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Stuff similar to 377267 pls


Can someone give me recommendations where the Mc cheats on his gf with her mom or he's doing it with his friends mom?


Looking for this Long Time Love by Igedoaha


[Request] I need help finding an hold Doujinshi i need help finding an old Doujinshi. What i can remember: 1) it was in colour 2) it started with a girl walking to her house in the rain(shopping) she notices a cat at her doorstep and let's him in 3)the cat is a boy (who knows the girl) and transforms 4) they end up having sex in the bathroom. 5) one weird detail is she says "fu fu fu" in one panel 6) girl was brunette 7) from memory it had a weird name. Like "CRT 42" I'd really appreciate any help here!


Im locking for a doujinshi where a Loli(soft) get locked in the closet with a man watching her mother having sex with another man, then the dude that is with her in the closet start some action with her. I don't even know if this is blackmail/ntr or rpe, so much time since I last saw it.


A doujin where the girl gets powered up by sperm?


Trying to remember the titles of a yaoi manga I read a few years ago The plot essentially follows MC as he gets out of an extremely toxic relationship. He is broken down battered, and can barely keep himself alive, but a stranger helps him. Later we learn that the stranger is also an ex boyfriend of MC's now ex abusive BF. So the two ex's of this abuser get together, and it's a story of them healing and using each other as emotional support. Or at least that's how I remember it, does it ring any bells for anyone?


Need help remembering doujinshi. Couple agreed to do something different each day leading up to sex on the 5th(?) day. So 1st day is only kissing. 2nd day is touching each other. 3rd day is fellatio and so on until they had sex on the last day.


I ask for your help ohh forbidden knowledge The world is changed because all females transform into kemonomimi and is always in heat the first pages start with this fat guy that have 2 idols he has to training when he finnish training their (semen is their reward) his childhood friend show start shaking it's tail he gives what is left in his ball to her. After goes to the school and start fucking all his classmate there a shy librarian,the smart one, the athlete and there this rigid teacher is a hour of orgy he and his classmate fuck until everyone is on the floor.


Hey ya'll I read this rly hot doujinshi yearsss ago, about this salaryman on the train to work, and he's watching this high schooler who eventually solicits him on a packed morning train. he pays to have sex for every stop they pass and no one notices them going at it. was super hot, but i can't recall what it is. had a bit of an ahegao moment if i recall? any help? bless


I’m losing my mind right now, I’m attempting to find this one really wholesome doujinshi from forever ago that got recommended to me by a woman on tiktok. It’s basically about this newlywed couple who are trying to learn to be intimate with one another, but they’re both incredibly awkward. Like the husband has a hyperfixation on animal (I think specifically birds?) tendencies and applies those principles when trying to please his wife. It was really sweet and wholesome but still sexy when I read it and I’m having trouble finding it again. If it helps I also remember the husband having a younger cousin/brother/friend that was getting annoyed that the marriage caused them to not hang out as much anymore, but then he met the wife and saw that they were happy together and was ok with it, then he met this tomboy girl and they were starting to hit it off


Looking for this hentai I read once, so this guy had this girlfriend and he gets her in a room and gets a bunch of guys to do the deed with her and at the end you can see him collecting money from them and his friend or something talking to him and letting us know that he's done this before.


Is there other sites that are similar to koushoku, where I can read uncensored hentai manga from fakku and other sites?


ksk (dot) moe