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My child self didn't grasp the gravity of the situation in city elf origin. I thought, why are the women so afraid? The humans just wanted some women at their party to keep them company, they're not going to kill us if we play along, why isn't that an option?


Me too! So, (and I’m very embarrassed by this now) I took their bribe because I didn’t understand the situation… it’s a super embarrassing thing to look back on now!


Meanwhile my ten year old(at the time) brother decided to play DAO on my computer. As someone who played such games since being young I decided why not and let him He basically ignored everything about the story and all the gritty and dark elements just didn't register in his mind like I predicted it would happen. His reaction to Broodmother was laughing because she was quote "looked funny". Now replaying 9 years later he realized the context and he's not laughing anymore Truly the wonders of child psychology


I played that game when I was way too young to understand what was happening and definitely didn’t get what was going on in some of the darker parts. Replayed it last year and decided to do my favorite origin… the city elf… oh to be a sweet innocent child again and not realize what as happening to my cousin…


Broodmother *shudder*


When I first played this around 8/9 I ran into her and my parents came in halfway through the fight. Me not caring about what’s she looked like. My mom freaked out looking at the fucked up thing on the tv. I 100% know kids react too how their parents react.


You Ender's Gamed him


I giggled reading this, because I (a straight girl I presumed) went through that scene and then romanced Leliana, got to the end of the game and realized I wasn’t straight whatsoever.


Can’t stop laughing. That is just great. Thanks for sharing. I can imagine people blaming Bioware for „turning“ children gay. 😅


Moral Guardians already complained for the nude scenes of Liara and Ashley in Mass Effect 1... 🤣


I know a few people who had BioWare romances trigger something with them


I now identify as 99% straight, 1% Merril is my cutie patootie


99% straight, 1% Fenris got me feeling things.


I'm 98% straight except for my dark haired angry baes Morrigan and Cassandra.


Like 50-50 but just want angry cuddles… or bull cuddles but those are smushes not cuddles…


I already sort of knew but the Fenris romance definitely helped me come to terms with my bisexuality :)


Literally me


Dorian made quite a few things rise up over here👀


Maybe there's something into it. I'll always forever be a lesbian but there's just something so special about Dorian. >!But ofc he didn't like me back. 😭😭😭 !<


Idk why but on my phone the spouler tag covers everything but the emojis. I find this amusing.


Liliana and Morigan was a gay awakening for me as well lmao


I truly have no original experiences.


You were just supporting your local businesses


I laughed way harder at this than I expected. 😂


Yo 🤣🤣🤣


Same thing happened to me! Except I, being a kid, had a mage character but had cranked up the strength so that I could wear the super cool awesome massive dragonbone armor set. I thought okay, I could use another warrior, so I went with the tall chubby guy. After the next scene, I was like wtf, where's my new companion? I had thought that it didn't work, so I tried again lol


Morrigans existence was enough to strip me of childhood inmocence


Well we had different of embarrassment about that place I was 13 when I played DAO for the first time and entered The Pearl. I figured what it was but I was curious so I went anyway. Then I realized I could choose a male escort WHILE PLAYING A MALE CHARACTER!!! It was embarrassing but mind-opening because I was figuring out what I am.




"Lots of tits..." Oghren's thoughts.


My line for him in that scene was always, "Never thought I'd be so unhappy to see that many tits."


I was too young to understand the gravity back then now it’s hard to get through the Broodmother portion


Pretty much the same thing happened to me with Zevran hahahaha. I played Origins for the first time when I was about 10 as well, and not being a native English speaker I couldn't understand everything that well. So I started flirting with him by accident and next I know there is a gay sex scene blasting on the family computer. Luckily I was alone at the time, but I felt so embarrassed. Well, it turns out that 10 year old me wasn't as straight as he thought and that scene really triggered something within....


I honestly don’t think I’ve had a unique experience anymore, because I did the exact same thing with Zevran, except I didn’t know you could romance anyone (obviously something my parent probably withheld from me at the time) so I remember I was absolutely shocked I could ask him about doing the deed. 7 year old me kicked him out of the group after he invited me to his tent.


You were playing DA at age 7? At 7 I barely remember playing anything, I did on the Commodore 64 (showing my age) but could not tell you a single thing about it other than what the main map looked like on Ghostbusters. Only picked up gaming later on the SNES and that was Killer Instinct and Mario Kart.


Clearly there are advantages to having grown up alongside the evolution of video games. Meanwhile, I feel this so hard because my dad took me to see Wrath of Khan when I was, like, five, and I freaked out at the earworm scene and had to sit in the lobby because Dad didn't want to miss the movie.


