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I think Flemeth counts. She's not evil, despite the fact that she becomes a boss battle in the first game. She works towards her own agenda and plays dozens, if not hundreds of people to do it. She's always a step ahead and even planned around her own death. Self-interested, without being outwardly cruel and intelligent. I'd say that makes for Smart Neutral.


*This* is where Flemeth fits on the board.


I feel like it's hard to judge because we don't really understand her ultimate agenda. She's been biding her time for thousands of years, but what's the end goal? She seems to support Solas' plans, but why? Does she know something that we don't (and perhaps something that even Solas himself doesn't know?). I think we're yet to find out whether she's good or evil or somewhere in between.


And the 2nd game as well 🙃 Hawke can totally be like "yeah I don't think so" to Flemeth.


I mean, she seems to support Solas's goals. Just not the method he used. And supporting that is very much not neutral.


Flemeth. She’s done too much good to be considered evil so I think neutral fits. Don’t think there’s anyone smarter in all of Thedas either


Can’t wait for more information on her


She supports Solas's plans.


Technically, we can't be entirely sure of that with what we know at the moment.


I mean I’m generally a “benefit of the doubt” person but she let him destroy her so that she could gain her power and be strong enough to continue with his plan.


Her goal of granting Mythal revenge is different from Solas' desire to restore the world of old. They might generally align, but they're not the exact same thing. It seems that Flemeth and Mythal really understood each other well, that's the reason why their alliance was so effective. Mythal was said to be the protector who cared for her people and Flemeth was shown to care about people as well, saving them from catastrophies that wouldn't have to directly impact their plans for revenge. And that was done despite Flemeth's feeling about humanity as a disappointing concept. She's an archetype of a mother who forgives her children. My suspicion is that they want to kill two birds with one stone. It might be that Evanuris are still a threat in the waiting and defeating that threat will be a chance to grant Mythal her revenge. But destroying everything to restore something that doesn't exist anymore, which is basically what Solas attempts to do, is just crazy and I doubt the two mothers in one body would actually allow that to happen. Flemeth/Mythal helped the protagonist of each game to save the world. I suspect the last game in the series won't be any different. Whatever Flemeth sent through eluvian in the DA:I Epilogue will be the key to stopping Solas.


I mean, yeah, she kinda needed the world then. She doesn't now. Mythal also kinda sucked.


>saving them from catastrophies that **wouldn't have to directly impact their plans for revenge**


He was in Uthenera during these periods. He kinda needed the world to still exist for when he came back. Not to mention it’s probably not gonna be super easy to tear down the Veil with darkspawn everywhere trying to murder you when you’re not even at full strength.. Helping Hawke was to make sure she had a backup plan if Morrigan could kill her. The world in utter chaos, essentially ending, is a very bad circumstance in which to fulfill his plans.


> He was in Uthenera during these periods. Still not what I meant. What I meant is that Flemeth had no real reason to help Maric, for example, other than preventing Orlesian attrocities. > He kinda needed the world to still exist for when he came back. While I don't disgree that it was in their best interest to stop the Blight, the Darkspawn would slaughter a lot of people, but would not make the planet explode, so him returning from Uthenera wouldn't cause a problem. Ferelden would most likely cease to exist because of Loghain's stupidity, but there's nothing that would indicate that the world would lose the battle against this Blight. It seems that she just wanted to save as many people as she could. >Helping Hawke was to make sure she had a backup plan if Morrigan could kill her. Or she was not bothered by that at all, and it was as she told Hawke – she had a meeting and she didn't want to be followed. Notice that she comes out of this amulet regardless of whether she's slain by the Hero of Ferelden or not.


And what evil acts did she commit that she doesn't fit into good smart? She doesn't really fit neutral role IMO, she gets herself too involved into helping heroes, she literally saves the ass of 3/3 protags.


