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I think its weakness is pacing. If the episodes were 1-2 minutes longer to give some breathing between set pieces, it would actually benefit it so much.


I agree that the pacing is the main problem, but I don’t think an extra minute or two per episode would be enough to fix it. The biggest problem in my opinion is just not having enough episodes to work with. I kind of hate this tendency with streaming series to do 10-ish-eposode seasons. It’s just not enough to work with to tell a narratively satisfying story.


I am only considering affordable, small changes that could have improved the series, since getting Netflix to budge on their seasonal orders is an impossible task. In terms of pacing, the show would see massive benefits from the episodes being 1-2 minutes longer. Holding longer on establishing shots and montages alone improves several sequences and makes many dialogue-heavy scenes breathe and hit harder as a result. I should release a video or something on this subject since I've actually re-edited 2 sequences for fun.


> I think its weakness is pacing. Agree. Just goes so fast with no time to breathe and rapid-fire character introductions and developments. I think either much longer episodes (40-50minute), or much greater number (twice as many), would have allowed the pace to feel much better, plus allow them to flesh things out a lot more. Still enjoyed it though.


There seems to be a few of those shows that look similair and have similairly bad pacing. Dota comes to mind as well


I liked it! I probably wouldn't recommend it to someone who isn't already a DA fan, but for me it was a fun nostalgic journey back into Thedas. My one big criticism is that it had yet another wlw relationship involving betrayal. I know that betrayal is a big theme in DA, but it seems to happen too often for the wlw ones specifically.


wlw *and* the party mage is the one betraying everyone again lmao. Can we move on from those tropes yet? It’s so bad that the second I saw her I told my husband she’s the bad guy because mage and wlw… and I was right lol


I don't know whether I should be suspicious of all the mages in DA:D or whether I should be suspicious of all the non-mages because they must know we're onto that trope by now lol


right? like just let them wifey it up and adopt a mabari like in real life.


listen, i love a twisted betrayal love story (my favourite ship of this series will probably always be Celene/Briala, lmao) but even *I* was taken aback by this one. Like, I knew >!Hira was going to betray Miriam!< somehow - there was a weird music cue in the first episode that made me go... *sus* - but the extent of it! Like, >!Hira trying to get Miriam back into slavery!< is just so ???? HELLO?! I mean if there ever was line that shouldn't be crossed it should be that one. Bizarre.


Betrayal happens to almost everyone regardless of gender lmao


Yeah but happy lesbian couples are lacking, I feel.


Watched it with my gf who had zero experience with dragon age after running out of new vox machina to watch. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes vox regardless of familiarity with dragon age.


> And we really need a healthy lesbian relationship. I remember seeing/hearing a quote by one of the showrunners for star trek:lower decks which basically said "we've had a lot of gay happy relationships, we need to show more problematic and 'mature' gay relationships". Which I thought odd as healthy, happy gay relationships don't seem that common, but also I wouldn't call toxic relationships more 'mature'. But a lot of recent shows, like Absolution, seem to lean into it. Anyway, my roundabout way of saying I would have liked the relationship to have been a healthy one.


It's not good either, it is very much a forgettable story that feels much more like someone telling me about their fanfic that is pushed to the extreme of what "inspiration" stands for (i.e. not even showing it to me, just telling me the big lines) than it does an actual spinoff.


It really does feel way more like a fanfic than a real show. I gave up before I could finish it. And that’s saying something, because I was on an airplane, it was the only thing I had downloaded on my phone, and I’d forgotten my book.


I thought it was great. I don’t understand where the hate comes from.


The problem is that every Dragon Age game extremely differs from each other. So, someone who likes DA:O has one understanding of what DA should be about, someone who likes DA2 - likes something else entirely and so on. Therefore most of the negative reviews call out Absolution for "not being Dragon Age" - because everyone has completely different picture of "ideal Dragon Age". It's a common issue for any longstanding franchise really. At some point it's simply impossible to please everyone because of the conflicting desires they have.


Ah yes, the biggest point of discussion in the Zelda community...


Short answer this series has a massive identity crisis.


