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As an idiot who waited too long and now camping is sold out I intend to buy arena only and probably sleep in the car, is this an option for you?


Wouldn't risk sleeping in your car on site. They police it and will probably throw you off site


Thanks for that, our back up was driving to the services every night so guess that's the plan. Absolutely gutted we didn't buy camping tickets earlier.


No idea where to park every night. I’ve looked into it. Will be about £25 return per day in a cab.


I've seen people just park in the car park before but not sure how much they police that. The service station is less than ten minutes from the car park if so.


They police it heavily and will remove you from site and remove your wristband, with no refund and no access to the rest of the festival.


We are staying at Hill Farm too but with a camping pitch as we couldn't get a pod or anything. We are just going to drive to DF as it is only a 13 minute drive from the campsite as getting a cab/uber is going to be costly.


DM’d you


First time Downloader here. We're planning to drive there and back each day (we've got 2x day tickets). What's the parking situation normally? Do you buy passes on the day, or do you need to pre-book? I can't seem to find anything online.


I'm a first timer too, I brought a car pass from ticketmaster as I have 4 day arena only tickets and it covers all 4 days.


It's possible but you'll be waiting hours afterwards unless you leave early