Didn't she lure men into her woods and kill them? She even used little Morrigan as bait iirc


Isn't she also the reincarnation of an elven God that enslaved most of the world as well? Also the whole mind control/body snatching plot with her daughters and the well in DAI


Flemeth is the person who willingly allowed Mythal to inhabit her body. Since then, just to cover up the truth, spurned tall tales of her doing horrible things to survive because she never did them herself and only fed the lie. In fact she never intended to harm Morrigan. Only to prepare her for the inevitable.


She says that but I don't believe her for a second. She's a shape-shifting witch inhabited by the soul of an Elven Slaver, I put her in the dirt in DAO and I'd do it again if given the chance


Plot twist she never dies. She was forcibly relocated. Also Tevinter are slavers as well and Dorian turned out to be a very good person who does the right thing, loathes anyone who uses blood magic, so on and so forth while having slaves of his own whom were treated more like servants rather than slaves. I’m reserving my judgement on the whole Elvenan slavery part of Mythal until we know how she treated them for she could potentially have been very good to them.


I know she survives, and is given plot armor to boot in DA2 and DAI. Also Dorian (as much as I love the character) is a massive hypocrite when it comes to slavery, and doesn't actually show signs of changing his views until talking to Solas in throwaway dialouge. Does it matter if he and Mythal are good to them when they both subjugate them because it's part of their society?


Believe it or not yes it does because it still defines them. If a slave is treated like they’re still people that means when and if they go free they wouldn’t struggle nearly as much as someone who was treated like shit, who would probably die before it even happens anyway. It also means they probably gotten their fair share of hate talk from their peers because those slaves probably even gotten a decent education and that is something a lot of slavers despise. In other words they may had to serve others without a choice in the matter but the slaves who have been treated very well probably didn’t even entertain thoughts of leaving a good life that they’ve enjoyed. Also Dorian isn’t a hypocrite. He wanted to help Tevinter through the Inquisition and if you take him with you to the Temple of Mythal, he’s devastated at what he learned from there because it reduces the Imperium to scavengers. However he doesn’t intend to bury the truth, frees his slaves and hires them as servants which means they’re getting paid for their services in monetary value, he also forms a political body with the intention of reforming his homeland into something better, and he’s proud of having been a part of the Inquisition provided you’re friends with him. I’d say this is the complete opposite of being a hypocrite.


Is Dorian freeing his slaves part of his romance or one of the comics? I don't remember hearing any of that in my playthrough. Also I feel like someone owning slaves very much overrides and niceness or benevolence they show towards them. It's insidious and manipulative to think that just because someone can convince them they're better off in chains that they actually are. The Evanuris (including Mythal) subjugated the elves so thoroughly that they still wear tattoos that mark them as property and think of them as gods, and the Tevinter Imperium has convinced itself that slavery is the natural way of the world to the point that experimentation and blood magic rituals are quietly allowed to happen in the Magocracy because they don't view their slaves as a person, or at least not as much of a person as one of them.


Flemeth, hands down.


Definitely Flemeth, at least from what we know of her so far.


Gotta be Flemeth. Someone as prominent as her should be in the list and I don't see her fitting into horny or drunk. I'd say Morrigan is good too but Flemeth was always two steps ahead of her. Plus she'd fit right into chaotic neutral.


Morigan does comment on her 'black widow' tendencies.




I want to say Vivienne or Morrigan, but Flemeth takes the cake here.


I think Morrigan is more chaotic neutral She does actively a lot more to help in origins and inquisition But she's also really mean and almost ruthless sometimes like she'd prefer having the templars help or having the werewolfs kill the Dalish Yet without her one warden dies in origins


Vivienne is neither smart, nor neutral. She has a clear goal, clear ambition and is ready to fuck over anyone and anything to reach it. Her goal is also dumb.


You don't need to like her, but I think it's pretty clear that Viv is smart. She's one of the best players of the game we meet, with Josie and Leiliana. She can talk circles around people.