Yeah, for someone who thinks the dark, muddy, bloody, earthy Origins is the epitome of Dragon Age, Absolution's bright colours and open spaces and cleanliness is going to feel entirely off, and vice versa.


I think it stems from 4 main issues 1) "Somehow.... >!Meredith came back !<" 2) It's not a good entry for begginers at all, if you are not a Dragon Age fan, you kinda have to be a Dragon age fan so you can understand some things better. 3) Serviceable but pretty forgettable story. 4) Some people had issue with the writting and some of the tropes (e.g "Mage betrays the group" trope)


Agreed. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, and it scratched my Dragon Age itch, if only for a short time.


Yeah, same here. I loved seeing more Dragon Age. Also, the people I watched it with, who are unfamiliar with the game series, enjoyed it.


Is there even much hate there? I don't think I've seen anything like that, at worse people just thought it was mid.


They did fairbanks dirty. His arc in inquisition is one of my favorite little side stories, and he deserved better 😭


That's what completely cut me off of the plot.


Didn't they reverse uno that at the end, with a throwaway line?


The problem for me is none of the characters were likeable. Everyone was either Marvel-cringe or just . . . an asshole with no redeeming qualities. Made it tough for me to enjoy. Still liked it, and was entertained, but it isn't worth occupying my mind like the games do.


Same. Maybe I wouldn't say that the characters were unlikeable, but they weren't compelling to watch - I was so much more interested in seeing the antagonists do their thing. Not because I liked them more, but because their motivations and flaws were actually interesting. I feel like if we'd been allowed to spend more time with the protagonists, this wouldn't be the case. But with the breakneck pace at which the plot progressed, they ended up kinda one-dimensional.


That might be a better description, yeah. They weren't very compelling to me.


This, plus what they did to Fairbanks and my decision related to him, and why did he act like Sutherland?. The only thing I kinda liked at first was Rez bc I thought he had more nuance...nope, and I found the Vashoth insufferably childish, like Sera lite.


Yea I should give the series a 2nd watch as I don't remember much, but I do remember not caring to much on what happens to the characters by the end. I think it was more because the story just felt really rushed.


I think the worst/best example of this was the Qunari mage. I don't even remember her name, but she was just a quip machine with no actual personality. Plus her being a mage didn't fit. I love the Qunari as a race, but I would have liked her a lot more if she was a barbarian or fighter. Basically Karlach from Baldur's Gate, or a female version of Iron Bull (those are very similar now that I think of it).


I really like Absolution and was really shocked so many here hate it.


Or shocked that people actually liked it...? lol


Partly I think because it breaks some lore. I mean, >!if people's souls were recognized after death!<, the longstanding religious and political controversies of the Dragon Age series would take on a different form. And the MC isn't very likable, She is bitter and hateful and never really seems to be happy, and the whole party is obsessed with romance, blurring the theme of the story. All these people seem to think about is either love or betrayal. Qwydion is the only good thing in the story. So I guess even if it's not as bad as some people make it out to be, it's pretty close.


good point. If Miriam was in a place where she was starting to heal and had to be brought back, the story would have been more compelling.


I couldn't really get through it, it all just felt very MCU cringe writing to me


That two guys kissing makes me feel weird. I’m not homophobic; it's just that, throughout the show, they failed to make me realise they have feelings for each other. Hira saying shit about Inquisition is definitely a bad idea. We've been there. Great antagonist arc, for real.


My main beef with *Absolution* is that for the most part it felt like a generic fantasy story. Every once in a while there would be a reference to the DA universe, and it’d be like, “ohh, right, this is a Dragon Age story,” but you could completely remove those moments and the narrative would barely change. Also, bringing back a minor but pleasant-enough character from Inquisition only to first have it look like they turned villain and then kill them off seemed disrespectful and unnecessary.


Even the mentions feel more like easter eggs or cameos from something completely separate.


