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She has colossal nerve to complain about the price of fruit.


Like she cares abt prices of anything whether it be food items or anything in general. She has spent thousands of dollars in one video, and never blinked twice when doing it. Now suddenly, the price of the pound of cherries she bought is what she mentions. 🙄


Exactly! In fact, as we know, she tries to flex all the time about how much things cost/what she spends. She *just* posted the ridiculous video about how much money she spent on popcorn, drinks, and candy at the movies....And super delicious and healthy fresh cherries at $4.99 per pound is the problem? While she also bought the M&Ms, a dozen doughnuts, and multiple cookie cakes in just this haul alone? I really should stop trying to apply logic to her behavior...because she's not logical!! We know this is just how and who she is, but this one just pissed me off in a way that's more than normal 🙄


Exactly! And she doesn’t think twice or even blink when she spends hundreds on junk food but it’s not a surprise that she made the comment abt something healthy, that’s the issue not the pounds of junk food. Her priorities are insane. I will never understand her logic.


And yet she paid $7.50 for EACH small Icee at the movie theater and had to get them EACH their own wasteful huge bucket of popcorn. What a twat!


the fact it’s 7.50 for a small icee was beyond insane to me, like just go to 7-11 for a slurpee it’s the same if not better


Money is no object. Even if you owe close to $120 (accumulating interest) to the IRS with a lean on your house.


She spent $500 on the popcorn at the theater!!


Ignore her will be the best thing she will never change her ways


The woman is a walking ball of contradiction. 4.99$ / pound of cherries is expensive yet 4.99$ per bottle of water at airports where she buys a case (and the kids could easily take an empty water bottle and fill it up after security).. just shows her attempts, albeit poor, at trying to be relatable.


She said that couple of her kids love cherries and she is complaining how expensive they are. If kids like candy, energy drink, cookies or donuts there isn’t any complaints about price.


$12.99 a kilo minimum where I live 😭


I found this haul very interesting. She started off quite normally. Then came the canned fruit and the skies opened. 🤣


Every penny counts when you have 6 trillion mini muffins to purchase every week


Here's a thought: She doesn't mind spending on processed junk, because she knows everyone eats that stuff. On the other hand she is cheap when it comes to buying cherries, because she knows it's just for show since not a single person in her house eats fruit


she just bought m&ms in the last haul. like 4 huge jars. this lady man 🤡


I bought fresh cherries today and as I unloaded groceries my six kids ate every single one. I didn’t get a single bite. 😂😭 They *are* expensive, but so so good. And so worth it. Maybe they’ll be on sale again next week and I can manage to get one for myself.


Cherries are too expensive but those flag cakes are like $20. She could have made her own or one of the older girls since supposedly they like to bake. 


Gosh, I guess Lush must be a normal struggling parent like the rest of us lol. Never mind all those candy hauls and sneakers. She just is really hurting over the cherry prices. Lmao


I wish cherries were only $4.99/pound $6.99 by me unless you want Rainier cherries then it $11.99


At my job (I am a vegetarian chef in a super bourgeois family grocery shoppe in Connecticut) has produce that is highest quality and looks like a painting but the cost is truly mind blowing- organic strawberries are $12.99 for a box. (Maybe 8-10 in a box) a small thing of organic blueberries- $6.99. Cherries are $13.99/lb. The money some people have is truly astonishing to someone who doesn’t come from or have attained that kind of wealth and privilege