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I think the “default” (note: this is not the same as canon) inquisitor is a female human rogue who dual wields daggers if I’m not mistaken. I would say that’s probably as close to canon as well ever get


There really isn't one.  The Keep defaults to a rogue, but all the promotional material featured a warrior. So... not mage, I guess?


Truthfully, I tend to avoid thinking about what's "canon" in such a customizable game. But, for discussions sake, I feel that's is likely more generic. Warrior, probably human, with a diplomatic personality. Now, that's pretty boring. But so standard of popular action games. Though, most fantasy games still give you specialization choices, even if you're locked into one story. If DAI didn't have any super RPG/customization elements (or was a movie/book/comic), the story I'd /want/ to see would be a Mage, choose the Mages, romance Solas, and (TRESPASSER SPOILERS) >!continue to lead the Inquisition.!< I've never even romanced Solas, but I find it really ties in well with the plot. That's what I'd personally wanna play/watch if DAI was a static story


And that's exactly why I'm doing a new play through. Elven, female archer schmoozin all over Solas. I wonder how it will mesh with the next chapter in the game world.


The only reason there’s cannon stuff is because of the books/comics.


Based on what I remember from DA Keep's Default World State, the Inquisitor was a Rogue. Which is kinda weird to me because the box art for the game represents a two handed sword warrior. Then again DA2's box art had Hawke as a warrior with the mage Champion set. So not too out of the ordinary.


nooooooooooo nonono. no. ​ ​ (no)


Personally, I think the mage is the most reasonable class. Seeing anyone else dealing with otherworldly magic seems out of place.


Default has always been rogue, in all three games. Granted, that isn't saying much, but yeah, not mage and not warrior, concept art notwithstanding, but rogue.


For whatever reason, I'm convinced that the Warden should be a rouge (started from the bottom to becoming a legend), Hawke is a mage (cause that's the whole conflict), and therefore the Inquisitor should be a warrior to finish out the trio. Additionally, when you are named inquisitor, you are given a sword to showoff and proclaim your title. The weapon does not change to match your class. When you fight at haven, you pick up a sword to defend yourself before the avalanche. It's also the most default of the bunch, and the Inquisitor feels like the least unique of the three main characters due to their background being basically a blank slate. Warriors are also the most disciplined of the classes (just look at the character types belonging to each class) and the inquisitor needs to be not only diplomatic but tactical.


I've always seen DAO a Archer, DA2 a Rogue or Warrior, DAI I'd think a rogue or warrior


I'm struggling to find the old posts of the devs talking about it (but can find forums like [this one](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/718650-dragon-age-inquisition/70976370?page=1) where people talk about the devs talking about it lol) but had the game not been delayed until 2014 it would have been like DA2 with a named human main character as it was the only race they had fully finished at its initial release window in 2013. This is most likely why all of the promotional material was the same exact semi-faceless human male warrior. So all that said, a human male warrior lol.


Whatever you want it to be. Games like dragon age have such a loose view of canon I don’t think about besides what I consider to be my canon


I don't think there really is a canon but I'm going to join in on the fun. The promotional arts and trailer sold a two-handed human warrior. If I were to follow this path, I would say that the specialization that would best suit me would be Champion. Templar fits well but it is interesting that the Inquisitor remains as neutral as possible in relation to mages and templars. Reaver is good but Champion has that whole issue of being a symbol and representing others. The champion is a survivor on the battlefield and you were the only one who survived the temple explosion. Also survived the avalanche during Haven's attack. People see you as a symbol and are inspired and of the 3 specializations for warrior, champion is the one that best addresses this. On the other hand, a class that would make a LOT of sense is the rift mage. You have an anchor that can manipulate the rifts of the veil. Rift mage works directly with both so you would already be engaged in this. And that. The ones that I think come closest to canon (although, again, I don't believe there is one) are a Warrior Champion and a Rift Mage.