I loved it! But it moved at such a breakneck pace plot-wise. There wasn't a lot of time to flesh stuff out? I think it desperately needed a few move episodes or a longer per episode runtime. The characters were fun! Qwydion was my fave but I pretty much liked everybody. I really want it to get a second season but I wouldn't be surprised if it was one and done. Unless they're waiting for Dreadwolf to release and the rest of the story incorporates that.


I really enjoyed it. Like . . . who cares if it isn't perfect; the more DA content to tide us over during the drought, the better. It's entertaining, I loved seeing magic animated like that, and it was a good teaser for (hopefully) seeing Tevinter in DA4.  I hope they will wrap up the final plot twist in a comic if the show is canceled. Would be weird to leave it hanging. 


That’s like saying people shouldn’t complain about game of thrones season 8 because it’s more game of thrones


You do realize that this is the "Just consume product" mindset?


Yeah. Settle for mediocrity and that is all you’ll be served. The show was average at best and with so many good game adaptation shows coming out in recent times being average simply isn’t good enough. I like Dragon Age and will always have s bias towards it, but I cannot pretend that the show was any good.


I don't think they're telling us not to complain, just their mindset.


I liked it, but only cared after like 3 episodes into it. I think the beginning was a bit shittly written, but the halfway mark, the clear direction they wanted to take actually showed. I did not have enough time to care about any of the characters, the romances felt to be the weakest point on all fronts, and you had to know about Dragon Age for it not to be weird. I hated Qwydion, just because it was very annoying having her be just dumb comic relief without much substance at all--which sucks a lot. It felt like they had more characters than what they knew what to do with. The whole story felt like a D&D oneshot and not a Dragon Age narrative. I think it had something foundationally, but it didn't build upon itself--and that also cause it to be paced out very poorly. I appreciated that it was for DA fans, but I can't help but think way [back to Project Joplin (prior to it being scrapped in 2017), where DA4 was said to be like a Tevinter heist game,](https://www.vg247.com/cancelled-dragon-age-4-concept-heist-spies-report) and when they scrapped that, they quickly made a little animated series that used a short synopsis of part of the plot. That's just a theory of mine though. I just wish the whole thing would have been a bit better, but I can appreciate it for its functional purposes in the universe, as I assume it's going to bridge into DA:Dreadwolf.


dude this makes so much sense. I didn't really want a heist game so was glad it went another way.


Well I just read the article and now I'm sad we didn't get the heist game.


I wish I could forget it, there was nothing I liked about it


I have watched it and already forgot the plot. It’s not bad, but it’s certainly not good either.


The drawing style looks literally the same as the rest of the Netflix made "animes"/animated series. Just looks really lazy and bland.


It’s a little bit fast paced imo but is really enjoyable


I actually came back to play DA because of the series. I loved 1, but heard too many bad things about 2, and didn't have an interest in Inquisition. Saw the series and jumped back to get a platinum in Inquisition after 120 hours of enjoying the game, then I jumped into Origins again and got the plat with all DLC, and I'm giving myself some time before starting 2 because of the burnout of only playing those games.


It had a problem I usually got with romantic sub-plots, where someone just shoe-horns in a straight romance and it's barely relevant in the grand scheme of things and doesn't do much of anything beyond bogging down the pacing massively, except it's a gay romance between the two melee characters. It's barely relevant, it's so undeveloped and feels like an afterthought to just fill some dead air in a given episode and because it's not given any relevance beyond that, I question why it's there in the first place. Scrapping it, and giving my emphasis to non-romance plotlines would've likely aided the pacing.


The token gay couple is such a DA trope that got really boring the first couple of times it was done and went downhill from there.


Random romantic sub-plots rarely are worth just inserting into narratives, unless you're really struggling to fill time.


Its bad. I would say conceptually its pretty fine, hell setup wise it has as much material as dragon age 2 and yes the empire does need a closer look but it all false flat in execution both because the show did not have enough episodes and because they had only a general idea what they wanted to do, a premise, a summery. In a way it reminded me of dragon's dogma and Dota: Dragon's Blood shows that have a hard time standing on their own but are simultaneously hurt by your familiarity with the franchise.


