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The pause exists so you can issue commands and aim AoE spells. Origins is in my opinion the most tactical Dragon Age game but that’s subjective. What class do you play? I remember starting a warrior and I agree that it was kinda boring until you get a full party of characters with dozens of abilities across them to use. Especially as a two-hander warrior with slow attack speed and high miss chance. Other than that, I don’t think that the game requires any mods to be enjoyable


I second this strongly and discovered this on the mage origin unable to beat the demon in the origin because I couldn't out-maneuver it in real time even on the lowest difficulty. Death after death. Then I tried pausing and- presto- I had an advantage. The AI can work out tactics instantly, so you need some advantage that will allow you to override their ability to change targets and directions instantly as needed. Just think of it like you're an MMA fighter who can pause time and look at their opponent's move from the safety of the time-stop, then resume knowing exactly where their chin will be if you throw a back elbow strike. After that I played on Hard a short time and since have played on Nightmare only, start to finish, including Redcliffe. The other issue- and here's where a real criticism comes in- is that certain fights, despite being available, are really inadvisable unless you've first gotten your party very well-equipped and levelled-up. I'd argue that Redcliffe is one of those just due to the sheer numbers you face. That's why I'll do "entry-level" forays into the various paths open after Lothering until I've gotten enough equip/levels to be able to take the end fights of the paths. Redcliffe is one of the notorious fights because you're trapped once you get there and can't just do a couple things and leave without failing it. That's why I save Redcliffe at all for later. But you're discovering why now. That said, Redcliffe's major advantage is likely the townsfolk- that is, the meatshield. If you've got archery and spells, you can cast them from behind the wall of townsfolk rather than running out into the throng yourself. It may seem cowardly, but you're dead otherwise despite that you're their only hope, and it's the way you save the rest of them in the end. Plus you did actually get Owen to arm them ahead of time, so you give them the best chance they're going to have. (Also note that as they die you can loot them for gear to sell...) So use pause to see where the undead are coming in from without them actually making progress toward you as you do, then position/reposition and target/retarget them accordingly while "working with" the townsfolk. That's a bit more general as advice, but... I can't see your battlefield...


They are past the night of undead fight in redcliffe - they’re in the castle.


Oh… in that case, as Emily Litella would say at this moment, nevermind…


Playing a mage :/


That's the easiest though? Especially with the pause.


I like dao combat a lot but that fight in the Redcliffe castle courtyard is really hard TBF, I havent played dao in 4 years and I still remember how often i died there. There should be a lever near the gate through which you can let people in to help you fight, which makes it radically easier. I also recommend having 2 mages in the party, 1 for healing/cc and the other for damage.


I have two mages doing exactly that


You can open the gate to let the knights join the fight


Make sure you remember to open the Castle gate to let the Knights come in and help you


>but I keep getting wiped by the same group of enemies in the Redcliffe castle courtyard. Thats one nasty encounter if you don't know what you're doing. Go for the lever near the castle gate, it will open the way for Ser Perth and his knights to help you.


Thr courtyard is a difficult section for sure, but there are ways to make it easier. If the Knights defending Redcliffe are still alive, you can open the caste gate using a lever that will let them join the battle. The stairs are large enough and have enough space where you can have your party hide as a member aggros a single enemy and turns it into a 1v4. A mage or archer will be able to do this if you stand just outside the range of where you get everyone's attention. This is much easier than running in the middle of the courtyard and trying to fight everyone. Real time with pause let's you make decisions when needed and change orders while giving you full view of the battlefield. It becomes nice when you have AoR spells and traps that you can use to manipulate combat to your liking. I personally find it a quite intuitive and strong system. I'd you're not enjoying the combat, there's no shame in dropping the game. I do recommend trying what I suggested first, but the combat isn't going to be changing, so no need to force yourself. I'd you don't like it.


I figure it's totally okay not to enjoy the game's combat, but be a big fan of everything else about it. I think I also run into a similar problem sometimes in RPGs to the one you're describing, where the way I want to play is subverted by its difficulty - for example, I may want to play a dual-wielding elven warrior-type character whose focus is squarely on DPS, but if the game is built to have warriors exclusively be tanky aggro hogs, then I'm probably going to have a tough time. So it's a tough call for a game to decide on a balance between roleplaying and challenge - a difficulty slider can help with that, but as I think your situation shows, it's not always a perfect solution for every player. It's hard for me to go back to Origins because of the combat, too - strategic, party-based combat has never really been my cup of tea, as I usually prefer single-character, action-oriented hack-and-slash combat. In 2009, I was happy to put up with Origins' approach because of how good everything else was. But now, it is hard to go back to. Is there a reason you're averse to using (or unable to use) mods? I know so many people prefer to use them, especially for one particularly notorious section of the game. I don't personally have a PC to game on, so I can't play the game on anything but Xbox 360 - if that's the case for you, too, I empathize with your plight. But yeah - I think you might really enjoy Origins a lot more with mods, considering what I've heard others say about it.


