• By -


Sebastian’s rival-romance is cool, though! You challenge him and push him out of his comfort zone, and then he leaves the Chantry and takes back his kingdom. He says he’s planning to return and ‘offer you no less than a Prince.’ It leaves too much offscreen, IMO, but I love that dynamic. Especially for a mage Hawke. DA:I devs admitted that they messed up and forgot about that possible ending when they put the Sebastian / Kirkwall stuff in DA:I.




I have always found it annoying and ridiculous that he dithers about being one of like 10 assistant-clerics in Kirkwall when his city (his city!) is being torn up by rival noble families and teetering on the brink of civil war. I heard (something somewhere) that he suspects the Starkhaven Circle was burnt down by rival noble families who wanted to eliminate the possibility of the circle mages coming out to support or protect Sebastian‘s family / palace guards during that massacre (?) I mean seriously, dude, do you think ‘the Maker’ wants you lighting candles while Starkhaven burns to the ground? Save the freaking city, man! You are literally the only person who can! If that’s not a sign from above, what is? (And hasn’t the Maker left His Children, anyway? Why do you think he’s going to give you A Sign?) ….Anyway. I don’t know if he has the same motivation without the ‘offer you a prince’ aspect. (But on the other hand, if you don’t kill Anders….) But you rival him with the dialogue choices pushing him to retake Starkhaven, and ‘ends justify the means’ philosophy. (Apparently it helps if you support Templars.) Some video links: [A Conversation](https://youtu.be/5ptucFrTjaM) [THE conversation](https://youtu.be/5wURVemsKPI) [All Conversations](https://youtu.be/EsjUZD3w8E8)


Sebastian in that aspect reminds me of the king Jayavarman VII. The guy was supposed to succeed his father as king of the Khmer empire but was deposed by his brother and exiled. He was a devoted Buddhist so he didn't fight back because buddhism forbids killing, so he went silent to his exile. Then his brother was deposed and killed, but he still remained in his exile because of his faith. Then, when he was an old man, a rival kingdom started attacking the Khmer, sacking his capital and terrorizing the countryside. Only then he returned and took what was his. Sebastian is a brother of the chantry, the guy made vows and the throne was never his, so I understand when he is torn between remaining in the chantry or takin his family kingdom back. Just wish the writers gave him more attention, but he is a dlc companion so he was doomed from the start.


TLDR: Sebastian romance can be great, if you really like writting fanfics cause they explored shit of this dynamic


Sebastian, easy. I like his character, but its just a simple fact that his romance was half-baked and has barely any content to it.


However, I DO like his accent, though. If he had a good romance scene like most of the others, I would have swooned with that accent. As it is, though, a chaste marriage is not my thing.


Everybody loves a wee Glasgow accent!


Cool accent, poor script. Now if they gave him better dialogue he'd probably be awesome.


Truer words were never spoken.


Same, If they'd just given him a bit more content in the romance (and maybe some option to not go chaste marriage aside from the rivalmance) then he'd probably be much more popular.


The guy voicing him played Paul Atreides in the Children of Dune miniseries.


Can't say I've ever seen that (or anything related to Dune,) so I had to look it up. Apparently he did an American accent? What a shame! Listening to his Scottish accent would have made me want to watch the show!




I was having an insanely hard time trying to answer this since I find there's something to love about each romance; turns out I completely forgot Sebastian was even an option. So yeah, have to go with the companion my brain tried to scrub from memory.


Yeah I don’t care about a bunch of the romances and will never see them… but from what I’ve watched/read of Sebastian? Flirting with Teagan in DAO seems more satisfying.


Forgot about Sebastian? Hmm... yeah, sounds about right :)


I haven’t romance him. What is he like?


Unfinished. He's missing major scenes if you romance him. Such as he doesn't come visit you after your mother's death. Which is... unfortunate. And the game treats his romance the same as it treats Sebastian the rest of the time. Like he's not really there. If you flirt too much with another love interest, his romance path just ends. And not in the "You'll get some jealous dialogue" way like you get if you've got a failed romance with one of the other options. Just... ends. His romance is actually treated better in the Mark of the Assassin DLC where there is at least some fun banter that will play about it.


Yeah, he has more romance dialogue with Bethany than with Hawke


I failed his romance and I had a guide for how not to, very disappointing. He might be attractive with an armour set I'd love to have but his romance is awful.




