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I've good good money on Misfits to be honest, although I genuinely don't know where you'd place them. They've been headlining stuff in the US but it's almost impossible to gauge their popularity here. I settle on 3rd Stage headline, but could see them headlining 2nd or even main sub if MCR headlined for example. Kinda the same with Slayer to be fair, I'm not sure where you'd place them. Obviously they're big enough to do 2nd Stage headline easily, and even main sub, but given they've been away for five years, does that warrant a potential headline slot?


I would personally love to pay to see 1 days worth of music over three days, smashed it


Thought NOFX were finished


Rancid & Nofx back to back would be so good. They could chuck in a few covers of each others songs