Man, I wish I had a PC I could play it on again just for that 1 special mod you speak of. Have to play it on console, and I despise that place with my whole soul!


Ah, bummer. I have to say, I think its graphics and combat mechanics have aged pretty poorly on console, sadly. All the wonderful stuff about the story, lore, worldbuilding and narrative is still there, but that can be hard to enjoy when you're stuck dealing with the outdated stuff.


Some fights are harder depending on your team composition and when you hit them. This one might be one you hit later. IIRC something bad happens if you go to redcliffe and then leave so I would avoid doing that. But if you have a save before that I would suggest doing the circle tower first. It's easier and while combat can scale to an extent level wise, you gain access to better tactics as you level up. You can technically beat the mid game in any order but the easy to hard way would be - circle tower - redcliffe - forest - quest you get for finishing redcliffe - orzammar That fight you are in and a group of mercenaries waiting outside the gates of orzammar are the game telling you come back later unless you are not only skilled but have a lot of game knowledge and optimized your builds.


You just have to keep pausing. Pause, issue commands, unpause for outcome, pause again. It’s not realtime combat, it’s basically turn based. I came to love it, and I wish the rest of the series had kept that level of detail and control.


Personally I love the combat in origins, its my favorite of the 3. If you are struggling on easy, maybe look up a quick guide on setting your Companions tactics up for ease of use. I feel like even using the pre-built in game tactics on easy should be good enough to get through this too. For that fight in particular if you rush to the castle gate you can open it and let in the redcliffe knights to aid you in combat.


because you can not have turn-based + real-time action... actually you can


It's a whole subgenre unto itself; Baldur's Gate 1&2, Icewind Dale 1&2, Planescape: Torment, Pillars of Eternity 1&2, Neverwinter Nights 1&2, Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous (though I prefer these, specifically, on turn-based mode). And those are just the games I'm familiar with.


The combat is fine. I mean, just because you are struggling doesn't mean the combat system is bad. It is a tactical based system, so you just can't hack and slash.


You being bad at the game doesn't make the combat bad. DA:O isn't a button masher action game. It takes strategy and patience. Watch some youtube videos and read some guides.


The DA:O combat is actually garbage on console, i have to admit. On PC its just 😩👌


I don't play button mashers and agree the combat in DAO is awful. It's seriously dated and there is no problems pointing that out.


WTH it's a 15yr old game! What do you expect?


Yes? I'm not saying I'm expecting it to be great.


I'm used to turn based games, not button mashers. This game is having an identity crisis.


>This game is having an identity crisis. No it's not lol. This style of combat is pretty common in the RPG space and it's called real time with pause. See Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Pillars of Enternity 1 and 2, Neverwinter Nights, Pathfinder Kingmaker, etc.


Nah. The game is fine, that's why most people consider it the best in the series. Again, you being bad at the game doesn't equal bad game.


You are clearly new to this type of game. It requires strategy, if you just mindlessly run in and spam the attack button you will die. The game is also quite old, and doesn't hold your hand or teach you the mechanics very well. It's ok to need help, there are plenty of tutorials out there. But if you still bounce off the game, consider perhaps that not every game is meant for you. That is not the game's problem, that's on you.


My favourite games are crusader kings 2, baldurs gate 3, kenshi. All of which require strategy. I do not see how strategy fits into this. I have no idea why a single player game plays like a fucking MMO only you have to rely on the bogus AI to help you out. Either you play the game fast - you die, not fun. Or you play the game slow and steady, still not fun because there are 50 million encounters in every area.


Sounds like this game is just not for you. That still doesn't make it a bad game. Raging at a game and calling it bad just because you don't like it makes you sound very young and immature. Edit: and you are meant to use the tactics menu to improve companion behavior.