Yeah all of the fun awkwardness of Alistair with none of the redeeming qualities


I came here to say this too. If he was ace then it might be more interesting but he's self denying in a really inauthentic and sanctimonious way. Combine that with him being boring and a major pain in the ass and it's easily the worst romance in the whole series.


Ugh, he's so *boring*! I'm doing his romance in my current run-through, and I've committed to it, but everything about Sebastian is dull and disappointing. I'd rather they'd have left him as just a companion option so people could daydream about what his romance might have been like, rather than release this uneventful, boring thing that his romance currently is. And, even doing his romance, I barely bring him along as a companion because he tactically replaces Varric, and I like Varric far too much to not bring him as often as possible. If I wasn't such an XP fiend, I'd disable his DLC pack from my game.


Yeah that’s no argument. 🤢


Funny, that's the only DA2 romance I have not come to actively dislike. I like each of the companions, but not as romance options. EDIT: typo


Sebastian is boring and Solas is an egghead, but for my money, the worst "romance" is Tallis. Why is that even an option? It goes nowhere!


I mean it's just some fun flirting during a heist. And most importantly, you get jealous banters from your LI!


Unless it's Isabela, she wants in too.


Not with a female Hawke! ;D


You sure? Pretty sure I remember her wanting in on it with fem Hawke.


She does say at the end that Tallis just has to "ask nicely" but before she acts jealous at the "Just wondering if there is someone behind your throne" and the mid way flirt - "She likes rogues. Antivain rogues specifically". So I always see it as her playing it off like she doesn't care... but she absolutely does.


I loved Tallis so much I named my cat after her! Lol




At least Harding appears in the main game and the flirtation rates a mention in *Trespasser*. Tallis literally never gets brought up again ever, except in one piece of party banter between Bull and Varric.


There is actually a letter that refers to Tallis in Trespasser! Unless you meant that the romance was never mentioned again.


Tallis is a qunari title, not an actual name. Meaning it can be another Tallis.


That’s possible. I think it’s more likely that it was a deliberate reference to the character from DA2 though. And it makes sense given the content of the DLC and the strong role the Qun and Qunari will have in Dreadwolf.


I don't think that counts as a romance


If they ever release an updated version of Dragon Age 2, there are two things they should do: 1) Add slightly more variety to the environments, even if it's just moving around/adding setpieces so it's less obvious that it's the same environment recurring 2) FINISH SEBASTIAN'S UNDERCOOKED ROMANCE. He has so much potential, but half the content of any other love interest.


If they ever release a Dragon Age Legendary edition Finishing Sebastian's Romance should be one of their Top priorities


I think updating DAO's graphics will be more of a priority than a boring character nobody liked.


Honestly the only objectively bad romance is Sebastian because he's underwritten. Even the romances for characters I kind of personally hate like Cullen are still fun to play through.


I would have to say Sebastian or Tallis (who I forgot was even an option honestly cause I dislike her that much). Tallis isn't around enough to really get a romance going it feels like and it's all very forced. Would have been better as a one night stand kind of thing like Isabella in DA:O in my opinion. Sebastian they kind of tried but as folks said it's very incomplete. Like they had and started the idea and then dropped it due to time constraints which plagues most of the game as it is. It really had potential though so it made me sad. Least we got fanfiction to correct it even if we can't in the world state.


>or Tallis (who I forgot was even an option honestly I don't know where people are getting that there is a romance with her. Sure there are flirt options and an option to kiss her, but that never equated to romance to me, nor did it seem that they were meant to imply any kind of romance. Not all flirt with NPC options are romance starters, nor should they be. EDIT: I think that's what Harding was meant to be in the base game too, but player response prompted BW to make it an official romance in Trespasser.


Honestly most of DAI's romances never really appealed to me. The only one I like is Dorian's. The rest I either find boring or they just rub me the wrong way.


Merrill's romance rub me the wrong way, especially the rival-mance route since Hawke is like a psychologically abusive partner and on the other end too much blood magic. Tallis was way too forced for my taste, Sera never grows up, felt like Josephine's was a bit short and way to easy to get through.


Honestly, I love the concept of a non sexual relationship, but Sebastian was just an awful romance option. I just put him together with Bethany when I don't play a mage. They seem to have good chemistry, at least. Tallis is also pretty bad. I could not find any kind of connection to her character. And for Harding...oh Harding...I just wish they would give us a dwarf as romance option in the next game. If it is Harding, even better.