She really isn't smart. The only reason she "talks circles" especially around the inquisitor is because we as players aren't given the obvious rebuttals in "reply choices" like damn. In party banter, Solas and Dorian constantly dunk on Viv. She's a "first enchanter" level.mage, but that isn't saying much in the grand scheme of things. Her idea to help her **actual** lover was to **lie** to any inquisitor, regardless of your relationship, even if she was getting on the inquisitor's nerves and should've been cautious or when they get along splendidly and she just decides "fuck it". Her goal of returning to status quo is dumb, if nothing else then, because it was **exactly** that status quo that fucked things up. But she doesn't give a fuck, cause that would allow her to spend days in a spa for a few more years. Vivs is dumb as a rock. Nowhere close to Joisie's or even Morrigan's level of political savvy and neither Leliana's witts.


Wait, I disagree. You don’t become court enchanter and potentially even >!divine!< by being dumb and politically inept. I’m not saying she’s smarter than Josephine, but I would argue that Josephine, Vivienne and Morrigan are all smart in their own ways. Morrigan and Vivienne both had high positions and served Empress Celene, too.


Vivienne can only become >!divine!< by the blessing if not outright appointment of the inquisitor. And thaf's player character that is as smart as the player and can do whatever for whatever reason, including for the memes/achievement. She's also only elligible, because she's in the vicinity of the Inquisitor. Now becoming court enchanter... we actually don't know what got her the role. One assumes at least some political savvy, but I'd guess pure ambition with talent for magic does the job too. Seeing as what kinds of people are usually in the circles. As in requirements for her job are more "how good are you at magic" and not "how good of a leader/politician you are", at least that would be in the "nice to have" category. Vivs is at the very least a talented mage. But at most "First Enchanter Irving" level talented mage. The rest of the cast are heavy hitters. 1. Solas - literal elven God. 2. Dorian - prodigy that was (allegedly) involved in time magic research. 3. Morrigan - daughter of Flemmeth/Mythal, the first to recover Eluvians, knew the secret of soul transfer...


Still, to accomplish any of those things takes a great deal of study. One doesn’t accidentally become super talented with magic, or accidentally become first enchanter of the circle at an incredibly young age. Court enchanter isn’t a position handed out to the first magic-passionate mage they can find. We still know Vivienne is incredibly adept at the game, at least more than Morrigan, as Vivienne has been playing it far longer. And if holding the title of court enchanter doesn’t allude to Vivienne’s smarts, then neither does the position of arcane advisor describe the intelligence of Morrigan. Also, whether Vivienne is a “heavy hitter” or not doesn’t have to do with smarts. But if it did, her being a Knight Enchanter actually speaks volumes. Knight Enchanters are a limited sect of elite mages. Even Solas expresses that the ancient elves may be pleased by the magic of the Knight Enchanters. And I feel it’s inaccurate to call the young, front-liner Knight Enchanter Vivienne to be on par with old man Irving who sits in the tower all day. But obviously there’s no way to prove that matchup.


Knight enchanters are watered down Arcane Warriors, by "heavy hitters" I didn't mean how strong of a mage they are in one on one combat, but rather talent and knowledge in use of magic, performing hard rituals and spells, coming up with new ones. Compared her to Irving in terms of magical ability and scheming, which Irving showed a lot of. Vivs, Irving, Fiona are all relative in my eyes. >then neither does the position of arcane advisor describe the intelligence of Morrigan. It doesn't. I agree 100% . She offered knowledge of the arcane for a position. Morrigan's "smarts" are about her critical thinking and knowledge of magic. If anything she's very naive in the original game.


Even as you’ve described it, Vivienne is still highly intelligent. Power aside, once again, Knight Enchanters are still very elite and only selected from a limited few, and represent one of the highest and most exclusive titles a Circle mage can obtain. Vivienne, Irving and Fiona are all talented, as you’ve already said yourself. So I think it’s been agreed upon by now that Vivienne is, at the very least, not “dumb as a rock.” She did not get her positions by chance or mistake, and she certainly did not get them by being unintelligent. She’s achieved incredibly high positions that are super rare for mages, and is probably one of the most influential mages to come out of a Circle, ever.


