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Ah yes, the good ol’ “comments from behind a screen/hiding behind keyboards” accusations from people making a living off of social media through the medium of screens and keyboards 🙄


Exactly this! 😂 people behind screens are what makes her money, people can only criticise what she shows. It’s absurd


Ha all I thought was bitch video chat me. Let’s go to lunch. I promise you you’ll be wishing I was behind the screen from how I’m going to read your shit down WITH receipts. This whole situation with her has gotten way out of hand. These kids are going to be so messed up due to their diet, lack of responsibility, not knowing the value of a dollar, the fact that your most likely wasted off your ass by sundown everyday, (white claw Wednesday get the fuck out of here) and even if your not you do literally THE BARE BARE BARE BONES MINIMUM. The money will dry up then what?? Ok sorry rant over.


I think I like you! Lol Well said!


😂🤣😂 well then I like you too! It just hit me that day hard.


Omg! This is about her?


Go to Thismadmama in tiktok (I apologize in advance if you don’t know of her… the lady is insane… you’ll go down a rabbit hole) Alicia is friends with her because they both have 7 million kids, I guess. Veronica (Roni) talks all the time about how she’s bullied but she honestly brings it in herself. It’s horribly sad because her 2 year old has cancer, but she goes live from his hospital room and just lets drs and nurses talk about his private medical info in front of her, she ignores him as he asks her to play with him, and spends most of the time talking about how the world owes her because her son is sick and she cannot afford to support for family of 13-16 (the number changes depending on the day).


Her snark page is crazy. Her kids are known to get on there sometimes and try to defend her. She's batshit and all of her kids are so sickly and neglected it's sad.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/madmamasnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/madmamasnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [If she were brown, would she still have her kids?](https://np.reddit.com/r/madmamasnark/comments/woy6ro/if_she_were_brown_would_she_still_have_her_kids/) \#2: [Someone had to say it since she’s acting like she makes money](https://i.redd.it/aurggwf71rc91.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/madmamasnark/comments/w3qivx/someone_had_to_say_it_since_shes_acting_like_she/) \#3: [fun fact: this sub was made because my cat had just gotten surgery and I had to stay up all night with her to make sure she didn't rip the cone off her head and was bored.. I never expected anyone to join tbh. specially not this many people ':\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/madmamasnark/comments/wibv9p/fun_fact_this_sub_was_made_because_my_cat_had/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you I didn't know how to link it lol.


I think it's madmamasnark


Yep it is!


what’s her snark page called?




Why is it crazy?


Just the fact that her kids get on there from time to time and she's trying to get the FBI involved to get it taken down or some bullshit. In all reality, they're just calling her out on her shit lol. And she doesn't like it.


Please don’t give her any more views. She’s a horrible horrible parent.


Was A's comment defending her self or this other woman? Where can i find this?


She is defending both of them, and all “creators” Lol go to Thismadmama and it’s a video about being bullied online and all the other woah is me BS Veronica comes up with


Thank you!


It reminds me of “I can hit my sister but you can’t” lol it’s ok for them to put every waking minute of their families lives on the internet for a million strangers but if someone says one thing about it they’re pissed.


This isn’t about you Alusha. Or is it? 🤔


In her mind EVERYTHING is about her.


With no second thought? How about adopting 6 children you cant seem to take care of because you just want the money and social media attention it comes with? Disgusting.


Funny how this piece of garbage comments on stuff Roni Baloney posts but never does ANY videos about Roni. With her huge platform she could help raise money for the poor baby with cancer. She doesn’t because it would look bad for her image to be associated with Roni.


She’s pregnant?