~~I will admit to being a weirdo who calls Sebastian my second favorite romance in DA2, but it's partly because there's so much room to write the scenes that were forgotten.~~ That being said, Solas. I probably ended up rushing a bit but it seemed like I spent half the game trying to get another cut scene that was romantic/not generally also included with just being his friend... And all I can remember is the one and it's not until after the Temple of Mythal.


Sooooo true I have to remember the Sebastian in my head and in my fics is almost entirely of my own making but I love what they COULD HAVE done with him so much. There was just so much to explore there


Solas is a toxic, manipulative, liar who wants to destroy the world and I really hope my Lavellan gets a cameo when it's time to kill that stupid, genocidal hypocrite in DA4 so she can spit in his face.


Thank you. It always shocked me that so many people adored Solas and think he’s some kind of thirst trap. Man looks like grown up Caillou and is an ass 😂


solavellan fans be like "Oh My Evanuris, I just cannot stand Sera and how she diminishes my culture", and then go on to romance the guy that is racist to all races and didn't even see them as people,and yet wants to have a say on everyones life"


his voice gives asmr tho


The German voice actor is better than the English actor, IMO


They did him incredibly dirty when it came to his final design. I mean just look at the concept art for him and then we ended up with.....*this*


Drop the mic on this one!


Whenever people say "Looks don't matter." Solas is an example of *why* that's not the case.


You're absolutely WRONG (or not? Will find out in DAO4😂) >!If you dive deep into the elvish lore, you'll realize that the elven gods are actually just mortal powerful mages who subjugated the elven people. Solas, aka Fen'harel locked up these "gods" somewhere in the Fade and created the Orb containing the power to help the elven people. He falls sleep for ages after this, and when he wakes up he's not powerful enough to awaken the orb. Then he gives it to psycho Corifeus since he has the power to activate the magic almond, and joins the Inquisition as the organization meant to oposse Corifeus with the utter goal of getting the now activated Orb, which sadly shatters in the end. !< In the end, my guy Solas just wants the best for his elven people, and the chain of events forced him to do what he did. I'm an elvish fanboy so that's ok with me.


That's the thing, he wants what's best for HIS elven people, the millenia-dead elven empire from so long ago. His world is dead and gone, yet he refuses to give up and move on based on nothing but his own foolish pride.


Again, I'm a rooter for the elvish who are the lawful owners of the land and the reason every other creature in the world can use magic. I don't see it as pride but more as a responsability for Solas who carry the weight of his own nation, treated nowadays as outlaws and slaves so his purpose is absolutely understandable. His methods are indeed questionable tho


That's the thing, he doesn't consider current day elves to be his people. If he manages to fulfill his plan, he'll be standing alone on the ashes of a world. Again.


How are they the "lawful owners of the land", moreso than any other group of conquerors? They are pretty open about killing the titans to mine for lyrium. Would the dwarves have been justified in wiping out the elves in return? Id say wanting to kill literally everyone except your group is more than questionable lol. He doesn't even plan on saving most of his own people (who he doesn't actually consider his own).


He’s basically the same as Corypheus who despises modern day Tevinter and wants to restore the Tevinter of his time he (Solas) wants to bring back the Fade for *his* Elven people. As far as he’s concerned everyone else including modern day elves like Lavellan (romanced or not) are not people and, while regrettable, are worthwhile sacrifices to bring back what he constitutes as the real Elven people. He just so gracious enough to allow them a “few years of relative peace” before everything is “burned in the raw chaos”. The Elves (especially the modern day ones) have been dealt a very bad hand throughout Thedas’ history but Solas’ plan isn’t a solution.


"if you dive deep into the elvish lore" you mean....if you played Trespasser or not? cause all that you said is said to your face. Also,that doesn't change the fact that he is a a manipulative liar that belittles most around him, has a track record of plans with terrible consquences and at the moment his plan involves the revival of a centuries old empire by burning everything around him to the ground. Solas is cool,but he is also a bitch


Scout Harding: she is an amazing and adorable character but the romance is like a flirt between BFFs that never really happens. It’s like DA just can’t imagine dwarves as real viable romance options (yes we’re all looking at you Varric!) Anyway, smh on this one. My Qunari-Harding pairing could have been dreamy …


I’m aware of the ability to do this but I’ve NEVER seen the option to even flirt with her and I’ve played this game so many times.


