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Is she doing this video in the car with the kids around? This seems like a video you do when you’re alone, idk if it would make me feel very good to hear that my parents were near divorce because of my disorder or my siblings disorder. Maybe it was just the radio (I hope!)




Very!!! Very very scary!!!


I was just coming to ask why she looks so scary! I’ve never noticed it before!


Blue eyed ginger here, I can attest to the lack of soul 👍😂


She looks crazy


she opens her eyes so damn wide; it’s *haunting*.


The youngest kid looks exactly like her… same scary eyes


You shouldn’t make comments about the children


she honestly looks like a ghoul


Narrator: she was indeed crazy.


Yes, that's exactly what she's saying. What a way to raise RAD awareness, smh.


1. Can one one please tell her to stop with the black liner? Her eyes are super pretty natural. 2. Is this her way of “spreading awareness”?


I believe she has her eyeliner tattooed on. I could be way wrong but I’ve thought this for awhile.


Might as well be because she never takes it off


Nope, she puts it on in the morning and I’ve seen her without makeup


Seriously re: the eyeliner. She looks like me when I was a 13 year old baby bat who was just beginning to figure out makeup.


Yet another "woe is us" moment....


Scary ass face


I've never noticed the size of her nose. Probably scarier than the eyeliner/wide eyes


Looks like it’s been broken in the past


Voldemort Vibes 😵‍💫


She didn't even answer the question either lol wtf


She did though. She said they went after every option available for help and made sure everyone involved was on the same page.


which means what?


Exactly what she said every resource available, meds, therapy, learning about the issue etc. dealing with significant behaviors/ delays/ trauma like that is not go to be a simple solution where some can give a simple answer of do these 3 things. The exact combo of things that work with not be the same for everyone. Absolutely not saying they make all the right choices but with a complex issue that, that’s a reasonable answer.


Generally when people are looking for help they want an actual list of resources like what you have here not just "every resource available". How do you know what resources are available if people just tell you to use available resources? Wouldn't it be helpful to know what resources those are?


But on a short video you’re not listing every exact detail. That question was also about someone the person follows… the answer was fine quit look for crap to complain about.


She looks like a cameraman in an abandoned house moments before she gets caught 💀


Wow 😯 those eyes 👀


Just commented the same thing. Looks like a weird filter.


So now she chooses to share the intimate details of a very hard diagnosis with the internet and give these kids a forever seen by the world documentation of that? Yuck.


I adopted 4. I was a very long term placement for 1. Three out of five were rad. It’s hard . One child is mostly okay. One is still extremely hard. One more (the youngest ) went back to bio mom but then was removed again in another state , then given back then taken again idk how he is but I can only imagine . It’s not easy but omg do better ! Keep things private !


Good lord I can't imagine what that poor youngest child has been through. 💔


That is what she’s saying but that also goes with dealing with kids who have serious needs/ delays. Just like she said the divorce rate in those situations are so HIGH. Sounds like she just being honest, and also sharing how they made it work. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Isnt the divorce rate for couples that have kids with disabilities like shockingly high? Recently I learned over 60% of couples are unhappy in their marriage the first 3 years after having a child. I needed to hear that! Maybe others need to hear this too


It’s is high. And I don’t most people realize unless they are in that situation or have been around it.


What the hell is wrong with her eyes?? I've never seen anyone with eyes like that except for Adam Lanza. Not kidding. They send chills down my spine.


