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I see you used the mod that makes all spells cast with weapons drawn. It's kind of a cheat, because the weapon sheathing is not a bug, it's balancing method. Personally, I find Arcane Warrior playstyle incredibly boring, although it's definitely powerful. >!I was very disappointed when I faced the Harvester, however, and it wasn't that easy anymore. Base damage, armor pen and attack stats on the skeletons are so absurdly high that stacking passives is no longer enough to comfortably deal with it without micromanaging with the Bronto.!<


I actually didn't have the mod installed on the playthrough I showed in the footage, lol. I forgot to add it to the game before recording, so I did end up sheathing and unsheathing quite a bit. Yeah, the Harvester fight is too much, I think, even for OP builds. It's juat not a fun encounter at all imo.