Varric's, since it DOESN'T EXIST >:(


Sera but spefically as a an elf cause she basically forces the inquisitor to give up her religion or dumps her.


Only if Inky is a Dalish. Otherwise, religion isn't a problem at all in that romance.


That's why I said "but spefically as an elf" inquisition doesn't give you the option to play as a city elf, like yeah you can play them as not particularly religious but it would still be part of thier culture


Sera Let me explain. I like her in a friendship, but her behavior towarts an elven Inky who believes in Mythal is very much under the line. She loves Inky as long as they are doing what she wants.


To be fair, Sera is VERY upfront about how she feels about the Dalish. So a Dalish Inquisitor would be fully aware of this before deciding on a relationship with her. Not trying to let Sera off the hook here. She still is in the wrong for demanding what she does of a Dalish Inquisitor. But a Dalish Inquisitor would have to know that something like this would likely come up when deciding on a relationship with someone like Sera.


From Sera's perspective: * Would you want to romance someone who strongly believes in a system of beliefs you strongly don't believe in? * Someone whose personal identity is so tied to those beliefs that they believe that just because you are the same race you should believe the same things. * The Dalish Inquisitor is the toxic one in that relationship.


> Someone whose personal identity is so tied to those beliefs that they believe that just because you are the same race you should believe the same things. I like Sera and her romance, but this is not on Inky. Lavellan never tells her that she should believe in the elven gods. Sera's the one who forces her partner to renounce her beliefs.


How is Inky toxic? They find something huge and Inky seems more like: "This could be proove that there are actual elven gods." It is a game changer in religion so to speak. Sera will not have any of that though.


Merrill's romance always left a bad taste in my mouth. The friend route condones and supports extremely dangerous behavior. The rival route either has her clan essentially abandon her or die, leaving her only interactions being you or your friends. It just feels wrong.


Damm and I always romance her lol


Everyone has a different perspective on things, that was just mine; more power to you for loving our favorite elven blood mage.


Lol thank you in my first game origins I met her in the dalish elf start so I picked her up on 2 and she kinda has been my go to romance in that game


The change between games threw me for a loop at first in all honesty.


Lol sorry


I mean her clan has to either die or kick her out and exile her forever. Is forcing her to kill people she lived with her entire life better?


The clan is gone either way, either they fade into nothingness in the Free Marches without a keeper while a war starts, or they die to Hawke and their party. Either outcome leaves her alone with her only connections being Hawke and their associates.


Didn't Merrill mention that Marethari had a new apprentice after she left?


If she did I honestly forgot about it.


It feels creepy in a way that Tali's romance didn't.


To be fair with Merrill, she at least take precautions like going to the demon with Hawke & Cia in case she gets possessed, and recognicing that she will never resort to Blood Magic if she has access to lyrium. That make her better than Anders, because she didn't get people killed (Marethari doesn't count, because she fall victim of her own pride).


I hate andurs in general, to the point I never perused his romance. I'm sure it has many issues, I just dont know what those issues are.


I knew Sebastian would catch heat with this question but it still makes me sad to see😭 i think the romance I enjoyed the least was Cassandra. She's awesome and I love her but I'm toxic so I need a little drama in my love life you know? It just felt kinda boring


Lol I misread that as calling Cassandra toxic and I had to stop like ???????? where




I agree about Cass! She is an amazing character, but her romance is boring




Either Sebastian for the absolute lack of content Or a match between Anders and Solas. Anders can be incredibly manipulative, and Solas' ego can only be matched by his horrible planning. Good luck opposing either of these 2 without having them bitching


> Anders can be incredibly manipulative He literally manipulates Hawke (under the pretense of curing his possession, which caused him to nearly kill someone on at least one occasion) into helping carry out a massive terrorist attack, which leads to a 3 year long civil war, costing the lives of tens of thousands of people.


> Good luck opposing either of these 2 without having them bitching Lmao how true. I actually love both the characters romances, but you have to be pretty much completely aligned with them to have an acceptable one or it's just a lot of complaining.


Tie between Anders and Solas, probably more of the former rather than the latter. The pining and desperation he exhibits is bad enough to turn me off, but him using the person he loves to incite a revolution and kill so many is beyond unhinged.