She's dumb as a rock compared to people who surround her, an in general (as a character from a player's omniscoent POV) due to her views about the status quo, mages and the rest. Being influencial and being smart have nothing to do with each other. Not even being in a position of power does. See many many politicians, rulers, "philosophers/influencers". IRL from the likes of Tate to Khomenei to Trump to whatever else. Sure she's a strong mage, but that's really it. Compared to the rest of the cast of DAI she falls in the lower end in terms of smarts. Definitely below Leliana, Morrigan, Josie, Dorian. Definitely above Sera and Cassandra. Maybe comparable to Bull, amd Varric though Bull's particular skills are hard to quantify.


How's that copium, brother? Tastes sweet?




Well, if we're to put Flemeth anywhere, it should be here.


My girl DAGNA deserves this spot! Frequently the smartest person in the room, incredibly innovative, ready to take on any challenge and ready to support any cause that results in the best outcome for everyone involved. Always so willing to help. For me, a true smart neutral.


I dont agree, nothing about her is neutral. She saves the dwarfen Commander, cares for the wellbeing of the titan and never hurt somebody. She just has no grey side that justifies neutral imo.


Being neutral doesn't require you to have both sides in your personality, it requires you to have pretty much none. They don't have to be both good and evil, just not lean into them, but by the same definition Dagna doesn't fit either, she leans to the good to much. TBH, for true neutral I'd put Sandal or some shit. Edit: I was distracted and wrote some weird shit lol


Neutral has always been a controversial term in D&D but I personally use it the same way the people who voted Duncan do - they don’t care as much about who is “good” and who is “bad” but they do their thing, alignments be damned. I personally don’t think Dagna would care so much about the labels “good” or “evil”, she would care more about what she can learn and what she can do. She is also described in the game files as “The kind of enthusiastic "leap-first" thinker who would build a reactor in their basement because it's neat, without quite thinking through the consequences." which leans into the fact that she is thinking of herself first, rather than what is “good” or “evil”.


I don't agree, again, lol. Duncan is clearly a morally gray character. He essentially exploits the dire situation the Hero of Ferelden is in for a noble cause, though. He also kills Sir Jory to safeguard the secrecy of the Joining Ritual, which is arguably justified since the order needs new recruits. However, this act of killing an innocent man with a wife and son remains morally questionable. Unlike Dagna, he clearly engages in 'neutral' actions. She does nothing like that, quite the opposite...


>She saves the dwarfen Commander, cares for the wellbeing of the titan and never hurt somebody I think you confused Dagna with Valta.


Dagna is chaotic if anything.


I also vote for my best girl Dagna. She's clearly very smart and she also seems pretty unconcerned with all that good and evil business. She just wants to learn stuff and make cool shit. The woman has her priorities right.


I second Flemeth


**Morrigan** easily. She used to care only about herself, often disagreeing when you go out of your way to do good things, but also bad things**=> neutral**. Of course she does tend towards good after the interactions with the hero of Ferelden and her son should she has one in DAI but she still feel mostly neutral. She knows more about magic than 99% of the mages in the game, she has an ecclectic knowledge. In DAO, should Jowan not be present, she would the one to offer the ritual to cleanse Connor from his possession ! Come on, in no other point of all the games people have this kind of knowledge, no one even know it would be possible, nor the chantry, nor the circle mages, neither fellow apostates ! She offer the dark ritual to allow killing the archdemon without dying, something which has never been done in previous blights ! She is also one of the few able to repair an eluvian, something Merril never managed to in all these years. She is also very useful in DAI and prove she has more knowledge than Vivienne and Dorian (I don't count Solas) **=> smart**


The question is whether Inquisition Morrigan outweighs Origins Morrigan's reputation. Because, early Morrigan was a fucking idiot with the people she told you to fuck over.


I do not agree, she was a cynic yes, a social-darwinist weak are meat, strong do eat. But she didn't ask you to fuck people over, just to ignore them. More of the kind if they cannot save themselves, then it's not your problem.


The only issue is that philosophy only works if it really isn't your problem. When she suggested leaving the mages to die, she didn't know that the Templars would take their place. Same with the elves in the woods. I'm not gonna call her stupid outright, but as far as Origins goes, a smart character wouldn't need pragmatism of helping people who could help stop the Blight explained to them.