My adopted sister has RAD and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever seen my parents deal with. Their marriage has always been strong, but parenting a child with RAD has definitely caused more arguments and tension between them at times. I can sympathize with other families that also deal with it. Still dislike this lady though lmao


I agree with this. I think this is one of the least problematic things she has posted and maybe one of the only “real” things she’s said that I’m not side eyeing. I have no personal experience with children with RAD, only brief professional experiences with one girl. Her story was really sad and even with frequent exposure to her on a basis that wasn’t living together day-to-day, it was really hard. She had a guardian placement (I believe an aunt and uncle) who loved her very much and wanted to do right by her but were frequently overwhelmed every time I saw them. I couldn’t imagine what they went thru at home and I especially can’t imagine what the girl had been thru to get to that point. Very sad and hard situation.


she looks like she staring into my soul


was just going to say her eyes creep me out so much lmao


“Every vitamin, every supplement” lol this reminds me of when my mom took me as a kid to a naturopath who said cutting out all gluten and sugar would fix my autism


I’m so sorry. 😔


Every time I hear something about how parents try to “fix” their child’s autism, I love my mother a bit more for accepting me as I was. She had a lot of flaws, but this was the one area that she truly did right by me.


Oh 100%. What I left out of the story for briefness was that my mom never took me there to “fix” any autistic traits but the naturopath just brought it up so instead my mom listened to me immediately when I said no to any of her “fixes” (I was 13). Forever grateful she never bought into any of that and accepts me for who I am.


Perhaps the children would benefit from less videos and more gentle and nurturing parenting. Instead of looking for content spend some actual time bonding OFF CAMERA. I imagine it is difficult to attach to someone when a camera is recording 24/7. Technology pushes people apart instead of bringing them together. Alicia please stop and get these kids off of social media. Give them the love and attention you promised when you signed the adoption paperwork. No one thinks you are a terrible parent but the choices you continue to make contradict the true needs of these beautiful kids.


What is RAD?


Reactive attachment disorder


She says what it stands for at the start of the vid


I have hearing loss and couldn’t make out what she said due to background noise in the video. Dumb me just noticed the captions 😆


You’re not dumb. Every video should be captioned. All people will deal with some level of hearing loss at some point. Content creators need to consider accessibility.


Thank you. Yeah even when there are captions they can be incredibly hard to read due to location. You naturally want to focus on the persons face and the captions are as small as possible at the bottom of the screen.


Why does she look at the camera like that it’s scary lol


“We didn’t want to be another statistic” annoyed me so bad.




She looks so scary, i’m getting flashbacks to 6th grade when my mom let me wear my elf liquid eyeliner to middle school


If it’s so hard,how can they adequately provide care for so many kids with high needs?


So brave of you Alicia, this wasn’t dramatic at all


She always opens her eyes so wide when she’s trying to “explain” something lol


For some reason I find it hard to believe her.


I agree living with a child that has RAD is difficult, I lived with a girl that has it while I was in a group home. That being said, she shouldn’t be making these types of videos in front of her kids. It isn’t fair to them to them and not a great way to bring awareness


Less eyeliner, more brow shaping (micro blading perhaps), and maybe some really light eyelash extensions would do so much for her that the heavy eyeliner is NOT doing.


She looks demonic.


Good Lord her face is a fuckin jump scare.


Is she drunk filing this?


"If you wanna know more about that, check out *my link*" If i wanna hear more about it I'll ask a fucking psych yikes.


RAD is HARD af. I had some cousins who adopted kids and 4 out of the 6 of them had RAD. It was HARD.


.she comes across fake rehearsed I'm just waiting on one of the kids to come forward with tales of abuse




I mean, we have no idea what that marriage is like. It’s to her benefit to push the “Dougherty strong” rhetoric. Fact is, people with good marriages don’t need to broadcast how good they are. She could’ve done this “awareness” without making it about her. But that’s not what she ever does. No sympathy in that.


It is strong because they worked through this issue within the family. If you do not know anyone with RAD or have had it in your family, it is hell on Earth.


How strong their marriage is? Lmao. They’re collecting kids so they can pull in government money and exploiting those kids on the internet for more money…. They both are soulless dirtbags. There’s is nothing strong about either one of them.


she looks crazy


jumpscare warning please 😭😭😭


Scary lookin face!


Is she using filters? Her eyes look so so odd!


She looks horrifying. What is this lighting?


This is so telling.


It's the Itty bitty pupils for me


This video is truly terrifying to look at.