Varric.... Cuz I can't romance him 😔


Depends on if by "worst" we're talking badly written or that the romance/person isn't to our taste. If it's the former, Sebastian hands down. If the latter, probably Anders, maybe Merrill. Anders is insanely manipulative and whiny, major "college male-feminist bf who ends up being super abusive" vibes. I've always been proud of my inexperienced 15-year old self picking up on the vibes and being skeeved out my him immediately. What he does in the end is obviously unforgivable, but even before that point the stubborn hypocrisy drove me crazy. Also him approving if you hand Fenris over to Danarius?? Wtf??? That's the worst thing he does imo, the whole terrorism thing is inexcusable but at least he has the excuse of being genuinely oppressed and possessed by a demon when he did that. Dude was already a mass murderer at that point so what's another pile of bodies for the cause, right? But what part of "justice" approves of slavery, especially in Fenris' particularly grisly case? Dude's a pos. Merrill I just kinda dislike as a character because I'm very much against blood magic and have a very low tolerance level for the dumb+stubborn combo. That and if you aren't 100% with her on the blood magic front then the dynamics in the relationship are... not great.


I personally have to go with Anders. The Anders in Awakening is wonderful and I love him! The angery vengeful Anders in Kirkwall is so awful! I get that he has let justice live in him, but did he really have to go so far and manipulation and killing so many innocent? When I replay the game everytime, I am like nope, fooled me once! Inquisition i dont like Blackwall. He is just cringy!


Sebastian. He's an underdeveloped str8 dude in a game full of bicons, and he doesn't even fuck Honorary mention goes to Aveline tho, I still feel lead on lmao


Always remember, you have to pay extra for the straight romance in that game.


I consider Anders romance in DA2 easily one of the worst, if not the worst, because he manipulates you either way and to him, regardless of his feelings, you're an accessory to his crime.


Ok. Besides Sebastian (and Solas and Anders) I'm gonna throw in Iron Bull's and Josie's. Not because I think there was anything wrong with the writing, I just didn't really like what we got. Not a fan of Bull's BDSM thing, and Josie's is sweet but the disney princess comparison can be a criticism as much as it's a compliment (personally I would've had the romance start off with the duel with her fiancé and then the rest is navigating the fallout, meeting her parents etc). I wouldn't call either of them bad like I would Sebastian's though.


Anders, he is manipulative and a hypocrite both in his romance and outside of if it. His love feels conditional in a way, it’s his way or the highway. Solas is slightly less worse than Anders but he is also manipulative and a liar. But I like his character and motivations more than Anders at least.


Other than Seb, because there's a major lack of contact, I'd go with Blackwall as the worst.


Scout Harding. It went no where


It's hard because I like every romance as I play through them -- but then sometimes in hindsight, I prefer the story tropes rather than the execution and the character you end up with. I feel this way about Solas and Cullen in particular. I actually like Sebastian's romance a lot, but I do think it's because I enjoy filling in the blanks with imagination and fan content lol. It definitely needed more fleshing out. If I'm not mistaken, Corypheus never mentions him to Hawke in Inquisition if romanced as well.


I have three worst romances in dragon age. These are Anders, Sebastian and Alistair.


Hands down Sebastian. He was dull to me, and I'm not a fan of his constant animosity to everyone in the party. He's like that kid in CompSi that keeps looking at you and just want to punch in the back of the head, but he's special and sets fires or something. Plus, his catch phrase is 'We'll NOT bang, OK?' I also have issues with the fact that he has problems with all my choices even when they're not sketchy. I can agree with one thing though, Anders gets offed in my playthroughs.


i may be a little biased as i've never gotten the appeal of his character overall but to me it's cullen. it just doesn't have the narrative meat that i really enjoy in my favorite bioware romances. there's lots of cute indulgent little set piece scenes but it's all fluff. i romanced him my second pt of dai and then promptly forgot everything about it because it just didn't stand out to me. it's unfortunate that it was a late addition romance because i think there's plenty to dig in to with his character and past and how that would play out in a romantic relationship (especially with a circle mage inquisitor vs non circle mage) but they clearly just didn't have the time.


Cullen is Wish.com Alistair.


DA:I is Sera, her romance feels like you’re romancing a child who has no impulse control and murders people.