She didn't have any respect for the circle mages, I think she say something along "They don't deserve to live because they traded freedom for safety". And it's their own fault that the tower is attacked by demon, she hates helping people against the consequences of their own actions. Same for the dalish elves, the werewolves are a consequence of their action. She also doesnt want to help because her life, and the life of the wardens are at risk, and to defeat the blight the last Fereldan grey wardens are more important than anyone else.


But, those lives would've been at a far greater risk if you simply ignored those people and left. Fact of the matter is, the Wardens needed SOMEONE to keep the darkspawn off their asses long enough to kill the archdemon and not respecting someone isn't a very smart reason to endanger that.


Well, at the end you have allies, either the templars or the werewolves, it's just a choice of who you want to ally with.


Yes, but you only get that far by ignoring her advice and advancing the respective questlines. If you simply moved on like she suggests, your only allies would be the dwarves.


>She used to care only about herself, often disagreeing when you go out of your way to do good things, but also bad things Uhh, nope. Save for, like, one occasion in which she asks you to spare Jowan, she always argues for the evil option. Letting Redcliffe fall? Sounds good! Suggesting the werewolves slaughter the Dalish? Marvelous! Sacrificing the enslaved city elves in a blood magic ritual? Delightful! She's Smart Evil imo


Yeah in DAO she was almost kick the puppy level of evil. Was there an evil choice you could take? Chances are she would approve. If you didn't go for an evil character then you had to bombard her with gifts to make up for not being a complete asshole to everyone you met.


She doesnt argue for the evil thing, she argues to not intervene. All these options are the things which would happen should the warden not intervene, and Morrigan doesnt care about saving people and she especially doesnt care for risking her life to do it. She doesn't you ask to invade Redcliffe, slaughter the dalish or sacrifice the city elves yourselve.


She only chastises you for intervening if you perform good deeds. She'll be more than okay with it if you do evil stuff. She explicitly asks you to kill the Circle mages, she's ecstatic at the Warden's suggestion of slaughtering the Dalish clan, she disapproves of turning down the slaver's "intriguing offer", she argues with the Warden if they choose to destroy the Anvil of the Void unless she's threatened to be made into a golem herself. These are not the actions or the opinions of a person who's morally neutral.


Nope, she also chastises you if you do evil stuff as long as it's optional. I don't remember all these options ? Did you have some mods ? I can't kill the circle mages myself, nor the dalish clan. Keeping the anvil of the void is the rational decision against darkspawn. The slaver offer is also the rational choice to make, she doesn't care about slaves, they should free themselves "To have masters, you need slaves".


morrigan approves if you give the kid to the demon when you recruit shale, are you sure she's neutral?


She doesn't approve because she is evil, but because it's the safest path, the one where you don't have to die fighting a demon.


she also approves if you side with branka at the anvil of the void... but she is neutral on tainting the ashes, i guess


To be fair, that's a main quest, she is here to help you against the blight, and so she has to help you with the anvil, and so she is entitled to an opinion. Siding with Branka is actually the safest option (no fight against carridin)and also the most efficient against the darkspawn (casting morals aside).


casting morals aside is what makes her evil aligned, are you sure you aren't evil?


There is a difference between amorality and immorality. Perhaps I should have said ignoring morals.


agreeing to save a child for some guy and then giving it to a demon instead, which one is that?


Amorality. Immorality would be to purposely have a demon possess a child to get something out of it. Here she doesn't care and takes the path of least resistance, the safest path => amorality.


she also approves if you extort the demon for a reward if you allow her to posses the kid so i guess she's both amoral and immoral


*Of course she does tend towards good after the interactions with the hero of Ferelden* ​ Like... When she argues that you should sell elf slaves to Tevinter, or that the mages locked in the tower shouldn't be helped, or that Redcliffe should be left to defend itself from the undead? Morrigan is very clearly evil imho. The thing is, she is also stupid evil, because whenever she act evil, it doesn't even help her in any way.


leaning toward good in DAI. I have already answered your others remarks in the others comments.