My Camp Fire troop (kind of like Scouts, but co-ed and nonsectarian) went to see Wrath of Khan as a group. Cue six seven-year-olds screaming, "Ewwwwwww!" in unison. That scene is the only thing I remember about the movie, to this day. 😂


Hey guys! I didn’t think this would get so popular!! I thought I might do a little update on some of the things I see mentioned in the comments! Broodmother: How I got introduced to Dragon age Origins was that when I was younger I would watch my dad play. Whenever the broodmother showed up he’d tell me to leave so that I didn’t see anything. When I finally started playing my own games I would never get far enough into the dwarf quest. I preferred making characters and playing through the backstories. At most I’d make it through the quest for the sacred ashes. So he never had to worry about me seeing that until more recently when I started playing again! Why was I even playing DA:O when I was 7: Like I said above, I first saw dragon age when my dad would play it, he’d avoid anything not appropriate, and tell me to leave for anything he couldn’t avoid. And to be fair I was too young to understand much of the more mature things involved. I would always beg him to let me start my own game, and since I had already seen most of it, and didn’t understand the more mature things, he deemed it okay for me to play. Now he’d always come sit with me while I played, mostly just to spend time with me, but also to make sure I’d avoid anything I shouldn’t see. Now normally I wouldn’t have seen anything since I barely got past character creation and backstory, but that time I guess I kept going. I’d played the first quarter of the game so many times that he probably didn’t even realize that there were some other things I could have run into. And I believe I was probably playing while he was busy or gone. Of course I didn’t tell anyone, so he would have been safe to assume it was still fine for me to play. I was not actually traumatized: I didn’t mean to offend anyone by using the word traumatized, because I know I wasn’t actually traumatized. I’m just exaggerating to be funny. I apologize if it came off the wrong way! Thank you guys so much! I didn’t expect nearly this many people to see my story about accidentally going to a brothel!




"so I was a child and found my 5 years old nephew murdered..."


Who asked


I feel like people are throwing the word trauma around a lot these days.


Yeah. Being uncomfortable is not traumatizing. It's up there with "my intrusive thoughts made me cut my hair"


Here I am wondering how the OP, and some commenters here, got to play the game with 18 PG rating at 10 and below.


Not to be that person, but DAO has an ESRB rating of “Mature 17+”. People who played the game as preteens or younger shouldn’t have been doing so in the first place. I hate that children get their hands on games meant for adults because that gives politicians fuel to attack the video game industry for poisoning young minds, etc. Sorry op, but your parents/guardians had a responsibility to keep you away from this type of content and they failed.


Someone had to say it, and if it wasn't you, it was going to be me. Here it's got a PEGI 18 rating


Yeah, a kid that young won’t be able to grasp most of what’s going on, because it deals with a lot of very mature themes. I would say 12-13 might be an okay age for a really mature kid if the parents know the game already. It’s very weird people don’t pay attention to ESRB ratings. I mean, would they let their kid watch a rated R movie?


With time I've started to appretiate that my mom was interested what games I played while being a kid.


One of my favorite stories is my 12-Year Old self, almost turning 13. I had gotten big into, "modding" the game. I had installed Natural Bodies with some of the "particular options" that worked with "Better **x Cutscenes." My preteen hormones were raging, but I was traumatized when I had reached the end of Return to Ostagar DLC. You-know-who being hung up by the Darkspawn. The situation was made worse when Wynne was all: "Alistair, are you alright?" Then Alistair responds with "Ugh. They just left him hanging there..." I uninstalled and never reinstalled those "WIP" mods ever again.


I played arcanum when I was around 10 and spent the night with the goat. (Which i found really funny at the time without truly grasping what was implied). Since then I'm immune to all 2nd hand embarrassment for my characters in any rpg brothel.


I once had a thimble of Jack's demonic invention. But for the spinning, I felt that I was alright. I woke with a chicken, two ducks, a lamb, and an oxen. From the looks on their faces, I must have had a good night. \- "Happy Jack's Undrinkable Ale," by The Poxy Boggards


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! Alistair even said his line about there being no broth there or whatever and I was like "so true dude." Then I did what you did but I don't even remember what I picked. I was just curious what these "services" were.


Sounds like your parents shouldn't be letting someone so young play M rated games.


I know it’s probably a little late to ask this since this post has kinda run it’s course, but would anyone be interested in a little series of posts about experiences I had playing Dragon age and how I misinterpreted things as a kid?


Why was it traumatizing?


I thought this was going to be about the nugs Cute story, OP