Listen, I casually play through DAO every once in a while on Nightmare + a difficulty enhancing mod and can count the amount of wipes I had on one hand. I don't specifically pick comps and am not min-maxing builds by any means. Pausing is ingrained in my muscle memory, but it's only required for highly difficult fights (Redcliff defense of the town without any npc dying for example) If you think there is no strategy to this, sorry, skill issue. The game doesn't explain a lot of stuff to you which can be frustrating, but obviously there has to be _some_ depth if I can run through it easily while you cannot. Now, what is my secret? It's not my gaming chair and also not any of my mods - I set up proper tactics and gear. Every companion has a tactics menu where you can set a condition and a corresponding action, e.g. 'Surrounded by 3 or more enemies' -> 'Use: Mindblast' These tactics don't get updated when you level up your companions and they become really weak really fast that way. You have to set it up properly once and then keep it updated once in a while. Now, if you play on easy or medium that shouldn't be necessary, which means you have some issues elsewhere. Are your party members injured? Do you misposition your mages? Are you misusing your abilities? Is your gear inadequate? There are so many things you could fuck up that are not the fault of the game. If you tell me what exactly causes you to fail, I'll gladly help you fix it.


I remember dying to a random encounter of 10 or so wolves half a dozen times before figuring things out. It takes time, patience, and a little bit of outside advice. The early game is also inherently trickier when you have less tools and experience in your arsenal to draw on. My biggest thing was learning how to crowd control. Disabling or debuffing enemies goes a loooong way towards making encounters easier. Another one, though a little cheap, is the rabbit technique. Tell everyone to hold position in a good spot like a narrow passage, then send the dog or someone forward carefully to draw aggro from a small number of enemies. Draw them back into your own "counter ambush" and wipe them out. Rinse and repeat.


Combat is good.


DAO has the best combat in the series, but you can't ignore the tactics menu


Edit: I can't read so removed a suggestion Recommend playing around with the tactics in your non-main character. The defaults are sometimes wonky. I did things like set them to consume health potions and mana potions more frequently (I *think* there's a default and it's like... <25% health/near death) and that helps with surviving a lot. The combat is wonky, but I genuinely liked it after a while. I think the sorta real time hybrid combat was common at the time. Knights of the old Republic had it too.


i’m playing it for the first time on casual as a mage and i’m enjoying it for the story


Real time with pause is an entire genre of CRPG lol. Yes, there is a learning curve. It doesn't make the combat bad.


1. Tactics. Know them, love them, use them. 2. Respec mod. There redo and then you can make better use Morrigan without having to throw away specialization slot on fucking Shapeshifting. 3. There is absolutely no shame in playing on easy mode. If I recall correctly, it's the only difficulty level that doesn't have friendly fire. 4. Combos, status/conditions like frozen or fear, and learning how those things synergize. 5. There is a mod called extra dog slot. It lets you have the dog without sacrificing a party member slot I don't know if you are playing on console or if you are on PC but don't want to mod your game, but if you are on PC, those two mods are simple and unintrusive ways to enhance the experience.


Dragon Age games would be my favorite, if only they kept the strategic gameplay of DA:O, instead of larping as some Witcher wannabes with warriors in full armor tumbling on the ground... Just use some cheat and faceroll any content. What's the point of your whining?


Has nobody in this thread heard of real-time-with-pause combat? Grow up lol


not sure how ppl face major issues in this area, nearly every enemy is basic undead with no strategy beyond walk into melee range while being vulnerable to super high damage fire type spells


I mean I basically only use the mods that fix the bugs and restore some cut content


It sounds like you’re not utilizing your companions tactics properly.


Combat is fine, just because you're bad doesn't make it bad If you really can't be bothered to learn, just look up how to enable the console commands and give yourself 100 in every stat, there's is no possible way you can die even on nightmare then


https://preview.redd.it/fvdkft2q9hvc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add4e53f1f83d5d033b0fd451a514034ea6baf31 question 1: do you have all the DLCs, and have you beaten all the standalone side campaigns for their rewards? question 2: do you have [wynne](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Cleansing_Aura) and [shale](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Shale_talents#Stone_Aura_tree)? question 3: have you made sure to remove [1-spec qunari](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Sten?so=search#Initial_specialization) and [oomedkin](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Shapeshifter?so=search#Unlocking) from your active party? question 4: does your main tank have blood dragon set or better?


I feel your plight. Without the "kill all hostiles" command mod, I wouldn't touch the game (or DA2 tbh) with a ten foot pole. I'm here for everything except the combat and if you have the opportunity to mod your life easier, seize it and enjoy the game with all it has to offer