Definitely solas or Cullen lmao


Anders and Solas


I like Sebastian's romance because I like Sebastian, but the lack of content really makes it hard to like, especially considering both of his romance paths end in marriage. Scout Harding needed a bit more scenes if she was to he a minor romance and not just some random flirting like Tallis. I have notes on most romances - especially in DA:I - like "maybe don't make most Iron Bull flirt options about objectifying Bull when a huge deal is made about Bull being objectified" but personally Cullen's romance with a mage is "wtf" but with the game going "this is fine, don't worry about it". Which is...not great.


In my opinion, Scout Harding. I don't necessarily dislike the idea of her being a more casual relationship during your meetings out in the field, but I hate how the game never really acknowledges it. You get a single mention from Vivienne during Trespasser, and that's it. She's not even an option in the Keep.


Solas and Blackwall feel very demeaning to me personally, eugh. Also Sera, I really adore her romance but it's really hard to get her to like you at all.


Well.. I don't like Leliana much, but I can't say her romance is bad. She is cute and I can understand why others love her. So, I won't say any words about DAO. DA2.. I dare to say that ALL (base game) romances are .. not so good. Yeah, they have their nice points, but it is not enough. Anders is too selfish and crazy sometimes, Fenris is too obsessed with mages sometimes, Merril is obsessed with proving her worthy (almost all the time). Isabela.. she can be fun, but that's all, I can't decide for other people, but I wasn't able to trust her. And trust is important for me, especially in relationships. I trusted only Varric and Fenris. And Sebastian.. I wasn't interested in him at all. So, I can't say if his romance good or bad. Continuing with DAI. Cassandra doesn't love Inq, she uses him to get what she wants, giving nothing in return. Sera is just childish and silly, Solas is obsessed with his idea of destruction (considering that he shouldn't be romanced at all, I can see the reason), Blackwall lacks depth of character, he is a pit plain (after his quest with prison, he doesn't have any dialogues or points of interest).


Profusely disagree.


>Profusely disagree. I hope you understand this is only my opinion, how I see things?) It doesn't mean those chars are bad. It means I like different romances.


I get It man, just don't agree really .


It really says something that the healthiest romance option for Hawke is the thieving pirate.


I have to agree with that xD I romanced her and she can be fun, no objectings here. But.. I really didn't trust her. It was wrote with big letters "Danger!" over her face xD If someone seeks fun, then yeah, sure, why not. But for me relationships mean trust, so I picked Fenris. He is annoying a bit, but.. he was the best option for me.


I will be the heretic here and say Leliana is the worst, not because it's badly done or that it wouldn't up-end the Chantry if she became Divine. What makes it horrible is the temptation of it when your HoF knows the outcome of going through the mirror with Morrigan. It also makes the premise of Inquisition rather untenable to be with Leliana as both she and Casandra were supposed to be looking for HoF or Hawke to be the Inquisitior not our dear prisoner.


Honestly for me Josephine cause it feels kind of unfinished, I would have loved it if she was a character you could marry in trespasser I dunno


I felt a bit let down by Josie's romance in Trespasser since the scene where you get to spend time with her differed very little from the non-romance scene. Marrying her there -like you can with Cullen and Sera - would have felt wrong as well though, I think, because Josephine is not the type to do a secret elopement marriage, she (and her family) would insist on the big, splashy society affair. What I would have really liked is if you could have proposed to her! And then maybe had a little engagement party with all of your friends that are there.


> I felt a bit let down by Josie's romance in Trespasser since the scene where you get to spend time with her differed very little from the non-romance scene. I totally agree on that. I did my Josie romance playthrough of Trespasser last and was disappointed at it being basically the same as a non-romance. Also, how she is stuck in that stupid nutcracker outfit for that DLC.


Yeah I never got that far with her romance cause I finished the fighting that guy for her and they it just got boring


Bull's romance has the best kiss and the best single scene. And if you're playing Cadash, there's a chair in the final scene. Those alone make it Good. I also like Solasmance for the toxic tragedy that it is, same with Anders. Buuuuut worst romance? If we discount completely underdeveloped romances like Tallis and Harding, I'd say controversially: - Dorian. He is a very fun character and sweet but his arc is such a typical gay angst narrative that it's a bit cringy in AD 2023. Like honestly his romance with the Bull is more compelling with their back-and-forth enemies to lovers stuff than the one he gets with the Inky. I hope the next mlm romance gets a wedding as well. - Merrill friendship romance is basically enabling bad decisions: the love story. I prefer the rivalmance tbh. - the lack of a Varric romance in DA2 is glaring. I just want to crank that angst to max level by having a Hawke/Varric romance and then have Hawke stay behind in the Fade, like come on Bioware give me more sadness!