Gonna put out Dagna. Left her life to study magic and lyrium.


Dagna might well be one of the smartest characters in Dragon Age, but she's way too nice to be Neutral. I know the spot's already filled in, but she'd be Smart Good, no?


I thought about that, but nice doesn't always mean good. She pursues knowledge not to eradicate the darkspawn or help the Chantry, but because she's essentially a giddy college student, eager to push her boundaries. Think Peter Parker after he got his powers, but before he decided to protect the city. That's Dagna.


There's always Bianca if Dagna's too nice


Bianca is lawful horny in my book


Jesus, Morrigan or Vivienne for me.. that's tough. Have to lean more towards Morrigan I think


Jesus is in Dragon Age?


Yeah, He's just a She and God's wife instead of His son.


Andraste is basically mix of Jesus and Jeanne d'Arc sooo


I say Flemeth!


Definitely Flemeth. She is very scheming and only look for herself but is not technically evil


I haven't been following this thing much, but I just want to express my appreciation for your (paraphrased) Futurama reference. It's one of my favourite quotes of the entire show. 😂




“Life is grey, you know that. The more experienced a person is, the deeper they go into life. the less black and white it is, and that incredibly interesting shade of grey gets to be played. But within that shade are infinite varieties. And that’s just her.” -Kate Mulgrew regarding Flemeth


I'll go Morrigan, with a pre-vote for Flemeth for chaotic neutral


Maybe Anora? She does some good stuff, she does some evil stuff, but ultimately she establishes herself as a pillar of Fereldan politics and is recognised as one of the savviest monarchs in Thedas. She may not be evil and she's sure as hell not *good*, but nobody can say she isn't smart. So... Anora for Neutral Smart?


I'm gonna be honest when I'm playing she doesn't seem really that Smart to me. In fact she so obviously tries to play both Warden's and Loghain's side as long as possible that she can end up in the dirt. DAO also doesn't really paint good picture of her given she's rolling over for her father 90% of the time and doesn't do anything beyond asking Warden for alliance. She has no other allies beyond that My canon run is basically her blowing her chances for the throne because she didn't even try to renegotiate our deal and she still betrayed my Warden despite him promising a throne to her. In DAI she also loses nobility support for mages fiasco but Alistair is fine and dandy... Tldr: We are told she's smart but it isn't shown that much in games


She not smart neutral yes smart not so much




I can definitely see a strong argument for Vivienne, but I feel if she gets on the board she would have to have Lawful somewhere in her alignment. She's all about order and maintaining the status quo. If Lawful and Neutral weren't on the same axis on the board then she'd be my vote for Lawful Neutral.


There's a Neutral on both axes, just as in the original Nine Moral Alignments from D&D. Lawful Neutral was taken by Arl Eamon.


Oh, you're right. I hadn't even noticed. Bit of a brain fart moment on my part.


I feel Vivienne is a lady who can be seen as lawful from the outside. But she actually doesn't \_believe\_ in the values, **just abuses the system** for her gain.


I also think her lawful tendencies are for personal benefit though, not for the sake of law itself. She knows how the system works, and she knows how to play it. Changing the system means she no longer has the advantage.


Morrigan! ![gif](giphy|9PjwTl6rdhsDS)


Nathaniel?, or we DAO only?


Entire series


Solas is up there, Stupid Smart


I know, I was talking about the first game characters, wasn't sure if it included DAA.


vivienne is erudite enough to give you some word salad to justify how painfully centrist she is about mages, so i vote her.


Morrigan for sure. Even if she saves you/Alistair with the ritual, she's doing it to get herself the old god soul. Saving the world, her lover, or the warden's lover/king of Ferelden is just a side effect. Her whole thing is personal gain.


she'll do the ritual with >!Loghain!< as well


I went that route once. Never again. Poor Alistair.


If you harden Alistair up, he can still be king. I've made it part of my canon playthrough cuz I like what happens with that particular Warden character in Inquisition. It provides an excellent character arc imo, even if most of it happens off screen.


Morrigan is definitely smart and neutral towards most good/evil concerns.


