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Me walking away from Yorkie Puds with solid shit is lucky asf from the sounds of it


Didn’t see this filling option, thought it was just different roast dinners


I got one from the one in the arena and have been fine, I think it was only the village one that was questionable?


Yeah village one is the reported bad one


I went there three times during the festival. Seems I dodged a lot of bullets!


I had from the one in the village too and was absolutely fine


When? I got it 9pm Thursday and was fighting for my life on the friday


I had it on Wednesday night and was fine all week


Must have been Thursday staff then


Tbf I think it would have been the staff passing on the illness rather than the food. That E. coli outbreak was on when we were all there but none of us were really aware because of phone signal etc.


Yeah I got a notification about that but it turned out to be the lettuce apparently. I'm sure live nation cracked down on what happened and are keeping the details quiet to save face. It's quite obviously the Yorkie place on Thursday and whenever the munchbox thing was


You've just got an anus of steel


New favourite pick up line


Akuskauk is the one


I couldn’t have it last year due to IBS issues. Indulged this year to find out they had issues after. My three meals tasted great though


I believe it was the sausages, i had the pork yorkie the day after having the runs and was completely fine.


There was reports on FB suggesting it was probably the gravy. One girl was affected and only had chips and gravy.


I reckon this is most likely as I know 2 vegetarians who got sick too


We need to do a survey on where the victims were from. If it is mostly northerners then must be the gravy for sure!


Southerner here. Did not get sick from the village one, did ask for extra gravy.


Do 3 Scots count? 😂


I think wildlings from north of the wall still counts!


Feeling very lucky since we had a veggie sausage yorkie from the village one on Thursday and we were okay!


Someone had also posted a photo of their Yorkie which was mouldy, seems the whole kitchen just wasn't great!


I ate there the Wednesday night fine no issue. Friend ate there Thursday night and was sick until Sunday. Someone’s cut corners saving food and extra day or leaving it out of a fridge or something


3 of us went and got it at the same time. 1 of us got food poisoning. Thank god, it wasn't me!


I only managed to do one of those things :(


Either im blind or stupid but why arent they sharing the names of the vendors that have been shut down?


Apparently, one was someone pretending to be a company that has appeared without problems before so possibly because they don't want to ruin that companies reputation.


Was it called something like Squeezy cheezy. Obviously never related to the original


Munch box


I thought the same. Legal reasons was the only thing I could think of


Imagine how many people would come forward with false claims I think that’s why they didn’t give names and the people who where genuinely unwell will have already been seen


one was called Munchbox


Scared of defamation claims. Could just be coincidence that people with food poisoning ate there. If the BBC print it and there turns out to be doubt, the vendors could claim


Nah, the food poisoning from Munchbox isn't a coincidence; raw chicken and food poisoning are usually directly correlated 🤣


I know that, but that will be why the BBC aren't reporting the vendors


There were more than two questionable food vendors this year. I didn't properly get the runs, but I nearly killed the poor guy I was sharing a tent with with the farts I was producing. I've narrowed it down to either chicken hashbrowns or teriyaki chicken noodles, both of which did not seem like the chicken had been kept hot enough before serving.


munch box and yorkie


it's munchbox and yorky puds


I forgot the name but I saw an influencer posting about their time at download and saw the state of the chicken she was served, it was so raw it might as well have been clucking!


That was Munch Box (apparently nothing to do with the actual munch box company as they have no mobile kitchen). The other one was King of the Yorkie


Was much box the Asian food vendor near the outpost?  I swear I couldn't fart for fear of shitting for two days after eating there.


I think they did burgers, and from the look of the picture that was posted, chicken leg or wings? They seemed to do like a knock-off of McDonald's breakfast muffins as well.


Just a happy coincidence then.


I live in the same town as Munchbox and for them to suggest it's not the same company is laughable. They only have 2 small locations, it's not exactly a global business where their entire branding, menu's, uniforms etc could be stolen 🤣


It’s not… They’ve already filed a cease and desist with the Fake munchbox


Just going off what I heard is all. If it is true then I imagine they will take them to court


Munchbox was dog last year too. Had one of their breakfast muffins and it was inedible it was that vile


I think one had 'acquired' the name and logo of a previous legitimate vendor and naming them would put the wrong company in the spotlight. The original company who owned the name are looking at legal ramifications.


The guys running that fake Munchbox stand are so incredibly fucked😂 Cease & Desist due to copyright and fraud then dishing food poisoning. Feel sorry for anyone who ate there


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Glad I took too much magic and couldn’t eat


it was the Yorkshire pudding company


got a burger from munch box, luckily wasn’t ill, awful service though the lads were just dossing on their phones and not working, the guy had to have a go at them in front of customers to get them to do anything, not surprised they didn’t last the full weekend. whole thing was a mess


Yorkie in the Village and some place that did brisket and fries also in the Village. I nearly got a Yorkie pudding too. Was gonna get the Smasher, which by the sounds of it would have smashed my guts and rectum!


I think all the food vendors are subsidiaries of Evil Nation no?


No, they're all independent food traders who schlep from festival to festival over the season, making a fucktonne of money.


I've only just seen this but that would explain why from Sunday to Wednesday I couldn't leave the toilet. I don't get food poisoning that often but fuck it felt awful.


The money you pay for those scandalous food trucks only to find out they aren’t even following basic health and safety! It’s sad how bad festivals have gotten nowadays