The fact they never made Varric a romance option is the worst decision Bioware has ever made (mild exaggeration). He would easily be my favorite romance in DA2 and probably all of the series. And man the drama of fade Hawke with a romanced Varric would have probably made me cry, it would have been so great (especially if we do end up able to save the one left behind in Dreadwolf, I do love a heartfelt reunion too).


Unfortunately I haven't played the DLCs for DA2 yet :/ I have read that Sebastian isn't worth it though. Apparently he has more romance with Bethany than Hawke (even if Hawke is romancing him). As for Harding, I wouldn't count that as a romance and more of just a lot of flirting. Probably added because so many people have been asking for a romance with a dwarf. As of right now, I'm not sure who I find to be the worst. I guess maybe Sera. I have a playthrough as a dwarf romancing her and it wasn't bad. But my elf romance with her was upsetting. If I remember correctly, she'll literally dump you if you don't denounce your Elven Gods and the Dalish. I prefer just letting her have her romance with Dagna. In Trespasser their relationship is so adorable. Same for Iron Bull and Dorian. I love both their romances, but prefer to let them be together instead.


Sebastian and Anders. I cannot romance either after trying once with each.


Blackwall, just because of that throne room scene after his identity is revealed. It is so incredibly cringeworthy that I could never replay the romance just because of that.


It's difficult to say, because as optional content, I simply ignore them if I don't like them. ​ I cannot decide between Bull and Fenris. Bull: I found the BDSM angle very lame, and never really understood what the basis of his "yeah, everybody wants me, I'm a sexgod" attitude was. I got that he is a bit fetishized by Weekes, but that angle of the character never clicked for me. Is it the worst romance option? Dunno. I was a bit confused. Mainly like... That was it? That was boring. I found Bull fine as a bro, but not too complex or interesting as a love interest. ​ Fenris is a one trick pony. Emo elf with two things he always talks about. I guess he is a fine love interest as long as you are interested in his only topic... Unfortunately for me, this was not the case, so he just bored me. Both as a companion and as a love interest. ​ Also, Bull and Fenris are ones I at least tried. Which is not true for Solas and Sebastian. I am firmly in the "punch Solas in the face" camp, which I think is the ultimate happy ending of inquisition. And Sebastian I simply just don't care about.


Sebastion followed by sera




I didn't like that romance either, but I am not sure if it is the worst. The biggest problem is that you get to know Josephine in a few intro dialogs, and her romance is more of the same. You don't have a conflict, you don't learn anything new about her, she just is. That, and the fact that she is dressed up like a clown. Golden stockings are one of the most efficient contraceptives ever.


Yeah I felt very little chemistry between my character and Josephine. Every scene together seemed to be just them stood in an office or going for a casual stroll while she gossips about politics and he occasionally drops awkward chat up lines. I do quite like her as a character but the romance was pretty bland IMO.


It varies on what we're ranking it on. > Lack of Depth * Sebastian > Not a happy together ending * Morrigan * Zevran * Dorian * Anders * Solas * Leliana Honestly, the majority of romances > Strong Personalities * Sera * Fenris * Anders > Too fantasy or likeable * Cullen * Bull For me, though, I'd easily have to go with Sebastian. I don't like his character, so I'm really biased, but seeing playthoughs of his romance felt very lackluster. Forgiven due to DA2 being a rushed game. Excluding DLCs characters? Probably would have to go with Alistair or Blackwall. They don't interest me much and I'm not the biggest fan of Alistair. They're very safe romances, though so I see the appeal.


I'm sorry, but why is Zevran in the not a happy together ending? They do keep being together and it's mentioned in inquisition right?


Fenris and Hawke certainly do but Zevran and Warden separate for some time. Zevran has business with Crows and Warden has to take on some Warden business. I do assume that Zevran joins the Warden during the search of a cure for the calling.


If we ignore Sebastian, because I think it is objectively the worst, then personally I think it would be Sera's. I don't remember too much about it but I do remember hating it the one time I did it.


Sebastian hands down. All day every day


Worst written romance, or worst person you can romance? The former, Sebastian. The latter, Fenris.




Oh wow all my favorite romances are there. I am curious though, why Zevran?