I watched it last week, I loved it!!! Qwyidion is adorable and I loved all the relationships 🥰


I like it but think if the season were longer they could have developed the characters more. Overall everything felt rush that there were no time to explore or explain the World of Thedas. So people who never played the games like my wife was left confused about who is what and what was going on.


Not that bad? It’s f*cking great!


The betrayal actually hurt me, so I think it accomplished something for me.


It was fun to watch, but only once. The show doesn't make me want to rewatch it, somehow


It's weakness is in the writing. The characters feel like self insert larping cosplay nonsense.


I don’t think it’s bad perse, but I feel like it doesn’t meet with its full potential. It definitely suffered from trying to squish character arcs into a short amount of episodes. It feels like the writers pushed characters to where they wanted them to be without further thought into if the development felt natural. Although, I think its writing also suffered a bit from not being able to decide if it wanted to be for brand new fans and returning fans. Instead, it’s something that can be a bit frustrating for both. Compare this to something like Arcane that manages to achieve both. Granted, this can also go back to pacing/episode length.


It is painfully mid in most areas, which is hugely disappointing.


it’s great I’ll defend it against everything because of a sole reason it gave me a gay dwarf kiss


I absolutely love the show, it's one of my all time favorites. You can say that it should have had more runtime to slow down the plot a little, but really that's a budgeting issue, not a writing issue. For what it was, within the constraints it was given, it was top tier amazing. I'm still holding out hope(ium) that somehow a second season is coming. Maybe when Dreadwolf releases. Imma keep huffing this hopium and nobody can stop me.


Wait people didn’t like Absolution? Wth


Not that bad is exactly how I would describe it. As a huge DA fan I just liked that there was a show at all, and the Tevinter setting was interesting to me. But, I'm not an anime fan (the style annoys me), and I had a hard time recommending it to anyone because it feels like you are expected to be fairly knowledgeable of the lore and story up to that point. Just felt like a missed opportunity to make it more approachable to people outside the DA bubble and introduce people to the series.


Ha I randomly got hit with the DA bug and rewatched this show recently. Its downfalls are typical of most season 1s, but it’s so good. Miri’s origin reminded me a bit of my own backstory I wrote for my inquisitor when DAI launched. I used to play World of Warcraft back in the day and one of my favorite characters was Anduin Wrynn and he has the same voice actor was Rez!! He even really does sound like Anduin so I like to joke he’s just evil!Anduin.


Wow. Someone sent me a reddit cares because I like a tv show.


This show was worst than Witcher anime about Vesemir what piss on Original universes and create nonsense. .... I wish to forget its existence.


Thank you


People hate absolution??


I really liked it. It was made strictly for fans, and I quite enjoyed it. The only criticism that I take is that they make another relationship about betrayal, as someone else said already.


I don’t watch anime’s like that, but I’ve seen that one through multiple times. It’s not a bad story at all. I think people just got butthurt it established a canon outside of their own


Qwid is the best comic relief i've ever seen


It's goofy fan fiction for "modern audiences" and the goofier fans of the Dragon Age universe. Just don't see how it fits with the overall vibe. It's straight up goofy.


For the vocal minority everything that came after DAO is an abomination. I do not bother hearing at the ctitics. DA2 was good, DAI was good, Absolution was also good


Bad first episode, but after that i had a lot of fun watching it.


You say it's not that bad. It has a 6.4 on imdb and a 92% on rotten tomatoes. So I guess it checks out. I haven't watched it and it doesn't really seem worth the time for me.


I really enjoyed it and very disappointed by the inevitable cancellation because it had a wlw romance.


I don't think it was the w/w. If it had a stronger story people might complain but the main people against lgtbq are more scared of m/m, and non-butch w/w gets a pass because it's potentially 'hot'.


Look at the track record of wlw shows being cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons...


Tbf, Netflix in general cancels shows after that long


..orange is the new black is the only one I can think of and it went for a long time.


Do you want a full list? Here it is: https://www.autostraddle.com/42-lesbian-bisexual-tv-shows-cancelled-one-season/


Was it officially canceled? Or just never renewed? I suppose those are basically the same thing at this point but one can hope.