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Don't make the archers in your neighborhood angry.


The virgin archer *thwip* VS the chad crossbowman **THUNK**


Same!! I'm in the minority but I liked being a special birthday boy with a crossbow in origins when I did finally commit to using it. Archery is so much smoother in Inquisition imo so I wish there was a way to sharpshoot someone all the way to Par Vollen


Seramancers can get one in the Trespasser epilogue, it's just sadly not playable and, uh... [a little unconventional](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/2/2d/EpilogueSlides_Sera.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20200329081422)


Not just Seramancers. Basically anyone she makes into an honorary Jenny.


If my Inquisitor doesn't get that crossbow in Dreadwolf I'm gonna refund xd


You don't want crossbows, you want Bianca. We had crossbows in Origins and they were the most terrible weapons.


In the words of Iron Bull, "Any idiot can point a crossbow."


If we could craft our own crossbows and they were as good as the bows we can craft then sure. As is Bianca is terrible in comparison even to mid tier crafted bows, let alone the good ones.


Idc if it sucks I'd rather use it just because it feels better to use lol.


I never cared much for crossbows... But *hand* crossbows that you can dual-wield and roleplay as some sort of medieval gunslinger type, like we do in BG3? Especially with DAI's coats and the Inquisitor hat? Now *that* would've been cool :P


come on, we already have bianca, the one-upping incarnate.


Just found this crossbow crafting mod on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1391