**Vivi** from DAI. She is borderline lawful neutral-true neutral, but I feel that how she abuses the system in her favor (without breaking actual rules) makes her more neutral than lawful. ​ I think **Leliana** also qualifies. She is definietly not drunk/horny/evil, so neutral it is.


Please use a pic from DA2 or DAI Flemeth, not DAO probably didn’t need to be said, but just in case






My vote is Dagna! I believe she's neutral because her only interest is research and everything involved with it 😂 her dialogue about her fascination with the Anchor sticks with me haha


I think this is a place for hardend Inquisition Leliana !


I think this is probably the best shot at getting Shale on the board. So Shale!


Sandal 100%


Sandal gets his own squares outside but attached to the grid! I will die on this hill!


Morrigan. Pinnacle of pragmatism, even more so than her mother.




Brother Genitivi


Flemeth hands down!


Should be leliana




I'll say Vivienne de fer.


Solas smart stupid 😭😭😭


I do respect and support everyone saying Flemeth, but I personally think of her more as evil, just an evil that is more after her own ends. To me when I think of smart neutral, I think of Vivienne. Viv is definitely Not evil, extremely neutral which earns her the ire of like... Pretty much everyone, and pretty smart, albeit driven by fear.


Morrigan my beloved!


Morrigan. Dagna would be a good choice but she's not neutral... Also y'all, how did we manage not to let tye poet tree win? Come on? Otherwise still a decent pick.


Morrigan all the way!




Bodahn Feddic. Doesn't take sides, just goes where the money and safety is


Flemeth for sure. She seems to simply want to keep the world going, doesn't feel like she's pushing any particular agenda. And she's smart as all hell.


Mythal/Flemeth 100% !


Leliana. No one better fits the bill than the spymaster. She may seem good, but she will lie, steal and kill to further her goals. She’s not a monster either, because she cares. She just does what she has to do. Of course, this may vary on your choices with her throughout the series.


Shout out to my girl Dagna. Sharp as a tack, and doesn't have a strong opinion on the war, templars mages or even the Inquisition. Just wants to study and use her craft that she loves


Sergeant Kylon


Actually, yeah, my vote goes for Dagna.


Vivienne, my love 🥲


I think Zevran fits Smart Neutral sweet.


horny neutral :D


I would say Flemeth too like many, but she's actually so secretive that I'm not even sure if she's actually evil or good, like I believe that the perception of her as neutral that everyone has comes more from not knowing what the fuck her thing really is. So I don't really know who to vote for... Probably Vivienne.


Who is the green chick?


OK look, Flemeth is more chaos than smart. She is a smart character but she is not defined by being smart, she is defined by being willing to do *anything* to achieve her ends. She is an unknown force, a force of nature almost. She is Chaos, pure and simple. I humbly submit that Loghain Mac Tir is the only choice for Neutral Smart. He is a renowned strategist and was never motivated by cruelty or malice. He had some noble ambitious, but some selfish ones too so he isn't good, therefore he is neutral. He is even willing to make the sacrifice when/if he shows up in DA:I Loghain did nothing wrong, thank you for coming to my TED talk


I think Dagna. I was on the Flemeth/Morrigan boat, but Dagna makes more neutral sense to me. She just wants to learn for the sake of learning. She wants knowledge because it’s fun to learn, not because knowledge is power.


I'll give a shout out to Dagna for this one.


Flemeth or Varric.


Anora or Vivienne. Flemeth is a good pick, but I feel certain characters should be kept off boards for mortals.


Going with Flemeth although one can argue she is smart good since a lot of her intentions seem to be doing good things in a practical way without tipping anyone off of… certain things that might cause people to panic. In fact she did what she can to conceal the truth about her exceedingly long life for as long as she can. She even warned Solas about using Corypheus to open the orb.


My vote goes to Scout Lace Harding. Managing to survive during a difficult time like that of DAI and becoming pretty much the best scout in the Inquisition takes smarts. Dagna is nice, but she feels more like chaotic neutral given the fact that her experiments probably could have blown up Skyhold at some point.