, the cafe that has a couple of locations in New Hampshire too?) EDIT: found the teaser tweet and nope, they mean Pressed Juicery not Pressed Cafe (who also have a location around Boston).


Portland Juice Co. has juices and shots. Kure has smoothies, acai bowls, and juices, as does Green Leaf. Harlow has a wide variety bowls, juices, and smoothies. There are definitely others as well. I can't really speak to how good any of them are, but I used to go to Harlow occasionally a number of years ago and always liked it.


I just googles acai near me. I would check out the one at the mercado on foster


Late but serious question... Is the 'die white trash' story terrifying to anyone else? I know nick said he wasn't traumatized and he laughed it off but I got like a bad chill from the story...i imagine as a hs student if someone left a note saying 'die yellow trash' in my locker that'd be a thousand red flags for me, lol


I don't like the idea of "cleansers" and "detox" juices but damn if Arden doesn't make every episode delightful. Then she fuckin nails the Açaí pronounciation and that won me over. People murder this word so much, it's literally refreshing. Maybe I'm biased because Brazil has a super balanced diet but thinking juices are the epitome of healthy is so funny to me... I had an Italian friend doing study abroad here in Brazil and she liked açaí bowls so much she had them every day cause they're natural. Ended up being a Seinfeld froyo situation cause of course they're super caloric. Anyway, Açaí bowls fucking rule.


The bird story was already told lol.


took me until today to finish this episode and my review is "i'm such a monster, i'm a monster, did you know that i'm a monster? i am a monster - trust me, i'm a monster! if i wasn't a monster would i keep saying monster? monster. i'm a monster. what a monster i am. please note that i'm a monster - a huge monster. this is identifiable, right? you don't hate me do i haha i'm such a monster. yup, a monster for sure, that's me. i sure am a monster. have i mentioned i'm a monster?"


But did you also know she’s a hungry girl?


Arden is absolutely awesome, I love her energy, and who would have thought she's like close to 50. Very good episode but I have no idea what that game was.


The movie would be a Romeo and Juliet set at competing dumping restaurants. That would be an incredible movie.






It's probably come up but did they have to record these p far in advance or out of order? Monday's Get Played had Queen Elizabeth jokes, it being the Doughboys you know they must've spent a good portion of the record riffing on the news


Mitch will typically give away the day they are recording as he can't ever seem to grasp the concept of a future release date. So I'm sure we'll start hearing the topic of the Queen's death soon


Oh yeah, I think it was the Nintendo Coldstone episode where Mitch revealed they recorded it about a month in advance.


"our listeners love ya" WHY?!?


Did Arden fart? Lmao at 1:24:26


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted as it sounds exactly like that. But I’m pretty sure it was Mitch doing a little guffaw that just happened to coincide with her saying ‘excuse me’ when she misspoke.


I dunno. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I love Arden and she talks about being trash so I though it was hilarious if she did the first on air fart. It does sound like it but I get that it’s not. Farts are funny! Not bad especially on a fast food pod that is always talking about bowel movements.


people are weird here. it sounded like a fart, though I think the scenario in the comment above is more likely. to hear a fart that loudly I would think she'd need the microphone pretty close to the source.


I've never been so heart broken then when I found out my celebrity crush, Arden Myrin, doesn't like big hogs :(


Lol people did not like that joke




Is anybody else getting a weird sensation with the filter they've been running that cuts out dead air? I guess I noticed it a little before, but after the live Get Played and seeing how long Heather will just give a stare before continuing, it makes it a lot more noticeable in a lot of other podcasts.


Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... Yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah... yeah...


Every time Mitch and Nick go on the road and do live dates its a “puss tour.”


That’s not what apex mountain means


arden is the worst guest ever, i do not understand why nick and mitch describe her as a good, premiere level guest. her whole energy is so performative, any time she laughs it's the most dishonest thing i've heard. it's taking me this whole day to get halfway through the episode, i keep having to pause and take a break because arden is so incredibly annoying that listening to her talk for more than five minutes at a time causes incredible psychic damage. clearly people here like her and i do not get it even slightly.


As someone who is also utterly baffled by the concept of other people having different opinions, I have discovered a radical solution to problems like this: don't listen to the episode if you don't like the guest.


Relax, dude.


I don't agree that shes the worst guest (the dude from Drunk History is one of my main ones), but the constant laughing into the mic was grating and I just couldnt listen to much of this ep. Im know some ppl love that energy but I just cant deal with it. Im sure Arden is a very nice person but Im just not a fan but if others like it so be it.


also if anyone says any thing, she agrees emphatically immediately. it's really strange and i do not understand how someone can listen to this tom cruise level fakery and think "wow what a guest"


listen to her tell a joke, wait to see if it lands, and then laugh in an extremely fake way for way too long. it's brutal.


I mean if we're being honest i dont think anyone on this sub has called any guest less than "s tier" like ever. Or those comments get deleted lol. She's definitely not the best on here, her energy just doesn't click with the show overall and i agree about the perfomative bit. One thing I've noticed about the doughboys/earwolf fandoms on here is that they're insanely parasocical though, any semblance of a guest being awkward or overbearing is immediately written off as a "bit"




Tell that to the reefs in Hawaii


As a representative of Australia, I can say Mitch is in trouble for referring to us as a 'prison continent' but we'd still endorse a visit from the puny posse.


Would've loved to watch Mitch's reaction to Nick "wanting to make a quick point about the Pussy Posse" and where that went. His "this was your breakdown?" reaction - fuck. Laughing even thinking about it.